Combining two bash commands - linux

If found this code
host raspberrypi | grep 'address' | cut -d' ' -f4
which gives pi Ip address
and this
wget --post-data="PiIP="
which sends off to stream
How can I get the output from 1st to replace the in second please?

Save the output of the first command in a variable:
ip=$(host raspberrypi | grep 'address' | cut -d' ' -f4)
wget --post-data="PiIP=$ip"
Btw, if your raspberrypi is running raspbian,
then a much cleaner way to get the IP address:
hostname -I
Simplifying the commands to:
ip=$(hostname -I)
wget --post-data="PiIP=$ip"
Making that a one-liner:
wget --post-data="PiIP=$(hostname -I)"
So it seems hostname -I gives a bit different output for you.
You can use this then:
ip=$(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')
To make it a one-liner, you can insert this into the second line just like I did in the earlier example.


How to get just the bare IP 4 address from terminal in linux using the new ip command vs ipconfig?

ipconfig does not exist anymore as a command available in Ubuntu 20.04 and later I assume. The new command is just ip. When I run the ip address command I get the entire list of all devices and ip addresses associated. I want just the eth0 device and public ip 4 address associated.
I want just the bare ip address octets only. I want this to work on both Linux and Mac OS.
I found this pipe of cut and sed to work fine to get what I want:
on linux:
ip a | grep eth0 | cut -d " " --fields=6 | sed '2q;d' | awk -F'/' '{print $1}'
on BSD / Darwin / Mac OS:
ip a | grep en0 | tr -s 'inet' ' ' | sed '2q;d' | tr -s '' | awk -F' *? *' '{print $2}' | awk -F '/' '{print $1}'
which results in just the bare ip address I needed. I had to do some trial and error on what field column I actual needed. This probably could be more generalized, but this works for my use case.
Added a public git to just curl and run from anywhere like:
curl -L | /bin/bash

How to turn off auto add escape character feature in Linux

I am trying to pass a command to a remote server using ssh. while my commands have some characters like ", $, ', \ which often requires a backslash as a escape character except ' (single quote), but the system is automatically taking an escape character \ before the single codes while execution. Can some one help me how to turn off this.
my Code :
ssh -q $server "ps -ef | grep mongo | grep conf | awk '{print \$(NF-2)}'
While execution, the code becomes
ssh -q $server "ps -ef | grep mongo | grep conf | awk \'{print $(NF-2)}\'"
I need to turn off this feature
Your analysis isn't really correct. Anyhow, there is no particular reason to run Awk remotely, or grep at all here (because Awk does all of that nicely and efficiently with a very minor refactoring):
ssh -q "$server" ps -ef |
# This runs locally instead
awk '/mongo/ && /conf/ {print $(NF-2)}'

Regex to match IP addresses but ignore localhost

So I have this script that does something with IPs allocated to my OS (GNU/Linux) that I get from running ifconfig. It works fine, however, I was wondering if I could filter out loopback/localhost IP ( in the same regex expression [I assume every server within my cluster has said IP and I don't need to do anything with it in my script.]
What my script uses is:
ifconfig | awk '/(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3})/ {print}' |sed -e "s/.*addr\://g" -e "s/\s.*//g"
I get results like:
> ifconfig | awk '/(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3})/ {print}' |sed -e "s/.*addr\://g" -e "s/\s.*//g"
I know it might be a stupid question, but could I filter any IP that starts with 127 in my first regex?
I could try changing awk for grep, somethin like:
> ifconfig |egrep -o "addr\:(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})" |sed -e "s/.*addr\://g"
but if I try to negate (?!127) at the beginning, bash will interpret it as !127 which would just throw me something from the history.
I mean, I could just run another grep at the end of the oneliner like grep -v "", but I just wanted to avoid greping something already greped. Not that anything is wrong with that, just trying to know little more and be more efficient, I guess.
With only one grep without sed or awk:
# ip a|grep -oP "inet \K[0-9.]*(?=.*[^ ][^l][^o]$)"
You can just add a clause to match the and exclude it by adding the next as below. This way Awk ignores doing any action on the lines containing this pattern.
.. | awk '/{next}/(([0-9]{1,3}\.){3})/{print}' | ..

Find network interface by IP address - Linux/Bash

I'm wondering how I can query by IP address using sed, and it will show which interface name that is using it.
For example..
ipconfig -a | grep
I would expect it to come back with ETH0
ifconfig | grep -B1 | grep -o "^\w*"
You should use this comand :
ifconfig | grep -B1 "inet addr:" | awk '$1!="inet" && $1!="--" {print $1}'
Hope this help !
ip -br -4 a sh | grep | awk '{print $1}'
If you want sed specific solution you may try this. Its little hard to digest how it works , but finally this combination works.
ifconfig | sed -n '/addr:{g;H;p};H;x' | awk '{print $1}'
If you want to take it as an argument via script use "$1" or so instead if
Sed manual for reference :

How do I wrtite the current IP of tun0 into a txt file with a shell script?

/sbin/ifconfig tun0 | grep 'inet addr:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}' > ./tun0_ip.txt
This works very good when I put it into the command line.
However it does not work with a sh script.
What am I doing wrong?
Why do some commands not work with a sh script?
~$ bash -x ./
+ echo /sbin/ifconfig tun0
+ grep 'inet addr:'
+ cut -d: -f2
+ awk '{print $1}'
It is strange that you are testing with bash, while giving #!/bin/sh as shebang line.
However this is probably not the reason this does not work. Definitely, whether you run some commands from the command line or from a script with the exact same environment, they should not give you a different result.
Maybe the user that calls the script has a different locale, so the output of ifconfig is no more 'inet addr' but something else? Or some environment variable that changes the form of ifconfigs output is not exported?
You can find out only, by going step by step. Looking at the script it should be some problem with ifconfig not giving you, what you expect. So simply take a look at the output of that from the script, unchanged.
