Force excel to tick checkbox - excel

I am currently making an excel template for tracking employee times. Because they have badge IDs, I am having them scan the ID which initiates a timestamp.
Rather than have them clock both in and out, I have decided to use a checkbox to only clock back in after breaks,lunch etc.
This may be time consuming, and also lead to erroneous check boxes, which is why I would like to find a way for the user to scan their ID again, force a checkbox tick and initiate the timestamp for each additional scan.
Is this possible?

Using ActiveX Controls you can tick a checkbox using something like
(Check Box is called "CheckBox1")
With ActiveSheet
.CheckBox1.Value = True
End With
And un-tick it using:
With ActiveSheet
.CheckBox1.Value = False
End With
And for form control check boxes you can do the same using:
(Check box here is called "Check Box 1")
With ActiveSheet
.Shapes("Check Box 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1
End With
And to un-tick it
With ActiveSheet
.Shapes("Check Box 1").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 0
End With
You can then get this to run when the 'ID' is scanned and put the timestamp in as well


Is there a way to detect if user clicked a disabled button?

Hey, I have an UserForm into which an user inputs varius profile
Once it's filled in, there is verification - if anything goes astray,
the CommandButton, named save_button is disabled
What I want to achieve is: If user clicks on the button, whilst it is in the disabled state, to display a MsgBox saying he needs to correct the incorrectly filled in field
For Demonstration purposes, I'm not gonna paste here the validation procedures, so let's just pretend that the save_button.Enabled = False is set from the getgo. Produces the same result.
save_button.Enabled = False ' already ran before, pretend this executes it
Private Sub save_button_Click()
If save_button.Enabled = False Then
MsgBox "Clicked disabled button"
End If
End Sub
Issue is, once a CommandButton is set to .Enabled = False then it can no longer be officially clicked (hence it can't even trigger the Click() procedure)
My next thought was to use the MouseUp as a substitute. Issue is,
this triggers on any miniscule movement over the button and I don't want to bombard the user with MsgBoxes
Can you think of any alternatives, as to how to detect if user clicked the disabled button?
When a control is disabled, the click event bubbles up the tree. In your case, I guess the user form will get the click instead. If you put your save button inside a frame, that will get the click if the button is disabled. It is fairly easy to make the frame invisible, by setting
Caption to ""
BorderStyle to fmBorderStyleNone
SpecialEffect to fmSpecialEffectFlat
And then size the frame so that is the same size as the button.
The code is easy:
Private Sub YourNewFrame_Click()
MsgBox "Save button disabled!"
End Sub
Tip: If you draw the frame, cut your button and paste it inside your new frame, it will be placed properly. Properly, as in in the right part of the hierarchy. Visually, you will have to do manually.
I want to offer another approach based on my comment to your question.
In the below gif, you will see that the 'Create Form' does not become enabled until all the necessary information is provided. You don't see it in the gif so much, but each entry that requires validation also has it behind the scenes in code.
The essential code behind that action is this:
Sub checkFields()
Select Case True
Case Len(Me.formTitleLine1) = 0, Len(Me.formPrefix) = 0, Len(Me.formNumber) = 0, Len(Me.formProduct) = 0, Len(Me.formEditionMonth) = 0, Len(Me.formEditionYear) = 0
Me.createForm.Enabled = False
Case Else
Me.createForm.Enabled = True
End Select
End Sub
And it's called on the afterUpdate event of each relevant box:
Private Sub formEditionYear_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
With one small change to the checkFields sub, you can only show the save button once everything has been filled in correctly. That change would be:
instead of

Accessing Microsoft Forms 2.0 Frame Controls in VBA

I found out that the only way to have controls be visible in a Frame in Excel is to add them with right-mouse-click Edit. But when I do this the controls are not listed in VBA.
These are the controls on the worksheet:
The first option button is optToday, the first textbox txtToday, the second option button optDate, the second textbox txtDate. The frame is groupDate, the button cmdGetWeek, the third textbox is txtWeekofMonth.
But this is all that comes up in VBA:
I am looking to call a function to calculate week of month when the user clicks on the button. If the user selected today this is the date that will be sent to the function. If the user selected a different date that will will be sent instead.
What I have so far for the code is this:
Private Sub cmdGetWeek_Click()
Dim selectedDate As Date
Dim calcWeekNum
If (optToday.Value = True) Then
selectedDate = txtToday.Value
selectedDate = txtDate.Value
End If
MsgBox ("Selected: " & selectedDate)
calcWeekNum = WeekOfMonth(selectedDate) End Sub
I get a Run-Time Error '424' for "If (optToday.Value = True) Then".
What is the correct way of accessing the frame controls?
It's unclear whether you added a Form Frame or an ActiveX Frame.
Form Frames are insertable, by default, from the Insert menu:
In order to be able to handle control events in VBA, you need to use the ActiveX form of the Frame control... But by default, the Frame ActiveX control isn't visible on the Insert menu. You'll need to press the More Controls button:
And then choose Microsoft Forms 2.0 Frame Control from the list of controls:
You'll then need to ensure that you add the ActiveX form of the Option Buttons and other controls... All of the controls (and their events), including the Frame and the Option Buttons will then appear in the Worksheet's event drop-down.

Enable Command Buttons based on Combobox

I have a userform that needs to display different options based on the user that is opening the form. Some of these options should only be enabled once a selection has been made in a combobox, but I can't seem to find a way to get them to update after a combobox selection is chosen.
What I'm using is:
Private Sub cbCharts_AfterUpdate()
If Me.cbCharts Is "" Then
Me.bQuickEntry.Enabled = False
Me.bView.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
ElseIf UserDep = "Quality Control" Then
Me.bQuickEntry.Enabled = True
Me.bView.Enabled = True
Me.bAdjust.Enabled = True
Me.bView.Enabled = True
Me.bQuickEntry.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub
Where cbCharts is the combobox in question, and bQuickentry, bView and bAdjust are the buttons.
Using this code, the buttons don't enable until I click somewhere else on the form, instead of immediately after making the selection. Then, if I clear the combobox Excel hangs and has to be force closed.
I've tried instead using Private Sub cbCharts_OnExit with the same code, but it doesn't do anything at all.
I know I can just leave all the buttons enabled and visible add a verification step to the code for each button to ensure that there is a valid combobox selection before proceeding, but I would prefer to enable and set their visibility to prevent user confusion, as some of these buttons will not be usable by the majority of spreadsheet users.
What am I doing wrong?
Try putting your code into the cbCharts_Click() event function instead. This event is fired as soon as the user selects an item in the list.

VBA Excel Button resizes after clicking on it (Command Button)

How can I stop a button from resizing? Each time I click on the button, either the size of the button or the font size changes.
Note: I cannot lock my sheet as my Macro will write into the sheet.
Autosize is turned off. I run Excel 2007 on Windows 7 (64 Bit).
I use the following for ListBoxes. Same principle for buttons; adapt as appropriate.
Private Sub myButton_Click()
Dim lb As MSForms.ListBox
Set lb = Sheet1.myListBox
Dim oldSize As ListBoxSizeType
oldSize = GetListBoxSize(lb)
' Do stuff that makes listbox misbehave and change size.
' Now restore the original size:
SetListBoxSize lb, oldSize
End Sub
This uses the following type and procedures:
Type ListBoxSizeType
height As Single
width As Single
End Type
Function GetListBoxSize(lb As MSForms.ListBox) As ListBoxSizeType
GetListBoxSize.height = lb.height
GetListBoxSize.width = lb.width
End Function
Sub SetListBoxSize(lb As MSForms.ListBox, lbs As ListBoxSizeType)
lb.height = lbs.height
lb.width = lbs.width
End Sub
I added some code to the end of the onClick thus:
CommandButton1.Width = 150
CommandButton1.Height = 33
CommandButton1.Font.Size = 11
Seems to work.
I got the issue a slightly different way. By opening the workbook on my primary laptop display, then moving it to my big monitor. Same root cause I would assume.
Seen this issue in Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013
This code prevents the issue from manifesting. Code needs to run every time a active X object is activated.
Sub Shared_ObjectReset()
Dim MyShapes As OLEObjects
Dim ObjectSelected As OLEObject
Dim ObjectSelected_Height As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Top As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Left As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_Width As Double
Dim ObjectSelected_FontSize As Single
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
'OLE Programmatic Identifiers for Commandbuttons = Forms.CommandButton.1
Set MyShapes = ActiveSheet.OLEObjects
For Each ObjectSelected In MyShapes
'Remove this line if fixing active object other than buttons
If ObjectSelected.progID = "Forms.CommandButton.1" Then
ObjectSelected_Height = ObjectSelected.Height
ObjectSelected_Top = ObjectSelected.Top
ObjectSelected_Left = ObjectSelected.Left
ObjectSelected_Width = ObjectSelected.Width
ObjectSelected_FontSize = ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize
ObjectSelected.Placement = 3
ObjectSelected.Height = ObjectSelected_Height + 1
ObjectSelected.Top = ObjectSelected_Top + 1
ObjectSelected.Left = ObjectSelected_Left + 1
ObjectSelected.Width = ObjectSelected_Width + 1
ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize = ObjectSelected_FontSize + 1
ObjectSelected.Height = ObjectSelected_Height
ObjectSelected.Top = ObjectSelected_Top
ObjectSelected.Left = ObjectSelected_Left
ObjectSelected.Width = ObjectSelected_Width
ObjectSelected.Object.FontSize = ObjectSelected_FontSize
End If
End Sub
(Excel 2003)
It seems to me there are two different issues:
- resizing of text of ONE button when clicking on it(though not always, don't know why), and
- changing the size of ALL buttons, when opening the workbook on a display with a different resolution (which subsist even when back on the initial display).
As for the individual resizing issue: I found that it is sufficient to modify one dimension of the button to "rejuvenate" it.
Such as :
myButton.Height = myButton.Height + 1
myButton.Height = myButton.Height - 1
You can put it in each button's clicking sub ("myButton_Click"), or implement it
a custom Classe for the "onClick" event.
I experienced the same problem with ActiveX buttons and spins in Excel resizing and moving. This was a shared spreadsheet used on several different PC's laptops and screens. As it was shared I couldn't use macros to automatically reposition and resize in code.
In the end after searching for a solution and trying every possible setting of buttons. I found that grouping the buttons solved the problem immediately. The controls, buttons, spinners all stay in place. I've tested this for a week and no problems. Just select the controls, right click and group - worked like magic.
Use a Forms button rather than an ActiveX one, ActiveX controls randomly misbehave themselves on sheets
Do you have a selection command in the buttons macro?
Shortly after I renamed some cells in a worksheet including one that the toggle button selects after its toggle function, the font size shrunk. I fixed this by making sure Range("...").Select included the new cell name, not the coordinates.
It happens when the screen resolution / settings change after Excel has been open.
For example:
Open a workbook that has a button on it
Log in with Remote Desktop from a computer with different screen size
Click on the button => the button size will change
The only solution I found is to close Excel and reopen it with the new screen settings. All instances of Excel must be closed, including any invisible instance executed by other processes without interface must be killed.
Old issue, but still seems to be an issue for those of us stuck on Excel 2007. Was having same issue on ActiveX Listbox Object and would expand its size on each re-calculate. The LinkCells property was looking to a dynamic (offset) range for its values. Restructuring so that it was looking to a normal range fixed my issue.
I had this problem using Excel 2013. Everything for working fine for a long time and all of sudden, when I clicked on the button (ActiveX), it got bigger and the font got smaller at the same time.
Without saving the file, I restarted my computer and open the same Excel file again and everything is fine again.
Mine resized after printing and changing the zoom redrew the screen and fixed it
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 75
Found the same issue with Excel 2016 - was able to correct by changing the height of the control button, changing it back, then selecting a cell on the sheet. Just resizing did not work consistently. Example below for a command button (cmdBALSCHED)
Public Sub cmdBALSCHED_Click()
Sheet3.cmdBALSCHED.Height = 21
Sheet3.cmdBALSCHED.Height = 20
This will reset the height back to 20 and the button font back to as found.
After some frustrated fiddling, The following code helped me work around this Excel/VBA bug.
Two key things to note that may help:
Although others have recommended changing the size, and then immediately changing it back, notice that this code avoids changing it more than once on single toggle state change. If the value changes twice during one event state change (particularly if the second value is the same at the initial value), the alternate width and height properties may not ever be applied to the control, which will not reset the control width and height as it needs to be to prevent the width and height value from decreasing.
I used hard-coded values for the width and height. This is not ideal, but I found this was the only way to prevent the control from shrinking after being clicked several times.
Private Sub ToggleButton1_Click()
'Note: initial height is 133.8 and initial width was 41.4
If ToggleButton1.Value = True Then
' [Code that I want to run when user clicks control and toggle state is true (not related to this issue)]
'When toggle value is true, simply change the width and height values to a specific value other than their initial values.
ToggleButton1.Height = 40.4
ToggleButton1.Width = 132.8
' [Code that I want to run when user clicks control and toggle state false (not related to this issue)]
'When toggle value is false adjust to an alternate width and height values.
'These can be the same as the initial values, as long as they are in a separate conditional statement.
ToggleButton1.Height = 41.4
ToggleButton1.Width = 133.8
End If
End Sub
For a control that does not toggle, you may be able to use an iterator variable or some other method to ensure that the width and height properties alternate between two similar sets of values, which would produce an effect similar the toggle state changes that I used in this case.

Excel VBA Calling the Calendar via Command Button in a form

I have just added in Calendar 12.0 from the tools > Additional Controls. Calendar works fine and I have it spitting the date out to the right cells. What I would like, however, is to really make the calendar visible from a command button as my form contains a bunch of fields and I don't want to bog up the form with this calendar. I have tried but the .show isn't an option.
So ultimately I need a command button to show the calendar, allow the user to select (I have that) and then close the calendar. Any help? I thank you in advance!!
In this snippet, CommandButton1 is from the ActiveX controls, not the form controls. It requires that you click the button to show the calendar (which pops up next to the button you clicked), and click the button again to hide the calendar.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Not Calendar1.Visible Then
Calendar1.LinkedCell = "A1"
Calendar1.Top = Sheet1.CommandButton1.Top
Calendar1.Left = Sheet1.CommandButton1.Left + Sheet1.CommandButton1.Width + 1
Calendar1.Visible = True
Calendar1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Obviously, different buttons would require different linked cells, but it does mean that you could have a single calendar control that it displyed by multiple buttons (if that is what you want).
Unfortunately, it would appear that you cannot hide the control while any of its events are firing (e.g AfterUpdate). It just doesn't want to disappear!!
Hide/Close a calendar control still not works (new year 2015 = almost four years later) but I think I found a workaround to hide the control after firing events.
I have a Calendar1_AfterUpdate(), which launches before Calendar1_Click(). Code is placed directly in a worksheet and NOT in a module.
Private Sub Calendar1_AfterUpdate()
Range("a1") = Me.Calendar1.Value
' Next two lines does not work within AfterUpdate
' When running step by step it seems to work but the control is
' visible when End Sub has run
Me.Calendar1.Visible = True
Me.Calendar1.Visible = False
End Sub
To that I simply added
Private Sub Calendar1_Click()
Me.Calendar1.Visible = True
Me.Calendar1.Visible = False
End Sub
Please note that the control for some reason must be made visible before hiding.
Why it does not work directly in Calendar1_AfterUpdate() is a mystery to me.
Next problem is to hide the control when I remove the mouse. Mouse-events seems to be impossible in a calendar control ...
