Facebook Connect Plugin not working with NativeInterface android and iOS - phonegap-facebook-plugin

I am developing a Phonegap app manually without CLI for both Android and iOS. Earlier I was using openFB Micro-library for Facebook login and everything was running fine in inAppBrowser.
Now there is a change in requirement and I need to use native interface for single sign in. I tried out all plugins, I tried everything present over internet. But nothing is worked out for me. Not even in inAppBrowser.
I tried following:
I have provided following in my config.xml
and properly replaced app id and app name.
I have also provided
in config.xml
Kindly let me know what I am doing wrong or provide me any working code.
Also let me know what will be the website URL in Facebook app settings. I have selected www as platform and my code is local i.e, file:///.


Generating APK for testing Buildfire application

Is there a way to generate APK file for buildfire application that is under development so that QA's can test it?
I tried looking at the documentation but did not find anything related to it. Only option I saw was to publish app to Google Play Store.
You can test locally with BuildFire pluginTester. you can check: https://sdk.buildfire.com/docs/how-to-test-your-plugin-locally
For testing on real Android builds or iOS TestFlight builds, you can reach out to BuildFire for custom builds as long as you are on a non trial app and they will be able to provide you with these.
You can always preview your app on BuildFire previewer by following instructions when clicking the "Preview" button in the control panel as shown below. However, features that require special setup such as (Push Notifications, In App Purchase) or plugins that require special features to be added will not work.

Xamarin app can't run in release mode on iPhone (This app cannot be installed becaue its integrity could not be verified)

This is a question that has been asked several times, but no solution has worked for me.
I finished coding a Xamarin Forms app and now, I want to release it. I signed the app with a new certificate and an Adhoc provisioning profile. Everything signs well.
But when I distribute the IPA, after installing the app, iOS shows this message:
"This app cannot be installed becaue its integrity could not be
I chosed Ad-hoc as provisioning profile config.
This app has the same namespace and bundle id as its preceding app found in the app store already. I built a new version, within a new solution and created certificates with the same bundle id.
The device on which I am trying to install it is an iPhone XR, that I use to test the live version of the app and the one in development. When I run the app in debug on the phone, nothing wrong happens. But signing and distributing causes the app to not run.
After several hours of debugging, I found out that my bundle display name for the new version of the app was written in lower case, whereas the bundle display name of the former app was camel case. When I changed the new app's bundle display name to camel case too, everything went smoothly.
This is so weird.

Google Fit API login stuck at loading

I'm trying to add login to my android studio app in Kotlin with OAuth2 Google, and it's keep loading and not login, what I have to do?
I found a solution, it is strange but anyway it works for me:
Delete your Cloud project
Instead of the following instructions from http://developers.google.com/fit/android/get-started create a new project with firebase.
Add an android app in firebase project settings
Add both the SHA1 and SHA256 to it.
Download google-services.json to android/app in your project folder.
Make sure to have my "support email" set on general Project settings.
Now it should work.
If this not help, please also check Flutter and google_sign_in plugin: PlatformException(sign_in_failed, com.google.android.gms.common.api.ApiException: 10: , null)
Guys have a similar problem with GoogleSignIn

vstirbu/InstagramPlugin on Steroids

I am attempting to use vstirbu's Instagram plugin (https://github.com/vstirbu/InstagramPlugin) for Cordova with my app. My app is using the Appgyver Steroids platform. after adding the plugin to my build the app builds fine and I am able to install it on the phone fine. there is only one page where the Instagram functionality is needed and when that page is opened I get the "undefined is not an object (evaluating 'window.plugins.Instagram.share')" error. are there other Instagram plugins available that I might try out or are there steps to initialize the plug in that I might be missing.
I am assuming you built a debug scanner version with the plugin. I had this issue with a BLE plugin. I was trying to reference the plugin as window.plugins.nameOfPluginObject and it didn't exist. It didn't exist that way, but it did exist as nameOfPluginObject. I could make calls to it that way. nameOfPluginObject.someMethod();.
See if you can debug the app in Safari / Chrome and use the console to type typeof window.plugins.Instagram and then typeof Instagram. I am guessing typeof Instagram returns object and the other returns undefined.
Is Cordova loaded in that page? Are you making the calls after deviceready (although if it's the console, I suppose you're alright). The plugin JavaScripts are loaded when cordova.js loads. Also, you can extract the IPA file (just rename it to .zip) and see if the plugin files are correctly in the package (although if it builds correctly, it should be fine).

Spotify apps dead after update?

I was developing a Spotify apps and all of the sudden Spotify restarted and updated.
Yey, great.. I got version however typing spotify:app:the_app_name doesnt work anymore. I get metadataFailed, sorry I could not find this app.
Anyone knows where I can find a downgrade?
Spotify 0.8.3 changed the app lookup slightly. The URI for getting at apps in development is now spotify:app:application-identifier-in-manifest.
This changes the behaviour in old versions, which used the application's directory name to load applications. It's also worth noting that your application must have a valid identifier and version in its manifest.json file. Remember to restart the client when changing your manifest so it notices the changes!
The keys you need to set are BundleIdentifier (which will be used to find the app) and BundleVersion. Documentation on the keys can be found here.
When you check spotify.com you can see there is a be right back message this indicated either server or application failures just hold for a few minutes/hours and return to developing after message is gone.
