d3d9 render animated cursor is slow - direct3d

i use d3d9 to draw a animated cursor.
first i load the animated cursor frome a texture, and i create two 32*32 offscreen plain surface suf1_, suf2_.
every frame, i update the cursor rect in the texture, then
D3DXLoadSurfaceFromSurface(suf1_, 0, 0, textureSurface, 0, rect, D3DX_DEFAULT, 0);
device->SetCursorProperties(0, 0, suf2_);
std::swap(suf1_, suf2_);
but it's too slow.
so how to make it fast? any suggestion will be appreciated, thanks.


About skia antialias

Recently I'm learning skia library(google open source 2d engine,be used on Android and chromium,etc.),Now I want to use it on windows instead of GDI+ dont support clip area with antialias,during it, I find a problem about pixel.
up is set antialias,down is not set antialias
the main code is:
canvas.drawRect(skrect,paint); //draw up rect
skrect.fTop += 110;
skrect.fBottom += 110;
canvas.drawRect(skrect, paint); //draw down rect
As you see,the same rect,if I not set Antialias,the boundary pixel is 1(I set strock width is 1),but if I set Antialias, the boundary pixel is 2,and it become a bit light,although I set color is black.
I dont konw why,anyone can tell me?
now,maybe I konw.
the skia library canvas should be like Html5`s canvas ,Canvas every line have an infinite thin "line", the width of the line from the center line to stretch,so if we draw a 1px line,in fact,it will fill two of 0.5 pixel point,but the display device dont allow it do that,so it will fill 2 pixel point,and set it color more light to differentiate real 2 pixels .
I will search more material to prove it.
This happens because OpenGL assumes that each pixel is centered at [0.5; 0.5]. The rasterizer have to draw indeed two pixels and interpolate the alpha. Read more here
If you would like to draw sharp 1px lines with antialiasing turned on just offset coordinates of a line or other figure with 0.5f.
For example a point at [10; 10] should have coordinates [10.5; 10.5] and so on

raphael - SVG should be hidden when overflowing background SVG

var content = paper.text (70, 54, "3").attr({
"font-size": "120px",
"font-weight": "600",
'fill': 'red',
I want the content of the triangle not to be visible outside of the triangle. The black background is the only place where the content should be visible on, not outside of that. is there a way to make something like to hide content that overflows the shape of the black triangle background ?

how to create a 4-way split screen in pygame

I have a project where i have to create a 4 way split screen using pygame. On this screen i have to draw the same image on each of the screen just have different view of the image. I just can not figure out how to create this 4 way split screen using pygame.
I need my screen to be divided like above so i can draw my points onto each section.
I have been looking around and I can not find anything like this so any help would be great
In addition to the surface you have that gets rendered to the display, likely called something like screen, you should create another surface which all of the "action" gets drawn to. You can then use a Rect object for each quadrant of the screen which will represent the "camera" (assuming each quadrant doesn't necessarily need to show exactly the same image). When you draw back to screen, you use each camera Rect object to select a portion of the game space to draw to a specific quadrant.
# canvas will be a surface that captures the entirety of the "action"
canvas = pygame.Surface((800, 600))
# the following are your "camera" objects
# right now they are taking up discrete and even portions of the canvas,
# but the idea is that they can move and possibly cover overlapping sections
# of the canvas
p1_camera = pygame.Rect(0,0,400,300)
p2_camera = pygame.Rect(400,0,400,300)
p3_camera = pygame.Rect(0,300,400,300)
p4_camera = pygame.Rect(400,300,400,300)
On each update, you would then use these "camera" objects to blit various portions of the canvas back to the screen surface.
# draw player 1's view to the top left corner
screen.blit(canvas, (0,0), p1_camera)
# player 2's view is in the top right corner
screen.blit(canvas, (400, 0), p2_camera)
# player 3's view is in the bottom left corner
screen.blit(canvas, (0, 300), p3_camera)
# player 4's view is in the bottom right corner
screen.blit(canvas, (400, 300), p4_camera)
# then you update the display
# this can be done with either display.flip() or display.update(), the
# uses of each are beyond this question
There is no functions to split screen. But you can draw 4 views directly on screen or you can draw on 4 surfaces (pygame.Surface) and than blit surfaces on screen.
Since you were looking for a way to split the screen in to 4 sections and draw some points on to them I'd suggest creating 4 subsurface surfaces of the original "canvas" image for convenience.
These surfaces would act as your player(split screen) canvasses which can easily be modified.
This will enable the usage of normalized coordinates for player specific drawing purposes.
Assuming you have a screen surface set up
# Image(Surface) which will be refrenced
canvas = pygame.Surface((800, 600))
# Camera rectangles for sections of the canvas
p1_camera = pygame.Rect(0,0,400,300)
p2_camera = pygame.Rect(400,0,400,300)
p3_camera = pygame.Rect(0,300,400,300)
p4_camera = pygame.Rect(400,300,400,300)
# subsurfaces of canvas
# Note that subx needs refreshing when px_camera changes.
sub1 = canvas.subsurface(p1_camera)
sub2 = canvas.subsurface(p2_camera)
sub3 = canvas.subsurface(p3_camera)
sub4 = canvas.subsurface(p4_camera)
Now drawing on any of of the subsurfaces with these normalized coordinates
# Drawing a line on each split "screen"
pygame.draw.line(sub2, (255,255,255), (0,0), (0,300), 10)
pygame.draw.line(sub4, (255,255,255), (0,0), (0,300), 10)
pygame.draw.line(sub3, (255,255,255), (0,0), (400,0), 10)
pygame.draw.line(sub4, (255,255,255), (0,0), (400,0), 10)
# draw player 1's view to the top left corner
screen.blit(sub1, (0,0))
# player 2's view is in the top right corner
screen.blit(sub2, (400, 0))
# player 3's view is in the bottom left corner
screen.blit(sub3, (0, 300))
# player 4's view is in the bottom right corner
screen.blit(sub4, (400, 300))
# Update the screen
Note that modifications to the subsurface pixels will affect the canvas as well. I'd recommend reading the full documentation on subsurfaces.

Retrieving a CGRect from a transformed CGContext and apply to a UIView

I am drawing a PDF page into a CGContext.
In order to properly draw it, I am applying some transformations to the context.
The pdf page rendered rect is smaller than the view's rect.
I want to create a third view that has exact same frame as the part of the view that has a pdf rendered.
My solution works, but not entirely. Sometimes (a lot of times) the rect is wrong.
This is what I am doing:
- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)context {
// apply transforms to context
// draw pdf page
CGRect calculatedFromRect = CGRectApplyAffineTransform(pageRect, CGContextGetCTM(context));
// now draw a green rect to test the frame on a not transformed context
GContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor greenColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, calculatedFromRect);
self.thirdView.frame = calculatedFromRect;
The thirdView is red. When both rects (view and drawing) are equal, I see a brown rect on the screen (red with alpha on top of the green rect). But sometimes I can see they two separated from each other (offset and size difference...when this happens, the thirdView.frame is bigger than calcularedRect).
Since all the involved views have the same size and coordinates, not converting the coordinates with convertRect:fromView: shouldn't be a problem. But I tried this and the result was the same.

Draw string in canvas

I'm having an hard time finding how to draw/print a String in a canvas, rotated 90º, NOT vertical letters. After some different approaches without success I was trying to follow one that would involve printing the Graphics object to an Image object. As the API is reduced it has been a difficult task.
So basically what I'm asking you guys is if you know how to draw a String rotated 90º in a Canvas or if you don't, how can I save the graphics object to an Image one so I can follow my "hint".
Thank you very much!
Finally, one last research in the web and here it is:
//The text that will be displayed
String s="java";
//Create the blank image, specifying its size
Image img=Image.createImage(50,50);
//Create an instance of the image's Graphics class and draw the string to it
Graphics gr=img.getGraphics();
gr.drawString(s, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
//Display the image, specifying the rotation value. For example, 90 degrees
g.drawRegion(img, 0, 0, 50, 50, Sprite.TRANS_ROT90, 0, 0, Graphics.TOP|Graphics.LEFT);
from: http://wiki.forum.nokia.com/index.php/How_to_display_rotated_text_in_Java_ME
Thank you!
