APNS Gateway Message Error - node.js

I am new to IOS development and I was trying to implement APNS. It was working fine until suddenly it started to give this error after sending the notifications form Node backend.
{ [GatewayMessageError: Invalid token] message: 'Invalid token', code: 8, identifier: 0 }
Any leads would be helpful.

This is such a strange Problem. I am using apnagent in Node.js to send notifications. This error occurred to me and then it solved on its own. I am still confused as to how it is solved as i did not change anything in my code. From what I have read, this might be due to apnagent's irregularity or non performance.


Facebook Live session video issue?

When i am trying to create session with nodejs API i will get this error can anyone help me solve this.
The error is given below:
Request POST /facebook-schedule-session/11455 failed with status code 500.
FacebookApiException: {"error":{
"(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.",
any solution which help me solve this error.

"Error: Internal error encountered" while running RequestSync to Google Homegraph API - Node.js

I am using a Nodejs client to integrate with Google Smart Home.
When I request to RequestSync API, it sometimes shows the following error.
Error: Internal error encountered.
Although I saw the above error, it seems that the SYNC request has been triggered properly.
Does anyone know why this happens?
Since the request failed and returned an error, our app retries the RequestSync again and again, so I'd like to fix the error if possible.
Thank you.
#googleapis/homegraph: 3.0.2
Nodejs: 18.4.0

Error: Request unsafe for browser client domain: dialogflow.googleapis.com

I'm setting up a DialogFlow wrapper and I'm using the DialogFlow JavaScript SDK. But, I'm getting the following error:
Error: Request unsafe for browser client domain:
This was working before, but I'm not sure why it suddenly stopped working.
I've tried reverting all code to a version that worked. I'm sure it's a DialogFlow error.
const intentDetectResponse = await sessionClient.detectIntent(request)
The complete error log is as follows:
{ Error: Request unsafe for browser client domain: dialogflow.googleapis.com
at Http2CallStream.call.on (/Users/NewProject/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/client.js:101:45)
at Http2CallStream.emit (events.js:194:15)
at process.nextTick (/Users/NewProject/node_modules/#grpc/grpc-js/build/src/call-stream.js:71:22)
at process.internalTickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:70:11)
code: 3,
'Request unsafe for browser client domain: dialogflow.googleapis.com',
Metadata {
options: undefined,
internalRepr: Map { 'grpc-server-stats-bin' => [Array] } } }
Pretty sure this is something wrong with dialogflow service. This is not the first time dialogflow facing some issues.
Pretty sure something is wrong with one of their servers behind the load balancer. If you try multiple times, sometimes a request can get through. But it should most definitely be a dialogflow api server issue.
It was issue from Dialogflow side, their technical team worked on it and resolved it. However they did not tell exactly what was the actual issue.
There is github issue as well for the same.
I think it's a rate limit of the Dialogflow API? I had the same error with a python script, after a few minutes it worked fine...
Says here there is a limit for 60 requests per minute.

Xamarin.Android & Azure Push Notifications Internal Server Error

I'm following the guide at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-xamarin-android-get-started-push (as well as the original Xamarin one that this appears to have cribbed from), but I'm running into a problem registering my client.
I am successfully logging a user in prior to setting up the push notification service.
Both GcmClient.CheckDevice(...) and GcmClient.CheckManifest(...) succeed, and my PushHandlerService is being called.
Push.RegisterAsync(...) in my PushHandlerService is throwing a MobileServiceInvalidOperationException because it received an HTTP 500 Internal Server Error from the service.
Looking at FREB logs, it appears that the "error" is actually supposed to be a success, and interestingly is somehow related to the EasyAuthModule:
NOTIFY_MODULE_COMPLETION ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", fIsPostNotificationEvent="true", CompletionBytes="297", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully.
(0x0)" 05:51:01.092
Warning ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", HttpStatus="500", HttpReason="Internal Server Error", HttpSubStatus="79", ErrorCode="Unspecified error
(0x80004005)", ConfigExceptionInfo="" 05:51:01.092
NOTIFY_MODULE_COMPLETION ModuleName="EasyAuthModule_64bit", Notification="AUTHENTICATE_REQUEST", fIsPostNotificationEvent="true", CompletionBytes="0", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully.
(0x0)" 05:51:01.092
I take it the error is happening when you call client.GetPush().RegisterAsync()? This is currently an issue and we are deploying a fix on the Azure side to fix this. In the interim, you can see the fix for this here: https://adrianhall.github.io/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure/chapter5/android/

Padding is invalid and cannot be removed while sending push event to my application

We are using Docusign Connect to leverage the push functionality. This feature is great and we are no more worried of reaching REST call limits.
But while checking connect logs on DocuSign console- We found failure entry which is failing because of below error:
9/16/2013 6:50:23 AM Connect send to: https://myURL.com/EventListener
9/16/2013 6:50:23 AM Envelope Data (documents were included):
9/16/2013 6:50:23 AM Error: Exception in EnvelopeIntegration.RunIntegration: <EnvelopeID> :: https://myURL.com/EventListener :: Error - Exception decrypting. Padding is invalid and cannot be removed. Original Exception: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.
Looks like this is some internal exception at Docusign. Can someone help us to resolve this issue?
This is indeed a bug on DocuSign's side. It's newly introduced which means it most likely came from the latest release. Will post an update here once resolved, thanks for your patience.
DocuSign Team
