Project not found in java ee file - jsf

I've downloaded a file from github(cloned it as well as downloaded it as a zip).
Here is the adress: .
I would like to open it to work with it and understand how the author used jsf, validation beans since I have some homework to do.
But my Netbeans (IDE 8.0.2) won't find any project in that file.
So I can't run it and debug it.
EDIT : After unzipping the file, I can't find any project to open in my IDE:
Can you guys help me understand how I can make this work?

The project you linked does not provide the metadata of a netbeans project¹. That means that either the original developer did use some different IDE (or no IDE at all) or that he did not choose to include said metadata into the repository.
You should be able to create a new free-form project from the build.xml within the project directory (after extracting the archive you downloaded). If you only wish to run specific code, you can also directly build the project from shell using ant.
¹ NetBeans uses a nbproject folder within each project's directory to track NetBeans-specific information, such as the mapping of the IDE's run and debug button to actual features of the project.

Try to unzip it. That should work.

For anyone having the same issue, I've finally found out that you can run this kind of project by creating a new project "with existing sources".
It worked perfectyl :)


Where should I put the nuspec file

I've searched the entire stackoverflow community but I couldn't find an answer for this...
I have a .nuspec file and I have no idea where I have to put it. Some topics say that I have to put it in the project directory and include in version control. Others say that its just keep the file in the same directory that the .nupkg file... but it doesn't worked to me. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
A NUSpec file contains package metadata and is used to create a package.
A package is created from your project, which is why it would make sense to place the NUSpec file in the project folder.
It makes sense because it can then be committed to your source control as part of that project and this keeps everything in one place, it makes it easier to create the package automatically using your CI / CD pipeline.
You could, of course, do other things like create a NUSpec folder on the same level with your project folder and you could put your file there. Nuget.exe accepts a path to your NUSpec file so the actual location is irrelevant.
However, always consider your source control and how you manage / create this package, as long as you can do that easily, then place it wherever it makes sense to you.
You mentioned NPE, that doesn't really matter as behind the scenes it will more than likely call nuget.exe anyway. If you want to learn how to use it, have a look here :
They also recommend, as a convention, to have the nuspec file in the same location as the proj file.
As i understand from on of you comments you construct the package with the NPE.
As far as I remember the NPE was a ClickOnce application which opens up packages and you can put or even create packages there.
When the question is: Where do i put the nuspec within the package? the answer is: In the root folder of the package:
Otherwise the answer is already answered by the other answer.
nuget packages are zip files
To get an idea where the nuspec resides in other packages just open one with NPE or 7zip
I had a look into the newtonsoft.json package
Unzipped it and it's obviously in the root folder of the package

How to reference external aidl file in Android Studio

I have two projects that communicate using a .aidl file.
Using eclipse I could simply reference the source folder and all worked as expected.
How can I do that in 'Android Studio'?? It seems a simple task, but for the life of me, I haven't discovered how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Note: the aidl file is not part of either project, it is referenced by both.
As pointed out in How to add link to file system in IntelliJ IDEA? there is no way to link to an external file in the way that eclipse allows.
What I did was to add the .aidl source to each project. I don't like doing this as it forces one to keep them in sync.
Now considering adding a dependency from one to the other.

InstallShield VStudio project is installing app.config file instead of merged MyApp.exe.config

Using a InstallScript C# .Net Wizard to connect to a WinForms solution where I used the dependency scanner to identify project outputs.
The install package is copying the un-merged app.config file to the target directory instead of the solutions merged MyApp.exe.config file. This results in a executable that does not properly pickup configuration file settings not only because the file isn't named correctly but it also does not merge in target environment settings (ie. release, debug, etc.).
How do you have the Installer copy the merged MyApp.exe.config file to the Install Directory?
Try this, I believe this should work.
Select the config file, and in the Copy to Output Directory under File.Properties, choose Copy always or Copy if newer. You can choose any file you like with this method. Basically this file will be placed to a directory where the binaries are built. This is still a better method than configuring/fixing from InstallShield, I think. I will like to hear from you, if you disagree.
Another thing, a config file is used and determined at run-time by code. That’s probably the reason why InstallShield does not know the file dependency on it. And it is out of scope for that tool.
Have fun and let me know what happens.
Tommy Kwee
I am using SlowCheetah to do my app.config transforms and here is what we're doing to get installshield to work. For postbuild step, copy all files needed by installshield to a separate Install folder (i.e. copy "$(ProjectDir)$(OutDir)." "$(ProjectDir)bin\Install"). Point installshield to that folder to build it's output
I'm also using SlowCheetah for my config transforms, but the real answer to this question is that the InstallShield project pays attention to the selected Solution Configuration. If you select the Release configuration before building the InstallShield project, the Release output will be used in the install package.

J2me -Polish ---Problem related to create and build the project

I am beginner of j2me-polish.I had installed j2me-polish2.1.4.As per the steps shown in below link:-
After installing it,I tried to create project by following the step in below link:-
But i am unable to create the is showing me reference problem.And wen i tried to solve that problem my adding the emulator of nokia N97 then it not happening properly.
I can't able to build the program.Please help me out.
Please can u help me the for the proper steps related to creating the project and selection the option.
Thanxs a lot in advance
I follow the following steps and it works for me all the time. Download J2ME-Polish2.1.4, install the library and also Netbeans plugin. Perhaps you will need to restart the IDE. Now,
Create a project (for example Polish Table) in Netbeans, making use of J2ME polish plugin. Let's call it
Copy all files except nbproject directory in /samples/tableitem/ to NetBeans directory. Override build.xml created by Netbeans during this copying process.
Copy contents of /samples/tableitem/nbproject (except private folder) to directory. Override all the files.
Switch to NetBeans directory
Edit project.xml file. Comment out tag. Rename project name in tag to the project name created in Netbeans (i.e. Polish Table )
Edit file in nbproject directory. Change src.dir from src to source/src
Edit file in nbproject directory. Make sure that libs.classpath= property points to J2ME polish import client library. If not found, make sure that the following two lines are added:
Restart NetBeans IDE. From now on you can work completely using IDE. However you will need to compile from command line. Even this could be integrated - but didn't bother to figure out.
Hopefully this should be sufficient to get you started.

Need to change template styles in Liferay

I want to change look and feel of liferay using css. i am very new to liferay. Can any give me any idea to do the changes. Thanks in advance
The step-by-step seems complicated, but it's not that bad .....
1a) download and unpack the plugins sdk for the version of liferay you want to use. All the downloads are on the sf page
1b) make sure you have the latest version of ant and the JDK version that matches your liferay version (1.5.x or 1.6.x)
2) there are a few main folders in the kit. Change into the "themes" folder and run the create script there in this format (on linux or mac you'll need to make the .sh files executable)
c:\liferay\plugins\themes >create my-name "My Theme Description"
linux/mac $>./ my-name "My Theme Description"
This will create a skeleton theme in a folder called my-name-theme and a folder within it called _diff.
Make whatever modifications you want WITHIN THE _diff FOLDER. (except changes to the properties file within WEB-INF)
Once you've made changes run "ant compile" from within the my-name-theme folder and the sdk will run through it's paces and spit out a .war file to the "dist" folder in the sdk root. You can upload this to the site using the plugin installer
OR ... if you configure the sdk to know where your development server is you can run "ant deploy" from the theme's folder and let the autodeploy magic in liferay do the work.
Once the theme is installed just assign it using the "look and feel" tab in the "manage pages" tool.
TIP : Make most of your changes to the custom.css file .... keeps things easy to upgrade.
TIP : Development is really slow for CSS if you do this for every change .... so if you're running a dev server add a style tag just before the end of the head tag that points into your _diffs/css folder. href="file:///...../_diffs/custom.css". This way whatever edits you make will be compiled into the next version of the war and will override the currently installed version without reuploading. make sure to remove the link before you put it on a live server.
The documentation is great and there's a "themer's guide" i can't find the link to right now that got me started.
We've done a number of LifeRay customizations for various companies but your question is too vague for us to answer. If you are just looking to change a few colours and fonts then editing the CSS is fine, but if you are looking to completely change the layout then you need to delve in to the template files and start working with the XHTML.
Provide more details and we might be able to prod you in the right direction :D
IMO theme development for liferay can be quite slow to start with. I have found two different approach quite useful. It works for me, might work for you as well.
If you edit files inside _diff folder AFAIK you have to deploy every
time two see the changes , which can be quite frustrating for
front-end developers. An approch can be edit the css file directly
in tomcat/themename folder. Copy the changed every couple of hours
or so in the _diff folder and deploy. In my case the CSS stays in
Also if you are aware liferay supports Sass now. So it you are writing Sass "deploy" may be you most likely option. But I have also figured out a way to speed up that process. Install ruby (if you are in windows, in Mac its preinstalled) > Install Compass > and create a blank compass project. Start "compass watch" . Open bothe scss file and the compiled css file in your IDE. "compass watch" will poll for changes in your scss file and put the compiled output in the css file. Every while you may copy the css output in the css file in theme folder or directly in firebug or web-inspector in chrome/safari.
I have found these are faster dev practice than deploying everytime or completely developing on firebug/web-inspector.
Also if anyone know of better method, specially things like only CSS/JS deploy (or simple copy for that matter if one is not writing Scss), please let us know.
You can make your custom style with the liferay plugins sdk, which can be found here:
There is a themes folder included, in which you can create a new theme. Liferay generates here a basic theme as a boilerplate, which then you can customize and deploy to your liferay installation.
You can
mvn archetype:generate
then select “liferay-theme-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay themes.)” et voilà you are ready tu customize your theme.
Best practice recommends that you make all your custom themes using only the custom.css file, and that you not override any of the templates unless absolutely necessary. This will make future upgrades far easier, as you won't have to manually modify your templates to add support for new Liferay features.
Deploy the newly created theme using
mvn clean package liferay:deploy
