MKAnnotation always red post refresh - mkmapview

I have a MapViewController class and I set the
mapView.delegate = self
in viewDidLoad. When I first load the map, annotations are rendered correctly. However, after a refresh (e.g., after I hit a button in callout - say 'delete'), all the other pins lose their images and are rendered 'red'.
In my refresh method, I remove all annotations:
and then recreate the annotations in the same manner I created them on initial load.
This code was working fine until today, when I upgraded to Swift 2.0. Was I simply lucky until now or am I missing a new piece of code?
I even tried forcing the pin to default to Green. But no matter what I do (set an image or change colour), post refresh, all pins are red :(

found the bug in:
func mapView(mapView: MKMapView, viewForAnnotation annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
At some point during the day, I somehow changed the case where:
did not return nil and set the Annotation to MKPinAnnotationView. After a refresh, I dequeued the same object. Once rendered it defaulted to Red.
The solution was to handle a 'MKAnnotationView' objects only (whether my own sub-classess or default).


Disable default options in UIMenuController for WKWebView

I am developing an app with a custom subclassed WKWebView, and I am trying to disable the default options when a user selects some text inside the webview, and implement my own options. However, it seems there are 4 options that cannot be removed and will always show: Select To Here, Look Up, Learn..., and Share...
A previous answer claims it's possible by overriding canPerformAction() or swizzling canPerformAction on WKContentView, but I've tried both and it hasn't worked. Specifically, there is no UIResponder selectors available for the 4 options, even though they show up when I print a list of all actions coming into canPerformAction.
Another answer have claimed it might be possible to disable default options if canPerformAction() returns false from the First Responder, except WKWebView refuses to become the First Responder by calling becomeFirstResponder while selecting text, and forcibly doing so by calling resign on the WKContentView seems to disable interactions with the WebView altogether. Also tried swizzling canPerformAction on the child WKContentView, but it seems not to make any difference.
I can only assume the default options are being handled further down the chain, but when I break the chain by setting the next UIResponder to nil, canPerformAction no longer gets called and no menu shows up anymore.
I'm at a loss here, how can I simply show a customised menu upon text selection?
Testing on
XCode 11.6
iOS 13.6

Data binding onClick in a fragment using interface

I recently started working with data binding and I ran into a problem that I can't figure out.
I'm trying to use an interface to handle when a button is clicked but it keeps on giving me a cannot find setter attribute for onClick on the button.
In my XML file I have
android:onClick="#{() -> iCalculatorFragment.onButtonClicked()}"
In my onCreateView in my Fragment I have
mFragmentCalculatorBinding = DataBindingUtil.inflate(inflater, R.layout.fragment_calculator, container, false);
My interface method is
void onButtonClicked();
Side notes:
Inside the xml the autocomplete comes up for other methods of the interface but not the button click one. Not sure if that means anything.
Also building has drastically slowed down since using data binding. Sometimes it takes over 10 minutes to build and it ends due to an error. Any way to fix this?

UILabel not wrapping in UITableView until device rotate (iOS8)

I have a custom MvxTableViewCell that is associated with an MvxStandardTableViewSource. That Source is then applied to a UITableView. The custom table cell is defined without any Storyboard or NIB. It is laid out in code and uses AutoLayout.
this.searchResultsTable = new UITableView();
this.searchResultsTable.AccessibilityIdentifier = "SearchView_SearchResultsTable";
this.searchResultsTable.TranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
this.searchResultsTable.RowHeight = UITableView.AutomaticDimension;
this.searchResultsTable.EstimatedRowHeight = 44.0f;
this.searchResultsTable.RegisterClassForCellReuse(typeof(CustomerItemCell), new NSString("CustomerItemCell"));
this.searchResultsTable.AllowsMultipleSelectionDuringEditing = true;
this.searchResultsTable.TableFooterView = new UIView();
this.searchResultsTableDataSource = new MvxStandardTableViewSource(this.searchResultsTable, new NSString("CustomerItemCell"));
this.searchResultsTable.Source = this.searchResultsTableDataSource;
The MVxStandardTableViewSource is databound to a ViewModel property of type List
var set = this.CreateBindingSet<SearchView, SearchViewModel>();
set.Bind(this.searchResultsTableDataSource).To(vm => vm.SearchResults);
set.Bind(this.searchBar).For(x => x.Text).To(vm => vm.CurrentSearchCriteria);
This all works fine until an item in the data source causes some text wrapping in one of the UILabels and consequently a different height to the other cells.
The cell height is mostly correctly calculated but the UILabel within the
cell does not get redrawn until the device is rotated. I am using iOS AutoLayout to layout the various UIViews in the Cell.
Here are some examples of the large cell in my layout, see the
person "THISISAPATIENTWITHA-" (note this is test data not real people's data)
Initial display of cells
Same cells but device has been rotated
Still the same cells with device rotated back to original
How do I get the UILabel to redraw? We only need to support iOS8 and above.
I cannot see an event or method that gets called when the data binding has happened that would allow me to effectively tell the custom cell "You now have your subviews populated with bound data so redraw them"
The table has another issue too that is covered by this question, Implementing cell reuse for varying height cells in UITableView
Simple Repro on Github
I've forked your GitHub project and submitted a pull request. But here's my updates to your project.
First, you're using FluentLayout for your constraints. Nothing wrong with that actually, but that's some good info to tell others. :)
Second, in order for UITableView.AutomaticDimension to work on TableView Cells, there must be enough autolayout constraints defined in order for the cell to calculate the height of the cell. UITableView.AutomaticDimension depends on proper AutoLayout constraints.
Since you were using FluentLayout to abstract iOS AutoLayout constraints, this was not obvious as no warnings were present in the application output window. Though FluentLayout was technically correct, it however wasn't enough for UITableView.AutomaticDimension to automatically calculate each cell height.
So what I did was added a few more constraints. Look in CustomerItemCell.CreateView() in the pull request (or my github link). You can see that I added additional constraints for all the bottom labels so that they add a Bottom Constraint to the ContentView (Just like you did with this.bornLabel). This had to be applied to all the labels on the bottom of the cell. This gives AutoLayout enough information to properly calculate the cell height.
Third, This almost works, but if you rotate to Landscape, you'll notice that the long name cells will be bigger and have extra padding. To fix this, I created another class called AutoLayoutLabel that inherits from UILabel. I overrode the Bounds property so that it changes the PreferredMaxLayoutWidth to the proper width when rotated to Landscape, and back to Portrait. You then will need to use AutoLayoutLabel instead of UILabel. You'll need this for all labels that need to wrap. I'm not sure how to set PreferredMaxLayoutWidth to auto in code, but this is how to do it programmatically (which also works for iOS 7).
public class AutoLayoutLabel : UILabel
public override CGRect Bounds
return base.Bounds;
base.Bounds = value;
if(this.Lines == 0 && Bounds.Size.Width != PreferredMaxLayoutWidth)
PreferredMaxLayoutWidth = Bounds.Size.Width;
Well, that should do it!
I now have a solution to this part of my issue. Prompted by #SharpMobileCode reference to PreferredMaxLayoutWidth I decided to give that another go. Rather that setting it to Automatic (which seems impossible in code) I am setting it Explicitly, once AutoLayout has done its thing. Like this
/// <summary>
/// Lays out subviews.
/// </summary>
public override void LayoutSubviews()
this.nameLabel.PreferredMaxLayoutWidth = this.nameLabel.Frame.Size.Width;
I am no longer seeing the Labels not wrap (hurrah!) however I am seeing an issue with what looks like cell reuse. Once I scroll all of the cell off the top of the screen I can scroll it back on and it has reverted to the same height as all the other cells. I can see the label is still wrapping but the cell height is wrong.
The standard table views in MvvmCross date back to iOS4 - while the new UITableViewAutomaticDimension sizing wasn't really added until much more recently (iOS8?)
Most real apps tend to use custom cells rather than the standard ones, but if you do want to use the standard ones, then I'd guess you could try adding some code to the setters in the cell which would trigger resize recalculations - e.g. to setters in
I would guess that judiciously placed calls in there to request layout recalc would cause the parent cell and table to redraw.

GXT live grid not scrolling to bottom

I have a GXT LiveGridView grid - works great, loading fine, but will not scroll all the way to the bottom record using the scroll bar. The only way to see the last record is to select the last visible record and use the down arrow key to force the display down, one record at a time.
By overriding the 'getCalculatedRowHeight' method, since it was returning a wrong value (compared with the Firebug analysis) the issue was resolved.
private class MyLiveGridView<T> extends LiveGridView<T> {
// deal with wrong value of 22 from this method currently.
protected int getCalculatedRowHeight(){
return 28;
(A real fix would be to dynamically acquire the correct row height. For now this will suffice since I'm on the hook for a lot of code still).

How to remove focus from LWUIT Textfield and resize Form correctly when Virtual Keyboard hides?

I'm facing a problem with the LWUIT's Textfield.
In some of my Forms I display a CategoryBar, while in others I hide it.
In some of the Forms I have Textfields, the problem presents itself when I focus on one and make the Virtual Keyboard (VKB) to appear. When the VKB appears, the screen components resize themselves to adjust to the Textfield to be visible while text is entered, but when I hide the VKB, either through the back button or the return key on the VKB, the Textfield remains with the focus, not only that, when the screen components resize themselves, the current visible Form resizes itself as if there was no CategoryBar present, so any components that are at the bottom of the Form are hidden by the CategoryBar.
This is fixed by displaying another Form (this includes PopupChoiceGroup and DatePicker) and then going back to the Form that is covered by the CategoryBar.
In other Forms where no CategoryBar is visible, sometimes the resizing when the VKB is shown causes the Forms to resize themselves as if the CategoryBar was visible, making it possible to interact with it when it shouldn't be available.
How can I make sure the focus is completely lost on the Textfield? Also, how to make sure a Form is resized correctly whether a CategoryBar is visible or not?
I've been digging through the class reference for TextField, Form and VKB, in the later I found a method called autoAdjust which according to documentation:
Auto adjust size of the dialog. This method is triggered from a
sizeChanged event.
The method sizeChanged sounded like something I should check and in the Form's reference the description for this method is:
This method is only invoked when the underlying canvas for the form
gets a size changed event. This method will trigger a relayout of the
Form. This method will get the callback only if this Form is the
Current Form
This method seemed like the callback for resizing I was looking for, so I overrode it and placed a NotificatioBar to be displayed with the width and height values sent when the method was called.
What I found after testing this on my device was that when the Form was being resized after the VKB was shown or hidden, the height value sometimes instead of being 270 (the height for the Form when the CategoryBar is being displayed) it was sent as 320 (the full screen height, as if no CategoryBar was being displayed).
So far I haven't been able to understand why would the Form ignores the fact that the CategoryBar is being displayed or not when resizing the itself.
I tried to change the Form height inside its sizeChanged method but the Form wasn't affected by it. It seems to me what I have to modify is the canvas where the Form is being drawn, but I don't really know for sure since the canvas is hidden in LWUIT.
Could it be the canvas where my Form is being drawn is the one at fault? What is provoking this behaviour?
At the moment I found a workaround to avoid having my Components hidden by the CategoyBar because the Form resized wrongly after the VKB hid, for the scenario in which the Form resizes wrongly and displays the CategoryBar (which I don't know why is visible if I'm calling to its setVisibility method and passing false).
First I overrode the sizeChanged method:
protected void sizeChanged(int w, int h){
if(h > 270){
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 50);
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 0);
I check the height value, if the value is greater than the expected height when the CategoryBar is being displayed then I set the bottom of my Container to 50, so it'll be visible.
But this wasn't enough because if I show again the same form and it resizes correctly then the Container will remain with a bottom of 50. So I overrode the onShow method too:
protected void onShow(){
int containerBottom = mainContainer.getStyle().getMargin(Component.BOTTOM);
if(this.getHeight() == 270 && containerBottom == 50){
mainContainer.getStyle().setMargin(Component.BOTTOM, 0);
I had to make sure if the height was 270 and my Container's bottom was 50 then the Container's bottom should be 0.
Since I haven't found a way to avoid having my Form to resize and show the CategoryBar when it shouldn't be displayed at all, I don't consider myself with a full answer. Will update if I find a workaround for this.
I tried with explicitly setting the shown/hidden status by calling the setVisibility method inside the onShow method of every Form I have. So far I've been able to avoid the visual problems I experienced previously. I'm not sure if this problem was due to LWUIT or due to J2ME restrictions but this is how I worked around it.
