Haskell: Implementation of a Complete Binary-Leaf Tree - haskell

I'm attempting to generate a complete binary-leaf tree using Haskell.
However, I'm not sure whether I am along the right lines.
I have the following code at the moment (not sure if it's right):
data Tree a = Leaf a | Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving (Show,Eq)
listToTree :: [a] -> Tree a
listToTree [] = error "The list cannot be empty"
listToTree [x] = Leaf x
I need the function to take in an input list of any basic types and construct a tree using level first order from the list provided as input. I'm not sure what the best way to do this is.
Any suggestions?


how to traverse a tree structure and change its data type

I am attempting to implement huffman coding in haskell and use the following two data structures:
data Htree = Leaf Char | Branch Htree Htree deriving Show
data Wtree = L Integer Char | B Integer Wtree Wtree deriving Show
where Wtree is created first based on the frequency/weight of each character.
After Wtree is constructed, and we know the structure of the tree, i no longer need the weights of each leaf/branch so i want to convert Wtree into Htree but i have trouble tackling this problem.
createHtree :: Wtree -> Htree
createHtree(L _ char) = Leaf char
createHtree(B _ w1 w2) = Branch createHtree(w1) createHtree(w2)
This is a solution i attempted but it won't compile
The expected result is as i mention the conversion from Wtree into Htree which only requires the removal of the Integer part of Wtree.
You could make this task simpler for yourself by using only a single data type, and parameterizing it by the type of data you wish to store at each node:
data HTree a = Leaf a Char | Branch a (HTree a) (HTree a)
Then, your weighted tree is HTree Integer, while your unweighted tree is HTree (), indicating that you wish to store no extra data in the tree. This way, Haskell can see clearly that your two types are closely related - with the code you posted in the question, they appear to be two totally unrelated types. If you additionally turn on one innocuous language extension, you can use this close relationship to avoid writing the conversion yourself at all!
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
import Data.Functor ((<$))
data HTree a = Leaf a Char
| Branch a (HTree a) (HTree a)
deriving Functor
stripLabels :: HTree a -> HTree ()
stripLabels = (() <$)
Observe that now stripLabels is so simple you don't really even need to define it: you could just inline it at use sites.

Accessing values in haskell custom data type

I'm very new to haskell and need to use a specific data type for a problem I am working on.
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node [Tree a]
deriving (Show, Eq)
So when I make an instance of this e.g Node[Leaf 1, Leaf2, Leaf 3] how do I access these? It won't let me use head or tail or indexing with !! .
You perform pattern matching. For example if you want the first child, you can use:
firstChild :: Tree a -> Maybe (Tree a)
firstChild (Node (h:_)) = Just h
firstChild _ = Nothing
Here we wrap the answer in a Maybe type, since it is possible that we process a Leaf x or a Node [], such that there is no first child.
Or we can for instance obtain the i-th item with:
iThChild :: Int -> Tree a -> Tree a
iThChild i (Node cs) = cs !! i
So here we unwrap the Node constructor, obtain the list of children cs, and then perform cs !! i to obtain the i-th child. Note however that (!!) :: [a] -> Int -> a is usually a bit of an anti-pattern: it is unsafe, since we have no guarantees that the list contains enough elements, and using length is an anti-pattern as well, since the list can have infinite length, so we can no do such bound check.
Usually if one writes algorithms in Haskell, one tends to make use of linear access, and write total functions: functions that always return something.

Haskell Defining a Binary Tree

I want to define an infinite tree in Haskell using infinitree :: Tree, but want to set a pattern up for each node, defining what each node should be. The pattern is 1 more then then its parent. I am struggling on how to set up a tree to begin with, and how and where to define the pattern of each node?
Thank you
Infinite data structures can generally be defined by functions which call themselves but have no base case. Usually these functions don't need to pattern match on their arguments. For example, a list equal to [1..] can be written as
infiniteList :: [Int]
infiniteList = go 1 where
go n = n : go (n+1)
You can use the exact same technique for a tree:
data Tree a = Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) | Nil deriving (Show)
infiniteTree :: Tree Int
infiniteTree = go 1 where
go n = Node (go (2*n)) n (go (2*n+1))
This defines the infinite tree
/ \
2 3
/ \ / \
4 5 6 7
A type for infinite binary trees with no leaves:
data Tree a = Tree (Tree a) a (Tree a)
One general pattern for doing this sort of thing is called unfold. For this particular type:
unfold :: (a -> (a,b,a)) -> a -> Tree b
Can you see how to define this function and use it for your purpose?

Nil Value for Tree a -> a in Haskell

So I have a tree defined as
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
I know I can define Leaf to be Leaf a. But I really just want my nodes to have values. My problem is that when I do a search I have a return value function of type
Tree a -> a
Since leafs have no value I am confused how to say if you encounter a leaf do nothing. I tried nil, " ", ' ', [] nothing seems to work.
Edit Code
data Tree a = Leaf | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
breadthFirst :: Tree a -> [a]
breadthFirst x = _breadthFirst [x]
_breadthFirst :: [Tree a] -> [a]
_breadthFirst [] = []
_breadthFirst xs = map treeValue xs ++
_breadthFirst (concat (map immediateChildren xs))
immediateChildren :: Tree a -> [Tree a]
immediateChildren (Leaf) = []
immediateChildren (Node n left right) = [left, right]
treeValue :: Tree a -> a
treeValue (Leaf) = //this is where i need nil
treeValue (Node n left right) = n
test = breadthFirst (Node 1 (Node 2 (Node 4 Leaf Leaf) Leaf) (Node 3 Leaf (Node 5 Leaf Leaf)))
main =
do putStrLn $ show $ test
In Haskell, types do not have an "empty" or nil value by default. When you have something of type Integer, for example, you always have an actual number and never anything like nil, null or None.
Most of the time, this behavior is good. You can never run into null pointer exceptions when you don't expect them, because you can never have nulls when you don't expect them. However, sometimes we really need to have a Nothing value of some sort; your tree function is a perfect example: if we don't find a result in the tree, we have to signify that somehow.
The most obvious way to add a "null" value like this is to just wrap it in a type:
data Nullable a = Null | NotNull a
So if you want an Integer which could also be Null, you just use a Nullable Integer. You could easily add this type yourself; there's nothing special about it.
Happily, the Haskell standard library has a type like this already, just with a different name:
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
you can use this type in your tree function as follows:
treeValue :: Tree a -> Maybe a
treeValue (Node value _ _) = Just value
treeValue Leaf = Nothing
You can use a value wrapped in a Maybe by pattern-matching. So if you have a list of [Maybe a] and you want to get a [String] out, you could do this:
showMaybe (Just a) = show a
showMaybe Nothing = ""
myList = map showMaybe listOfMaybes
Finally, there are a bunch of useful functions defined in the Data.Maybe module. For example, there is mapMaybe which maps a list and throws out all the Nothing values. This is probably what you would want to use for your _breadthFirst function, for example.
So my solution in this case would be to use Maybe and mapMaybe. To put it simply, you'd change treeValue to
treeValue :: Tree a -> Maybe a
treeValue (Leaf) = Nothing
treeValue (Node n left right) = Just n
Then instead of using map to combine this, use mapMaybe (from Data.Maybe) which will automatically strip away the Just and ignore it if it's Nothing.
mapMaybe treeValue xs
Maybe is Haskell's way of saying "Something might not have a value" and is just defined like this:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
It's the moral equivalent of having a Nullable type. Haskell just makes you acknowledge the fact that you'll have to handle the case where it is "null". When you need them, Data.Maybe has tons of useful functions, like mapMaybe available.
In this case, you can simply use a list comprehension instead of map and get rid of treeValue:
_breadthFirst xs = [n | Node n _ _ <- xs] ++ ...
This works because using a pattern on the left hand side of <- in a list comprehension skips items that don't match the pattern.
This function treeValue :: Tree a -> a can't be a total function, because not all Tree a values actually contain an a for you to return! A Leaf is analogous to the empty list [], which is still of type [a] but doesn't actually contain an a.
The head function from the standard library has the type [a] -> a, and it also can't work all of the time:
*Main> head []
*** Exception: Prelude.head: empty list
You could write treeValue to behave similarly:
treeValue :: Tree a -> a
treeValue Leaf = error "empty tree"
treeValue (Node n _ _) = n
But this won't actually help you, because now map treeValue xs will throw an error if any of the xs are Leaf values.
Experienced Haskellers usually try to avoid using head and functions like it for this very reason. Sure, there's no way to get an a from any given [a] or Tree a, but maybe you don't need to. In your case, you're really trying to get a list of a from a list of Tree, and you're happy for Leaf to simply contribute nothing to the list rather than throw an error. But treeValue :: Tree a -> a doesn't help you build that. It's the wrong function to help you solve your problem.
A function that helps you do whatever you need would be Tree a -> Maybe a, as explained very well in some other answers. That allows you to later decide what to do about the "missing" value. When you go to use the Maybe a, if there's really nothing else to do, you can call error then (or use fromJust which does exactly that), or you can decide what else to do. But a treeValue that claims to be able to return an a from any Tree a and then calls error when it can't denies any caller the ability to decide what to do if there's no a.

Converting rose trees to different binary tree types

I am completely lost on how to do some tree conversions in Haskell. I need to go from a rose tree defined as:
data Rose a = Node a [Rose a] deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
to a binary tree which is defined as:
data Btree a = Empty | Fork a (Btree a) (Btree a) deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
In my class I was given a function that is similar, but using a different definition of the binary tree. For that function the rose tree is defined the same and the binary tree is defined as:
Btree a = Leaf a | Fork (Btree a) (Btree a)
with the function from rose tree to binary tree defined as:
toB :: Rose a -> Btree a
toB (Node x xts) = foldl Fork (Leaf x) (map toB xts)
toB (Node x []) = foldl Fork (Leaf x) []
I have the answer but I don't know how to convert it so that it works with the new definition of Btree.
When I did something like this, I considered the "left" subtree to be the first child, and the "right" subtree to be the siblings of the node. This means that you convert the tree like so:
h h
/|\ /
/ | \ /
b d e ==> b->d->e
/ \ / \ / /
a c f g a->c f->g
h is still the root, but in the second diagram / is the left subtree and -> is the right. Leaves have no left subtree, but might have siblings (right subtrees). The root has no right subtree, but might have children (left subtree). Internal nodes have both.
Does that help?
Try to write a function converting from the first to the second definition of the binary tree. Then convB . toB is your new function! Now, systematically create a new function that acts directly as a fusion of the two, by inlining one into the other, and you'll get a straightforward and elegant solution.
