Output 'man grep' command into a file - linux

I have practiced in using command line in CentOS6.
I tried to create file, which content would be the output of command man grep. Also I used command man with col -b option to save file as Text-Only. All of this must be in one command.
I tried to do like this:
grep man grep | col -b > output.txt
But it didn't work.
What is the proper way to save output of command man grep as Text-Only file with using option col -b?

Don't you really need this:
man grep | col -b > output.txt
Why do you need to call grep in the first place?
Other, hacky way using grep:
man grep | grep -v somephrasethatwontoccur | col -b > output.txt
But, truly, it makes no sense. grep -v looks for lines without the specified phrase.


Loop to filter out lines from apache log files

I have several apache access files that I would like to clean up a bit before I analyze them. I am trying to use grep in the following way:
grep -v term_to_grep apache_access_log
I have several terms that I want to grep, so I am piping every grep action as follow:
grep -v term_to_grep_1 apache_access_log | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > apache_access_log_cleaned
Until here my rudimentary script works as expected! But I have many apache access logs, and I don't want to do that for every file. I have started to write a bash script but so far I couldn't make it work. This is my try:
for logs in ./access_logs/*;
cat $logs | grep -v term_to_grep | grep -v term_to_grep_2 | grep -v term_to_grep_3 | grep -v term_to_grep_n > $logs_clean
Could anyone point me out what I am doing wrong?
If you have a variable and you append _clean to its name, that's a new variable, and not the value of the old one with _clean appended. To fix that, use curly braces:
$ var=file.log
$ echo "<$var>"
$ echo "<$var_clean>"
$ echo "<${var}_clean>"
Without it, your pipeline tries to redirect to the empty string, which results in an error. Note that "$file"_clean would also work.
As for your pipeline, you could combine that into a single grep command:
grep -Ev 'term_to_grep|term_to_grep_2|term_to_grep_3|term_to_grep_n' "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
No cat needed, only a single invocation of grep.
Or you could stick all your terms into a file:
$ cat excludes
and then use the -f option:
grep -vf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
If your terms are strings and not regular expressions, you might be able to speed this up by using -F ("fixed strings"):
grep -vFf excludes "$logs" > "${logs}_clean"
I think GNU grep checks that for you on its own, though.
You are looping over several files, but in your loop you constantly overwrite your result file, so it will only contain the last result from the last file.
You don't need a loop, use this instead:
egrep -v 'term_to_grep|term_to_grep_2|term_to_grep_3' ./access_logs/* > "$logs_clean"
Note, it is always helpful to start a Bash script with set -eEuCo pipefail. This catches most common errors -- it would have stopped with an error when you tried to clobber the $logs_clean file.

How to grep while excluding some words?

I wanted to grep the word "force" but most of the output listed is from the command -force.
When I did grep -v "-force" filename , it says grep : orce most probably because of the -f command.
I just want to find a force signal from files using grep. How?
use grep -v -- "-force" - the double - signals that there are no more options being expected.
If you want to grep specific word from file then we can use cat command
# cat filename.txt | grep force
For other basic Commands
this line maybe simpler:
grep '[^-]force' tmp
it says: grep "force", but only if it does not has a prefix - by using [^]. See some simple regular expression examples here.
Use [-] to remove the special significance. Check this out:
> cat rand_file.txt
1. list items of random text
2. -force
3. look similar as the first batch
4. force
5. some random text
> grep -v "-force" rand_file.txt
grep: orce: No such file or directory
> grep -v "[-]force" rand_file.txt | grep force
4. force

Printing "#include" or the Whole File if not Found Linux Command Line

I am trying to figure out how to search a file for example test.txt for "#include" and print the first instance of it that is found. However if it is not found I want to print out the whole file. I can do the first part with grep "#include" test.txt | head -n 1 but can't seem to figure out how to include the second requirement.
grep -m 1 '#include' "$file" || cat "$file"
You can control grep's output in many ways with grep options.
grep exits non-success status if the match is not found.

Why does 'top | grep > file' not work?

I tested the following command, but it doesn't work.
$> top -b -d 1 | grep java > top.log
It doesn't use standard error. I checked that it uses standard output, but top.log is always empty. Why is this?
By default, grep buffers output which implies that nothing would be written to top.log until the grep output exceeds the size of the buffer (which might vary across systems).
Tell grep to use line buffering on output. Try:
top -b -d 1 | grep --line-buffered java > top.log
In my embedded machine, grep hadn't the --line-buffered option. So I used this workaround for my myself:
while :;do top -b -n 1 | grep java >> top.log;done &
By this way I could have a running monitor in the background for a program like "java" and keep all results in the file top.log.

Pipe output to use as the search specification for grep on Linux

How do I pipe the output of grep as the search pattern for another grep?
As an example:
grep <Search_term> <file1> | xargs grep <file2>
I want the output of the first grep as the search term for the second grep. The above command is treating the output of the first grep as the file name for the second grep. I tried using the -e option for the second grep, but it does not work either.
You need to use xargs's -i switch:
grep ... | xargs -ifoo grep foo file_in_which_to_search
This takes the option after -i (foo in this case) and replaces every occurrence of it in the command with the output of the first grep.
This is the same as:
grep `grep ...` file_in_which_to_search
grep ... | fgrep -f - file1 file2 ...
If using Bash then you can use backticks:
> grep -e "`grep ... ...`" files
the -e flag and the double quotes are there to ensure that any output from the initial grep that starts with a hyphen isn't then interpreted as an option to the second grep.
Note that the double quoting trick (which also ensures that the output from grep is treated as a single parameter) only works with Bash. It doesn't appear to work with (t)csh.
Note also that backticks are the standard way to get the output from one program into the parameter list of another. Not all programs have a convenient way to read parameters from stdin the way that (f)grep does.
I wanted to search for text in files (using grep) that had a certain pattern in their file names (found using find) in the current directory. I used the following command:
grep -i "pattern1" $(find . -name "pattern2")
Here pattern2 is the pattern in the file names and pattern1 is the pattern searched for
within files matching pattern2.
edit: Not strictly piping but still related and quite useful...
This is what I use to search for a file from a listing:
ls -la | grep 'file-in-which-to-search'
Okay breaking the rules as this isn't an answer, just a note that I can't get any of these solutions to work.
% fgrep -f test file
works fine.
% cat test | fgrep -f - file
fgrep: -: No such file or directory
% cat test | xargs -ifoo grep foo file
xargs: illegal option -- i
usage: xargs [-0opt] [-E eofstr] [-I replstr [-R replacements]] [-J replstr]
[-L number] [-n number [-x]] [-P maxprocs] [-s size]
[utility [argument ...]]
fails. Note that a capital I is necessary. If i use that all is good.
% grep "`cat test`" file
kinda works in that it returns a line for the terms that match but it also returns a line grep: line 3 in test: No such file or directory for each file that doesn't find a match.
Am I missing something or is this just differences in my Darwin distribution or bash shell?
I tried this way , and it works great.
[opuser#vjmachine abc]$ cat a
not problem
not to get
read problem
read not problem
[opuser#vjmachine abc]$ cat b
not problem xxy
problem abcd
read problem werwer
read not problem 98989
123 not problem 345
345 problem tyu
[opuser#vjmachine abc]$ grep -e "`grep problem a`" b --col
not problem xxy
problem abcd
read problem werwer
read not problem 98989
123 not problem 345
345 problem tyu
[opuser#vjmachine abc]$
You should grep in such a way, to extract filenames only, see the parameter -l (the lowercase L):
grep -l someSearch * | xargs grep otherSearch
Because on the simple grep, the output is much more info than file names only. For instance when you do
grep someSearch *
You will pipe to xargs info like this
filename1: blablabla someSearch blablabla something else
filename2: bla someSearch bla otherSearch
Piping any of above line makes nonsense to pass to xargs.
But when you do grep -l someSearch *, your output will look like this:
Such an output can be passed now to xargs
I have found the following command to work using $() with my first command inside the parenthesis to have the shell execute it first.
grep $(dig +short) file
I use this to look through files for an IP address when I am given a host name.
