I am an Android programmer, and I need to compress object's size like how WinRAR works for decreasing the size of folders and many file formats.
Please suggest software for decreasing the size of objects by compressing or decreasing polygons without changing quality.
Theres a few ways to do this. Assuming your objects are in .FBX format or .3DS or similar, Blender is a handy tool for any form of object changes, including reducing polygon count. Check out the tutorial below on how to do so via blender:
Once reduced, save and reimport/replace existing object back into the game. You can see the reduction in real time so you can find that sweet spot for when you feel the object is reduced too much.
If you want something within Unity, cruncher or simplygon are available in the asset store which is targetted to reduce polygon counts.
Hope this helps.
I have a .MP3 file stored on my server, and I'd like to modify it to be a bit lower in pitch. I know this can be achieved by increasing the length of the audio, however, I don't know of any libraries in node that can do this.
I've tried using the node web audio api, and soundbank-pitch-shift, but the former doesn't seem to have the capabilities of pitch shifting (AFAIK), and the latter seems designed toward client
I need the solution within the realm of node ONLY- that means no external programs, etc., and it needs to be automated as well, so I can't manually pitch shift.
An ideal solution would be a function that takes a file/filepath as an input, and then creates (or overwrites) another MP3 file but with the pitch shifted by x amount, but really, any solution that produces something with a lower pitch than the original, works.
I'm totally lost here. Please help.
An audio file is basically a list of numbers. Those numbers are read one at a time at a particular speed called the 'sample rate'. The sample rate is otherwise defined as the number of audio samples read every second e.g. if an audio files sample rate is 44100, then there are 44100 samples (or numbers) read every second.
If you are with me so far, the simplest way to lower the pitch of an audio file is to play the file back at a lower sample rate (which is normally fixed in place). In most cases you wont be able to do this, so you need to achieve the same effect by resampling the file i.e adding new samples to the file in between the old samples to make it literally longer. For this you would need to understand interpolation.
The drawback to this technique in either case is that the sound will also play back at a slower speed, as well as at a lower pitch. If it is a problem that the sound has slowed down as well as lowered in pitch as a result of your processing, then you will also have to use a timestretching algorithm to fix the playback speed.
You may also have problems doing this using MP3 files. In this case you may have to uncompress the data in the MP3 file before you can operate on it in such a way that changes the pitch of the file. WAV files are more ideal in audio processing. In any case, you essentially need to turn the file into a list of floating point numbers, and change those numbers to be effectively read back at a slower rate.
Other methods of pitch shifting would probably need to involve the use of ffts, and would be a more complicated affair to say the least.
I am not familiar with nodejs I'm afraid.
I managed to get it working with help from Ollie M's answer and node-lame.
I hadn't known previously that sample rate could affect the speed, but thanks to Ollie, suddenly this problem became a lot more simple.
Using node-lame, all I did was take one of the examples (mp32wav.js), and make it so that I change the parameter sampleRate of the format object, so that it is lower than the base sample rate, which in my application was always a static 24,000. I could also make it dynamic since node-lame can grab the parameters of the input file in the format object.
Ollie, however perfectly describes the drawback with this method
The drawback to this technique in either case is that the sound will
also play back at a slower speed, as well as at a lower pitch. If it
is a problem that the sound has slowed down as well as lowered in
pitch as a result of your processing, then you will also have to use a
timestretching algorithm to fix the playback speed.
I don't have a particular need to implement a time stretching algorithm at the moment (thankfully, because that's a whole other can of worms), since I have the ability to change the initial speed of the file, but others may in the future.
See https://www.npmjs.com/package/audio-decode, https://github.com/audiojs/audio-buffer, and related linked at bottom of audio-buffer readme.
I like the idea of Nodebox and Processing, and would like to generate movies to visualize some data/algorithms. However, Nodebox exports extremely bloated Quicktime files with frame by frame images, and Processing only exports Java applications. I want to be able to export movies that don't take a Gigabyte a minute of disk space. Perhaps something like SVG animations or Actionscript which stores the vector graphics definition of the animation rather than frame images would be better. Is there a framework that is as easy to program as Nodebox and Processing and can export "lean" movies?
Have you tried the MovieMaker library that ships with Processing ?
Also, it should be fairly simple to save multiple frames using saveFrame().
This is option have a couple of advantages:
If your sketch crashes at some point, you still have all the frames up to that point (unlike writing a .mov file)
It's fairly simple to put the frames back into a video file, but you also have control over playback speed and can easily do a bit of editing if needed.
You can try to a sequence of PDF file using createGraphics() to get vector output, but I'm not sure how stable/feasible this option is.
They are changing the way this works moving towards 2.0 too, as they are moving to GSVideo over Quicktime...
Daniel Shiffman posted about it recently on his blog, but it's the only place I've heard about any changes to post-2.0 tactics (though he IS part of the inner circle, I know)
You can find that post at
Also, if you are on OSX, you can try Syphon ? See info here
I have many images in the source folder, which are 10 MB each. I need to two operation on that image:
To compress that image and place it on destination folder 1
To create a thumbnail and place it on destination folder 2
As there are large number of images and they all are of huge size, can you guide me the fastest way to achieve this which consume less memory.
Disclaimer: I'm the author.
The http://imageresizing.net/ library does very memory-efficient image resizing - it's designed for server-side use, so naturally it is quite fast and designed for minimal memory use.
It's also simple to use.
ImageBuilder.Current.Build(sourceFile,destFile, new ResizeSettings("format=jpg;quality=90"));
ImageBuilder.Current.Build(sourceFile,destFile, new ResizeSettings("maxwidth=100;maxheight=100;format=jpg"));
There are 50+ different options - so pretty much any kind of automatic cropping, padding, seam carving, rotation, flipping, watermarking, etc. is possible.
I'm also working on a plugin which uses WIC for simple resize operations, which might give you a 2x speed boost. Let me know if you're interested in beta-testing it.
I want to create big texture which is power of 2 and put in this file a lot of smaller textures.
You know, I have several textures which are not power of 2 so I cant load them to my program. I have to put them in one file (512x512 for example).
Do you know any program which can do it for me automaticly?
Is there any limit of size of texture? Can I use for example 8192x8192 file? Or I have to use few smaller.
The keyword you're looking for is texture atlas.
The maximum texture size is GPU-dependent, 8k is fine on newer cards. Such a texture consumes, however, a vast amount of VRAM (and it gets worse if you count in MIPs). So it might be better to use several smaller textures and have only those in (hot) VRAM which you really need.
There are several applications that can help you pack images into a texture atlas. Zwoptex has both a free Flash version and a commercial Mac app. TexturePacker has a Mac and Windows app, and a command line version, some features are free and some require a paid license. These output the packed images into a single image and an associated data file with coordinates on the location of the packed images. They also can trim the transparent regions from around any given image, if any, saving even more space.
There are some more tools, some open source, listed in answers to this question.
The advantages of packing into one texture are potential space saving, but also fewer OpenGL state changes when drawing several images from the texture, for better performance.
My application present a (raster) moving map.
I need to be able to show the map rotated base on any given angle.
The program is currently in VC++/MFC but the problem is generic.
I have a source bitmap (CBitmap or HBITMAP) and draw it to the device context (CDC) using StretchBlt.
While this works fast and smooth for angle=0 (and the user can grab the map smoothly with the mouse), this is not the case if I try to rotate the bitmap and then present it (the rotation of the bitmap using SetWorldTransform() or so takes hundreds of miliseconds and this is too slow).
I think that the solution is to be able to relate only to the pixels that currently on the screen and not rotating the original source bitmap - and this is the key.
If someone has experience with similar implementation then it might save me lots of trial and error efforts.
It looks like SetWorldTransform is extremely slow:
And while the other options presented in that article are faster, there are of course other better solutions like this:
http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/g-m/gdi/article.php/c3693/ (check the comments for fixes and improvements as well)
Also here are some non-Windows centric fast rotation algorithms:
Note that if you guarantee power of 2 dimensions you can get significant speed improvements.
As follow up to my question and provided answer, let me summarize the following:
I used the algorithm mentioned at http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/g-m/gdi/article.php/c3693/.
It works and provide pretty good performance and smooth display.
There were some bugs in it that I needed to fix as well as simplify the formulas and
code in some cases.
I will examine the algorithm mentioned at http://www.ddj.com/windows/184416337?pgno=11 to see if it provides some break through performance that worth adapting it.
My implementation required using a large source bitmap, so I needed to modify the code so I will not rotate the whole bitmap each time but only the relevant portion that will be displayed at the screen (otherwise performance would be unacceptable).