Custom row labels in PivotTable - excel

I have an excel spreadsheet full of customer data including a few single letter categorical variables.
For example: property type can be (I for investment, O for owner occupier, or R for renter). Is it possible to replace the single letter with a descriptive title in the rows on a PivotTable? I do not have the descriptive names anywhere in my spreadsheet and I would prefer not to add them.

you can give nicknames to the fields that you are checking which populate the pivot table.
If you go the pivot table data and right click you can change the value field settings to give a custom name to a row/series but I do not know about individual data points.
path: pivot table data => right click => select Field Settings => edit custom name.
It does not look like it modifies the raw data (before pivot table).
It adds the name to the chart as well. So make sure your chart looks okay.
to my knowledge this is the best tool for you to mess around with.
Hopefully this answers your question.
coming from experimenting on excel 2013.


Add text in front of grouped values in pivot tables

I'm trying to create an Excel Pivottable that grabs data from an Access Query and then shows the values grouped by what I want. That part works fine enough, what I would like to know is if it is possible to add text infront of grouped values in a way that is smart? The purpose is to just be able to change which Access database it should grab data from and have a standardised view where no manual changes have to be made.
What I currently have:
What I would to have:
As far as I can see I can add it manually, but there might be new cases of Øxxx types.
I would add reference table with columns sufficient to join to your view and then "prefix text" column that would be appended in front of the existing (quantity in english?) column. Or you could add it to the pivot. This method let's you add/delete rows from the reference table as needed.
If you cannot alter the access side for some reason, then another way is select all the raw data to a sheet and then use VLOOKUP or some other formula to add the prefix. And then pivot this data sheet.

How to get specific cell contents of an Excel sheet at another sheet dynamically?

I have an Excel file including thousands rows as follow. First column includes names and second column include group of each. I want to have all names belong to group "A" at another sheet dynamically. because name and group list may be changes. In other words, what command or function I should use to list all names belong to group "A"?
There are 3 ways to do this. The options are below. One thing you did not include in your question is what the results should look like.
Equations like =FILTER(A:B,B:B="A")
Pivot tables to use this convert data to table, then create pivot table. This requires refresh when new data is added.
Power query to use this convert data to table, then go to Data>From Table/Range. This requires refresh when data is added but you can change the "connection properties" under Data>Refresh All˅.
Now if you want all in group "A" to be listed with in one cell, then I would use option 3 with groupby as talk about here.
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How do you group an Excel PivotChart by a column not selected in category?

Does anyone know if its possible to select one column in an Excel PivotChart (i.e. Name in my example) but sum the values by ID without displaying the ID column in the chart?
In the example below, we have two Johns. I want to view both of them in the chart like in chart two, but I don't want to display their ID fields in the chart.
Real case scenario is that I need to filter on top 10 file views by file name. And if we have a bunch of files named image1.jpg (because people don't properly name their files), we end up bucketing them all together and it looks like image1.jpg has way more views than it actually has; causing the chart to be skewed. I know it might be confusing to have two same data labels, but oh well. :) The user will just have to drill into one to see other details.
I did find a clean way of doing this using hierarchies in PowerPivot, but with a large dataset the performance is horrible.
Create a hierarchy in powerpivot with ID and Name. Use the hierarchy in the PivotChart category. Only ID field shows up initially. Expand entire field and the names show up. Hide level ID, and voila. You get all Names without ID column, but only to be used on smaller datasets.
easiest way to do this is created a calculated column in PowerPivot window where you will combine filename AND file id.
With that, it's very easy and still should be quite good from performance perspective. Better yet if you could prepare this column in your import file / on your server.
Result could then look like this:
From a data visualisation point of view it will be most confusing to have two data points with the same label and no means of differentiating them. So, having the ID in the X axis is actually helping the reader to make sense of the information.
From a technical point of view, you can create a chart that is based on the pivot table, but is not a pivot chart. Use the pivot table as the source for a regular chart and select only the Name as the X axis label.
If the pivot table dimensions may change when it is refreshed, you can use dynamic range names to ringfence the ranges required for the chart.
In the screenshot below, the label range chtLabels uses the formula
The range chtValues uses
When adding the range names to the chart source dialogues, they must be preceded with the sheet name or the file name.

How to extend data source for pivot table?

I'm synchronizing data with an external database and the result is delivered to me on a sheet called All Items. Setting up a pivot table is easy. However, on the horizontal axis I need to display a custom value, computed from one of the columns in the externally linked data set.
When I go to Analyze -> Change Data Source, I can see that the currently regarded data area is called 'All Items'!Query. I'd like to extend it by a column or two, so that my pivot table can display these values as well.
So, instead of 'All Items'!Query as the data source I'd like to have 'All Items'!Query and the next two columns too. I have no idea how to approach it nor what to try. Suggestions would be warmly appreciated.
I tried to define my own area called 'All Items'!Query_and_stuff but the number of records retrieved during synchronization varies, so my extension needs to take that into the account. No idea how.
'All Items'!Query_and_stuff = offset('All Items'!Query, 0,0 ROWS('All Items'!Query),COLUMNS('All Items'!Query)+2)

How to view a pivot table with actual column values like access in excel

I've tried searching this but couldn't find an answer because of the wording of the question. If it's been asked before please point me in the right direction.
I have the same exact data in Excel and Access, however, the pivot tables are viewed differently as shown below:
Excel view and data
Access view, same data
As you can see the pivot table in access has the actual values (Y, N) whereas in excel it sums up the values. I want excel to display the actual values like Access and not the sum.
I'll be switching over to Office 2013 soon and need to know how to do this in Excel 2013 since pivot tables were removed from Access 2010 in Access 2013.
I have also tried adding data to the columns section but doing so gave a harder to follow and different view as shown below:
I think this is what you are trying to do....
Looks like you will need an extra column in your table showing boolean values for yes/no as 1/0 for both house and car
Then, use those two new columns as your Sum of Values in the pivot table. Right click on the pivot table, go to options, and make sure that you have 'empty cells' set as blank. Then, for each value, you need this custom format
Don't copy and paste it in - it doesn't work (not for me anyway). Type it in manually.
I got the info from here (which probably explains it better)
