How can I open a dialog when the page is opened - jsf

In one of our page we have a search button that open a search dialog so that the users can search and import some data from a remote system.
Now got I new requirement that this same dialog must be showed every time the page is opened - but only when the page will be used to create a new registry, in the update mode it should be showed only if the user click the button.
I've already tried some things, I can call the dialog by MB using Primefaces engine as below:
This command Works great for the button case, but I can get it working when the page opens. If I try to use in the PostConstruct nothing happens.
I tried also <f:event type="preRenderView" ... with <f:metadata ... but nothing changes too.
Is there some way to make it?

According to the fabulous PrimeFaces documentation There is a visible attribute. Quote from the docs:
visible false Boolean When enabled, dialog is visible by default.
So simply use an EL in that attribute to have it show on pageload
<p:dialog visible="#{myBean.createMode}"... >
and have a boolean field in that bean that returns true if in creation mode.
For the rest you can show/hide it with the client-side api if needed


Null value submitted for a conditionally disabled field in a reusable JSF popup

I have a popup dialog developed in IceFaces 1.8.x (JSF 1.2).
The dialog is reusable (used for account creation as well as modification) and has a cancel button with immediate = true (to avoid validations). This dialog suffered a problem in the past ,where old values were rendered on re-opening the dialog, but that problem is now fixed as directed here (by setting submittedValue to null etc.).
The problem that I am facing now is specific to a conditionally disabled input field (<ice:inputText>) and here is what happens:
The popup is first opened (say for account creation) and this field
is NOT disabled.
User then cancels this dialog and, as we have incorporated the fix mentioned above (setSubmittedValue(null)), the submittedValue for this field is set to null (along with other fields).
Now the user opens "modify account" dialog, where in this field IS disabled. Everything seems to be rendered fine until user makes any changes to the form.
When user changes some field (say name) in the form, a partial submit happens for the name field as expected, but along with it null value is submitted for this disabled field.
This problem can be worked around by adding a null check in the setter method for the field in question, but this is not the desired solution for the project - as there are multiple places where this could be needed and doesn't seem like a very intuitive thing to do.
So I need to understand:
Why is the setter for this disabled field getting called in the
first place? and that too with a null value. The setter is not
called for any other enabled fields.
More importantly, is there any way to fix this (other than adding null check in the setter)?
You must be using rendered attribute to show/hide the dialog
<ice:panelPopup modal="true" rendered="#{bean.enabled}">
When dialog is reopened, it is coming up with some residual values from previous instance
The solution (or workaround) is to use <c:if> instead of rendered attribute, this way the DOM is completely destroyed when dialog closes and created from scratch when dialog opens
<c:if test="#{bean.enabled}">
<ice:panelPopup modal="true">
This way you even would not need the fix to set submittedValue to null

How to make popUp not submit form on startup?

I am using JDeveloper,
I have a createInsert button that has ShowPopUp Behavior operation included. In the popUp I have inserted a form whose attributes will be clean from the createInsert operation. When I click the button the popUp shows up all right but showing an error about the mandatory fields of the form. The fields of the form of course are empty because I just opened it. So I think that the popUp is autoSubmiting the form at the starting point.
Does anyone have an idea how to stop it from doing this?
I have changed the createInsert button PartialSubmit property to false but nothing changed.
Ok found the solution. The popUp was not submitting anything actually but during the CreateInsert operation the iterator opens a new row in every related component within that page (form, table etc). So when my popUp opened up with the new form fields, a new row was being created in the back-stage in my read-only table. I changed the iterator in a new one from another Application Module for each case and everything is fine now.

ViewScope beans behaves like it has application scope

I am doing work on a project using primefaces 3.5 and my problem is that...
I have a search form I enter some criteria in the form and press Search Button...Result is displayed...suppose using FireFox
Now If I open application same page in some other browser suppose IE there I will see the form with same values and same search result returned earlier...even this is a new session
More over suppose in the same browser if I logout and then login and navigate to same page I see the search form with same values and same result returned.
More or less this behavior is close to application scope Beans where as I have not any application scope Bean and have only one Bean with session scope for login of the beans are #ViewScoped
If I use #Scope("request")...Bean is created on each request but in this case I am unable to set parameter to the confirm dialog for deleting the record because when i click on dialog delete button previous values gets nullified due to new request.
I am in great difficulty and have done too much workaround but all in vain....

Keeping a rich:popupPanel open after page change

Is it possible to keep a rich:popupPanel open after a form has been submitted and another page loaded?
As an example, go to richfaces showcase and click "Call the popup" then browse somewhere else (using a tab like "Modal panel example" or the menu). The popup will disappear as soon as the form gets submitted. I would like to let it "survive" the page change (and possibly remain in the same position).
Thank you for any suggestions!
Yes, it is. You just need to set the attribute show to something that evaluates to true in the next request:
<rich:popupPanel id="popup" show="#{someBean.showPopup}" ...>
Then you just need to make sure the property the method getShowPopup returns true when the popup needs to be shown.
From the docs:
show | boolean | If "true" value for this attribute makes a modal
panel opened as default. Default value is "false"
See also this section on rich:popupPanel.

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in jDeveloper 12c?

How to create a popup for edit button in JSF page in Oracle jDeveloper 12c?
There is nothing special about JDeveloper 12c when it comes to working with popups. You can see a sample here that automatically migrates to 12c:
Drag and drop popup onto the form from component palette. Design as needed. Make note of popup ID. D&D Operation (from component palette) > Show Popup Behavior onto button. Set popup id to id of previously created popup. Select method to launch, like action. Google is your friend here. Search "ADF Popup" - lots of hits, like this. Remember to upvote those of us who take time to help you here.
