using javascript pompt when closing page - prompt

I work with onbeforeunload to display a message with text area when closing pages, the problem is I am getting the message but not the text. The code I am using is :
window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function(event) {
var response = prompt("Whay this page isn't good for YOU ?", "");
//put the response in log file
//Exit the page
i tried so hard to get the prompt but no result.

You can actually short hand it using window.onbeforeunload = yourfunction and then create your function which prompts the user.
Apologies, it seems as though ASP.NET is allowing me to do something a bit weird, it seems like the easiest way to go about this is to append your function at the end of that as such: window.onbeforeunload = function(){ return "Say what you want!" } This will display a prompt before the window is closing, I'm sure you can replace it for whatever you like.


setRedirectURLToSearchResults() not redirecting

I an new to NetSuite, and I am having a problem. I have created a button on a form through a user event script.
The button calls a client script, which executes a saved search. The search result should be displayed to the user.
Everything is located in one file:
function userEventBeforeLoad_AddSearchButton(type, form, request){
if(type == 'view' || type == 'edit'){
var projectid = nlapiGetFieldValue('companyname');
form.addButton("custpage_search", "KHM Search", "performSearch('" + projectid + "')");
function performSearch(projectid) {
console.log('test in client');
alert('projectid = ' + projectid);
var obj = nlapiLoadSearch(null, 'customsearch_project_cost_detail_sublist');
I created a user event script record for userEventBeforeLoad_AddSearchButton(). and a client script record for performSearch().
In the code above, the button is created and the alert is being displayed. But no redirect is happening.
When I look at the result in Firebug it looks like this:
Any ideas why the redirect is not happening, and what to do?
Edit: My code above was stripped down to simplify. The reason I am passing projectid over is that I actually need to filter the search result, suing the following two lines:
var searchFilter = new nlobjSearchFilter('job', null, 'anyof', projectid);
Although the documentation does state that, "This method is supported in afterSubmit user event scripts, Suitelets, and client scripts", it seems from this NS User Group post by a Netsuite Employee in reply to someone who experienced the same issue as you, that the API does not actually perform the redirection client side:
Redirection works on server side. Use window.location.assign(url) to
navigate via script in client-side.
Testing this, I can see that setRedirectURLToSearchResults does appear to correctly "load the search into the session", so adding this line afterwards should fix your problem.
window.location = '/app/common/search/';
setRedirectURLToSearchResults is not working for me either, but since you are using clientscript you might want to try this:
function performSearch(projectid) {
console.log('test in client');
alert('projectid = ' + projectid);
var searchid = 'customsearch_project_cost_detail_sublist';
location = '/app/common/search/' + searchid;

alert in SSJS Library

I have a function in SSJS Library. I would like get Client Side alert in Library. What i tried was not worked. I think I miss something. :(
function docAlive()
var otherDoc:NotesDocument= null;
if (funcDoc.getItemValueString("DocUNID")!="")
var otherDoc:NotesDocument = dbKontak.getDocumentByUNID(funcDoc.getItemValueString("DocUNID"))
if (otherDoc==null)
hataKod = "10001";
hataMsg = "There is no document :( Created One";
print (hataKod +": "+hataMsg);
view.postScript("alert('"+hataKod + " - " +hataMsg+"');");
return otherDoc;
catch (e)
view.postScript() will trigger a client-side alert, but as Tim Tripcony mentions, not in all events. And the alert will only be triggered after the function and any other code for the partial refresh has completed. At that point the HTML to trigger the (Client-Side) JavaScript alert will be posted back to the browser and the browser will action it.
If you want to throw an error back to the browser, I would strongly recommend XPages OpenLog Logger (and not just because I contribute and support it on OpenNTF). openLogBean.addError(e) will log the error to OpenLog and post an error message back to the browser.
The message is passed to the server using facesMessage.addMessage(), as documented here I believe there are additional options for managing different message levels (e.g. WARNING, CONFIRMATION). FacesMessage is a standard Java (in this case, JSF) construct, so the documentation for it on the web is valid for XPages as well.

CasperJS and downloading a file via iFrame and JavaScript

I have a script to test that - on click - generates an iFrame which downloads a file. How can I intercept the response with CasperJS?
I already tried the sequence:'element');
casper.withFrame('frame', function(){
console.log(this.getCurrentUrl()); // only return about:blank, but should have URL
console.log("content: " + this.getHTML()); // Yep, empty HMTL
this.on('resource.received', function(resource){
console.log(resource.url); // never executed
I need the content of the file but can not really produce the URL without clicking the element or changing the script I'm testing.
I tried other events, but none got fired when downloading via the iframe. I found another solution that works - but if you have something better, I'd like to try it.
Here it comes:
// Check downloaded File
// Fetch URL via internals
var url = this.evaluate(function(){
return $('__saveReportFrame').src; // JavaScript function in the page
var file = fs.absolute('plaintext.txt');, file);
var fileString =;
// Whatever test you want to make
test.assert(fileString.match(/STRING/g) !== null, 'Downloaded File is good');

Calling an XAgent from a traditional Domino web app via AJAX

I have an XAgent I have created that works just fine via window.location but I can't get it to work via AJAX. This agent is called from a delete button on a popup div, so rather than writing to my responseStream in my XAgent, I'd prefer to just run my agent and close my popup via javascript when it is finished.
My XAgent is called by the URL doc.$DBPath.value + "/xAgent_DeleteDemand.xsp?open&id=" + doc.$DocUNID.value and looks like this:
try {
var url:java.lang.String = context.getUrl().toString();
if (param.containsKey("id")) {
var unid = param.get("id");
} else {
throw "No unid given";
} catch (e) {
My actual code is in the foo package but that doesn't seem relevant because I'm not even getting my URL printed. I can say the the URL being generated and called works just fine using window.location so it is safe to assume that the problem is elsewhere.
I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe context doesn't have any meaning when called via AJAX from a non XPage app, but I don't know for sure.
I don't think there is anything special about my AJAX code but here it is just in case. It has been working fine for a long time.
function createAJAXRequest(retrievalURL, responseFunction) {
if (window.ActiveXObject) {
AJAXReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
AJAXReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
var currentTime = new Date()"GET", retrievalURL + "&z=" + currentTime.getTime());
AJAXReq.onreadystatechange = eval(responseFunction);
I'm not sure what the immediate problem would be, but as some troubleshooting steps:
The resultant URL is just server-relative and not on a different server+protocol combination, right?
Do you see anything on the browser's debug console when clicking the button?
Is there an entry in the browser's debug Network panel for the request at all?

How to detect unsaved data in form when user leaves the page?

I need to detect unsaved data in form when user leaves the page without submitting the form. I would like to implement that without adding a value change listener to each input.
This is the functional requirement:
"User open a page than click on any link if values in the page changed an alert message popup to notify user that he need to save changed data, but if did not change any thing system continue without notify user".
I tried to compare array method to compare both DTO coming for DB and the bind DTO, but it gives me a lot of problems in array length, and byte comparison.
This is normally implemented in the client side with help of JavaScript, because it's not nicely possible to intercept on beforeunload event from the server side on when the enduser leaves the page.
Here's a concrete example with help of the JavaScript library jQuery (otherwise you would end up with 10 times as much code to make it properly crossbrowser compatible and work seamlessly together with ajax re-renders):
<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
// Set the unload message whenever any input element get changed.
$(':input').on('change', function() {
// Turn off the unload message whenever a form get submitted properly.
$('form').on('submit', function() {
function setConfirmUnload(on) {
var message = "You have unsaved data. Are you sure to leave the page?";
window.onbeforeunload = (on) ? function() { return message; } : null;
Just paste this in your <h:head> template or just put it in some script.js file which you include by <h:outputScript>.
This worked for me.
$(function() {
// Set the unload message whenever any input element get changed.
$('input').change(function() {
// Turn off the unload message whenever a form get submitted properly.
$('form').submit(function() {
function setConfirmUnload(on) {
var message = "You have unsaved data. Are you sure to leave the page?";
window.onbeforeunload = (on) ? function() { return message; } : null;
