Transmission torrent client sequential download - bittorrent

I'm using TransmissionBT torrent client (
Is it possible to make simple modification in code to be able to download files in sequential mode (from beginning of the file). Then it will be possible to play video file without waiting to finish downloading whole file.
I found solution for it - but it's from 7 years ago and in current version there is no function mentioned in link.

The qBittorrent has such a built-in function, from the context menu of the torrent

Found working solution on github:


HTML5 Audio long buffering before playing

I'm currently making an electron app that needs to play some 40Mbyte audio file from the file system, maybe it's wrong to do this but I found that the only way to play from anywhere in the file system is to convert the file to a dataurl in the background script and then transfer it using icp, after that I simply do
this.sound = new Audio(dataurl);
this.sound.preload = "metadata"
(part of a VueJS component hence the this)
I did a profling inside electron and this is what came out:
Note that actually transferring the 40Mbytes audio file doesn't take that long (around 80ms) what is extremely annoying is the "Second Task" which is probably buffering (I have no idea) which last around 950ms, this is way too long and ideally would need it under <220ms
I've already tried changing the preload option to all available options and while I'm using the native html5 audio right now I've also tried howlerjs with similar results (seemed a bit faster tho).
I would guess that loading the file directly might be faster but even after disabling security measures put by electron to block the file:/// it isn't recognized as a valid URI by XHR
Is there a faster way to load the dataurl since all the data is there it just needs to be converted to a buffer or something like that ?
Note: I can not "pre-buffer" every file in advance since there is about 200 of them it just wouldn't make sense in my opinion.
I found this post Electron - throws Not allowed to load local resource when using showOpenDialog
don't know how I missed it, so I followed step 1 and I now can load files inside electron with the custom protocol, however, nor Audio nor howlerjs is faster, it's actually slower at around 6secs from click to first sound, is it that it needs to buffer the whole file before playing ?
Update 2:
It appears that the 6sec loading time is only effective on the first instance of audio that is created. I do not know why tho. After that the use of two instances (one playing and one pre-buffering) work just fine, however even loading a file that isn't loaded is instantaneous. Seems weird that it only is the firs one.

Make one time only activation code to python code, and make updates available?

I'm coding a program to do some action with webdriver and Autoit in python, I want to do two things before I start selling my code:
Add onetime activation code to my software on one PC, like to make the program works only on one pc.
Make my program able to receive updates from the internet once I add to the code some more features or correct some others.
is it possible only with Python? or what is the method statement to do it?
On client side you need use hard-disk serial or/and uuid of partition or Operational System timestamp + something to generate serial code .
On server side , you need a API to store hard disk serial to validate if this is a computer valid . And you client on load check if activaction is valid .
The second question i can't answer .
Regarding the second part of your question:
Create a text file with the latest version of your application and put it on your webserver e.g. to get and read its value later.
On your python code download and read the text (for Python 3+ use 'import urllib.request' and urllib.request.urlretrieve) when your app runs and compare it against the installed version (if statement).
if latestVer > installedVer:
#application continues

Can you read the length of an mp3 file in python 3 on windows 10?

I am currently creating a music player in python 3.3 and I have a way of opening the mp3/wav files, namely through using through 'os.startfile()', but, this way of running the files means that if I run more than one, the second cancels the first, and the third cancels the second, and so on and so forth, so I only end up running the last file. So, basically, I would like a way of reading the mp3 file length so that I can use 'time.sleep(SongLength)' between the start of each file.
Thanks in advance.
I forgot to mention, but I would prefer to do this using only pre-installed libraries, as i am hoping to publish this online as a part of a (much) larger program
i've managed to do this Using an external module, as after ages of trying to do it without any, i gave up and used tinytag, as it is easy to install and use.
Nothing you can do without external libraries, as far as I know. Try using pymad.
Use it like this:
import mad
SongFile = mad.MadFile("something.mp3")
SongLength = SongFile.total_time()

Deal with ZIP-Buffer in node.js

I am building the server part of a webapp, using node.js. This involves getting data from (API documentation of thetvdb).
The data comes as a zip file. HTTP download is no problem, however, parsing the file is. I actually never save the file, but just keep it in memory, as suggested in How to download and unzip a zip file in memory in NodeJs?
I have a buffer with valid data (same data as when I download the file with browser/curl...). However, adm-zip (I also tired other zip libraries, some suggest invalid zip length) can't open it. It does not show an error, but the zipEntries in the end have length of 0.
When I write out the buffer to the filesystem and open it with gui or cli tools it works.
I can't give a direkt link to the file, as it would involve my API key, however I re-uploaded it here.
I think I might have an answer for you:
Don't rely on npm install. I just ran the example that you linked to with the zip file you provided, and I get an output of "0".
I saw a comment on that other StackOverflow page, saying that the version of adm-zip on npm is not up to date. I grabbed a fresh copy of adm-zip from github, overwrote the one in my node_modules folder and reran the example code and now get the following:
<Name>Peter Pratt</Name>
<Role>The Master</Role>
Give that a shot!

Open Files Created with BSAVE in QuickBasic?

I have some files that were created using BSAVE in QuickBasic. I'm wondering how I can load/view these files?
I received assistance over at the FreeBasic forums. Its easy to do if you download and install the FreeBasic compiler / IDE. Here is the relevant thread:
Essentially, it loads the image using BLOAD like one normally would and then BSAVEs it as a BMP. I suppose it would be pretty easy to create an app. that did this by just prompting for source and output files...
I would try installing pcpaint (free)
Change the extension to .PIC and try to open it. Apparently this program used bsave to save images with the extention .pic.
Hope this works!
