.htaccess remove duplicate part of a URL - .htaccess

some bug in my online catalog SEF URL generation created a situation where some category slug is added to the URL twice. to fix this i would like to use .htaccess to remove the this part of the URL and have the whole URL shift up one level including URL's which also include a product under them.
the duplicate occurrence is of the sub-category painting-tools under the category tools
so the wrong URL looks like this:
/store/items/catalog/tools/painting-tools/painting-tools/{some product}
instead of being the correct URL like this:
/store/items/catalog/tools/painting-tools/{some product}
and the URLs
/store/items/catalog/tools/painting-tools/{some product}
should actually be like this
/store/items/catalog/tools/{some product}
tried using this rule, but its not working
RewriteRule ^/painting-tools/painting-tools/(.*) /painting-tools/$1 [QSA]
i think the ^ part is not correct since its not the beginning of the URL.
How can i fix it ?

You can use this back-reference based redirect rule as very first rule in your .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^(.+?/([^/]+))/\2(/.*)?$ $1/$3 [NE,L,R=302]
RewriteRule ^(.+?/tools)/painting-tools(?:/.*)?$ $1/ [L,NC,R=302]
It is capturing repeat value after initial part and grouping it in this sub-pattern ([^/]+). Later in the regex it is using back-reference \2 to make sure same captured value is repeated.
Make sure you have proper RewriteBase defined to either / or /store/ wherever your htaccess is located.
Update: As per discussion below:
RewriteRule ^(.+?/tools)/painting-tools2(/.*)?$ $1$2 [L,NC,R=302]
This will remove /painting-tools2 from URLs.


.htaccess not working as expected in sub-folder

I have this rewrite rule placed in /dashboard/.htaccess [dashboard is actually a folder]:
RewriteRule ^([^/]*)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L]
My structure is index.php?mode=support, even though, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] outputs this:
Example: site.com/dashboard/index.php?mode=support should be site.com/dashboard/support
So , how can I make it parse the param value, and not the file itself.
Managed to solve it while doing more research on regular expressions.
RewriteRule ^([a-z]+)$ index.php?mode=$1 [L,QSA]
Thi solved my problem, preferred plus instead asterisk because it tells the engine to repeat it zero or more times. (when i'm on index.php , query string is empty as needed)
Your rule is matching anything that starts with not a slash and doesnt contain a slash anywhere when your actual path is
to get the folder you actually want you need a base on there like this
RewriteBase /dashboard/
If that is placed above the rule, Then your redirect should be ok

CFM redirect 301

On Google I have a site that has a bunch of old links to its pages, they are links like this.
I want to 301 redirect them with htaccess, but nothing I am trying works.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/architectural
RewriteRule .* /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink
Any Ideas, I have tried many varients of this, it seems the problem is the .cfm file.
Your question is a bit fuzzy. You say you want to rewrite from /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink, but then you also have that as the target of your RewriteRule. So I think some wires are crossed somewhere. Can you please update your question to include "I want to rewrite [this current URL example] to [the URL you wish the first one to end up at]". Also any other considerations that might require a RewriteCond, and any variations in the patterns.
Then we can get your rules/conditions sorted out.
To answer your exact question as asked, your RewriteCond will reject /mainpage.cfm?linkId=84&LinkType=mainlink because that does not match ^/architectural.
However I suspect this is not the question you mean to ask...
in mod_rewrite RewriteRule can only see the directory and file part of the URI and not the query string. So to match the query string you need to use RewriteCond.
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} linkId=(\d+)&LinkType=mainlink [NC]
RewiteRule ^mainpage\.cfm newpage.php?linkid=%1 [NC,L]
I have matched the linkId in the RewriteCond which I then refer to by %1 in the RewriteRule as this is the syntax for matching groups in a RewriteCond.
As #AdamCameron points out you don't state where you want to redirect to, but this should give you the tools to resove it.
You could perform the redirect within the ColdFusion page instead. Just add the following line to the top of the mainpage.cfm file (assuming you want every request of that page redirected). You could add some condition logic if you only want to redirect specific linkId and/or LinkType based on the URL parameter.
Again, if you want every request to the mainpage.cfm to redirect just add this to the top of that file (NOTE you need to change the url for the redirected page):
<cflocation url="http://host/architetural" statusCode="301" addtoken="no">
The statusCode attribute was added in ColdFusion 8 - so you must be running that or newer

migrated system with new urls

I am switching system from a MVC to a custom code system. Currently we are using this format for urls:
I need now to rewrite urls like to be more nice for user like
where #1 and #2 are the pages loaded in jquery. The developer use the old way using /index.php/CAPACITOR/CERAMIC/0805/spec.html
Because I don't think using the index.php in the url is good, what can I do to make this better?
Here's what you need to use
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9\-_]+)/?$ index.php?part=$1&type=all&model=all&page=index [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/?$ index.php?part=$1&type=$2&model=all&page=index [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/?$ index.php?part=$1&type=$2&model=$3&page=index [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_]+)/([a-z0-9\-_\.]+)\.html$ index.php?part=$1&type=$2&model=$3&page=$4 [L,NC]
So when a folder (example CERAMIC) is not provided you can add a flag to load all, same idea for model. It means that if only the first part is provided only he first rule will be used. As of the page.html by default you can load the index.
Now, a-z0-9\-_ means any letters, numbers, dashes and underscore ONLY. You can use ([^/]+) if you prefer that will allow you to use more characters.
The L mean last meaning if the rule match, it will stop. NC means non case so A = a or ABC = abc.

.htaccess file url rewrite keeps going to the wrong page

I am trying to get the follow urls to work
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$2&team_id=$1
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)/members$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2
but when i try the link with /members init it goes to the other page?
can someone help me please
[^-] and [^&] includes the / so /members is included with that. you could either add / to your negation character groups like [^-/] and [^&/] so it doesn't match / or move the bottom one up and add [L] after it to tell apache this is the [L]ast rule to check if it matches.
The trouble is, your second rule is being satisfied by the first rule. You could simply switch them around and it will work:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)/members$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^&]+)$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$2&team_id=$1
Although, a slight change in the first rule will also address the problem:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^/]+)[/]?$ index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=$1&team_id=$2 [L]
RewriteRule ^team/([^-]+)-([^/]+)/members[/]?$ index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=$1&team_id=$2 [L]
Note, I changed the match string in the first rule from ([^&]+) to ([^/]+) - that way the forward slash isn't included in the match in cases like mydomain.com/team/1-2/. The [/]? rule at the end is an optional match for that trailing forward slash. I've likewise added one to the end of the members rule as well, now it works like this:
mydomain.com/team/1-2/ - goes to index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=1&team_id=2
mydomain.com/team/1-2 - goes to index.php?p=teamprofile&team_name=1&team_id=2
mydomain.com/team/1-2/members - goes to index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=1&team_id=2
mydomain.com/team/1-2/members/ - goes to index.php?p=teammembers&team_name=1&team_id=2

301 htaccess redirect dynamic url help needed

I'm trying to redirect this
12345 being the dynamic topic ID
I also need any information to be stripped away if it is found after the topic ID, for example
I want &view=getlastpost or any similar that may appear after the ID number to be get rid of.
I've tried
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(([^&]&))showtopic=([^&]+)&?(.*)?$
RewriteRule ^index.php$ http://www.website.org/forum/t%3?%1%4/ [L,R=301]
but it didn't work. I get trash in the URL.
hhttp://www.website.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=29294&view=getlastpost (when that link is clicked - the result is hhttp://www.website.net/forum/t29294?view=getlastpost/)
hhttp://www.website.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=29029 (when that link is clicked - the result is hhttp://www.website.net/forum/t29029?/).
How can I clear it out?
$2 implies there are two bracketed areas, but I only see one in your rule, so changed that to $1.
Also your URL starts /forum/ so need to include that in the rule.
And the . in index.php needs to be escaped if you don't want it treated as a regex special character.
And if you want to ditch anything after the showtopic=1234 then just remove the $ that indicates the end of the string
RewriteRule ^forum/index\.php?showtopic=([0-9]*) http://www.website.org/forum/t$1/ [L,R=301]
