I get two integer's passed into a puppet class and I want to loop over resources based on the range of integers between the two. I can't quite figure out the syntax to do so. The best I have is similar to the following:
$end_int.each |$number| { if $number >= $start_int {...} }
Is there a better way to loop over a given integer range?
You can create an actual array and iterate that. Sadly, the stdlib range function will not yet accept actual numbers (at the time of writing this) so you will need to convert to String.
range("$start_int", "$end_int").each |$number| { ... }
Today Puppet accepts integers as arguments for range, so the accepted answer could be rephrased to:
range($start_int, $end_int).each |$number| { ... }
(so the quotes around $start_int and $end_ind are no longer necessary)
I've been trying use matchAll in node.js, but when I run the code and log the return value it only shows Object [RegExp String Iterator] {}.
Could you help me to understand why this is the case?
Be mindful of the types of things you are working with.
To quote the docs for String.prototype.matchAll:
The matchAll() method returns an iterator of all results matching a string against a regular expression, including capturing groups.
(Emphasis mine.)
So, you get an iterator. What is an iterator? Well, the docs say:
In JavaScript an iterator is an object which defines a sequence and potentially a return value upon its termination.
While it is easy to imagine that all iterators could be expressed as arrays, this is not true. Arrays must be allocated in their entirety, but iterators are consumed only as necessary. Because of this, iterators can express sequences of unlimited size, such as the range of integers between 0 and Infinity.
So, matchAll will only do the actual work of finding the next match when you ask for it, by asking for next value of the iterator, and the amount of state that has to be kept won't increase that much with a longer string because not all matches have to be remembered at once. That's the beauty of iterators (and their opposite part, generators).
This is also why you won't see all the results in your console when printing the iterator - otherwise, a matchAll on a very very large string would cause a long delay and high CPU usage when its return value is merely logged to the console, which wouldn't make sense.
You can use the result of matchAll in a for of loop, which will look for the next match every time the loop repeats:
for (const match of 'abcde'.matchAll(/./g)) {
// Prints 5 times something like ['a', index: 0, input: 'abcde', groups: undefined ]
Or, if you are willing to forgo the benefit of on-demand matching, you can extract all values from the iterator at once and fit them into an array using either spread syntax or Array.from:
const allMatches = [...'abcde'.matchAll(/./g)]
// - or -
const allMatches = Array.from('abcde'.matchAll(/./g))
(In fact, the spread syntax is shown in the example at the very top of the matchAll docs too.)
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
I'm using return-rw but I'd like to only use return where possible. I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
class Foo {
has %.attrs;
submethod BUILD { %!attrs{'bar'} = 'bar' }
# multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
# say 'read-only';
# return %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
# }
multi method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) {
say 'read-write';
return-rw %!attrs{$name} if %!attrs«$name»:exists;
my $foo = Foo.new;
say $foo.bar;
$foo.bar = 'baz';
say $foo.bar;
This feels a bit like a X-Y question, so let's simplify the example, and see if that answers helps in your decisions.
First of all: if you return the "value" of a non-existing key in a hash, you are in fact returning a container that will auto-vivify the key in the hash when assigned to:
my %hash;
sub get($key) { return-rw %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Please note that you need to use return-rw here to ensure the actual container is returned, rather than just the value in the container. Alternately, you can use the is raw trait, which allows you to just set the last value:
my %hash;
sub get($key) is raw { %hash{$key} }
get("foo") = 42;
dd %hash; # Hash %hash = {:foo(42)}
Note that you should not use return in that case, as that will still de-containerize again.
To get back to your question:
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
class Foo {
has %!attrs;
has %!unexpected;
method TWEAK() { %!attrs<bar> = 'bar' }
method FALLBACK(Str:D $name, *#rest) is raw {
if %!attrs{$name}:exists {
else {
This would either return the container found in the hash, or record the access to the unknown key and return an immutable Any.
Regarding plan B, recording changes: for that you could use a Proxy object for that.
Hope this helps in your quest.
Liz's answer is full of useful info and you've accepted it but I thought the following might still be of interest.
How to know if returning an l-value ... ?
Let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
You would have to test the value. To deal with Scalars, you must test the .VAR of the value. (For non-Scalar values the .VAR acts like a "no op".) I think (but don't quote me) that Scalar|Array|Hash covers all the l-value super-types:
my \value = 42; # Int is an l-value is False
my \l-value-one = $; # Scalar is an l-value is True
my \l-value-too = #; # Array is an l-value is True
say "{.VAR.^name} is an l-value is {.VAR ~~ Scalar|Array|Hash}"
for value, l-value-one, l-value-too
How to know if returning an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value ... ?
Again, let's start by ignoring the FALLBACK clause.
This is a completely different question than "How to know if returning an l-value ... ?". I think it's the core of your question.
Afaik, the answer is, you need to anticipate how the returned value will be used. If there's any chance it'll be used as an l-value, and you want that usage to work, then you need to return an l-value. The language/compiler can't (or at least doesn't) help you make that decision.
Consider some related scenarios:
my $baz := foo.bar;
... (100s of lines of code) ...
$baz = 42;
Unless the first line returns an l-value, the second line will fail.
But the situation is actually much more immediate than that:
routine-foo = 42;
routine-foo is evaluated first, in its entirety, before the lhs = rhs expression is evaluated.
Unless the compiler's resolution of the routine-foo call somehow incorporated the fact that the very next thing to happen would be that the lhs will be assigned to, then there would be no way for a singly or multiply dispatched routine-foo to know whether it can safely return an r-value or must return an l-value.
And the compiler's resolution does not incorporate that. Thus, for example:
multi term:<bar> is rw { ... }
multi term:<bar> { ... }
bar = 99; # Ambiguous call to 'term:<bar>(...)'
I can imagine this one day (N years from now) being solved by a combination of allowing = to be an overloadable operator, robust macros that allow overloading of = being available, and routine resolution being modified so the above ambiguous call could do something equivalent to resolving to the is rw multi. But I doubt it will actually come to pass even with N=10. Perhaps there is another way but I can't think of one at the moment.
How can I know if I actually need to return an l-value when using FALLBACK?
Again, adding "when using FALLBACK" makes no difference to the answer.
I want to track if I've actually modified %!attrs or have only just read the value when FALLBACK was called.
When FALLBACK is called it doesn't know what context it's being called in -- r-value or l-value. Any modification comes after it has already returned.
In other words, whatever solution you come up with will being nothing to do per se with FALLBACK (even if you have to use it to implement some other aspect of whatever it is you're trying to do).
(Even if it were, I suspect trying to solve it via FALLBACK itself would just make matters worse. One can imagine writing two FALLBACK multis, one with an is rw trait, but, as explained above, my imagination doesn't stretch to that making any difference any time soon, if ever, and could only happen if the above imaginary things happened (the macros etc.) and the compiler was also modified to pay attention to the two FALLBACK multi variants, and I'm not at all meaning to suggest that that even makes sense.)
Plan B
Or (alternate plan B) can I attach a callback or something similar to my %!attrs to monitor for changes?
As Lizmat notes, that's the realm of Proxys. And thus your next SO question... :)
During an interview, I was asked the time complexity of the following algorithm:
static bool SetContainsString(string searchString, HashSet<string> setOfStrings)
for (int i = 0; i < searchString.Length; i++)
var segment = searchString.Substring(0, i + 1);
if (setOfStrings.Contains(segment))
var remainingSegment = searchString.Substring(segment.Length);
if (remainingSegment == "") return true;
return SetContainsString(remainingSegment, setOfStrings);
return false;
I answered "linear" because it appears to me to loop only through the length of searchString. Yes, it is recursive, but the recursive call is only on the portion of the string that has not yet been iterated over, so the end result number of iterations is the length of the string.
I was told by my interviewer that the time complexity in the worst case is exponential.
Can anyone help me clarify this? If I am wrong, I need to understand why.
I believe that your interviewer was incorrect here. Here’s how I’d argue why the time complexity isn’t exponential:
Each call to the function either makes zero or one recursive call.
Each recursive call reduces the length of the string by at least one.
This bounds the total number of recursive calls at O(n), where n is the length of the input string. Each individual recursive call does a polynomial amount of work, so the total work done is some polynomial.
I think the reason your interviewer was confused here is that the code given above - which I think is supposed to check if a string can be decomposed into one or more words - doesn’t work correctly in all cases. In particular, notice that the recursion works by always optimistically grabbing the first prefix it finds that’s a word and assuming that what it grabbed is the right way to split the word apart. But imagine you have a word like “applesauce.” If you pull off “a” and try to recursively form “pplesauce,” you’ll incorrectly report that the word isn’t a compound because theres no way to decompose “pplesauce.” To fix this, you’d need to change the recursive call to something like this:
if (SetContainsString(...)) return true;
This way, if you pick the wrong split, you’ll go on to check the other possible splits you can make. That variant on the code does take exponential time in the worst case because it can potentially revisit the same substrings multiple times, and I think that’s what the interviewer incorrectly thought you were doing.
I want to a drop a great number of string variables that contain the word "Other" in their observations. As such, I tried the following loop to drop all the variables:
foreach var of varlist v1-v240 {
drop `var' if `var'=="Other"
What I get in return is the answer "syntax error". I would like to know not only a way to perform the task of dropping all the variables that contain the word "Other", but also why the code that I've entered returns an error.
The short answer on why your syntax is illegal, which #Dimitriy Masterov doesn't quite spell out, is that drop supports just two syntaxes, which can't be mixed, dropping variables and dropping observations. This is documented: see e.g. http://www.stata.com/help.cgi?drop and the corresponding on-line help and manual entry within Stata.
In addition to other solutions, findname from the Stata Journal would allow this solution:
findname, any(# == "Other")
drop `r(varlist)'
Your interpretation of contain is evidently 'is equal to' judging by your use of == as an operator, echoed above. If contain really means 'includes as substring', then you need a syntax such as
any(strpos(#, "Other"))
any(regexm(#, "Other"))
as #Dimitriy also explains.
If they are actual strings, this should work:
sysuse auto, clear
ds, has(type string) // get a list of string variables
// loop over each string variable, count observations that contain Buick anywhere, and drop the variable if N>0
foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
count if regexm(`var',"Buick")
if r(N)>0 {
drop `var'
If "contains" means only contains, then you need to use "^Buick$" instead or
count if `var'=="Buick"
Beware of leading/trailing spaces.
The if qualifier restricts the scope of a command to those observations for which the value of the expression is true. Your code errors because you are asking Stata to drop a variable (a column) if some observations (rows) satisfy a condition. You could use the if qualifier to drop those observations or you can drop a variable, but not both simultaneously. My code uses the if command (a different beast) to verify the condition, and then drops the variable if that condition is satisfied.
You might be tempted to do something like
if `var'=="Other" {
drop `var'
but that will usually not work as expected (it would drop the variable only if the first observation was "Other").
There are some other questions on here that are similar but sufficiently different that I need to pose this as a fresh question:
I have created an empty class, lets call it Test. It doesn't have any properties or methods. I then iterate through a map of key/value pairs, dynamically creating properties named for the key and containing the value... like so:
def langMap = [:]
langMap.each { key,val ->
Test.metaClass."${key}" = val
Now I can access these from a new method created like this:
Test.metaClass.twoPlusThree = { return Two + Three }
println test.twoPlusThree()
What I would like to do though, is dynamically load a set of instructions from a String, like "Two + Three", create a method on the fly to evaluate the result, and then iteratively repeat this process for however many strings containing expressions that I happen to have.
a) First off, is there simply a better and more elegant way to do this (Based on the info I have given) ?
b) Assuming this path is viable, what is the syntax to dynamically construct this closure from a string, where the string references variable names valid only within a method on this class?
I think the correct answer depends on what you're actually trying to do. Can the input string be a more complicated expression, like '(Two + Six) / Four'?
If you want to allow more complex expressions, you may want to directly evaluate the string as a Groovy expression. Inside the GroovyConsole or a Groovy script, you can directly call evaluate, which will evaluate an expression in the context of that script:
def numNames = 'Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine'.split()
// Add each numer name as a property to the script.
numNames.eachWithIndex { name, i ->
this[name] = i
println evaluate('(Two + Six) / Four') // -> 2
If you are not in one of those script-friendly worlds, you can use the GroovyShell class:
def numNames = 'Zero One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine'.split()
def langMap = [:]
numNames.eachWithIndex { name, i -> langMap[name] = i }
def shell = new GroovyShell(langMap as Binding)
println shell.evaluate('(Two + Six) / Four') // -> 2
But, be aware that using eval is very risky. If the input string is user-generated, i would not recommend you going this way; the user could input something like "rm -rf /".execute(), and, depending on the privileges of the script, erase everything from wherever that script is executed. You may first validate that the input string is "safe" (maybe checking it only contains known operators, whitespaces, parentheses and number names) but i don't know if that's safe enough.
Another alternative is defining your own mini-language for those expressions and then parsing them using something like ANTLR. But, again, this really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.