Hidden label value in google form's grid - google-docs

I'm using Google Forms to have people answer a questionnaire.
Basically, I don't want to bias the answers and since I have to use the famous NASA TLX (http://humansystems.arc.nasa.gov/groups/tlx/downloads/TLXScale.pdf)
I would love to be able to have the same kind of layout, i.e 20 different possible answers, each one with a value but only the "Very High" or "Very Low" visible to the user.
Is that possible?
If it is I would really like to know how to do it because I just can't find a way.
Thanks in advance for the help

I have three options:
It sounds like what you are looking for is the "Scale" question type. This, however, would only allow for 0 to 10.
To get 20 you would have to pick a multiple choice question and add 20 options. The first being "very low", the last "very high" and " " [spaces] in between. This would give you a vertical version of the NASA Task Load Index, however.
To get a horizontal version use a question type of "Grid" and use spaces and very low/high.


How to code circles around text in Mathjax

The following image is from an exercise in Chiswell and Hodges Mathematical Logic, page 21:
I would like to display something similar when I post an answer on Mathematics Stack Exchange, but I don't know how to make the circles with the numbers inside nor the forward slashes through the letters in Mathjax. I think I can handle the fractions with "\frac" as well as the rest of it.
I've looked for examples from other posts to copy, but people seem to replace the circle with parenthesis as an alternative.
Would someone be able to show me how or what software I should use to get this effect?
There are a number of possible ways to get a circle around the one. Here are three:
Use the enclose extension with the circle notation:
{\scriptstyle \enclose{circle}{\kern .06em 1\kern .06em}}
You only need to include the \require{enclose} once on the page before your first usage of \enclose. The \kern commands are to make the circle be round rather than oval, since the size of the one is taller than it is wide.
Use \rlap to place the 1 over top of a \bigcirc:
{scriptstyle \rlap{\kern .18em 1}\raise.04em{\bigcirc}}}
we also raise the big circle slightly to get the placement better.
Use the \unicode{} command to obtain the U+2460 character, which is "circled digit one":
You can use the cancel package to get \cancel, which produces an diagonal upward slash over its argument, and use a superscript to put the circled 1 in place:
{scriptstyle\cancel{\psi}^{\raise.2em{\enclose{circle}{\kern .06em 1\kern .06em}}}}
Putting this all together with your fractions, you can do something like the following horrible hack:
\lower.3em{\scriptstyle\cancel{\psi}\raise.6em{\enclose{circle}{\kern .06em 1\kern .06em}}}
\kern 2.6em
{\scriptstyle (\wedge\rm E)}
\kern -2.5em
\kern -.7em
{\scriptstyle\enclose{circle}{\kern .06em 1\kern .06em}}
{\scriptstyle(\rightarrow\rm I)}
\kern -1.7em
}\ {\scriptstyle (\wedge\rm I).}
This includes a lot of spacing adjustments by hand to get the fraction lines to be the right length. It would be painful to do this for very many of these.
Here is the result:

React-Native Change Text With setNativeProps

Has anyone figured out a way to dynamically mutate text on the screen without triggering a render?
A large part of my screen utilizes setNativeProps for moving parts, meaning that the animations become lagged despite using shouldComponentUpdate. I would like to use the Text tag instead of the TextInput tag workaround suggested in this post for stylistic reasons.
Best case scenario is a workaround that involves setNaiveProps as it would follow the pattern of the rest of the screen; however, I currently plan to render all the numbers 0-9 on the screen an move them into place at the moment, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
As it turns out, you can actually format TextInputs the same exact way as Text elements (from what I have tested). For placing text horizontally, you have to set the width (something I had trouble with before). For those still interested in the original question however, you can nest TextInputs inside of a Text Element (one per text element because there is no justification and it automatically places them in a row). Styling applied to the Text Element will apply to the TextInput.

Map: mix regions and markers

I need to display both color coded states and cities on a US map.
Is this possible with Google geocharts?
Basically what I'm looking for is a way to mix the regions and markers display modes.
If not, any alternate options to achieve this?
I also answered a similar question here, but here it goes again:
Regions and Markers wont work at the same time. So if you want to color the background of the states, using markers mode, you can do it with CSS.
I'm documenting some examples for a Wordpress plugin i developed here: http://cmoreira.net/interactive-world-maps-demo/advanced-customization/
Check the last example. It's not easy, since you have to find which child path number you want to color, and then you can do it. Example:
#visualization path:nth-child(5) {
Here's an example, forkerd from another user, with the CSS above: http://jsfiddle.net/cmoreira/Jqkjg/
Hope it helps!
No, this is impossible with GeoCharts. I would recommend you to try jVectorMap library for that.

Which color combination to use on websites?

Just interested in knowing if there are any good (and short! :-) ) articles which talk about the color combinations that would look good on a website.
i.e For tables (odd and even row), which one will be good in all situations
For alerts? For menus? etc
When it comes to colors, I don't think there are any set colors like you ask. There are no articles that say "ALL MENUS MUST BE BLUE!".
For alerts, either a light or golden yellow is used (so that you don't burn your eyes out), or a dark maroon or peachy pink for more prominent alerts. Menus can be any color, but they should match your color scheme.
I think what you are implicitly asking for are color schemes. Take a look at these resources:
Prefab color pallets for inspiration
Color scheme helper chooser
Aviary (Toucan) color chooser (flash)
Visibone color lab
Related articles
How color schemes work
How to choose a color scheme
How to select color combinations
In addition, if you are serious about your website, I strongly STRONGLY suggest reading this book:
Steve Krugs Dont Make Me Think
The book is in an easy to read (and skim) format, and is about colors, interfaces, buttons, and designing the easy-to-use website with lots of pictures and examples. For me, it was a quick read ( < 1 hr), and it changed my life.
simple advise : do not use many colors. select three or max four different color. and work with their shades.
for color scheme selections nothing beats...

How to put a figure on the top of a page on its own in latex?

One of the figures appear in the middle of a page (on its own) when the figure does not fit the other text. How to show it on top of the new page?
If all else fails, just add \vspace*{3in} to the bottom of your figure below the \caption. Then by trial and error change the 3in dimension until you get the look you want. This is of course pure brute force, but sometimes that's a lot easier than trying to get LaTeX to do things the "right" way.
When in doubt, use brute force.
--- Ken Thompson
I think I misunderstood your question. Are you asking "how do I get floats on pages by themselves to be at the top of the page, rather than vertically centred?"?.
If so, here's how to customise the float page. From source2e, glue is inserted at the top and bottom of the page, and between each float on the page. This inserted glue is given by the following parameters:
\setlength\#fptop{0\p# \#plus 1fil}
\setlength\#fpsep{8\p# \#plus 2fil}
\setlength\#fpbot{0\p# \#plus 1fil}
Simply redefine these to get the output you like. For example, for top- and bottom- aligned floats: (untested)
\setlength\#fpsep{8pt plus 1fil}
You can insert a pagebreak via \clearpage or \newpage, then use the t option on the figure environment:
If there's nowhere for the figure to fit then it will go on a page by itself. See the FAQ answer on floats for more information on how to customise this behaviour.
