Azure Resource Group template for Cloud Service and Notification Hub - azure

I'm trying to create Azure Resource Group template for an application consisting of: Cloud Service (with single WebRole), Notification Hub, Azure Storage and Azure SQL.
I started in VS2013 by creating AzureResourceGroup project and using the JSON Outline i can add storage and SQL resources. But Cloud Service and Notification Hub is missing in Add Resource dialog. What is the schema for them? What is the best way to add them to the template?
Edit: I found schema for NotificatonHubs here and was able to add template for it. Still don't know how to define the Cloud Service.

Cloud Services are in a "private preview" on ARM so we won't have snippets in VS until it goes public. I think that you have to be whitelisted as part of the preview to deploy at the moment... (i.e. the deployment will fail if you're not whitelisted)


Azure - Run bicep from registry via ARM REST api

I'm looking into publishing bicep templates to a Bicep registry (ACR), and then deploying them via the ARM REST api. However the REST create deployment api only allows me to specify a templateSpec - I don't see any way to reference an ACR url. Is this possible, or do I need to use template specs for this?
For context, I need to create an automated service that can deploy resources when a particular event happens, e.g. add new customer -> spin up Azure resources xyz. Having my service use the REST api seems reasonable, and I'd prefer to use the bicep registry over template specs.
Currently Content in the Bicep module registry can only be deployed from another Bicep file. Template specs can be deployed directly from the API, Azure PowerShell, Azure CLI, and the Azure portal. You can even use UiFormDefinition to customize the portal deployment experience.
You can refer to this documentation for more information.

Is there a way to reuse the same Azure Storage Plan and Azure App Service Plan to host multiple Azure Functions?

I have created 1 node.js and 1 java Azure Function, using VS Code
When I have deployed just these 2 functions to Azure using VS Code, I ended up with this many Azure resources (see the picture below).
Is there a way to re-use the same resource type (i.e. App Service, Storage Account, etc..) to host multiple Azure Functions?
Absolutely, we do this all the time. We usually create resources in the portal by hand the first time and later use deployment scripts (msdeploy or Powershell) to update the resources.
When you create a new Function App in the portal, you can tell Azure to put the new Function App in an existing App Service Plan and also set it to use existing storage:
You can also do this using Azure CLI if you are a CLI guy.

How to deploy Azure Logic App and prerequisite?

I've built a Logic App on Azure and it's working fine, this app connects to an API and then puts the data into an SQL server.
This app will need to be deployed to another subscription/resource group entirely at some point, I'm just wondering about the recommended methods for this, at the moment I'm attempting to use Azure DevOps to automate this process, and while I can run SQL against databases that are already there, I'm having trouble with deploying the logic app and then linking it to the SQL database previously deployed.
I'm using Power Shell on Azure DevOps as there doesn't seem to individual actions that I can use to deploy a particular resource (such as a Logic App).
Is Azure DevOps the way to go? Am I just missing something simple?
Logic app requires connection resources which have the credential information for talking to mail or Azure blob. These have to be created in the target resource group.
You can download the logic app and connections as an ARM template using Logic app VS tools.
You can then deploy this ARM template any other subscription or resource group.
However, OAuth based connections like "mail" will have to be authenticated manually in the new resource group.

Azure Deployment in VSTS with ARM Storage

Is there components that Will be able to deploy a project to Azure with ARM storage?
Currently, We are using "Azure Deployment" with Azure Classic, that is working properly.
But, in that components We can'T select the ARM subscription, just only the classic one.
Do you have any information about that?
Maybe the ARM template will be the solution?
Cloud Services can only be associated with classic storage accounts.
More information, you can refer to: How to create and deploy a cloud service.
So, you need to use Azure Deployment step/task with Azure Classic.

How can I make my Azure logic app portable

I have created an Azure logic app in Azure Portal which uses Azure functions and Azure Service Bus. I want to deliver this whole logic app to client so that he can configure it in his Azure Subscription. How can I push my Azure Logic App to GitHub or any other place so that I can make it distribute able. So that anyone can deploy it in his Azure subscription or resource group. Help!
You'll need to make an Azure Deployment Template. If you create the logic app within the Visual Studio tools it's created for you with the logicapp.json file - we are working right now to let you import a logic app into visual studio. For now you can still create a template with a PowerShell command. Details on creating a deployment template can be found in this article.
You'll also need to add the Azure Function to the same template. You can see an example of a template that deploys both a logic app and an azure function in the same template here - let me know if that helps.
You can download the template from the Azure Portal.
Goto Resource Groups > Select your Resource Group > Click on Automation Scrips.
You will see the Deployment template - which will help you to deploy all the resources in the Resource Group.
If you just want the Function to be exported, Go to the Function > Click on Automation Scripts.
You can follow to know more about Importing and Exporting Azure Templates.
