Counting instances across ranges in columns - excel

I am creating a spreadsheet for my personal use. I need to count the number of times one column's values are equal to an adjacent column's.
Is there any way to do this in Excel without having to modify the formula every time a new row is added?

If you have column A and B now, add column C:
Column A Column B Column C
1 2 =countif(B:B, A1)
2 2
3 1
Then just copy the first value in column C, select the entire column C and paste :)
You will get:
Column C


Fill values from a list with conditions -Excel

I need to produce a formula, that can generate a list that follow to the below conditions,
Each letter can only appear in the same column again once the every letter in the list has been used.
If letter is in row 1 column 2 it can't be in row 2 column 1.
The same letter can't be in both columns at the same time.
List: A,B,C,D
Column 1 Column2
Row 1 A C
Row 2 B D
Put your list in column A
then put this in the first cell, copy over one and down as far as desired:

I need a pattern in excel for certain columns

Pattern Example
Column B: 8 times of cells in Column A
Column C: 8 sets of same cells repeting till the end of Column B
Column B
Column C

Keep on summing corresponding cell and compare with first column for summing up first column based on comparision in excel

Consider the following data setup:
_A_ _B_ _C_
1 1
2 1 1
3 3
Such that a formula would return the following results for columns B and C respectively:
_A_ _B_ _C_
4 2
Now I want to sum column A if A-(B+C) is equal to 0.
so for above example sum would be 1+3 = 4 on column B, since row 1 and 3 satisfy 1-1=0 first row, 3-3=0 third row. so A value on 1st and 2nd row is 1+3=4. Row 2nd doesn't satisfy 2-1=1 not 0 so ignore.
on column C, B+C in second row 2-(1+1) = 0 ,So it would be sum 2 in that column C, ignoring first and third row since it already has been counted on column B.
columns continue like D E....
So sum up from B to current if i am in column B it will sum up till B.If in C B+C....If in D B+C+D etc and then compare with column A
Insufficient rep to comment, this is at least a partial answer and perhaps full.
I think you're looking for this to happen in some lower row in B:
And this in C:
Although as EEM points out all the sample rows satisfy this condition so you get "6" instead of "2"

Sum of multiple columns if they match

I have this table of data:
003B1016 1 003G1016 1 003B1016
003G1015 1 003G1391 2 003G1015
003H0121 4 003H6208 2 003H0121
003H6209 1 003H6209 1 003H6209
I want to sum B+D if A and C are identical , how would i do that?
I have another 32000 rows of data. :) Thanks for the help
Put this in cell E1 and copy down:
This says - if A = C, then add B+D. Otherwise, return blank "".
EDIT for new requirements
In order to add all amounts from column B where column A matches the current row and from column D where column C matches that row, where the row in column A exists anywhere and the row in column C exists anywhere, do the following formula in E2 and drag down:
This says: look above the current row in column A - have we seen this item before? If no, continue with the formula. If yes, ignore, to avoid double counting. Then, Look at all of column C - does the value in the current row of A occur anywhere in column C? If no, then don't add anything. If yes, Add all items from column B where column A matches the current row, and add all items from column D where column C matches the current row.

How to format rows to color group by like values in column 1

I have a worksheet that has information like this:
How do I format it so that all of the rows that have a value of a in the first column are one color, then all the rows that have a value of b in the first column are a different color, etc. ?
Edit not from OP to add clarification from comment:
Everything is already sorted alphabetically, and will stay that way, and I want multiple colors.
Create a helper column with a formula like this;
In this example column A is the column of sorted values to be grouped by, and column B is the helper column. The formula is entered on row 3. Set the first row of the helper column to the value 0 and the others to the formula. This will result in alternating values in the helper column for each group, ie;
a 0
a 0
b 1
c 0
c 0
c 0
d 1
d 1
e 0
You can then set conditional formatting based on the column value. If the value is 1 then highlight the row; if it is 0 do not highlight it. Or use alternating colors or whatever. You can reference any of the articles on the web that describe how to conditional format the entire row based on the value in the column.
IF(A3=A2,0,1) compares the current row (3) and prior row (2) returning a 1 or 0.
MOD( [...] +B2,2) accomplishes the alternation between 0 and 1 when the grouping column value changes.
I think you need a helper column, say B seeded with 1 in row1, and =IF(A1=A2,B1,B1+1) in B2 and copied down to suit. Then formulae of the kind below should suit for conditional formatting:
