how to "dont vote twice" mechanism - node.js

I was thinking of creating a voting app. The general idea is
browse a gallery
an awesome pic grabs your attention
hit the vote button underneath it
code magic happens
vote is counted
at a certain date, vote buttons become non-active and the app counts
the votes
This will be a web app, which means html5-css3-express.js-redis framework, or something similar.
How can I ensure that the user cannot vote for the same pic twice? By making him sign up? Huge procedure for just a voting app, dont you think? Plus, I guess I will also need a CAPTCHA thing to avoid unwanted, mass sign up.
But if I use coockies of HTML5 local Storage API, what is stopping the same user to clear his/her coockies and vote for the same pic again and again?
What is the best method?
Thanks alot

The most secure way is by using accounts to keep track of who has voted. Accounts are easy to implement in your application and you don't even need to hold the account data yourself if you use a service like Passport.js. You'll likely have a database set up already which makes it easy to keep account data as well.
The other method is to keep track of IP addresses but this has some issues (say, if a user uses a proxy). Also an IP address will cover all clients on a network means if one person votes on an image, all others will be unable to afterwards.

Easy way may be using npm package mongoose-voting where all logic for voting is already implemented.
There is also requirement for keeping track of users, so if you don't want a user to sign-up, you can automatically create a user by using the visitor’s IP address as the user’s ID.
There are many ways to manipulate vote results, but at the level you described, most of them are unnecessary.

well you dont need to build a login system these days as you can use any of the open id login authentication.E.g providers are facebook, google, yahoo and twitter.


Advice on whether possible to display iframe already authenticated (credentials)

I have a problem that I need to solve for my client. The situation is that they have a lot of users on one platform (platform_1). In order to use the platform a user must be signed in, therefore these users (credentials) are given out to clients for them to use the platform. The problem is that one user (one set of credentials) may be given out to a few clients, therefore we cannot know which of the clients did what (in this case - bought something) on the platform.
Figured I would just create a new system where the client can be created and a set of credentials would be attached to that account, then I would just display an iframe of that platform (platform_1) with the attached credentials on the newly build platform and then I would be able to track what the user is doing in the platform.
But turns out iframe cannot handle credentials and also it would not be safe to use this method..
Also thought about scraping the whole platfrom (platform_1), which would work, but then I believe it would be extremely hard to do live auctions, for example scrape the live auction and display it on my system and let the user click on some buttons and the script would do the same on the platform_1, but the delays and overall usage could make it very hard.
I would like to kindly ask you to share your thoughts on ways this problem could be solved or whether it aint possible.

Generate secure shareable URL for access to web app (NodeJS)

I am building an application in NodeJS + Express where teams can share information with one and other and chat (kind of like an internal messaging forum).
Sometimes there is a need for the team's clients to view and edit some of this stored information on a case by case basis (e.g. a client asks a question and wants to message back and forth with the team, using my app). I don't want the client to have to sign up for an account in this case.
I am thus wondering what is the most secure strategy for generating a URL where anyone with the URL can view and edit a document/POST data to my app within the confines of a single document, without signing in?
(I've seen a couple of posts on this topic but they're quite old and don't focus on this specific case.)
First of all, I can absolutely understand the benefits, but still it is not an optimal idea. However, I would like to summarize some thoughts and recommendations that will help you with the development:
A link like this should not be able to perform critical actions or read highly sensitive data.
Access should be unique and short-lived. For example, the customer could enter his e-mail address or mobile phone number and receive an access code.
If you generate random URLs, they should be generated in a secure random manner (e.g. uuid provides a way to create cryptographically-strong random values).
If I had to design this I would provide as little functionality as possible. Also, the administrator would have to enter a trusted email address and/or mobile phone number when releasing the document. The URL with a UUIDv4 is then sent to this channel and when the customer clicks on the link, he gets a short-lived access code on a separate channel if possible (on the same channel if only one was configured). This way you prevent the danger of an unauthorized person accessing the document in case a customer forwards the original URL out of stupidity.

Spotify app - allowed to save user settings by username?

I have a Spotify app and want to persist basic settings per user between sessions. I see the User object has a username field, so it would be easy to do this using my own backend. My question is, is this allowed, without requiring the user to log in, agree to some TOS, etc? Every app I see that persists any data requires me to log in with Facebook.
Usernames are typically obfuscated out in the Spotify API, so they're not the best thing to use. However, the anonymous ID for the user is the same for a given user/app ID combo across multiple machines, so you could use that instead. This sort of thing is what we designed the anonymous ID for, so you're good to go on the ToS front.
I can't find anything that restricts you from load/storing data from your own servers and I've seen 'you'd have to use your own server' suggested in a number of questions.
Not sure why other apps would involve FB - probably to get more info from the user or promote their product.
You should use the User's URI instead of their username though. I would expect it be more stable than the username and less likely to be little Bobby Tables.

How do you ensure single submit to API without login

We're working on a new opensource tool that enabled users to vote. No login is required for this.
Now here's the challenge: how can we ensure the API is only called once per day from a specific machine without requiring the user to login?
We think this can be easily spoofed, but perhaps there are solutions that we haven't thought about.
There isn't a full proof solution if you're not going to require users to register on your site/app. Since you're not requiring them to register/login, then you're limited to two options: Unique votes by IP or by cookie.
IP Address
Easy to implement by storing the IP address of the vote in a data store then referencing that the next time a vote comes in from the same IP. However, many ISPs such as AOL could use the same IP address (via proxy) for multiple users. As a result you'll be preventing those who haven't cast a vote to be able to vote.
This approach will be more client specific, meaning once they vote from that machine they won't be able to vote again. However, this is even less robust since the user can delete the cookie and vote again (or open a different browser on the same machine that doesn't have the cookie).
In short, if you can't force the user to register and establish uniqueness in your system, you could rely on either solution above but they won't be robust and will come with their own limitations.

How to Check for Shared Accounts

We have an application that includes a voting component.
To try and minimise voter fraud we allow N number of votes from the same IP address within a specific period. If this limit is hit we ignore the IP address for a while.
The issue with this approach is if a group of people from a school or similar vote they quickly hit the number. Their voting can also occur very quickly (e.g. a user in the class asks his classmates to vote which causes a large number in a short period).
We can look to set a cookie on the user's computer to help determine if they are sharing accounts or check the user agent string and use that too.
Apart from tracking by IP, what other strategies do people use to determine if a user is a legitimate or a shared account when the actual IP is shared?
If your goal is to prevent cheating in on-line voting, the answer is: you can't, unless you use something like SSL client certificates (cumbersome).
Some techniques to make it harder would be using some kind of one time token sent trough e-mail or SMS. Every smart kid knows how to cheat control cookies using privacy mode of modern web browsers.
