why windows x64 home space simplifies support of C unprototyped functions and C/C++ vararg functions - 64-bit

In the link above, there is following statement:
The caller is responsible for allocating space for parameters to the callee, and must always allocate sufficient space for the 4 register parameters, even if the callee doesn’t have that many parameters. This aids in the simplicity of supporting C unprototyped functions, and vararg C/C++ functions.
Can anyone explain why the home space can simplify support of C unprototyped functions and vararg C/C++ functions?


MSVC2017 static runtime heap

I have A.dll and B.dll that links MSVC2017 runtime statically. Do they have separate heaps or share the same heap when they are loaded to the same exe module?
Can I pass std::string with the default allocator, for example, from A.dll to B.dll by value?
Each has their own separate heap manager. I expect passing std::string by value to end badly.
In general, since C++ doesn't define ABI, it's unwise to use C++ classes in general, and standard library classes in particular, in a DLL's public interface. One exception is when a) all modules (EXE and DLLs) link to the DLL runtime, and b) they are all built together, using the same version of the same compiler (at which point, there's little benefit in splitting into multiple modules in the first place).
There are two common approaches to designing DLL interface:
C-style free functions using only fundamental types, and structs and arrays thereof. Windows API is mostly like that.
Pointers to abstract classes with no data members and all methods pure virtual - also known as interfaces. At this point, you are using COM, or something substantially COM-like.
In either case, the program must arrange that all resources allocated by a DLL are deallocated in the same DLL. E.g. the DLL may require the caller to pass in buffers for the DLL to fill, so it doesn't return allocated memory; or provide a function the caller must use to deallocate memory allocated by the DLL; or use OS facilities such as CoTaskMemAlloc et al, and document this use.

How to correctly use std::arch::_mm_loadu_si128 / _mm_storeu_si128

Usually one should be wary of transmuting (or casting) pointers to a higher alignment. Yet the interface to the above functions require *const _m128i and *mut _m128i pointers, respectively. Both are SIMD-aligned, which means I'd need to keep my arrays SIMD-aligned, too. On the other hand, the intrinsics are explicitly designed to load/store unaligned data.
Is this safe? Shouldn't we change the interface? Or at least document this fact?
I think this is a cross-language duplicate of Is `reinterpret_cast`ing between hardware vector pointer and the corresponding type an undefined behavior?.
As I explained over there, Intel defined the C/C++ intrinsics API such that loadu / storeu can safely dereference an under-aligned pointer, and that it's safe to create such pointers, even though it's UB in ISO C++ even to create under-aligned pointers. (Thus implementations that provide the intrinsics API must define the behaviour).
The Rust version should work identically. Implementations that provide it must make it safe to create under-aligned __m128i* pointers, as long as you don't dereference them "manually".
The other API-design option would be to have another version of the type that doesn't imply 16-byte alignment, like a __m128i_u or something. GNU C does this with their native vector syntax, but that's way off topic for Rust.

"getenv... function ... may be unsafe" - really?

I'm using MSVC to compile some C code which uses standard-library functions, such as getenv(), sprintf and others, with /W3 set for warnings. I'm told by MSVC that:
'getenv': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using _dupenv_s instead. To disable deprecation, use _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS
Why would this be unsafe, theoretically - as opposed to its use on other platforms?
Is it unsafe on Windows in practice?
Assuming I'm not writing security-oriented code - should I disable this warning or actually start aliasing a bunch of standard library functions?
getenv() is potentially unsafe in that subsequent calls to that same function may invalidate earlier returned pointers. As a result, usage such as
char *a = getenv("A");
char *b = getenv("B");
/* do stuff with both a and b */
may break, because there's no guarantee a is still usable at that point.
getenv_s() - available in the C standard library since C11 - avoids this by immediately copying the value into a caller-supplied buffer, where the caller has full control over the buffer's lifetime. dupenv_s() avoids this by making the caller responsible for managing the lifetime of the allocated buffer.
However, the signature for getenv_s is somewhat controvertial, and the function may even be removed from the C standard at some point... see this report.
getenv suffers like much of the classic C Standard Library by not bounding the string buffer length. This is where security bugs like buffer overrun often originate from.
If you look at getenv_s you'll see it provides an explicit bound on the length of the returned string. It's recommended for all coding by the Security Development Lifecycle best practice, which is why Visual C++ emits deprecation warnings for the less secure versions.
See MSDN and this blog post
There was an effort by Microsoft to get the C/C++ ISO Standard Library to include the Secure CRT here, some of which was approved for C11 Annex K as noted here. That also means that getenv_s should be part of the C++17 Standard Library by reference. That said, Annex K is officially considered optional for conformance. The _s bounds-checking versions of these functions are also still a subject of some debate in the C/C++ community.

What is the fastcall keyword used for in visual c?

I have seen the fastcall notation appended before many functions. Why it is used?
That notation before the function is called the "calling convention." It specifies how (at a low level) the compiler will pass input parameters to the function and retrieve its results once it's been executed.
There are many different calling conventions, the most popular being stdcall and cdecl.
You might think there's only one way of doing it, but in reality, there are dozens of ways you could call a function and pass variables in and out. You could place the input parameters on a stack (push, push, push to call; pop, pop, pop to read input parameters). Or perhaps you would rather stick them in registers (this is fastcall - it tries to fit some of the input params in registers for speed).
But then what about the order? Do you push them from left to right or right to left? What about the result - there's always only one (assuming no reference parameters), so do you place the result on the stack, in a register, at a certain memory address?
Also, let's assume you're using the stack for communication - who's job is it to actually clear the stack after the function is called - the caller or the callee?
What about backing up and then restoring the contents of (certain) CPU registers - should the caller do it, or will the callee guarantee that it'll return everything the way it was?
The most popular calling convention (by far) is cdecl, which is the standard calling convention in both C and C++. The WIN32 API uses stdcall, which means any code that calls the WIN32 API needs to use stdcall for those function calls (making it another popular choice).
fastcall is a bit of an oddball - people realized for many functions with only one in/out parameter, pushing and popping from a memory-based stack is quite a bit of overhead and makes function calls a little bit heavy so the different compilers introduced (different) calling conventions that will place one or more parameters in registers before placing the rest in the stack for better performance. The problem is, not all compilers used the same rules for what goes where and who does what with fastcall, and as a result you have to be careful when using it because you'll never know who does what. Finally, see Is fastcall really faster? for info on fastcall performance benefits.
Complicated stuff.
Something important to keep in mind: don't add or change calling conventions if you don't know exactly what you're doing, because if both the caller and the callee do not agree on the calling convention, you'll likely end up with stack corruption and a segfault. This usually happens when you have the function being called in a DLL/shared library and a program is written that depends on the DLL/SO/dylib being a certain calling convention (say, cdecl), then the library is recompiled with a different calling convention (say, fastcall). Now the old program can no longer communicate with the new library.
Wikipedia states that
Conventions entitled fastcall have not been standardized, and have been implemented differently, depending on the compiler vendor. Typically fastcall calling conventions pass one or more arguments in registers which reduces the number of memory accesses required for the call.

for a function in binary without source code, is there any way to get the number of parameters

I don't have the source code but have the binary. With command "nm binary_name" I could know the functions inside the binary.
Can I know how many parameters a function has? Under solaris, is there anyway to do that?
e.g, if the function is: func1(a int,b int,c int), then there are 3 parameters.
No. Neil Butterworth's suggestion to examine the function signature is a good one for C++ (since the parameters are often encoded into the function so the linker can tell the difference between "int x(int)" and "int x(float)" for example) but, for C, you're going to have to get your hands dirty and disassemble the function, taking particular note of how the stack frames are built and used in your environment.
Keep in mind that SPARC has a rotating window stack rather than regular grow-down stack. You're really going to delve deep into the way the CPU works. If you're talking Solaris for Intel, the rotating stack is not there, of course.
Assuming this is C code, then no there is not - the
compiler/linker elides that information. If it is C++ code, it is just possible that the mangled name of the function is retained and includes the parameters in encoded form.
At the lowest level, if you emulate the function running on the machine, then it will read some information either from registers or the stack which it has not written. If you compare these reads to the ABI of the platform ( You don't say whether it's Sparc Solaris or Intel Solaris ) then some of them should correspond to the registers/stack locations of the parameters of the function. Of course, there's no guarantee that a function will read all its parameters.
For Solaris, elfdump might give more information than nm ( a quick google for elfdump signature indicates support was requested and added, but you'd need to check what version you've got )
IDA Pro (http://www.hex-rays.com/idapro/) is a disassembler which is pretty clever at infering parameters of a function from object code;
maybe there is also symbolic information you can use; eg. on Win32 the symbol _function#8 reveals that 8 bytes (2 parameters) are passed
one can also demangle C++ names to get the parameters and types
