How to reference external aidl file in Android Studio - android-studio

I have two projects that communicate using a .aidl file.
Using eclipse I could simply reference the source folder and all worked as expected.
How can I do that in 'Android Studio'?? It seems a simple task, but for the life of me, I haven't discovered how?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Note: the aidl file is not part of either project, it is referenced by both.

As pointed out in How to add link to file system in IntelliJ IDEA? there is no way to link to an external file in the way that eclipse allows.
What I did was to add the .aidl source to each project. I don't like doing this as it forces one to keep them in sync.
Now considering adding a dependency from one to the other.


VC++08 make MFC apps DPI aware without updating VC++

I may not have the option to simply update to a more recent VC++ version as would be ideal - the project is big and the update could break a lot of things, plus my lead may tell me not to pursue this. I'm wondering if anybody knows of a means by which an MFC app written using VC++08 can check resolution during runtime?
Thank you, #IInspectable for providing the answer I needed. A full update is not needed. DPI awareness can be activated via the app's manifest file. The link they provided was invaluable. Should anybody else have this issue and is using vs2008, if you cannot find the manifest file in the same dir as your exe after building, chances are, vs2008 has embedded the manifest in the exe. You can change this by opening the project's properties, going to manifest tool->IO. If you want to keep the manifest embedded, you can put your additional manifest info in a separate manifest file and provide the tool with the path of this file. The manifest tool will merge your manifest files.

Project not found in java ee file

I've downloaded a file from github(cloned it as well as downloaded it as a zip).
Here is the adress: .
I would like to open it to work with it and understand how the author used jsf, validation beans since I have some homework to do.
But my Netbeans (IDE 8.0.2) won't find any project in that file.
So I can't run it and debug it.
EDIT : After unzipping the file, I can't find any project to open in my IDE:
Can you guys help me understand how I can make this work?
The project you linked does not provide the metadata of a netbeans project¹. That means that either the original developer did use some different IDE (or no IDE at all) or that he did not choose to include said metadata into the repository.
You should be able to create a new free-form project from the build.xml within the project directory (after extracting the archive you downloaded). If you only wish to run specific code, you can also directly build the project from shell using ant.
¹ NetBeans uses a nbproject folder within each project's directory to track NetBeans-specific information, such as the mapping of the IDE's run and debug button to actual features of the project.
Try to unzip it. That should work.
For anyone having the same issue, I've finally found out that you can run this kind of project by creating a new project "with existing sources".
It worked perfectyl :)

Building application in Visual Studio 2012 always generates unwanted dll

I am making changes to a web forms application in visual studio 2012 and part of that change is to remove reference to an old dll. The dll is responsible for handling authentication and I have written a new class library to handle this.
My problem is everytime I build my website in the solution, it always generates this old dll. I've annotated out all references to it in the entire application and it's not in the project dependencies of the solution.
If I exclude the unwanted dll, it just generates a new one. I am completely baffled by this. It's something I've not encountered before so I am not sure what else I can do.
I'm not sure what to post so if anyone can help then that would be great.
I had a similar problem (but it was with a persistent DB file being generated). I ended up having to go through the bin from the project file and editing it from there. Some files are 'hidden' from the project, and are either visible by
Make sure you are showing all files. There is a button at the top of
the Solution Explorer called "Show All Files". To see this button,
make sure that your project is selected in the solution explorer.
or by manually going through your project files.
It can sometimes be hidden in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) where it can reside indefinitely. explains how to remove it (if it is indeed hiding there).
try this, remove the old project from your Solution.

Missing dll when deploying ClickOnce

When I publish a ClickOnce application, one of the references that is included in one of my projects is missing.
If I go to my project's Properties -> Application Files, this missing reference is not even listed here.
My bin/Release folder has an .exe.manifest file, and I noticed it that it is also missing from here.
However, when I build the project, the DLL is in fact copied to my bin/Release folder.
How can I ensure it also deploys this required dependency?
I finally found a solution for this problem and I hope it will solve your problem to.
In my case, I'm editing an old application at work which have multiple projects, but the main project and it's back end project are the most important here.
The back end is added in the References section of the main project.
In the back end, a third party dll was imported, but this dll requires 2 other dlls.
So those 3 dlls were added in the References section of the back end project.
At that point, one of the 2 other dlls was not showing in the Application Files section for ClickOnce.
I've come up with a couple of ways of fixing it, but the most elegant one was to add this dll in the Reference section of the main project.
As stated in How to: Specify Which Files Are Published by ClickOnce, change the Copy Local property value on the reference to True.
References to assemblies (.dll files) are designated as follows when you add the reference: If Copy Local is False, it is marked by default as a prerequisite assembly (Prerequisite (Auto)) that must be present in the GAC before the application is installed. If Copy Local is True, the assembly is marked by default as an application assembly (Include (Auto)) and will be copied into the application folder at installation. A COM reference will appear in the Application Files dialog box (as an .ocx file) only if its Isolated property is set to True. By default, it will be included.
I know is this an old question, but for anybody having similar issues. I think this is a cleaner way around the problem.
I had a similar issue and everything I did to get ClickOnce to deploy with the offending .dll failed.
Eventually, I had to deploy manually.
See walk-through here.
That worked for perfectly for me. But, for the life of me, I still wonder why that process can't be added to VS (I'm using 2017 community).

J2me -Polish ---Problem related to create and build the project

I am beginner of j2me-polish.I had installed j2me-polish2.1.4.As per the steps shown in below link:-
After installing it,I tried to create project by following the step in below link:-
But i am unable to create the is showing me reference problem.And wen i tried to solve that problem my adding the emulator of nokia N97 then it not happening properly.
I can't able to build the program.Please help me out.
Please can u help me the for the proper steps related to creating the project and selection the option.
Thanxs a lot in advance
I follow the following steps and it works for me all the time. Download J2ME-Polish2.1.4, install the library and also Netbeans plugin. Perhaps you will need to restart the IDE. Now,
Create a project (for example Polish Table) in Netbeans, making use of J2ME polish plugin. Let's call it
Copy all files except nbproject directory in /samples/tableitem/ to NetBeans directory. Override build.xml created by Netbeans during this copying process.
Copy contents of /samples/tableitem/nbproject (except private folder) to directory. Override all the files.
Switch to NetBeans directory
Edit project.xml file. Comment out tag. Rename project name in tag to the project name created in Netbeans (i.e. Polish Table )
Edit file in nbproject directory. Change src.dir from src to source/src
Edit file in nbproject directory. Make sure that libs.classpath= property points to J2ME polish import client library. If not found, make sure that the following two lines are added:
Restart NetBeans IDE. From now on you can work completely using IDE. However you will need to compile from command line. Even this could be integrated - but didn't bother to figure out.
Hopefully this should be sufficient to get you started.
