cherrypy serve index.html at root (but not other files) - cherrypy

Using cherrypy, I am able to serve a static index.html file by using the below configuration information:
location = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
conf = {
'/': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': '',
'tools.staticdir.root': location,
'tools.staticdir.index': 'index.html'
cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/', conf)
However, in doing so it looks like I'm also exposing all of my files in the web root directory. For example, people can also download (which contains my cherrypy code).
Is there a way to get around this? I know that some people will attempt to access my site by doing and I don't want them to 404 each time, since cherrypy will only allow them to go to or this seems like a problem to me.

An urgent thing is to separate the code of static content. Create, for example, a 'static' directory, as shown.
And as for index.html, whether it should be an alias for '/', you can create methods, replacing their names on the occurrences of '.' . by '_', as explained here: cherrypy: respond to url that includes a dot?
An example:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
import cherrypy
class Root:
def index(self):
return "bla"
index_shtml = index_html = index_htm = index_php = index
location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'static')
conf = {
'/': {
'tools.staticdir.on': True,
'tools.staticdir.dir': '',
'tools.staticdir.root': location,
cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/', conf)


Next Js take several params in the root

Suppose, I want to take params region and lang in URLs like:{region}/{lang}{region}/{lang}/school
How do I do that? I tried Dynamic Routing, but it doesn't seem to work with the root index.js. How should I structure my folder tree?
/pages/[region]/[lang]/index.js Doesn't look like a valid one.
In your default exported component in /pages/[region]/[lang]/index.js you can use next/router - useRouter.
The query object will contain the region and lang parameters.
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
export const Page = () => {
const { query } = useRouter();
console.log({ query });
return <>My index page!</>;
export default Page;
to get the /school path simply add a school.js file in the same folder as index.js and get query params with useRouter as above.
Hey I believe there are couple ways,
Use dynamic routing for URLs like{region}/{lang}.
Create a "pages" folder with subfolders for each region and language. Inside each subfolder, have an "index.js" file.
Use a library like "next-routes" or "react-router" for routing.

gradle get relative resource path

When I iterate over source repository I do like this
def resourceDir = proj.sourceSets.main.output.resourcesDir
resourceDir.eachFileRecurse( { // only files will be recognized
file ->
def path = FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(file.toString())
if (FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.toString()) in supportedResourceExt) {
proj.logger.lifecycle("Reading file {}.", file)
In log it writes this
Reading file D:\PROJECT_FOLDER\project\subproject\subsubproject\build\resources\main\com\package\something\file.txt
How to get only the part starting with com\package\something\file.txt without explicitly reading it like file.substring(file.indexOf)?
Maybe it's posible to relativize it with project path somehow?
It seems that:
proj.logger.lifecycle("Reading file {}.", file.absolutePath - resourceDir.absolutePath)
should work. Can't check it right now.

Shoulda route matcher with subdomains

I am using shoulda matchers to test critical routes on Rails 4.2.1 with Ruby 2.2.0 on a new application. I just moved my API namespace to a subdomain, and I can't figure out how to get the shoulda routes matcher (or any other concise routes test) to work.
Here is some example code:
config/routes.rb (using versionist for versioning, but that shouldn't be relevant)
namespace :api, path: '', constraints: { subdomain: 'api'} do
api_version(module: 'V1',
path: {value: 'v1'},
defaults: {format: 'json'}, default: true) do
resources :bills, only: :index
module API
module V1
class Bill < APIVersionsController
def index
#bills = Bill.all.limit(10)
render json: #bills
module API
module V1
class RoutingTest < ActionController::TestCase
setup { = '' }
should route('/v1/bills')
.to(controller: :bill, action: :index, format: :json)
Before I was using a subdomain, should route('/api/v1/bills').to(action: :index, format: :json) in my BillsControllerTest worked just fine.
Now, when I run rake test, I get Minitest::Assertion: No route matches "/v1/bills".
I've tried putting this in the BillControllerTest (no change);
I've tried an integration test (route matcher doesn't work);
I've tried setting the host with setup { host! '' } and setup { = '' }
I've tried putting the full URL in the get request ( { get '' } );
and I've tried putting subdomain: 'api' and constraints: subdomain: 'api' anywhere that might make sense.
What is a concise way to do route testing with subdomains/what is the current best practice? Is there a way to get the shoulda route matcher to work with them?
This ended up being a simple fix. I just needed to add a subdomain constraint in the #to method and ensure the #route method had the full url:
module API
module V1
class RoutingTest < ActionController::TestCase
should route(:get, '')
subdomain: 'api',
format: :json)
Or, if you are in data_controller_test.rb,
module API
module V1
class DataControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
should route(:get, '')
.to(action: :index,
subdomain: 'api',
format: :json)

Returning static page by concrete path with Nginx

It is very easy, but I have not found a direct answer to this simple question
I have link like
and i need to return static page
which lies in directory
root /data/www/
location =/api/location/login {
root /data/www/;
how to return static page here?
Do not use "root" here, you'll get /data/www/api/location/login as a result. Use "alias" instead
location = /api/location/login {
alias /data/www/;
index login.html;

Variable project configuration is bound to in groovy axis plugin for jenkins

I have a multi-configuration build for which I'd like essentally one build to be run for each file matching foo/*/bar/*.xml. I figured the GroovyAxis Plugin would be a nice fit, but I cannot find any documentation on how the build configuration can be accessed from within the script, so I cannot read the workspace-directory from anywhere.
Running something like return new File('.').listFiles().collect{it.toString()} returns all files within the root directory of the server.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
It took a while to figure this out, but here is a solution. Note that since the Groovy script runs on the master, you must use FilePath to access the files on the slave.
import hudson.FilePath
def workspace = context?.build?.workspace
if (null == workspace) {
return ['noworkspace'] // avoid returning 'default' so the user has a chance of figuring out what went wrong
def configDir = workspace.toString() + '/openpower/configs/'
def dir = new FilePath(, configDir)
def files = []
dir.list().each {
def name = it.getName()
if (name.endsWith('_defconfig')) {
files << name.replace('_defconfig', '')
return files
