raphael - SVG should be hidden when overflowing background SVG - svg

var content = paper.text (70, 54, "3").attr({
"font-size": "120px",
"font-weight": "600",
'fill': 'red',
I want the content of the triangle not to be visible outside of the triangle. The black background is the only place where the content should be visible on, not outside of that. is there a way to make something like to hide content that overflows the shape of the black triangle background ?


am5charts pie of pie change the legend color text to red

How can I change the font color of the text below? my background is dark.
my jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/theg99/2vsnmb16/1/
I did mange to change the colors of the lines with:
var line0 = container.children.push(
am5.Line.new(root, {
position: "absolute",
stroke: root.interfaceColors.get("text"),
strokeDasharray: [2, 2],
stroke: am5.color('#0xFFFFFF'), //<--I added this, but whats for text?
It looks like this should work:
subSeries.labels.template.set("fill", am5.color(0xff0000));
This changes all the labels on your second chart - is that what you're looking for?

In hummus js how can i draw a filled rectangle with transparent?

How can I draw a rectangle with a transparent color?
I tried the below code. I am using hummusjs for modifying pdf.
cxt.drawRectangle(x,y,width,height,{type: 'fill',
color: '#eeeeee',
opacity: 0.9});
If your intention is to draw a rectangle without fill and only containing borders, try this:
cxt.drawRectangle(x,y,width,height,{type: 'stroke',
color: '#eeeeee',
opacity: 0.9});

Pygame: Fill transparent areas of text with a color

I have several fonts that I would like to use that are basically outlines of letters, but the insides are transparent. How would I go about filling only the inside areas of these fonts with with a color? I suspect it would be using the special blitting RGBA_BLEND modes, but I am not familiar with their functionality.
Here is an example of the font I am using:
Right now, I am simply rendering the font onto a surface, and I've written a helper function for that. Ideally I would be able to integrate this into my function.
def renderText(surface, text, font, color, position):
x, y = position[0], position[1]
width, height = font.size(text)
position = x-width//2, y-height//2
render = font.render(text, 1, color)
surface.blit(render, position)
Thank you so much for any help you can give me!
An option is to define a surface the size of the text, fill that with the color you want, and blit the text on that. For example you could do this:
text = font.render('Hello World!', True, (255, 255, 255)
temp_surface = pygame.Surface(text.get_size())
temp_surface.fill((192, 192, 192))
temp_surface.blit(text, (0, 0))
screen.blit(temp_surface, (0, 0))
This will create a temporary surface that should fill in the transparent pixels of a text surface. There is another option of using set_at() but its too expensive in processing power for what you are doing and is best used for pre-processing surfaces.
Im certain that a better option using BLEND_RGBA_MULT will come from a more experienced user. Im not too good at blending modes either.

About skia antialias

Recently I'm learning skia library(google open source 2d engine,be used on Android and chromium,etc.),Now I want to use it on windows instead of GDI+ dont support clip area with antialias,during it, I find a problem about pixel.
up is set antialias,down is not set antialias
the main code is:
canvas.drawRect(skrect,paint); //draw up rect
skrect.fTop += 110;
skrect.fBottom += 110;
canvas.drawRect(skrect, paint); //draw down rect
As you see,the same rect,if I not set Antialias,the boundary pixel is 1(I set strock width is 1),but if I set Antialias, the boundary pixel is 2,and it become a bit light,although I set color is black.
I dont konw why,anyone can tell me?
now,maybe I konw.
the skia library canvas should be like Html5`s canvas ,Canvas every line have an infinite thin "line", the width of the line from the center line to stretch,so if we draw a 1px line,in fact,it will fill two of 0.5 pixel point,but the display device dont allow it do that,so it will fill 2 pixel point,and set it color more light to differentiate real 2 pixels .
I will search more material to prove it.
This happens because OpenGL assumes that each pixel is centered at [0.5; 0.5]. The rasterizer have to draw indeed two pixels and interpolate the alpha. Read more here
If you would like to draw sharp 1px lines with antialiasing turned on just offset coordinates of a line or other figure with 0.5f.
For example a point at [10; 10] should have coordinates [10.5; 10.5] and so on

d3d9 render animated cursor is slow

i use d3d9 to draw a animated cursor.
first i load the animated cursor frome a texture, and i create two 32*32 offscreen plain surface suf1_, suf2_.
every frame, i update the cursor rect in the texture, then
D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface(suf1_, 0, 0, textureSurface, 0, rect, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0);
device->SetCursorProperties(0, 0, suf2_);
std::swap(suf1_, suf2_);
but it's too slow.
so how to make it fast? any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks.
