SteamBot.exe don't appear in SteamBot/Bin/Release - linux

I am trying to install steam bot on Centos 6.7.
I have installed NuGet2, mono, steam, I have done all, what was said in Jessecar96 Installation Guide.
I have compiled Nuget, mono latest release, but nothing happens.
When I am trying to run SteamBot.exe, which should be on Bin/Release folder, it shows me error, that file don't exist. Maybe I have done something wrong?
Installed mono - compiled it.
Installed Nuget2 - compiled.
After that i thought that i have not installed SteamBot.
Installed SteamBot, cloned it.
After that I removed git, git-clone.
Again installed and compilet git.
running cd ~/SteamBot/Bin/Release/SteamBot.exe and I get error, that file doesn't exist.
What is this problem?

Okay multiple issues here.
After cloning the repo you need to compile the source it contains.
By default the output is to /Bin/Debug/
Even assuming that you do those two steps cd is for changing directories and you would do mono ~/SteamBot/Bin/Debug/SteamBot.exe instead.


Unable to find msbuild after building Mono 6.10 on linux

Yeah there's a need for me to build MS project on Linux.
I've download Mono from their offical website and built on Ubuntu 16. But when I want to use msbuild ,I found this tool didn't exist.
After my "make && make install", the folder of msbuild in Mono is:
hololqq#hololqq-virtual-machine:/opt/mono/lib/mono/msbuild$ ls
Compare to the Mono installed by using apt-get , the folder should be:
hololqq#hololqq-virtual-machine:/usr/lib/mono/msbuild$ ls
15.0 Current
It's strange because the document : has said that they just update msbuild:
19662 - [2019-12] Bump msbuild to track mono-2019-12
So I'm confused with this situation. Is anything else I forget while building? Or just the source codes of Mono didn't contain msbuild? Appericiate for your any suggestion.
PS:I have used monodevelop and xbuild. And monodevelop isn't easy to build from source code, and xbuild has some bugs while compiling VS peojects.
Finally still has no useful way. I use xbuild instead(it has a bug that you need to run it twice, because the first build won't success).

Unable to Run mksdcard sdk tool on ARMv7 Processor Ubuntu 14.04

When trying to install Android Studio on my Linux Laptop, I get "Unable to Run mksdcard tool" From what I can tell from searching, this is usually caused by lacking the 32 bit compatibility libraries on 64 bit Linux, however I am running it on an ARMv7 processor, using the crouton project to use Linux on my Chromebook. I have tried install the recomended packages ending in i386, but the command line returned:
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependendency Tree
Reading State information... Done
E: unable to locate package [Name of package here]
E: Couldn't find any package by Regex '[Name of package]'
Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can fix it?
I've discovered a workaround.
After a little searching, I've found that we can create executable binary of the tool for the ARMv7 platform ourselves! Whupee!
Head over to GitHub and pick up the source code, mksdcard.c. Download this to wherever you'd like, but make sure you download it as mksdcard.c and not as mksdcard.c.txt, which your browser might try to do. You can always rename the file later in case you accidentally save the filename incorrectly.
Over in your chroot environment, head to the directory where you downloaded the file.
Make sure you have the gcc compilation tools installed. Try running gcc -v in an attempt to see what version of GCC you have installed. If this doesn't work, you'll need to install GCC via sudo apt-get install gcc.
Run gcc -o mkdscard mksdcard.c. This uses GCC to compile the source code into something that can be executed. After compilation has completed, you can use ./mkscard to have Linux execute the binary file, which verifies that it works.
Navigate to your Android SDK Tools directory. This is usually ~/Downloads/Android/Sdk/tools. By running ls, you'll list the files and find the version of mksdcard that your Linux distribution doesn't understand how to run. (Running ./mksdcard on this file will confirm this.)
Backup the broken binary somewhere, then delete the copy in the tools folder. (I created a backups/ directory within the Android SDK Tools folder to move it to.)
Within the directory, use rm -r mksdcard to delete the old mksdard binary.
Finally, copy your compatible binary over to take it's place, e.g. cp ~/Downloads/mksdcard . (Copies the mksdcard binary we've created to the current directory ., the Android SDK Tools folder.)
Head back over to your Android Studio installer. In the dialogue complaining about mksdcard failing, hit Retry and the installation should continue. After it's finished, be sure to apply any updates that are recommended by the environment. Enjoy!
For newer versions eg. 3.1 C4 of Android Studio running with Ubuntu on ARM32 you will also need to place mksdcard in ~/Downloads/Android/Sdk/emulator (referencing like path from Alext T.).

Subclipse cannot load default SVN client, even though everything is installed properly

I'm having a problem with Subclipse, when trying to do anything like committing, updating or viewing history the first time nothing happens, and the second time I try this error show up:
All this used to work just fine but suddenly it stopped working. All the required packages are installed:
The "SVN interface" option in the preferences is empty/greyed out:
I have another Eclipse installation (Java EE) which has the same packages installed and everything is still working fine there.
I've already tried reinstalling all the SVN packages but to no avail. I'm running Eclipse Kepler on Linux Mint 16 Petra, SVN is version 1.7.9.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I figured out that the other Eclipse installation had different (older) versions of the plugins. After updating these, that installation also stopped working. I suspect that my SVN version (1.7.9) is too old. I see 1.8.x has already been released, how can I install that version in my Linux installation? Running apt-get update/upgrade doesn't do it. I've seen some people talking about running dist-upgrade but that has broken things in the past so I'm very reluctant to do so unless absolutely necessary.
EDIT: I managed to install subversion 1.8.10 using these steps, but to no avail.
I managed to solve the issue my removing SVNKit and installing the "Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter" instead. I tried that before but it did work after I had also updated subversion to 1.8.

Node JS ./configure + make fails unable to remap python lib-dynload/itertools.dll to same address as parent

This might be more of a CYGWIN question than a Nodejs but here goes.
I installed Cygwin yesterday and on the packages selection I just clicked next as it looked like most were pre-selected, and then today read this guide on installing nodejs.
The ./configure had an error that it was unable to remap python lib-dynload/itertools.dll to same address as parent. As the process still completed I tried the make command, but it fails on the same error.
So, I opened cygwin setup.exe and this time I clicked the source checkbox for all the Python packages. But still get the same error. Should I now go to Cygwin and check all the source packages for the Make packages, delete it and reinstall from scratch using the above guide. Or something else?
Any help gratefull received/
Use the official 0.5.x windows build from - you just have to download a .exe file and you can start it.
Versions 0.5.X have problems with Cygwin and because of developing clean Windows version Cygwin environment is now unsupported. Stable version 0.4.12 builds on Cygwin with no problems. If you want to use node.js unstable 0.5.X branch on Windows use windows build at official node.js site.
check this out:
Update Sept 1, 2011 -- as of today, v0.5.5 does not build on Cygwin (errors on make). Use v.0.5.4 (ie. follow instructions below and use "git checkout v0.5.4".
Cygwin build is no longer supported. Use native windows builds instead.

Mercurial / IIS / No module named osutil

I am trying to get Mercurial to be hosted via "hgweb.cgi" on IIS 7.5. I have everything configured according to except for that I installed python 2.6 and Mercurial 1.7.3. When I try to go to the hgweb.cgi script, I get the following error:
"No module named osutil"
After a bit of searching, I've found that I need to install the python-dev packages, but that seems to only apply to unix. Is there anything else I need to get this working on windows?
Note that I tried the mercurial binaries/ on both both HgTortoise and the Mercurial x86 installer available here:
(Mercurial 1.7.3 Inno Setup installer - x86 Windows - does not require admin rights)
I had the same issue trying to re-create an HgWeb server with Mercurial 2.1.1. I posted a question on the Mercurial mailing list.
Because HgWeb requires Python, you have to get Mercurial as a Python module. Fortunately, the Mercurial folks supply one; it's tagged py2.6 with the description
installs Mercurial source as Python modules and thus requires Python 2.6 installed. This is recommended for hgweb setups
Once I ran that installer, HgWeb started working.
Looking at the available downloads and the version specified in the question, it looks like you might have installed TortoiseHg 1.1.8 with Mercurial 1.7.3, which is probably missing some python packages.
I've been researching this problem myself (except I'm trying to run Mercurial via ISAPI), and it appears 1.7.1 is the last version that works with IIS due to dependency problems with msvcr90.dll in all later versions, including the newly released 1.8.2.
See this issue, which ultimately seems to be caused by this still open 1-year-old Python issue.
Judging by the conversation, a fix is not easy. I know of no workarounds, so I am forced to use 1.7.1 in the meantime.
Edit: CGI works with 1.8.2 though, so the above issue seems to only affect running Mercurial through ISAPI.
