Labeling a tree depth-first in-order in haskell - haskell

I basicly have the same question as asked here: Haskell label a binary tree through depht-first in-order traversel but the answer there was never actually given and I can't comment there due to lack of reputation.
Right now i have a function label:
label :: MonadState m Int => Tree a -> m (Tree (Int, a))
label Leaf = return Leaf
label (Branch leftTree a rightTree) = do n <- get
modify (+1)
l' <- label leftTree
r' <- label rightTree
return (Branch l' (n,a) r')
where Tree a = Leaf | Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a).
Now this labels the tree breadth-first. Now I want to label the leftTree first, then the Branch itself and then the rightTree, but I don't see how to achieve this and the other thread doesn't help me further.

I just answered the older question here. Sorry for mistakenly attributing to to you. The point is that when you wrote your type, you also told Haskell how to traverse your data structure in a way that ensures the get happens in the middle.
The program that you locally wrote incorrectly yourself is a program you already wrote correctly just by defining your type, had you only known.


Haskell: Implementation of a Complete Binary-Leaf Tree

I'm attempting to generate a complete binary-leaf tree using Haskell.
However, I'm not sure whether I am along the right lines.
I have the following code at the moment (not sure if it's right):
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show,Eq)
listToTree :: [a] -> Tree a
listToTree [] = error "The list cannot be empty"
listToTree [x] = Leaf x
I need the function to take in an input list of any basic types and construct a tree using level first order from the list provided as input. I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.
Any suggestions?

How to find the node that holds the minimum element in a binary tree in Haskell?

I'm trying to solve a similar problem (find the shortest list in a tree of lists) and I think that solving this problem would be a good start.
Given a data type like
data (Ord a, Eq a) => Tree a = Nil | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
How to find the node that holds the minimum element in the binary tree above?
Please not that this is not a binary search tree.
I'm trying to think recursively: The minimum is the minimum between the left, right subtrees and the current value. However, I'm struggling to translate this to Haskell code. One of the problems that I am facing is that I want to return the tree and not just the value.
Here's a hint:
You can start by defining, as an auxiliary function, a minimum between only two trees. Nodes are compared according to ther value, ignoring the subtrees, and comparing Nil to any tree t makes t the minimum (in a sense, we think of Nil as the "largest" tree). Coding this can be done by cases:
binaryMin :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
binaryMin Nil t = t
binaryMin t Nil = t
binaryMin (Node l1 v1 r1) (Node l2 v2 r2) = ???
Then, the minimum subtree follows by recursion, exploiting binaryMin:
treeMin :: Ord a => Tree a -> Tree a
treeMin Nil = Nil
treeMin (Node left value right) = ???
where l = treeMin left
r = treeMin right
Note: class constraints on datatype declarations are no longer supported in Haskell 2010, and generally not recommended. So do this instead:
data Tree a = Nil
| Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
Think recursively:
getMinTree :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
getMinTree = snd <=< getMinTree'
getMinTree' :: Ord a => Tree a -> Maybe (a, Tree a)
getMinTree' Nil = ???
getMinTree' (Node Nil value Nil) = ???
getMinTree' (Node Nil value right) = ???
getMinTree' (Node left value Nil) = ???
getMin' (Node left value right) = ???
Note also: there is no need for an Eq constraint. Since Eq is a superclass of Ord, an Ord constraint implies an Eq constraint. I don't think you're even likely to use == for this.
You have the correct understanding. I think you should be fine when you can prove the following:
Can the tree with min be Nil
The tree with min probably has the min value at the root
So instead of just comparing the values, you might need to pattern-match the subtrees to get the value of the root node.
You didn't mention what the type of the function is. So, let's suppose it looks like so:
findmin :: Tree a -> Tree a
Now, suppose you already have a function that finds min of the tree. Something like:
findmin Nil = Nil -- no tree - no min
findmin (Node l x r) = case (findmin ..., findmin ...) of
-- like you said, find min of the left, and find min of the right
-- there will be a few cases of what the min is like on the left and right
-- so you can compare them to x
some case -> how to find the min in this case
some other case -> how to find min in that other case
Perhaps, you will need to know the answers to the first two questions.
It is so hard to give an answer short of giving away the actual code, since your thinking is already correct.

Monad instance for binary tree

I built binary tree with:
data Tree a = Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)
How can i make Monad type class instance for this tree? And can i make it on not?
i try:
instance Monad Tree where
return x = Node x Empty Empty
Empty >>= f = Empty
(Node x Empty Empty) >>= f = f x
But i can't make (>>=) for Node x left right.
Thank you.
There is no (good) monad for the type you just described, exactly. It would require rebalancing the tree and merging together the intermediate trees that are generated by the bind, and you can't rebalance based on any information in 'a' because you know nothing about it.
However, there is a similar tree structure
data Tree a = Tip a | Bin (Tree a) (Tree a)
which admits a monad
instance Monad Tree where
return = Tip
Tip a >>= f = f a
Bin l r >>= f = Bin (l >>= f) (r >>= f)
I talked about this and other tree structures a year or two back at Boston Haskell as a lead-in to talking about finger trees. The slides there may be helpful in exploring the difference between leafy and traditional binary trees.
The reason I said there is no good monad, is that any such monad would have to put the tree into a canonical form for a given number of entries to pass the monad laws or quotient out some balance concerns by not exposing the constructors to the end user, but doing the former would require much more stringent reordering than you get for instance from an AVL or weighted tree.

Haskell add value to tree

Im trying to make a funciton which allows me to add a new value to a tree IF the value at the given path is equal to ND (no data), this was my first attempt.
It checks the value etc, but the problem, is i want to be able to print the modified tree with the new data. can any one give me any pointers? I have also tried making a second function that checks the path to see if its ok to add data, but im just lost to how to print out the modified tree?
As iuliux points out, your problem is that you are treating your BTree as though it were a mutable structure. Remember functions in haskell take arguments and return a value. That is all. So when you "map over" a list, or traverse a tree your function needs to return a new tree.
The code you have is traversing the recursive tree and only returning the last leaf. Imagine for now that the leaf at the end of the path will always be ND. This is what you want:
add :: a -> Path -> Btree a -> Btree a
add da xs ND = Data da
add _ [] _ = error "You should make sure this doesn't happen or handle it"
add da (x:xs) (Branch st st2) =
case x of
L -> Branch (add da xs st) st2
R -> Branch st (add da xs st2)
Notice how in your original code you discard the Branch you pattern match against, when what you need to do is return it "behind you" as it were.
Now, on to the issue of handling situations where the leaf you arrive it is not a ND constructor:
This type of problem is common in functional programming. How can you return your recursive data structure "as you go" when the final result depends on a leaf far down the tree?
One solution for the trickiest of cases is the Zipper, which is a data structure that lets you go up down and sideways as you please. For your case that would be overkill.
I would suggest you change your function to the following:
add :: a -> Path -> Btree a -> Maybe (Btree a)
which means at each level you must return a Maybe (Btree a). Then use the Functor instance of Maybe in your recursive calls. Notice:
fmap (+1) (Just 2) == Just 3
fmap (+1) (Nothing) == Nothing
You should try to puzzle out the implementation for yourself!
I'm no expert in Haskell, but functional programming only works with functions. So kind of anything is a function.
Now, your function takes some input and returns something, not modifing the input. You have to retain the returned tree somewhere and that will be your new tree, the one with inserted element in it
We really need to see the Path and Error data types to answer your question, but you can print out your trees using the IO Monad:
main :: IO()
main = do let b = Branch ND (Branch (Data 1) (Data 2))
let b1 = add 10 [L] b --actual call depends on definition of Path
(putStrLn . show) b1

Catamorphism and tree-traversing in Haskell

I am impatient, looking forward to understanding catamorphism related to this SO question :)
I have only practiced the beginning of Real World Haskell tutorial. So, Maybe I'm gonna ask for way too much right now, if it was the case, just tell me the concepts I should learn.
Below, I quote the wikipedia code sample for catamorphism.
I would like to know your opinion about foldTree below, a way of traversing a Tree, compared to this other SO question and answer, also dealing with traversing a Tree n-ary tree traversal. (independantly from being binary or not, I think the catamorphism below can be written so as to manage n-ary tree)
I put in comment what I understand, and be glad if you could correct me, and clarify some things.
{-this is a binary tree definition-}
data Tree a = Leaf a
| Branch (Tree a) (Tree a)
{-I dont understand the structure between{}
however it defines two morphisms, leaf and branch
leaf take an a and returns an r, branch takes two r and returns an r-}
data TreeAlgebra a r = TreeAlgebra { leaf :: a -> r
, branch :: r -> r -> r }
{- foldTree is a morphism that takes: a TreeAlgebra for Tree a with result r, a Tree a
and returns an r -}
foldTree :: TreeAlgebra a r -> Tree a -> r
foldTree a#(TreeAlgebra {leaf = f}) (Leaf x ) = f x
foldTree a#(TreeAlgebra {branch = g}) (Branch l r) = g (foldTree a l) (foldTree a r)
at this point I am having many difficulties, I seem to guess that the morphism leaf
will be applied to any Leaf
But so as to use this code for real, foldTree needs to be fed a defined TreeAlgebra,
a TreeAlgebra that has a defined morphism leaf so as to do something ?
but in this case in the foldTree code I would expect {f = leaf} and not the contrary
Any clarification from you would be really welcome.
Not exactly sure what you're asking. But yeah, you feed a TreeAlgebra to foldTree corresponding to the computation you want to perform on the tree. For example, to sum all the elements in a tree of Ints you would use this algebra:
sumAlgebra :: TreeAlgebra Int Int
sumAlgebra = TreeAlgebra { leaf = id
, branch = (+) }
Which means, to get the sum of a leaf, apply id (do nothing) to the value in the leaf. To get the sum of a branch, add together the sums of each of the children.
The fact that we can say (+) for branch instead of, say, \x y -> sumTree x + sumTree y is the essential property of the catamorphism. It says that to compute some function f on some recursive data structure it suffices to have the values of f for its immediate children.
Haskell is a pretty unique language in that we can formalize the idea of catamorphism abstractly. Let's make a data type for a single node in your tree, parameterized over its children:
data TreeNode a child
= Leaf a
| Branch child child
See what we did there? We just replaced the recursive children with a type of our choosing. This is so that we can put the subtrees' sums there when we are folding.
Now for the really magical thing. I'm going to write this in pseudohaskell -- writing it in real Haskell is possible, but we have to add some annotations to help the typechecker which can be kind of confusing. We take the "fixed point" of a parameterized data type -- that is, constructing a data type T such that T = TreeNode a T. They call this operator Mu.
type Mu f = f (Mu f)
Look carefully here. The argument to Mu isn't a type, like Int or Foo -> Bar. It's a type constructor like Maybe or TreeNode Int -- the argument to Mu itself takes an argument. (The possibility of abstracting over type constructors is one of the things that makes Haskell's type system really stand out in its expressive power).
So the type Mu f is defined as taking f and filling in its type parameter with Mu f itself. I'm going to define a synonym to reduce some of the noise:
type IntNode = TreeNode Int
Expanding Mu IntNode, we get:
Mu IntNode = IntNode (Mu IntNode)
= Leaf Int | Branch (Mu IntNode) (Mu IntNode)
Do you see how Mu IntNode is equivalent to your Tree Int? We have just torn the recursive structure apart and then used Mu to put it back together again. This gives us the advantage that we can talk about all Mu types at once. This gives us what we need to define a catamorphism.
Let's define:
type IntTree = Mu IntNode
I said the essential property of the catamorphism is that to compute some function f, it suffices to have the values of f for its immediate children. Let's call the type of the thing we are trying to compute r, and the data structure node (IntNode would be a possible instantiation of this). So to compute r on a particular node, we need the node with its children replaced with their rs. This computation has type node r -> r. So a catamorphism says that if we have one of these computations, then we can compute r for the entire recursive structure (remember recursion is denoted explicitly here with Mu):
cata :: (node r -> r) -> Mu node -> r
Making this concrete for our example, this looks like:
cata :: (IntNode r -> r) -> IntTree -> r
Restating, if we can take a node with rs for its children and compute an r, then we can compute an r for an entire tree.
In order to actually compute this, we need node to be a Functor -- that is we need to be able to map an arbitrary function over the children of a node.
fmap :: (a -> b) -> node a -> node b
This can be done straightforwardly for IntNode.
fmap f (Leaf x) = Leaf x -- has no children, so stays the same
fmap f (Branch l r) = Branch (f l) (f r) -- apply function to each child
Now, finally, we can give a definition for cata (the Functor node constraint just says that node has a suitable fmap):
cata :: (Functor node) => (node r -> r) -> Mu node -> r
cata f t = f (fmap (cata f) t)
I used the parameter name t for the mnemonic value of "tree". This is an abstract, dense definition, but it is really very simple. It says: recursively perform cata f -- the computation we are doing over the tree -- on each of t's children (which are themselves Mu nodes) to get a node r, and then pass that result to f compute the result for t itself.
Tying this back to the beginning, the algebra you are defining is essentially a way of defining that node r -> r function. Indeed, given a TreeAlgebra, we can easily get the fold function:
foldFunction :: TreeAlgebra a r -> (TreeNode a r -> r)
foldFunction alg (Leaf a) = leaf alg a
foldFunction alg (Branch l r) = branch alg l r
Thus the tree catamorphism can be defined in terms of our generic one as follows:
type Tree a = Mu (TreeNode a)
treeCata :: TreeAlgebra a r -> (Tree a -> r)
treeCata alg = cata (foldFunction alg)
I'm out of time. I know that got really abstract really fast, but I hope it at least gave you a new viewpoint to help your learning. Good luck!
I think you were were asking a question about the {}'s. There is an earlier question with a good discussion of {}'s. Those are called Haskell's record syntax. The other question is why construct the algebra. This is a typical function paradigm where you generalize data as functions.
The most famous example is Church's construction of the Naturals, where f = + 1 and z = 0,
0 = z,
1 = f z,
2 = f (f z),
3 = f (f (f z)),
What you are seeing is essentially the same idea being applied to a tree. Work the church example and the tree will click.
