named parameter binding with sql-wildcard not working - node.js

I'm using the node-sqlite3 package to access my db.
I'm trying to get rows from a Clients table with this code:
var st = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM Clients where name LIKE '%$name%'");
st.all({ $name: "test" }, function (err, rows) {
console.log("this: " + JSON.stringify(this));
if (err)
else {
console.log("found: " + JSON.stringify(rows));
Output of err is this:
{ [Error: SQLITE_RANGE: bind or column index out of range] errno: 25, code: 'SQLITE_RANGE' }
The query works and doesn't throw errors when I change the sql to SELECT * FROM Clients where name LIKE '%$name%'. So I guess the problem is, that node-sqlite3 tries to find a variable called $name% or something like that in the object passed as first parameter to Statement#all.
I've searched the API doc for more hints about this, but couldn't find any.
Do I need to escape something? How do I get my query to work with named binding and the sql wildcards %?

This is not the way bindings work.
You can have
SELECT * FROM Clients where name LIKE $name
var name = "%"+"test"+"%";
{ $name: name }
bound variables are negociated with the backend database as a "whole" variable and you should not confuse this with variable replacement.
you should also be able to use the concatenate function of sqlite (not tested) :
SELECT * FROM Clients where name LIKE '%'||$name||'%'
{ $name: test }


node.js - Error: SQLITE_ERROR: near "users": syntax error

I'm trying to put a JSON object "Synced" (Which you will see in the code)
This is the code for a function "addServer(userid, serverid)"
The function is being required from another javascript file
db.all(`SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Tag = ? LIMIT 1`, userid, async(error,element) => {
if(element[0].Synced === '') {
var sJSON = {
var serverJSON = JSON.stringify(sJSON)
} else {
//Else statement not done yet
}`UPDATE Users SET Synced = "${serverJSON}" WHERE Tag = "${userid}"`)
Solved. Needed to change quoting.
As Dave Newton said, I had to check my quoting. What I did was change my double quotes to single quotes which solved the problem.

Delete Documents from CosmosDB based on condition through Query Explorer

What's the query or some other quick way to delete all the documents matching the where condition in a collection?
I want something like DELETE * FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA' but, apparently, it doesn't work.
Note: I'm not looking for any C# implementation for this.
This is a bit old but just had the same requirement and found a concrete example of what #Gaurav Mantri wrote about.
The stored procedure script is here:
Go to the Azure portal, grab the script from above and make a new stored procedure in the database->collection you need to delete from.
Then right at the bottom of the stored procedure pane, underneath the script textarea is a place to put in the parameter. In my case I just want to delete all so I used:
SELECT c._self FROM c
I guess yours would be:
SELECT c._self FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA'
Then hit 'Save and Execute'. Viola, some documents get deleted. After I got it working in the Azure Portal I switched over the Azure DocumentDB Studio and got a better view of what was happening. I.e. I could see I was throttled to deleting 18 a time (returned in the results). For some reason I couldn't see this in the Azure Portal.
Anyway, pretty handy even if limited to a certain amount of deletes per execution. Executing the sp is also throttled so you can't just mash the keyboard. I think I would just delete and recreate the Collection unless I had a manageable number of documents to delete (thinking <500).
Props to Mimi Gentz #Microsoft for sharing the script in the link above.
I want something like DELETE * FROM c WHERE c.DocumentType = 'EULA'
but, apparently, it doesn't work.
Deleting documents this way is not supported. You would need to first select the documents using a SELECT query and then delete them separately. If you want, you can write the code for fetching & deleting in a stored procedure and then execute that stored procedure.
I wrote a script to list all the documents and delete all the documents, it can be modified to delete the selected documents as well.
var docdb = require("documentdb");
var async = require("async");
var config = {
host: "",
auth: {
masterKey: "xxxx"
var client = new docdb.DocumentClient(, config.auth);
var messagesLink = docdb.UriFactory.createDocumentCollectionUri("xxxx", "xxxx");
var listAll = function(callback) {
var spec = {
query: "SELECT * FROM c",
parameters: []
client.queryDocuments(messagesLink, spec).toArray((err, results) => {
callback(err, results);
var deleteAll = function() {
listAll((err, results) => {
if (err) {
} else {
async.forEach(results, (message, next) => {
client.deleteDocument(message._self, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
var task = process.argv[2];
switch (task) {
case "listAll":
listAll((err, results) => {
if (err) {
} else {
case "deleteAll":
console.log("listAll deleteAll");
And if you want to do it in C#/Dotnet Core, this project may help: It's a simple Visual Studio project where you specify a SELECT query, and all the matches will be a) backed up to file; b) deleted, based on a set of flags.
create stored procedure in collection and execute it by passing select query with condition to delete. The major reason to use this stored proc is because of continuation token which will reduce RUs to huge extent and will cost less.
##### Here is the python script which can be used to delete data from Partitioned Cosmos Collection #### This will delete documents Id by Id based on the result set data.
Identify the data that needs to be deleted before below step
res_list = "select id from id_del"
res_id = [{id:x["id"]}
for x in sqlContext.sql(res_list).rdd.collect()]
config = {
"Endpoint" : "Use EndPoint"
"Masterkey" : "UseKey",
"WritingBatchSize" : "5000",
'DOCUMENTDB_COLLECTION': 'collection-core'
for row in res_id:
# Initialize the Python DocumentDB client
client = document_client.DocumentClient(config['Endpoint'], {'masterKey': config['Masterkey']})
# use a SQL based query to get documents
## Looping thru partition to delete
query = { 'query': "SELECT FROM c where = "+ "'" +row[id]+"'" }
options = {}
options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
options['maxItemCount'] = 1000
result_iterable = client.QueryDocuments('dbs/Database/colls/collection-core', query, options)
results = list(result_iterable)
print('DOCS TO BE DELETED : ' + str(len(results)))
if len(results) > 0 :
for i in range(0,len(results)):
# print(results[i]['id'])
docID = results[i]['id']
print("docID :" + docID)
options = {}
options['enableCrossPartitionQuery'] = True
options['maxItemCount'] = 1000
options['partitionKey'] = docID
print ('deleted Partition:' + docID)

How to deal with SQL Injection in OrientDB using nodejs?

I'm using the orientjs library to perform operations in the Orient Database. I read in the documentation that it's possible to use parameter-style queries like the following:
'SELECT name, ba FROM Player '
+ 'WHERE ba >= :ba AND team = ":team"',
{params: {
ba: targetBA,
team: targetTeam }
}, limit: 20
My question is: Is it enough to prevent SQL injection? Because I didn't find information about that in the NodeJS API. In the case of Java, there is a 'Prepared Query' concept, I'm not sure if they are refering to the same thing.
Seems to be secure, I'm trying with this code (yours taken from the wiki is a bit buggy):
var name='admin'; {
return db.query(
+ "WHERE name = :name",
name: name
First of all, the query is parsed as SELECT * FROM OUser WHERE name = "admin" (observed with the Studio Query Profiler).
As expected, I get the admin user record.
Since the params are evaluated directly as String, there's non need quote them (e.g. :name not ':name'). So there is no way to inject something like ' OR '1'='1 or any ; drop something;
Here are some test I did:
var name='; create class p;';
returns no records;
evaluated by orient as: SELECT * FROM OUser WHERE name = "; create class p;"
var name="' OR '1'='1";
returns no records;
evaluated as: SELECT * FROM OUser WHERE name = "' OR '1'='1"
var name='" OR "1"="1';
returns no records;
evaluated as: SELECT * FROM OUser WHERE name = "\" OR \"1\"=\"1"
quoting the param name in the query: "WHERE name = ':name'"
evaluated as: SELECT * FROM OUser WHERE name = ':name'
Feel free to try more combinations, in my opinion seems quite safe.

What's the usage of double colon in sql using sequelize?

I saw this in a node.js project.
sequelize.query("select * from user where user.age=::age",
Why does he use double colon rather than single colon?
Looking at the docs it seems you need a single colon. Replacements can be named using a colon or anonymous using a question mark. e.g.
sequelize.query("select * from user where user.age=:age", {replacements:{age:20}});
sequelize.query("select * from user where user.age=?", {replacements:[20]});
Oh,I guess I got it. #chriskelly you're right. one more colon will also match the RegEx,and two more colon will also work. i.e. ::::age is accepted, too.
SqlString.formatNamedParameters = function(sql, values, timeZone, dialect) {
return sql.replace(/\:+(?!\d)(\w+)/g, function(value, key) {
if ('postgres' === dialect && '::' === value.slice(0, 2)) {
return value;
if (values.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return SqlString.escape(values[key], false, timeZone, dialect);
} else {
throw new Error('Named parameter "' + value + '" has no value in the given object.');

Azure Mobile server update script w/ complex field type

I've got a complex data type "AzureTemplate" containing a list of children "AzureField". I've implemented my read and insert on the server side according to this article. Works great.
Needing an update as well, I copy/pasted the insert into the update so it does the same thing, but using update instead. So my update looks like this:
function update(item, user, request) {
// remove complex child object, make copy first
var fields = item.fields;
if (fields) {
delete item.fields;
success: function () {
var templateId =; // "foreign key"
var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
if (fields) {
// update the child fields
var updateNextField = function (index) {
if (index >= fields.length) {
// done updating fields, respond to client
} else {
var field = fields[index];
field.templateId = templateId;
console.log("updating field w/ id ",;
fieldsTable.update(field, {
success: function () {
updateNextField(index + 1);
// kick off the loop saving each field
} else {
// no fields. no need to do anything else
The log that prints the ID of the child "field" shows a valid field id (I save them on the client side when reading them). But I get an error that says:
Error in script '/table/AzureTemplate.update.js'. Error: Invalid id value specified. AzureTemplate/update Tue Jan 27 2015, 10:11:31 AM
I put a console.log() at the top of the AzureField.update, but that never shows up, so it's not getting in there. Also, when I update a single child "Field" directly from the client it works fine. So the AzureField.update is working. Any ideas?
var fieldsTable = tables.getTable('AzureFields');
... my table name is AzureField, not AzureFields. The above code works, hopefully it helps someone.
I have misnamed a table before and got a meaningful error about "table not existing". Not sure why the error in this case is totally unrelated.
