Excel - add rows - excel

Hi I have a sheet of data that is reported by week. For my problem I can only use months. The columns that I have are Month, Value, Week. Weeks are in order, but months repeat: weeks 1 - 3 are in Month 1, weeks 4-7 are in Month 2, etc. In this sheet I need to sum the values by month. How do I accomplish this?
Thank you in advance.

It really depends on how you want the data. Do you just want a value in a cell with the data? Then this formula would work for the following data:
=SUMIF(A:A, A2, B:B)
If you want this in a more aggregated format, I would use a pivot table referencing this data and making sure to add the Month in as the ROWS and Value as the VALUES (defaults to sum) as pictured:


Increment Date by One Day in Formula - Excel

I want to have separate two columns that each row has a date, and another row containing total sale of the date.
I want my formula to increment the date by a day and automatically sum every transactions in that day.
I apologize if my explanation is awful.
Use Sumif To Sum Value See Bellow Mention Screenshot

SUMIFS with Date Range...but X days before and X days after

I am trying to create a SUMIFS function that is adding totals based on several parameters. The final parameter is to use a date in a column and then look for any dates 7 days prior and 7 days after.
I have a list of invoices I am trying to sum up based on travel...conceivably people who are traveling will travel in a short duration. I cant add all invoices up because someone might travel at the beginning of the month and at the end, creating 2 trips.
Lets say the date is in Column I and my criteria cell is I10, I tried to enter the Criteria Range as "(I10-7)=>I10<=(I10+7)"
But this is clearly wrong. Any help is appreciated!
=sumifs(A:A, I:I, ">="&I10-7, I:I, "<="&I10+7)
Add your other criteria pairs making sure that the criteria ranges are the same number of rows as the sum range.

how to calculate values using COUNTIF

I have two sheets in my Excel file: Sheet1 and Sheet2.
In Sheet2 i have data with columns Severity and LodgedDate. In Severity there are multiple values like
In Sheet1 I want to calculate the no. of occurrences for sev-1, sev-2, sev-3, sev-4 for today, this month, this financial quarter, last quarter, older than last quarter.
Can anyone help?
=COUNTIF(shee2, C2:C,"sev-1" , "Today").
Assuming the date is in column B, try along the lines of
For the current month
So, for a time frame enter the first and the last day of the time frame into two conditions.
You may want to use a pivot table instead of countifs formulas. It is a lot faster and won't require you to type out all the possibilities.

Excel SUMIF between dates

I have column A with date values formatted as mm/dd/yyyy. I am trying to sum the values of column B if A >=DATE(2012,1,1) AND
=SUM(B:B) sums B properly, but if I try to use =SUMIF(B:B,A:A>=DATE(2012,1,1)) the value returned is 0.00. I'm assuming this has something to do with using decimal for the sum and date type for the criteria. Is there a way to get around this?
You haven't got your SUMIF in the correct order - it needs to be range, criteria, sum range. Try:
To SUMIFS between dates, use the following:
I found another way to work around this issue that I thought I would share.
In my case I had a years worth of daily columns (i.e. Jan-1, Jan-2... Dec-31), and I had to extract totals for each month. I went about it this way: Sum the entire year, Subtract out the totals for the dates prior and the dates after. It looks like this for February's totals:
=SUM($P3:$NP3)-(SUMIF($P$2:$NP$2, ">2/28/2014",$P3:$NP3)+SUMIF($P$2:$NP$2, "<2/1/2014",$P3:$NP3))
Where $P$2:$NP$2 contained my date values and $P3:$NP3 was the first row of data I am totaling.
So SUM($P3:$NP3) is my entire year's total and I subtract (the sum of two sumifs):
SUMIF($P$2:$NP$2, ">2/28/2014",$P3:$NP3), which totals all the months after February and
SUMIF($P$2:$NP$2, "<2/1/2014",$P3:$NP3), which totals all the months before February.
this works, and can be adapted for weeks or anyother frequency i.e. weekly, quarterly etc...
One more solution when you want to use data from any sell ( in the key C3)

Generate trend graph in excel

I encountered a practical problem that can be simplified as follows:
My excel sheet has a single column which is the date I had a beer can. It can repeat based on the number of beers cans I had a day. (eg. I had three beers on 5/9/2012) I need to generate the trend of my beer consumption per week. How can I do it in excel?
**Date of beer**
You could make a pivot table. Date as a row field, Count of Date (i.e., count of beers) as a data field. Group the row field Date by 7 days to get weekly totals.
You'd probably be better off with a two column spreadsheet. Column A = Date; Column B = Number of cans. Then you could easily just make a line graph from that.
If you already have a large amount of data in your format you can use excel's subtotal function to create the two column format for you.
First i would put a formula in to get a week number for each date, and then use a count if for each week of the year.
This formula will assign each day of the year the week number of the year it falls in. Put this in each cell next to your dates.
Once that is done create a column of numbers 1-52 (53 for leap year) and do
and copy that down for all 52 or 53 weeks
Then make a graph based on the final two columns
