byacc %defines syntax error when compiling with make command - cygwin

I am trying to run Ymer tool in windows 10 platform. I have installed g++, gcc, yacc via cygwin. After configure command, When I am running make command to compile the application, it generates following error.
PS C:\ymer> make
/bin/sh ./ylwrap src/grammar.yy src/ echo src/ | sed -e s/cc$/hh/ -e s/cpp$/hpp/ -e s/cxx$/hxx/ -e s/c++$/h++/ -e s/c$/h/ y.output src/grammar.output -- byacc -d
byacc: e - line 514 of "/cygdrive/c/ymer/src/grammar.yy", syntax error
Makefile:2467: recipe for target 'src/' failed
make: *** [src/] Error 1
It seems the grammar.yy file causes the problem. Anyone knows how to solve this problem. BTW I am not familiar neither with yacc nor make files. I am just very new to cygwin as well.
Thank you,

The %defines declaration is bison-specific (not part of standard yacc). The file grammar.yy contains some bison features which byacc implements, but this is not one of those. (From the description in the manual page, it seems that this is equivalent to the standard command-line option -d, making it less than useful).


Standard error file when there is no error

I'm new to Linux & shell and I'm struggling with checking if the compilation is successful.
g++ code.cpp -o code.o 2>error.txt
if [ ! -e error.txt ]
do something
echo "Failed to compile"
I guess an error file is created even if the compilation is successful. What is the content of the error file when there is no error? I need to change the if condition to check if the compilation is successful.
It's just the order of things. What happens when the shell parses the string g++ code.cpp -o code.o 2>error.txt is:
The shell creates error.txt, truncating the file if that name already exists.
g++ is called with its error output redirected to the new file.
If g++ does not write any data, then the file remains as it was (empty) at the end of step 1.
You probably aren't so much interested in the error file as you are the return value. You probably ought to just do:
if g++ code.cpp -o code; then : do something; done
or even just:
g++ code .cpp -o code && : do something
but if really want to do something else with the errors, you can do:
if g++ code.cpp -o code.o 2> error.txt; then
rm error.txt
: do something
echo >&2 Failed to compile code.cpp.\ See "$(pwd)"/error.txt for details.
Make sure you escape at least one of the spaces after the . so that you get 2 spaces after the period (or just quote the whole argument to echo). Although it's become fashionable lately to claim that you only need one space, all of those arguments rely on the use of variable width fonts and any command line tool worth using will be used most often in an environment where fixed width fonts are still dominant. This last point is totally unrelated to your question, but is worth remembering.

How to determine the configuration of gcc from a bash script?

I have a bash script that compiles a program as well on older versions of Ubuntu (14.04.x and 16.04.x) than on the last one (18.04.x) and on other distributions (Arch, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, etc.) and therefore... with different gcc settings.
Then, to obtain an executable that can be launched (among other ways) by a double click, I must compile this program without the "-no-pie" option with older versions of gcc setting (Ubuntu 14.04.x and 16.04.x) when I have to use this option "=no-pie" for the new version of the gcc 7.3 setting (on Ubuntu 18.04.x).
The problem is that on the last Ubuntu release (18.04.x) and its derivatives (Kubuntu, Xbuntu, etc. and maybe with other distributions) with the new configuration of gcc (7.3) having the option "--enable-default-pie", if I compile my program without the option "-no-pie", the result is that the file created is an executable which is of the "shared library" type which can not be launched by a double click.
My question is either:
a) Is there a command that allows me to determine from a bash script if gcc is configured with the "--enable-default-pie" setting?
b) if not, is there a command that allows me to determine from a bash script if the compiled file is of the "shared library" or "executable" type?
For this second option, a solution could be how to save the response of "gcc -v" in a .txt file and check if there is the "--enable-default-pie" string but I've absolutely no clue how to do it.
If I there is not an answer to my first option, the second option (it is true less elegant but just as effective) would allow me to compile my program first without the "-no-pie" option, then check the status of such a created executable and if the result is a "shared library", of restart this compilation this time using the option "-no-pie" for, in one case as in the other, get an executable that can be launched by a double click whatever the setting of gcc may be.
Thank you in advance for your time, ideas and suggestions.
Best regards.
The recommend way to check for PIE support is to compile C code like this
#if defined __PIC__ || defined __pic__ || defined PIC || defined pic
# error PIC is default.
with the requested compiler flags and check whether there is an error. If you need special treatment for PIE, this will recognize PIE if it has been specified through the CC or CFLAGS variables, even if is not immediately apparent there. For example, for technical reasons, Fedora hides the PIE flags behind a -specs argument.
Yes, you can check GCC build options with gcc -v or gcc -###
In order to have pretty print you can use:
gcc -### -E 2>&1 | grep "Configured with" | sed 's/--/\n--/g'
So bash oneliner to say you have pie or not may be:
if [[ -n "`gcc -v -E 2>&1 | grep 'Configured with' | sed 's/--/\n--/g' | grep enable-default-spie`" ]]; then echo "PIE DEFAULT"; else echo "PIE NOT DEFAULT"; fi
To check file type just use file command, eg.:
file /usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-7
/usr/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc-7: ELF 64-bit LSB executable,
x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter
/lib64/, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0,
BuildID[sha1]=02ac46ba938c15f55f6fab165133e0f527bc2197, stripped
file /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64,
version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked,
BuildID[sha1]=7c603d9a0771b5bfd5b869b4446e2f78ef13802a, stripped
File type function
function whatfile { file $1 -i | grep application | sed 's/^.*application\/x-//g;s/,.*$//g'; }
Example output:
aaa#xxx:~ $ whatfile /boot/grub/grub.conf
aaa#xxx:~ $ whatfile /usr/lib/
aaa#xxx:~ $ whatfile /bin/zcat
Unfortunately, comments don't allow CR+LF (to show pre-formatted text).
Below is my formatted translation of your gcc setting command:
if [ -n "`gcc -v -E 2>&1 | grep 'Configured with' | sed 's/--/\n--/g' | grep enable-default-pie`" ]
read -p "The gcc setting is $GCC_SETTING " GCCRESULT
Below is the result:
whatfile { file $1 -i | grep application | sed 's/^.*application\/x-//g;s/,.*$//g'; }
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `}'

Makefile:3: *** missing separator. Stop

I have attempted what I could, with the answers found on StackOverflow on this question. I do not believe the issue is with tabs. Here is the makefile:
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2010/02/09 08:55:31 markus Exp $
.include <>
SUBDIR= lib ssh sshd ssh-add ssh-keygen ssh-agent scp sftp-server \
ssh-keysign ssh-keyscan sftp ssh-pkcs11-helper
${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/ssh_config \
${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/sshd_config \
.include <>
I have attempted to put a tab before line 3 (where the issue is), and had the following error appear:
Makefile:3: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
This isn't a makefile of my own design--it was downloaded directly from here:
(first download link)
Additionally, based on another answer to this question, I have used the following command:
root#server:/usr/src/ssh# cat -e -t -v Makefile
which output the following:
\#^I$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2010/02/09 08:55:31 markus Exp $$ $ .include <>$ $ SUBDIR=^Ilib ssh sshd ssh-add ssh-keygen
ssh-agent scp sftp-server \$ ^Issh-keysign ssh-keyscan sftp
ssh-pkcs11-helper$ $ distribution:$ ^I${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel
-m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/ssh_config \$ ^I ${DESTDIR}/etc/ssh/ssh_config$ ^I${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/sshd_config \$ ^I
${DESTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config$ $ .include <>$
Does anyone know what could be the issue? Thanks in advance.
This makefile is written for BSD make. You're trying to run it with GNU make. They use different formats.
In particular, the .include command is not valid in GNU make.
Since you've tagged your question with "linux", I assume you're using Linux and not OpenBSD. The ssh version you want for Linux is the portable one, but it seems you downloaded the OpenBSD-specific one. Try . See the openssh front page for details on the OpenBSD/portable split releases.
Check your /etc/vimrc or /etc/virc, Comment out the set expandtab
"set expandtab " Always uses spaces instead of tab characters (et)
Using tab reedit the Makefile file. You can look also see the keywords missing separator by info make, you will see:
`missing separator. Stop.'
`missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.'
This means that `make' could not understand much of anything about
the makefile line it just read. GNU `make' looks for various
separators (`:', `=', recipe prefix characters, etc.) to indicate
what kind of line it's parsing. This message means it couldn't
find a valid one.
One of the most common reasons for this message is that you (or
perhaps your oh-so-helpful editor, as is the case with many
MS-Windows editors) have attempted to indent your recipe lines
with spaces instead of a tab character. In this case, `make' will
use the second form of the error above. Remember that every line
in the recipe must begin with a tab character (unless you set
`.RECIPEPREFIX'; *note Special Variables::). Eight spaces do not
count. *Note Rule Syntax::.

Error running make: missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)

I'm trying to get PHP phar command line tool installed on my Debian VM, how here described:
(1) download the php-src, I assume it's in /tmp/php/src
(2) make the dir /tmp/phar
(3) Save this as /tmp/php-src/ext/phar/Makefile.
(4) cd /tmp/php-src/ext/phar
(5) run sudo make
Now after step 5 I get an error:
:/tmp/php-src/ext/phar# make
Makefile:11: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
As I know, there can be two possible causes for this error message:
Tabs in the make file. I've tested the file with od -t c Makefile. The file contains no tabs (\t).
It could be a bug of make v3.81 and need a patch or an upgrade to (yet instable: "Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution.") v3.82. I've downloaded and istalled (dpkg -i make_3.82-1_amd64.deb) it, but the error is still occuring.
What causes the error? How can it be avoided?
(Answered in a comment: See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat))
#Beta wrote:
The line should begin with a tab, not a bunch of spaces.
The OP wrote:
I've replaced all 8-spaces sequences with tabs and can execute the make script now.
I used:
cat Makefile|sed "s/ /\t/" > Makefile

Compiling user-written source code files for beginners?

everyone.. I'm not a complete noob to linux, I'm using Fedora 16, but I've always had difficulty compiling programs from the command line and I would really like to learn how to do it the right way. I've had experience with Python, Ruby, Perl, PHP, Lua, bash and other languages, recently I've getting into Fortran code and here's the problem: Every time I run the f77 command with an option and filename, I get one of the following errors:
[Eddie_Nygma#localhost ~]$ f77 -S #classicpayroll.f#
f77: no input files
[Eddie_Nygma#localhost ~]$ f77 -o #classicpayroll.f#
f77: argument to `-o' missing [/code]
I really need to get this compiled and running for my cs class, somebody please help me out, could it possibly be some sort of a a syntax error or how do I correct it?
I used fortran long ago.
In fortran, the first letter in file name shuold be A-Z or a-z.
number or # is not allowed
