Makefile:3: *** missing separator. Stop - linux

I have attempted what I could, with the answers found on StackOverflow on this question. I do not believe the issue is with tabs. Here is the makefile:
# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2010/02/09 08:55:31 markus Exp $
.include <>
SUBDIR= lib ssh sshd ssh-add ssh-keygen ssh-agent scp sftp-server \
ssh-keysign ssh-keyscan sftp ssh-pkcs11-helper
${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/ssh_config \
${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/sshd_config \
.include <>
I have attempted to put a tab before line 3 (where the issue is), and had the following error appear:
Makefile:3: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
This isn't a makefile of my own design--it was downloaded directly from here:
(first download link)
Additionally, based on another answer to this question, I have used the following command:
root#server:/usr/src/ssh# cat -e -t -v Makefile
which output the following:
\#^I$OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2010/02/09 08:55:31 markus Exp $$ $ .include <>$ $ SUBDIR=^Ilib ssh sshd ssh-add ssh-keygen
ssh-agent scp sftp-server \$ ^Issh-keysign ssh-keyscan sftp
ssh-pkcs11-helper$ $ distribution:$ ^I${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel
-m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/ssh_config \$ ^I ${DESTDIR}/etc/ssh/ssh_config$ ^I${INSTALL} -C -o root -g wheel -m 0644 ${.CURDIR}/sshd_config \$ ^I
${DESTDIR}/etc/ssh/sshd_config$ $ .include <>$
Does anyone know what could be the issue? Thanks in advance.

This makefile is written for BSD make. You're trying to run it with GNU make. They use different formats.
In particular, the .include command is not valid in GNU make.

Since you've tagged your question with "linux", I assume you're using Linux and not OpenBSD. The ssh version you want for Linux is the portable one, but it seems you downloaded the OpenBSD-specific one. Try . See the openssh front page for details on the OpenBSD/portable split releases.

Check your /etc/vimrc or /etc/virc, Comment out the set expandtab
"set expandtab " Always uses spaces instead of tab characters (et)
Using tab reedit the Makefile file. You can look also see the keywords missing separator by info make, you will see:
`missing separator. Stop.'
`missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.'
This means that `make' could not understand much of anything about
the makefile line it just read. GNU `make' looks for various
separators (`:', `=', recipe prefix characters, etc.) to indicate
what kind of line it's parsing. This message means it couldn't
find a valid one.
One of the most common reasons for this message is that you (or
perhaps your oh-so-helpful editor, as is the case with many
MS-Windows editors) have attempted to indent your recipe lines
with spaces instead of a tab character. In this case, `make' will
use the second form of the error above. Remember that every line
in the recipe must begin with a tab character (unless you set
`.RECIPEPREFIX'; *note Special Variables::). Eight spaces do not
count. *Note Rule Syntax::.


byacc %defines syntax error when compiling with make command

I am trying to run Ymer tool in windows 10 platform. I have installed g++, gcc, yacc via cygwin. After configure command, When I am running make command to compile the application, it generates following error.
PS C:\ymer> make
/bin/sh ./ylwrap src/grammar.yy src/ echo src/ | sed -e s/cc$/hh/ -e s/cpp$/hpp/ -e s/cxx$/hxx/ -e s/c++$/h++/ -e s/c$/h/ y.output src/grammar.output -- byacc -d
byacc: e - line 514 of "/cygdrive/c/ymer/src/grammar.yy", syntax error
Makefile:2467: recipe for target 'src/' failed
make: *** [src/] Error 1
It seems the grammar.yy file causes the problem. Anyone knows how to solve this problem. BTW I am not familiar neither with yacc nor make files. I am just very new to cygwin as well.
Thank you,
The %defines declaration is bison-specific (not part of standard yacc). The file grammar.yy contains some bison features which byacc implements, but this is not one of those. (From the description in the manual page, it seems that this is equivalent to the standard command-line option -d, making it less than useful).

No rule to make target `–f'

I am trying to make a c file like
make –f makefile1
This is my make file:
TestAssn1: test_assign1_1.o dberror.o storage_mgr.o
cc -o TestAssn1 test_assign1_1.o dberror.o storage_mgr.o
test_assign1_1.o: test_assign1_1.c test_helper.h dberror.h storage_mgr.h
cc -c test_assign1_1.c
dberror.o: dberror.c dberror.h
cc -c dberror.c
storage_mgr.o: storage_mgr.c storage_mgr.h dberror.h
cc -c storage_mgr.c
But I only get this message:
make: *** No rule to make target `–f'. Stop.
How should I correct this?
You need to use a normal dash (-), not an en dash, in the command.
My guess is you copied this command from a blog or other web source. Many blog/web frameworks have a bug where they will replace typewriter punctuation with their typographically correct counterparts even within code formatted text.
This is very odd as your make usage is correct per
Please try some of the other formats for this option:
-f file, --file=file, --makefile=FILE
Use file as a makefile.
Otherwise, perhaps your make is not the one listed in that man page (which is GNU make).

scons surrounds option with double quotes

I use scons (V1.1.0) for a project that contains a build step that involves the flex tool.
The definition for the flex command in the scons default rules is:
env["LEX"] = env.Detect("flex") or "lex"
env["LEXFLAGS"] = SCons.Util.CLVar("")
which I don't want to change.
However, since -t causes #line directives to be created in the output file that refer to the file "<stdout>", this confuses the subsequent gcov processing.
As a solution, I found that -o can be used to override the file name flex produces into the #line directives (it still produces its output on stdout due to the -t option which apparently has precedence).
To achieve that, I added this in the project's SConscript file:
env.AppendUnique(LEXFLAGS = ['-o $TARGET','-c'],delete_existing=1)
I added the -c option (which does nothing) only to show the difference between how it is treated compared to -o.
An according debug print in the SConscript file results in the following (as expected):
repr(env["LEXFLAGS"]) = ['-o $TARGET', '-c']
This results in the following command line, according to the scons log:
flex "-o build/myfile.cpp" -c -t src/myfile.ll > build/myfile.cpp
So the -c option gets into the command line as desired, but the -o option and its filename parameter has double quotes around it, that must have been created by scons when expanding the LEXFLAGS variable.
When I use this definition for LEXFLAGS instead:
env.AppendUnique(LEXFLAGS = ['--outfile=$TARGET','-c'],delete_existing=1)
the resulting command line works as desired:
flex --outfile=build/myfile.cpp -c -t src/myfile.ll > build/myfile.cpp
So one could speculate that the blank in the -o case caused the double quotes to be used, maybe in an attempt to bind the content together into one logical parameter for the command.
So while my immediate problem is solved by using --outfile, my question is still is it possible to rid of the double quotes in the -o case?
SCons 1.1.0 is extremely old at this point. I'd recommend trying 2.3.0. But your analysis is correct; if an option (a single option, that is) has a space in it, SCons will quote it so it stays a single option. But you don't have a single option; you really have two, '-o' and '$TARGET'. Just break it up like that and it'll work.

Error running make: missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?)

I'm trying to get PHP phar command line tool installed on my Debian VM, how here described:
(1) download the php-src, I assume it's in /tmp/php/src
(2) make the dir /tmp/phar
(3) Save this as /tmp/php-src/ext/phar/Makefile.
(4) cd /tmp/php-src/ext/phar
(5) run sudo make
Now after step 5 I get an error:
:/tmp/php-src/ext/phar# make
Makefile:11: *** missing separator (did you mean TAB instead of 8 spaces?). Stop.
As I know, there can be two possible causes for this error message:
Tabs in the make file. I've tested the file with od -t c Makefile. The file contains no tabs (\t).
It could be a bug of make v3.81 and need a patch or an upgrade to (yet instable: "Warning: This package is from the experimental distribution.") v3.82. I've downloaded and istalled (dpkg -i make_3.82-1_amd64.deb) it, but the error is still occuring.
What causes the error? How can it be avoided?
(Answered in a comment: See Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat))
#Beta wrote:
The line should begin with a tab, not a bunch of spaces.
The OP wrote:
I've replaced all 8-spaces sequences with tabs and can execute the make script now.
I used:
cat Makefile|sed "s/ /\t/" > Makefile

I cannot build deb package

I want to build package which have
I want to install to directory /opt/debtest/
This is my rule file
#!/usr/bin/make -f
# -*- makefile -*-
# Sample debian/rules that uses debhelper.
# This file was originally written by Joey Hess and Craig Small.
# As a special exception, when this file is copied by dh-make into a
# dh-make output file, you may use that output file without restriction.
# This special exception was added by Craig Small in version 0.37 of dh-make.
install -d /opt/debtest/
install -d /opt/debtest/bin
install -d /opt/debtest/log
install -d /opt/debtest//mon
****# Uncomment this to turn on verbose mode.**
****#export DH_VERBOSE=1******
dh $#
when use dpkg-buildpackage command it view this
dpkg-source --before-build debtest-1.0
debian/rules clean
debian/rules:11: * missing separator. Stop.
How can I do it?
You have invalid Makefile syntax. Each target should contain a number if indented commands. The indentation must begin with a literal tab character.
What you are apparently trying to accomplish is better done with a debian/dirs file, though. You don't put regular Makefile targets in a debian/rules file anyway.
