Spotify app - allowed to save user settings by username? - spotify

I have a Spotify app and want to persist basic settings per user between sessions. I see the User object has a username field, so it would be easy to do this using my own backend. My question is, is this allowed, without requiring the user to log in, agree to some TOS, etc? Every app I see that persists any data requires me to log in with Facebook.

Usernames are typically obfuscated out in the Spotify API, so they're not the best thing to use. However, the anonymous ID for the user is the same for a given user/app ID combo across multiple machines, so you could use that instead. This sort of thing is what we designed the anonymous ID for, so you're good to go on the ToS front.

I can't find anything that restricts you from load/storing data from your own servers and I've seen 'you'd have to use your own server' suggested in a number of questions.
Not sure why other apps would involve FB - probably to get more info from the user or promote their product.
You should use the User's URI instead of their username though. I would expect it be more stable than the username and less likely to be little Bobby Tables.


Should I use cookies, sessions, or user accounts?

I'm trying to develop a website for reviewing TV series, and I want to limit the rating for a show to one rating per user, and I kind of have no idea where to start, since I'm very new to web development. I'm using Vue.js on the front-end; Node.js with Express on the back-end.
From what I understand, cookies should not be suitable for this purpose since they can be deleted by the user, am I right?
I've also read about sessions and how they are stored on the server rather than the browser (but I also don't know what sessions are or how to implement them).
There's also the user registration system possibility. So, which one of these methods should I use for this purpose?
If you could also tell me about where to start (direct me to tutorials, code snippets, ..) I would be really grateful. Thanks.
Like said by Mr. Anonymous, you need User Accounts. However you could achieve this using in your case, for example, expressjs/session to create sessions and passport.js for the user authentication part.
Here there is a simple tutorial using these two libraries and mongo-db for saving user data.
If you want implement your own session library (only for learning purpose), you can follow these advices.
You need to use all 3 and if your new to web development this will take you some time to get right. You will need user registration, a login system, and when users log in you will create sessions ( which internally use cookies) and if you want them to login with "remember me" you need to explicitly use cookies.
This is how express/your-web-app will remember that a user is logged in. Under the hood its using cookies on the users machine that map to ids stored in memory on your server. Without sessions and cookies your users will have to log in on every page....You don't have to worry about how sessions use cookies yourself. There is express middleware libraries that handle this for you so you just interact with sessions like any other object, but its good to know that sessions internally use cookies. You can find lots of articles expanding on this.
You will explicitly have to create cookies if you want to give your users the "Remember Me" login option. If you don't care about that then you can force them to log in and then create a session so they wont have to log in again for 20 mins or however long you want.
User Accounts
User accounts are records in a database that uniquely identify each user. The sessions and cookies all point back to this. That is where your store your users information such as their username, email, and whether or not they have already voted on a TV series. When a user logs in you lookup their identity in your database and if you find one you then create a session so they don't have log in again as they navigate your site for a set amount of time.
Start small. Forget about Vue.js for now and use plain HTML until you understand these basic components sessions, cookies, and how to build a login and registration page. If, and I respectfully mean if, you get that working then you can work on making it look pretty and fancy in the front using Vue.js.

how to "dont vote twice" mechanism

I was thinking of creating a voting app. The general idea is
browse a gallery
an awesome pic grabs your attention
hit the vote button underneath it
code magic happens
vote is counted
at a certain date, vote buttons become non-active and the app counts
the votes
This will be a web app, which means html5-css3-express.js-redis framework, or something similar.
How can I ensure that the user cannot vote for the same pic twice? By making him sign up? Huge procedure for just a voting app, dont you think? Plus, I guess I will also need a CAPTCHA thing to avoid unwanted, mass sign up.
But if I use coockies of HTML5 local Storage API, what is stopping the same user to clear his/her coockies and vote for the same pic again and again?
What is the best method?
Thanks alot
The most secure way is by using accounts to keep track of who has voted. Accounts are easy to implement in your application and you don't even need to hold the account data yourself if you use a service like Passport.js. You'll likely have a database set up already which makes it easy to keep account data as well.
The other method is to keep track of IP addresses but this has some issues (say, if a user uses a proxy). Also an IP address will cover all clients on a network means if one person votes on an image, all others will be unable to afterwards.
Easy way may be using npm package mongoose-voting where all logic for voting is already implemented.
There is also requirement for keeping track of users, so if you don't want a user to sign-up, you can automatically create a user by using the visitor’s IP address as the user’s ID.
There are many ways to manipulate vote results, but at the level you described, most of them are unnecessary.
well you dont need to build a login system these days as you can use any of the open id login authentication.E.g providers are facebook, google, yahoo and twitter.

Is this safe for client side code?

I'm writing a GWT application where users login and interact with their profile. I understand that each form entry needs to be validated on the server, however, I am unsure about potential security issues once the user has logged in.
Let me explain. My application (the relevant parts) works as follows:
1 - user enters email/pass
2 - this info is sent back to the server, a DB is queried, passwords are checked (which are salted and hashed)
3. if the passwords match the profile associated w/ the email, this is considered success
Now I am unsure whether or not it is safe to pass the profile ID back to the client, which would then be used to query the DB for information relevant to the user to be displayed on the profile page.
Is there a possibility for a potential user to manually provide this profile ID and load a profile that way? My concern is that somebody w/ bad intentions could, if they knew the format of the profile ID, load an arbitrary amount of information from my DB without providing credentials.
What you are dealing with here is a session management issue. Ideally, you want a way to keep track of logged in users (using random values as the session key), know how long they have been idle, be able to extend sessions as the user is using the site, and expire sessions.
Simply passing the profile ID to the client, and relying on it to send it back for each request is not sufficient - you are correct with your concern.
You want to keep a list of sessions with expiration times in a database. Every time an action is executed that needs user permissions (which should be pretty much everything), check to see if the session is still valid, if it is, extend it by however long you want. If it is expired, kill the session completely and log the user out.
You can store your session keys in a cookie (you have to trust the client at some point), but make sure they are non-deterministic and have a very large keyspace so it cannot be brute forced to get a valid session.
Since you're logging a user in, you must be using a backend that supports sessions (PHP, .Net, JAVA, etc), as Stefan H. said. That means that you shouldn't keep any ids on your client side, since a simple id substitution might grant me full access to another user's account (depending on what functionality you expose on your client, of course).
Any server request to get sensitive info (or for any admin actions) for the logged in user should look something like getMyCreditCard(), setMyCreditCard(), etc (note that no unique ids are passed in).
Is there a possibility for a potential user to manually provide this profile ID and load a profile that way? My concern is that somebody w/ bad intentions could, if they knew the format of the profile ID, load an arbitrary amount of information from my DB without providing credentials.
Stefan H is correct that you can solve this via session management if your session keys are unguessable and unfixable.
Another way to solve it is to use crypto-primitives to prevent tampering with the ID.
For example, you can store a private key on your server and use it to sign the profile ID. On subsequent requests, your server can trust the profile ID if it passes the signature check.
Rule 1 - Avoid cooking up your own security solution and use existing tested approaches.
Rule 2 - If your server side is java then you should be thinking along the lines of jsessionid. Spring Security will give you a good starting point to manage session ids with additional security features. There will be similar existing frameworks across php too (i did not see server side language tags in the question).
Rule 3 - With GWT you come across javascript based security issues with Google Team documents and suggests XSRF and XSS security prevention steps. Reference -

External login options for Sharepoint?

We have a Sharepoint Project Management site up and is active amongst our clients. The site url looks like this:[client_name]
Each of our clients has to remember (or bookmark) this long url; the users of this site are not very savvy. They fumble with it all the time. We also do not want clients to know who each other are; so client 1 shouldn't know that client 2 is a client.
We would like to put a login form on our website, prompting for user id and password. Then we would like to be able to route the user based on a successful authentication, to the specific web that is theirs.
Is there a good clean way to make this happen? Is forms authentication the way to go? Are there drawbacks to using forms authentication?
Given my url structure, would this approach work?
Update: I'm not particularly interested in a solution that requires two weeks of effort on the part of a programmer/admin to setup, nor am I particularly interested in one of the commercial solutions that are $4k-8k. I was hoping to discover a pretty straightforward way to get this done in under a day of effort.
Yes, you can implement it using FBA.
However, if you use only the user ID and the password, the user IDs across all websites will need to be unique (i.e. if client 1 creates a john.smith user ID, client 2 will have to use john-smith or johnsmith or something completely different). The easy solution is to ask additionally for the company name on the login form, the user ID and the password, but then you'll probably have to handle different ways the users will enter the company name (i.e. acme, ACME, Acme, Acme Ltd, Acme Inc, Acme Inc.).
You can also consider host-named site collections and have URLs like The downside is that you cannot use Central Administration to create a host-named site collection - you can do it by using PowerShell or custom code.
Generally it is highly unlikely you will find a free solution to get your task done in under a day of effort - admittedly, SharePoint does support FBA, but does not provide basic things like a login form, a change password form or user management; you need to create them yourself or use some existing solution (e.g. SharePoint 2010 FBA Pack).
If you want to separate users and also make URL's more sweet you have a two ways.
Create a web applications per user.
Create one application with multi tenancy support. Check more on this Spence's Harbar article.
Second approach is more flexible, but harder to implement, and if you plan to have many clients (more than 50) it's the only way.

Facebook Javascript SDK security

I'm in the process of using the facebook javascript sdk to provide user login functionality for a website.
What I'd like to do is simply take the logged in user's unique facebook id and then put/fetch data to/from a mysql database using the id to determine what data is available to said user.
However I don't really feel like this is very secure. Whilst I'm not storing anything sensitive like credit-card details etc, I'd obviously prefer it to be as secure as practically possible.
My fear is that with javascript being what is it, someone could fake the facebook id and just pull whatever they wanted.
I'm aware that the php sdk would provide a solid solution to this problem, but i like the javascript one mainly because it's easy to use and I have the basis of it set up (I admit it, I'm lazy).
So, my questions are:
Would this set up be as insecure as I feel it might be?
Is there anything I can do to improve the security of such a system, other than switching to the php sdk?
Facebook Ids are pretty hard to make up (at most a user will only know their own). Depending on what you store in the database (which will not be anything that the user cannot get on their own, unless you ask for extended permissions)
If you are worried about a user trying to get information from the database, add an access token or signed request to each row and us that and facebook id to get data. That will greatly increase security.
There are few occasions where you get a signed request from a user:
* A signed_request is passed to Apps on when they are loaded into the Facebook environment
* A signed_request is passed to any app that has registered an Deauthorized Callback in the Developer App whenever a given user removes the app using the App Dashboard
* A signed_request is passed to apps that use the Registration Plugin whenever a user successfully registers with their app
Signed requests will contain a user id only if the use has accepted permissions though, and are not passed again if the user enters the application, and accepts permissions (meaning that the signed request would not contain the ID). Because of this saving an access token may be a better idea. Here is more on the signed request
Also the signed request is in the url (param = "signed_request"). I always parse it through c# but I am sure you can at least get one through javascript
It's pretty easy to spoof the origin using curl. I'd imagine Facebook has another mecanism in place to make this possible. If you inspect their code, it appears that they generate an iframe and pass requests through. If I had to guess, they have setup the requests to only be made from the Facebook domain, and ensure that the iframe can only be embedded in a page that has a white listed domain.
