Locating shared library libOS.so - linux

I have downloaded a script that used libOS.so, bit I don't have it on CemtOS 6.7 and can't find any info on which software package uses libOS.so
Can anyone tell me which package includes libOS.so?

yum provides "*libOS.so*"
hope it will help you .


Spatialite in Cygwin

Using the latest setup-x86_64_2.919 to install Cygwin, I just noticed that Spatialite is not there. So, I installed it from the source code (libspatialite-5.0.1.tar.gz) and I re-installed gdal-3.5.1 from the setup file. It seems that gdal has not been compiled with Spatialite. Interestingly, the same happens although I installed gdal-3.5.1 from the source code. I just want to use the magic -sql sqlite call with the ogr2ogr command, so if anyone knows how to deal with Spatialite in Cygwin I would appreciate suggestions.
Any hints are welcomed.
The current Cygwin package of gdal is NOT compiled with SpatiaLite but it is compiled with indirect SQLite dependecy
$ cygcheck gdalinfo
If you are interested to add SpatiaLite to Cygwin the best way is to offer yourself as maintainer
See some general information on
If you are interested, you should follow the Cygwin package maintainer mailing list
After that, adding SpatiaLite dependency to Gdal is a minor issue that will be handled by the gdal package maintainer

how to install libmysqlclient.so.18 on nixos20.09?

I am try to install an binary software,whitch needs libmysqlclient.so.18.
But there is not libmysqlclient.so.18 on Nixos 20.09 ,but libmysqlclient.so.21
Anyone have an idea in installing or compiling the specified version of libmysqlclient on NixOS.
did you check the github history?
you could import it e.g. via an overlay
e.g. version 1.1.9:
(other ways to find a certain package version in nixos )

What happened to GNUHAWK?

I'm new to REDHAWK and I noticed that with REDHAWK 1.10 that GNUHAWK seems to be all but gone. Does anyone know any information about what happened to the it. It looks like it could be a really useful tool. And if it's only available on older versions I could you point me to a guide I haven't been able to find an installation guide for 1.9 either...
You can clone GNUHAWK from here and add it to your system: https://github.com/RedhawkSDR/integration-gnuhawk
The REDHAWK 1.9 distribution includes RPMs for GnuHawk. You can install them as you would any other RPM file. To find the RPM you need, go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/redhawksdr/files/redhawk/ and drill down for REDAWK 1.9.0 and your desired platform.
You may also want to check out the build instructions here: https://github.com/RedhawkSDR/integration-gnuhawk/tree/develop-1.9

Installing bigalgebra package for R 3.0

I keep getting an error when I try to install the bigalgebra package.
'bigalgebra' is not available (for R version 3.0.1)
I already have the bigmemory package installed (I had the same problem for this one, and I can't remember how I resolved it) . I tried to get the bigalgebra_0.8.1.tar.gz but I can't find it. Also, on R forge it isn't available (https://r-forge.r-project.org/R/?group_id=556) (failed to built). Did anyone have the same problem.
Should I just install an older R version? Any help is much appreciated, thank you.
Since it's currently not in Cran, Bioconductor, nor successfully building on R-Forge, you will have to build it yourself from source.
The source of the big memory project can be checked out via SVN via the following command I obtained from the group page on R-forge:
svn checkout svn://svn.r-forge.r-project.org/svnroot/bigmemory/
This will create a directory called bigmemory. The bigalgebra package is found in bigmemory/pkg/bigalgebra.
Before going any further, you will need both the BLAS and Boost libraries installed on your OS, otherwise installation will fail.
From R you can then directly install the package from the directory:
install.packages("bigmemory/pkg/bigalgebra/", repos=NULL, type="source")
I was successfully able to build and install it on R 3.0.0 on Mac OSX.

SGML::Parser::OpenSP - Open Jade Nightmare

I'm trying to install the W3C validator (local copy) and I have managed to install Perl and all its modules except for SGML::Parser::OpenSP
The problem I'm running into is that apparently I need OpenSP or OpenJade, and I've downloaded the source for both of those, but i cant compile it.
I'm using
Windows 7 x64
IIS 7.5
Active Perl 5.16.1
Installing modules via CPAN
What am I asking for help on?
How/Where can i get a working compilation of OpenSP or OpenJade, or install SGML without it?
The guide i was using : http://validator.w3.org/docs/install_win.html
Your help would be appreciated more than you may think :)
It seems the binaries are available here:
There is an onsgmls.exe in the OpenSP-1.5.2-wn32.zip package.
