How can I tell what language a file is written in? - file-extension

I've been trying to find, for a long time, what language this file is written in so that I can decompile it. I have tried to decompile as .luac, .class and also tried to open it as .jar and .rar and .zip.
Although the file extension is .car I have never seen this extension before and there certainly aren't any openers for it on the internet. I have even gone to the point of finding a .car opener, but it wasn't for my .car.
So, I suspect it has just been renamed.
Can anyone tell me what language it is coded in?
I don't know if I'm allowed to post files here, as I have only just joined, but here is a Dropbox link to the file:
Any help would be appreciated. This is the first line in Notepad++:
rac T D ` œÂ à ˆî ¼ 6 ˆP

A quick dump of the file leads to several URLs referencing:
So based on this I'd say the file was created with the SDK they offer.
Corona lets developers use integrated Lua, layered on top of
C++/OpenGL, to build graphic applications.


How to debug a .zip generator algorithm?

I'm trying to implement a minimal version of .zip file generation following this spec:
I don't actually need compression, I just need a way to string together a bunch of files into a single widely adopted archive format with the capability to stream in file data while streaming out the zip.
So far I'm partially successful, 7-zip and windows built in zip extractor can extract them just fine, winrar and macos built in zip extractor are giving me corrupted archive errors.
I can't for the life of me find the actual problem(s?) though, as far as I can tell the .zips are built 100% to the specification but the spec is a big wall of text and with swooping changes from one zip file version to the next along with legacy attributes taking on new functions it is tad confusing.
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
Or perhaps a zip generation utility where I can pick and choose between all the different ways of building a zip file so I can go and compare the results byte by byte?
Does anyone know of an extraction tool that can give me more specific errors than just "archive is corrupt"?
The unzipada tool # Zip-Ada project will do exactly that
Testing archive
raised ZIP.ARCHIVE_CORRUPTED : Bad (or no) end-of-central-directory
Zip.Find_First_Offset at zip.adb:589
Unzip.Extract at unzip.adb:667
Unzipada at unzipada.adb:259
By browsing the code (like: zip.adb, line 589) you can narrow down the corrupt archive issues. For building the tool, download the sources and follow the readme.txt file. There are also pre-built binaries for Windows.

Trouble finding central directory when reading ZIP file

I've been trying to develop my own zip library by reading the Wikipedia article on it, for the sake of learning something new.
My first file is a zipped text file containing 215 bytes. It works really well, and the
End of central directory (EOCD) correctly gives me the offset of the central directory header.
However, when trying larger files, like in this example a zipped 216 byte text file I can't
seem to find the offset anymore. From the info I've found in the Wikipedia article and from Google, the offset to the central director should be 16 bytes after the EOCD, but the value
at that position doesn't correctly show the offset I'm looking for.
It feels like im missing something about how the data should be interpreted since applications like 7-zip and Windows Explorer can read it fine. What am I missing here?
I posted my own answer to this question which contains a link to a working solution that you could use to learn about this problem.
Link: How does one find the start of the central directory in zip files

Windows Store TriageDump.dmp without debug information

Greetings people,
My Windows Store game has been released for more than three weeks now, and I started getting crash reports. I could download the TriageDump.dmp file and have it opened in Visual Studio 2012, but it did not help much, I am constantly getting "No Debugging Information" error message when I click on "Debug with Native Only":
Also, the tool-tip on my Dashboard shows no information of the crashing function (could "Unknown" here mean inlined function or lambda expressions in concurrent::task?):
I would like to believe that I have done everything the way it should be done, of course I may be wrong. Here are some additional information that might be helpful in finding the issue:
It uses DirectX and written purely in C++ (without C# or XAML)
Project setting: C++\General\Debug Information Format = Program Database (/Zi)
Project setting: Linker\Debugging\Generate Debug Info = Yes (/DEBUG)
The game is made up of two native modules: Labyrinth.App.exe and Labyrinth.Core.dll
The generated APPXUPLOAD contains both APPX and APPXSYM files
The APPXSYM file contains both Labyrinth.App.pdb and Labyrinth.Core.pdb
I'm on x64 development machine, and the triagedump.dmp is for x86
I did click on "Include public symbol files, if any, to enable crash analysis for the app" when generating APPXUPLOAD file:
Please let me know if you spotted the issue or suspected something that's wrong above. Thanks in advance for your help, guys! :)
The very same problem here. MS had that working in the past though.
Actually if you still have the .appxsym around you can easily extract the .pdb out of that. The appxsym is just a .zip file it seems.
You can load these pdbs then as symbols after loading the triagedump.dmp.

Where/How to save a preferences file in a *nix command line utility?

I am writing a small command line utility. It should hopefully be able to run on OSX, UNIX and Linux.
It needs to save a few preferences somewhere, like in a small YAML config file.
Where would one save such a file?
Language: Python 2.7
OS: *nix
Commonly, these files go somewhere like ~/.rc (eg: ~/.hgrc). This could be the path to a file, or to a directory if you need lots of configuration settings.
For a nice description see
I would avoid putting the file in the ~ directory only because it has gotten totally flooded with crap. The recent trend, at least on ubuntu, is to use ~/.config/<appname>/ for whatever dot files you need. I really like that convention.
If your application is named "someapp" you save the configuration in a file such as $HOME/.someapp. You can give the config file an extension if you like. If you think your app may have more than one config file you can use the directory $HOME/.someapp and create regular-named (not hidden) files in there.
Many cross-platform tools use the same path on OS X as on linux (and other POSIX/non-Windows platforms). The main advantage of using the POSIX locations isn't saving a few lines of code, but saving the need for Mac-specific instructions, and allowing Mac users to get help from the linux users in the community (without any need to translate their suggestions).
The other alternative is to put them in the "Mac-friendly" locations under ~/Library instead. The main advantage of using the Mac locations is basically "Apple says so"—unless you plan to sandbox your code, in which case the main advantage is that you can do so.
If you choose to use the Library locations, you should read About the OS X File System and OS X Library Directory Details in the File System Programming Guide, but here's the short version:
Almost everything: Create a subdirectory with your app's name or bundle ID (unless you're going out of your way to set a bundle ID, you'll get org.python.python, which you don't want…) under ~/Library/Application Support. Ideally you should use APIs like -[NSFileManager URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error:] to get the path; if not, you have to deal with things like localization, sandbox containers, etc. manually.
Anything that can be easily re-created (so it doesn't need to be backed up, migrated, etc.): An identically-named subdirectory of ~/Library/Caches.
Preferences: Use the NSUserDefaults or CFPreferences APIs instead. If you use your own format, the "old" way of doing things is to create a subdirectory under ~/Library/Preferences named with your app's name or bundle ID, and put your files in that. Apple no longer recommends that, but doesn't really recommend an alternative (short of "use CFPreferences, damnit!"); many apps (e.g., Aquamacs) still do it the old way, but others instead pretend they're not preferences and store them under Application Support.
In Python, this works as follows (leaving out the error handling, and assuming you're going by name instead of setting a bundle ID for yourself):
from Foundation import *
fm = NSFileManager.defaultManager()
appsupport = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSApplicationSupportDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
caches = (fm.URLForDirectory_inDomain_appropriateForURL_create_error_(
NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, None, True, None)[0].
appname, True))
prefs = NSUserDefaults.persistentDomainForName_(appname)

Open Files Created with BSAVE in QuickBasic?

I have some files that were created using BSAVE in QuickBasic. I'm wondering how I can load/view these files?
I received assistance over at the FreeBasic forums. Its easy to do if you download and install the FreeBasic compiler / IDE. Here is the relevant thread:
Essentially, it loads the image using BLOAD like one normally would and then BSAVEs it as a BMP. I suppose it would be pretty easy to create an app. that did this by just prompting for source and output files...
I would try installing pcpaint (free)
Change the extension to .PIC and try to open it. Apparently this program used bsave to save images with the extention .pic.
Hope this works!
