Concatenate string and number in batch file - string

How to concatenate number and string in for loop?
I've tried like this but it doesn't work:
SET PATH=C:\file
FOR /L %%x IN (1,1,5) DO (
SET "NUM=0%%x"

Modify your code like this:
SET PATH=C:\file
FOR /L %%x IN (1,1,5) DO (
SET "NUM=0%%x"
You always have to use SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION and !...! instead of %...% when working with variables which are modified inside a loop.

You'll need delayed expansion to accomplish that:
FOR /L %%x IN (1,1,5) DO (
You do not need the interim variable NUM, you can concatenate the string portions immediately.
You should never change variable PATH as this is used by the system. Hence I changed it to FILEPATH.
Since SETLOCAL creates a new localised environment block, all variables defined or changed in there cannot be seen outside of that block. However, the last line in the above code demonstrates how the last concatenated value can be passed beyond ENDLOCAL.


Batch Trim Lines in Text File after Sub-String - REM Trim with Expansion

I am running Windows 10 Pro using batch files (open to using VBS and PS1 files) and I have a text file automatically exported by software that can look like this:
Each line continues specifying sub-parts after the "..." and could contain "poison" characters. The Sub_Group part is pulled from the filename and can also contain "poison" characters.
What I am looking to do is export just the filename which is right at the beginning of each line, up to and including the first file extension, in this case ".sldasm." Everything to the right of the first instance of .sldasm should be trimmed.
What I have cobbled together so far from research on Stackoverflow is:
SET "inputfile=C:\Scratch\ASMExport.txt"
SET "outputfile=C:\Scratch\InputFiles.txt"
FOR /f "usebackqdelims=" %%a IN ("%inputfile%") DO (
SET "currentline=%%a"
ECHO("!currentline:.sldasm=.sldasm & rem "!"
My problem lies with the "rem" line, which does not seem to work as intended either because of being within a FOR loop or because of needing to enable delayed expansion. It seems to be parsing the "& rem" as text, which looks to be because of the way delayed expansion works. What I get from the above lines is:
SubGroup691_FE7IP11_2017-12-12.sldasm" & rem "/bin/parts/Loft-Project.sldasm" & rem ""
SubGroup691_FE7IP12_2017-12-12.sldasm" & rem "/bin/parts/Loft-Project.sldasm" & rem ""
SubGroup691_FE7IP13_2017-12-12.sldasm" & rem "/bin/parts/Loft-Project.sldasm" & rem ""
I can use this same line outside the loop and without ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION like this:
SET "inputstring=Sub_Group691_FE7IP11_2017-12-12.sldasm_bin/parts/Loft-Project.sldasm_bin/parts/Loft-Project"
SET "outputstring=%inputstring:.sldasm=.sldasm & rem "%"
echo %outputstring%
The output to that would give me what I am looking for:
In searching, I am beginning to think that rem cannot be used in this way, and I must move to a token delimiter loop using a bogus delimiter.
I would be content in getting this to work and not worrying about "poison" characters in the filename by being diligent about naming files correctly.
Thank you for your help!
The & rem approach to truncate strings to the right cannot work with delayed expansion (!), it relies on normal/immediate expansion (%). This is because immediate expansion is done before commands (like rem) are recognised, but delayed expansion happens afterwards, so the rem command is never executed.
However, you could in the loop replace every .sldasm by a forbidden character like | and then split the string by a for /F loop, like this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion
set "InputFile=C:\Scratch\ASMExport.txt"
set "OutputFile=C:\Scratch\InputFiles.txt"
set "Extension=.sdlasm"
> "%OutputFile%" (
for /F usebackq^ delims^=^ eol^= %%A in ("%InputFile%") do (
set "CurrentLine=%%A"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "CurrentLine=!CurrentLine:%Extension%=|!"
for /F "delims=|" %%B in ("!CurrentLine!") do (
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
exit /B
Delayed expansion is toggled so that no for variables become expanded when it is enabled, in order to avoid loss of or problems with exclamation marks.
SET "sourcedir=U:\sourcedir"
SET "filename1=%sourcedir%\q47788829.txt"
FOR /f "usebackqtokens=1delims=/" %%a IN ("%filename1%") DO (
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=." %%b IN ("%%a") DO (
FOR /f "tokens=1*delims=_" %%d IN ("%%c") DO (
ECHO %%%%-a=%%~a %%%%-b=%%~b %%%%-c=%%~c %%%%-d=%%~d %%%%-e=%%~e ^<^<
You would need to change the setting of sourcedir to suit your circumstances.
I used a file named q47788829.txt containing your data for my testing.
You should be able to assemble your required report data from the elements %%a..%%e displayed. All a matter of using tokens and delims constructively.
If your input is the text that you wrote, with the same structure, I think this batch should work and extract the names that you want quickly.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "inputFile=input.txt"
set "outputFile=result.txt"
for /f "delims=/ tokens=1" %%A in (%inputFile%) do (
set "tempFileName=%%A"
echo !tempFileName:~0,-4!>> %outputFile%
You only had to adjust the variables 'inputFile' and 'outputFile' to your needs.

How can I reverse a string in Batch?

I found this solution for reversing strings that worked before, but not any more for some reason:
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set num=0
call set tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%
set /a num+=1
if not "%tmpa%" equ "" (
set string1=%tmpa%%string1%
goto LOOP
My message that I receive is:
The input line is too long.
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
I simply need to reverse the string in the variable %advanced% and output it to %string1%.
If reversing strings can be done in one line, that would be super helpful in the project I am working on. If it can be done without the setlocal enabledelayedexpansion, that would be even more helpful but I doubt it is be possible.
Another way using a BAT/VBS :
#echo off
set "advanced=1234567890"
echo WScript.Echo StrReverse("%advanced%"^) >reverse.vbs
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('cscript //nologo reverse.vbs') do set "$reversed=%%a"
>nul del reverse.vbs
echo reversed string --^> %$reversed%
You said it first worked and later not anymore; I think simply clearing variable string1 will do the trick. Your code should work as is.
Next, you do not need to enable delayed expansion as you are not using it (!! expansion) anyway.
Finally, instead of asking whether tmpa is empty, you could query whether it is defined (but this is a matter of taste though).
set string1=
set num=0
call set tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%
set /a num+=1
if defined tmpa (
set string1=%tmpa%%string1%
goto :LOOP
In this way it works if you change to set string1=!tmpa!!string1!
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "advanced=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz!"
set "num=0"
call set "tmpa=%%advanced:~%num%,1%%%"
set /a num+=1
if not "%tmpa%" equ "" (
set "string1=!tmpa!!string1!"
goto LOOP
echo !string1!
Another way a bit faster:
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "advanced=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
echo %advanced%>"%tmp%\alpha.tmp"
for %%l in ("%tmp%\alpha.tmp") do set /a len=%%~zl
set /a len-=2
set "reverse="
set "char="
for /l %%i in (0,1,%len%) do (
for /f "usebackq" %%a in ("%tmp%\alpha.tmp") do (
set "char=%%a"
set "reverse=!char:~%%i,1!!reverse!"
del "%tmp%\alpha.tmp"
echo !reverse!
To reverse a string or file contents:
REM eg. set string/content to file
set /p="Hello, world!"> test
certutil -encodehex -f test temp 4
REM reverse file contents
set rev=
(for /f "delims=" %i in (temp) do for %j in (%i) do set rev=%j !rev!)
set /p="%rev:~0,-6%">temp
certutil -decodehex temp out.txt
REM view content
more out.txt
Tested in Win 10 CMD

batch, setting a string variable in a for loop

When inside a for loop, the set command doesn't set the string variable, whereas outside it works fine. I would like it to export to a .txt file directly after storing, and that works fine. Here is the code:
For /l %%a in (1,1,5) do (
set /p string="StringIn %%a:"
echo %string %>> string_list.txt
Start string_list.txt
When expanding variables set within parentheses scope you need to use delayed expansion.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /l %%a in (1,1,5) do (
set /p string="StringIn %%a:"
>> string_list.txt echo !string!

Write batch variable into specific line in a text file

I have a batch file where I need to write a variable into a specific line of a text file and override what is all ready in that line. I have the code to read specific lines from the file maybe I could switch it around to also write?
Reading lines code:
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (variables.txt) do (
set /a N+=1
set v!N!=%%a
set variable1=!v1!
set variable2=!v2!
set variable3=!v3!
set variable4=!v4!
I've tried to add echo %variable1% > !v4! something like that but it doesn't work.
I figured it out!! Here is the code for anyone else who might ever need it.
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set inputfile=variables.txt
set tempfile=%random%-%random%.tmp
copy /y nul %tempfile%
set line=0
for /f "delims=" %%l in (%inputfile%) do (
set /a line+=1
if !line!==4 (
echo WORDS YOU REPLACE IT WITH>>%tempfile%
) else (
echo %%l>>%tempfile%
del %inputfile%
ren %tempfile% %inputfile%
Another option might be to overwrite the file entirely. Here's the part to do that:
ECHO %v1%
ECHO %v2%
ECHO %v3%
ECHO %v4%
ECHO %v5%
) >variables.txt
That is, if the number of lines is fixed and known beforehand. If not, you might want to store the last value of the increment in your example code and, when saving the variables, use it like this:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /L %%i IN (1,1,%N%) DO (ECHO !v%%i!)
) >variables.txt
I'm assuming here that the v1/v2 etc. variables would be used only for synchronising with the file: when it is read, the lines are stored in those variables, and when any of them (variables) gets changed, you just call the saveVars subroutine immediately. Here's an example how you would use it:
SET v2=something
CALL :saveVars
SET v4=%somevar%
CALL :saveVars
If the file is small, the rewriting should be fast enough.
Not absolutely sure I've understood everything correctly, but if you want to substitute something for an existing part of a text file with a batch script, you'll need to write everything (including the changed part) to a new file first, then delete the original and rename the new file to the original name.
I can't really see a point of reading everything into variables, unless I'm missing something. You could simply iterate over the lines writing them one by one into the new file and replacing the specific line's contents with the substitute text along the way:
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
>newFile.txt (
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (variables.txt) do (
set /a N+=1
if !N! == 4 (ECHO substitute text) ELSE ECHO %%a
del variables.txt
rename newFile.txt variables.txt
If the substitute text must, in turn, be derived from one of the lines, you could do something like this:
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
>newFile.txt (
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (variables.txt) do (
set /a N+=1
if !N! == 1 SET subst_text=%%a
if !N! == 4 (ECHO !subst_text!) ELSE ECHO %%a
del variables.txt
rename newFile.txt variables.txt

Batch: Concatenate two arbitrary strings outside SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

I need to concatenate two string variables and place the result back in the first variable. These two strings can contain any arbitrary characters, like newline, exclamation, etc.
The main script runs with delayed expansion disabled, so I have to use SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion for actual concatenation. I just don't know how to get the result back out of the local and into the global variable.
I would like to avoid using temporary files.
I wish batch files allowed delayed expansion outside of the local block.
I tried using your code inline, instead of in a function, and it worked.
Then I tried putting it in a FOR loop, and that broke it.
Function call from a loop = works.
Inline is a loop = didn't work for me.
I don't need that functionality right now. This is just an observation.
#echo off
REM Changed from function call to inline implementation
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
set LF=^
rem TWO Empty lines are neccessary
set "original=zero*? %%~A%%~B%%~C%%~L!LF!one&line!LF!two with exclam^! !LF!three with "quotes^&"&"!LF!four with ^^^^ ^| ^< ^> ( ) ^& ^^^! ^"!LF!xxxxxwith CR!CR!five !LF!six with ^"^"Q ^"^"L still six "
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
SET result=""
REM call :lfTest result original
for /L %%i in (1,1,2) do (
set "NotDelayedFlag=!"
if defined NotDelayedFlag (echo lfTest was called with Delayed Expansion DISABLED) else echo lfTest was called with Delayed Expansion ENABLED
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "var=!original!"
rem echo the input is:
rem echo !var!
rem ** Prepare for return
set "var=!var:%%=%%~2!"
set "var=!var:"=%%~3!"
for %%a in ("!LF!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~L!"
for %%a in ("!CR!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~4!"
rem ** It is neccessary to use two IF's, else the %var% expansion doesn't work as expected
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=!var:^=^^^^!"
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=%var:!=^^^!%" !
set "replace=%% """ !CR!!CR!"
for %%L in ("!LF!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2,3" %%2 in ("!replace!") DO (
set "result=%var%" !
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo The result with disabled delayed expansion is:
if !original! == !result! (echo OK) ELSE echo !result!
echo ------------------
echo !original!
goto :eof
Like I said in your other question: Batch: Returning a value from a SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
Just follow the link for a "perfect" solution
Or I can paste the code here
rem ** Preparing CR and LF for later use
for /f %%a in ('copy /Z "%~dpf0" nul') do set "CR=%%a"
set LF=^
rem TWO Empty lines are neccessary
Then at the start of your function, to detect if delayedExpansion is OFF or ON
set "NotDelayedFlag=!"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
And at the end of your function, to return the value
rem ** Prepare for return
set "var=!var:%%=%%~2!"
set "var=!var:"=%%~3!"
for %%a in ("!LF!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~L!"
for %%a in ("!CR!") do set "var=!var:%%~a=%%~4!"
rem ** It is neccessary to use two IF's, else the %var% expansion doesn't work as expected
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=!var:^=^^^^!"
if not defined NotDelayedFlag set "var=%var:!=^^^!%" !
set "replace=%% """ !CR!!CR!"
for %%L in ("!LF!") do (
for /F "tokens=1,2,3" %%2 in ("!replace!") DO (
set "%~1=%var%" !
#echo off
goto :eof
EDIT: A little bit shorter variation
Ok, this looks a little bit complicated, and in many cases it can be solved with an other trick.
If you know, that you will switch back from an EnableDelayed to DisableDelayed and you are sure not using any LF a FOR-RETURN will work too.
#echo off
call :myTest result
set result
goto :eof
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
rem ... do something here
set "value=^!_&_%%_|_>"
echo --
for /f ^"eol^=^
^ delims^=^" %%a in ("!value!") do (
set "%~1=%%a"
goto :eof
The splitting of the for /f ^"eol^=^.... is only for disabling the eol character.
