How to start working with libvlc - libvlc

Hello I am very bad with c++ and I'd like to try to make a little custom video player that uses VLC as the back end.
I am using Windows with Visual Studio, and at the moment I have no idea how to get started with using the libvlc api.
Which files do I need to include? where do I get them? Can someone help?

You should use the libvlcpp c++ wrapper when targeting native Windows apps.


How to use YubiKey desktop SDK on macOS

I have an existing macOS cocoa app and I'd like to be able to support YubiKey to unlock my app. I've viewed the video on using the Desktop SDK for Windows and Mac but I have no idea how one uses a .NET library within a cocoa app or even if it's possible.
Can anyone clarify how to use this .NET library with a cocoa app? Do I build a framework with Visual Studio to then import into my app or perhaps make a Mac console app with VS? I don't even know where to get started on this.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Hololens won't start the app if I put a c#script in its content (il2cpp)

I'm a new hololensdeveloper and I recently made a Hololensproject using net scripting backend just because there were way more information on how to set it up and get it working with Visual Studio.
Now when I feel somewhat confident I decided to change it up to il2cpp, but I have a major issue.
Everytime I put a c#script(even empty ones) into any folder within the application the Hololens won't even start it. The screen goes black for some seconds and then returns me to the mainpage.
This feels strange as all the scripts from the HolotoolKit works fine and they are written with c#.
Im currently using
.Unity 2018.3.4f1
.HolotoolKit 2017
.Visual Studio 2017
Thank you!
SO after alot of time, I switched to Unity LTS and that fixed my problem. Feels bad that I have to rely on an older version.
If I remember correctly, using the HoloToolKit and not the mrtk v1 or v2, you should use Unity LTS 2017. Maybe thats the problem?
And I'm not sure if I understood you the right way. So you are building it in unity and than deploying it to the HoloLens without getting any errors in your console?
Also changing the scripting backend framework, means using a different build directory and If you are not doing that Unity should give you a message like "Build path contains project built with IL2CPP or .Net"

Can I use Visual Studio to develop Mono applications?

I have developed a .NET 4.5 application using WinForms. I want my application to run not only on Windows, but also on Linux, so I decided to port it to Mono.
However, I can't find any information on how to use Visual Studio for Mono. I don't want to switch to MonoDevelop, since VS provides much of the functionality I want and I am already familiar with it.
There apparently used to be something called Mono Tools for Visual Studio, which David Lively insists works on current VS editions, but I don't want to run an extension that was deprecated 3 years ago. I don't even know where to download the extension - it redirects to Xamarin, and Xamarin seems like not what I want because while it mentions VS integration, it forces me to install a bunch of Android and Java SDKs (why?).
As far as I can see, .NET and Mono code looks fairly similar, and there are 3 main concerns:
Making VS use the Mono compiler instead of the C# compiler, so I can tell if non-Windows users can compile my source, and also get notified about missing libraries
Making IntelliSense suggest only Mono-supported things
Making the "Run" command run the application using Mono, not .NET, so I can test it correctly
Is there really no easy way of accomplishing these?
Note: I want to develop Windows and Linux desktop apps, with a WinForms GUI or equivalent only. I am not interested in mobile.
In general, you can just target .NET 4.5 and compile with Visual Studio and the resulting assembly works as-is on Mono (assuming you don't use platform-specific stuff via p/invoke, etc).
Mono's WinForms support isn't perfect though (and nobody actively works on it), so you still need to test by running the app directly on Mono. Missing APIs aren't usually the problem, it's more that the Mono implementation has different behavior/bugs.
Another alternative to WinForms might be Xwt.

How to create custom keyboard using LUA and Corona?

There are some way to create custom keyboard code for iOS by Objective-C like this.
And some one for Android by Java like this question
So, Is it possible to create custom keyboard for Android or iOS by LUA in Corona ?
Can we integrate it to system keyboard of Android ?
Please guide me some ways, tutorial links or sample code.
If you are wanting to use the keyboard outside of the app then using Corona does not make sense. You would have to get the Enterprise version and then code it in iOS native an Android native then integrate it into Corona and even then I'm not sure its possible.
If you are making an app where keyboard is only to be used inside that app you can create an onscreen keyboard:

How to run C# 4.0 app on Linux OS using mono?

I want to run my c# application with OS Linux using Mono. I am new to this cross platform migration? Please tell the procedure for doing that?
Thanks & Regards.
It very much depends on what type of application it is. For a console or WinForms app, it may be simple. Mono doesn't support WPF.
Well, the first think you'll need to do is install Mono of course. Then you probably want to run MoMA to determine your application's compatibility. There's a whole separate page about porting WinForms apps.
If all is well, you should just be able to run your application using:
mono MyApplication.exe
after copying the binaries over.
If your application is actually a web service or web application, you'll want to think about the various hosting options.
I suspect you'll want to read a lot of the pages on the Mono Start Page.
Check if your application is 100% compatible with Mono Framework using MoMA.
Remove or replace those unimplemented parts with Mono's implementation or third party libraries that works with Mono. Or if you think it should work fine, just execute it with Mono Framework 2.8 or higher. Better go with 2.10 which is default's profile is on 4.0.
There is an IDE, MonoDevelop that supports Web and Desktop applications. Open the project files (monodevelop supports visual studio project files) from monodevelop, compile and run.
you can browse mono website here, where you can find which features are supported and which are not supported and why.
