A monad for building test data - haskell

OK, so I'm trying to write a monad for building test data, but I can't quite get it to work how I want it. It looks something like this:
runBuildM :: [i] -> BuildM i o x -> [o]
-- Given a list of i, build a list of o.
source :: BuildM i o i
-- Fetch unique i.
yield :: o -> BuildM i o ()
-- Return a new o to the caller.
gather :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o o
-- Fetch every possible o from sub-computation.
local :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o x
-- Isolate any source invocations from the rest of the code.
In other words, it's a supply monad, writer monad and list monad. The idea is that I can write something like this:
build_tests depth = do
local $ do
v <- source
yield v
yield (map toLower v)
yield "[]"
yield "()"
when (depth > 2) $ do
t1 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ ")"
yield $ "[" ++ t1 ++ "]"
t2 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")"
The idea is to generate all possible combinations of data. You can do that just using list comprehensions, but the result ends up syntactically awful. This is much more readable. Unfortunately, it doesn't actually work...
The problem seems to boil down to the local function not behaving correctly. The intention is for any source calls in the sub-computation to have no effect outside of it. (I.e., subsequent calls to source from outside the local block get the first token again.) However, what my implementation of local actually does is reset the next token for everything (i.e., including the contents of the sub-computation). This is clearly incorrect, but I cannot for the life of me bend my mind around how to make it work correctly.
The fact that I'm having this much trouble getting the code to work as required probably means the actual internal representation of my monad is just wrong. Can anybody take a stab at implementing this correctly?
EDIT: I should perhaps have realised this, but I didn't actually specify the expected result I'm trying to get. The above code is supposed to produce this:
["A", "a", "[]", "()", "(A)", "(a)", "[A]", "[a]", "(A, B)", "(A, b)", "(a, B)", "(a, b)"]
It's not super-critical that the results appear in exactly this order. I'd like the single cases to appear before the compound ones, but I'm not too fussed exactly what order the compounds appear. The rule is that the same variable never appears twice in any individual expression.
If we allow the depth to be a bit deeper, we additionally get terms such as
"((A))", "([A])", "[(A)]", "((A, B), C)", "(A, (B, C))"
and so on.
It's clearly broken, but here's what I have so far:
newtype BuildM i o x = BuildM ([i] -> SEQ.Seq ([i], SEQ.Seq o, x))
instance Functor (BuildM i o) where
fmap uf (BuildM sf) =
BuildM $ \ is0 -> do
(is1, os, x) <- sf is0
return (is1, os, uf x)
instance Applicative (BuildM i o) where
pure x = BuildM $ \ is0 -> return (is0, SEQ.empty, x)
BuildM sf1 <*> BuildM sf2 =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, f) <- sf1 is1
(is3, os3, x) <- sf2 is2
return (is3, os2 >< os3, f x)
instance Monad (BuildM i o) where
return = pure
BuildM sf1 >>= uf =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, x) <- sf1 is1
let BuildM sf2 = uf x
(is3, os3, y) <- sf2 is2
return (is3, os2 >< os3, y)
runBuildM :: [i] -> BuildM i o x -> [o]
runBuildM is0 (BuildM sf) =
toList $ do
(is, os, x) <- sf is0
source :: BuildM i o i
source =
BuildM $ \ is ->
if null is
then error "AHC.Tests.TestBuilder.source: end of input"
else return (tail is, SEQ.empty, head is)
yield :: o -> BuildM i o ()
yield o = BuildM $ \ is -> return (is, SEQ.singleton o, () )
gather :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o' o
gather (BuildM sf1) =
BuildM $ \ is1 -> do
(is2, os2, _) <- sf1 is1
o <- os2
return (is2, SEQ.empty, o)
local :: BuildM i o x -> BuildM i o ()
local (BuildM sf1) =
BuildM $ \ is1 ->
let os = do (is2, os2, x) <- sf1 is1; os2
in return (is1, os, () )

You are trying to reinvent pipes. Your source and yield are pipes await and yield. The other two concerns you are trying to handle are a ReaderT and a WriterT respectively. If you put the entire list of inputs in the environment of the ReaderT you can run local sub computations that start over at the beginning of the list. You can collect all of the results from a sub-computation by adding a WriterT layer to collect the output.
For the nice syntax with gather you are trying to recreate ListT.
Pipes, Readers, and Writers
We're going to use all of the following in very short order.
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Foldable
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Morph
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader hiding (local)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict
import Pipes.Core
import Pipes ((>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Pipes.Lift (runWriterP, runReaderP)
Your builder is a Pipe i o over a Reader [i] which allows you to reset at the beginning of the input. We will define two versions of it, BuildT which is a monad transformer, and BuildM which is a monad. BuildM is jsut the transformer applied to Identity.
type BuildT e i o m r = Pipe i o (ReaderT e m) r
type BuildM e i o r = BuildT e i o Identity r
local runs a builder feeding it the entire input read from the environment. We might want to give this a different name to avoid conflicting with local defined for ReaderT
local :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => BuildT (f i) i o m () -> Proxy a' a () o (ReaderT (f i) m) ()
local subDef = do
e <- lift ask
hoist lift $ runReaderP e $
P.each e >->
To collect the results of the sub computations, we take advantage of the fact that pipes are so pure that you can swap out the underlying monad provided you have a natural transformation forall x. m x -> n x. The proxies from pipes have an MFunctor instance that provides a function hoist :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Proxy a' a b' b m r -> Proxy a' a b' b n r; it lets us lift all of the underlying monad operations under a pipe to use the pipe over another transformer, in this case WriterT.
collect :: (Monad m) => Proxy a' a () b m r -> Proxy a' a c' c m ([b], r)
collect subDef = do
(r, w) <- runWriterP $
hoist lift subDef //> \x -> lift $ tell (++[x])
return (w [], r)
To run a builder we feed it all of the input from the environment, provide the initial environment, collect the results, and run the entire pipe.
runBuildT :: (Monad m) => [i] -> BuildT [i] i o m () -> m [o]
runBuildT e = runEffect . fmap fst . collect . runReaderP e . local
Running the monad instead of the transformer is just
runBuildM :: [i] -> BuildM [i] i o () -> [o]
runBuildM e = runIdentity . runBuildT e
This section lets us use do-notation when generating all combinations of things. It's equivalent to using pipes' for in place of each >>= and yield in place of each return.
The syntax that gathers all of the results from a sub computation is reinventing ListT. a ListT m a holds a Producer a m () that only returns data downstream. Pipes that get data from upstream and return data downstream don't fit into the Producer b m (). This will take a bit of conversion.
We can convert a Proxy that has both an upstream and a downstream interface into one with only a downstream interface wrapped around another proxy with the upstream interface. To do so, we hoist the underlying monad into our new inner upstream proxy, then replace all of the requests in the outer downstream proxy with requests lifted from the inner upstream proxy.
floatRespond :: (Monad m) => Proxy a' a b' b m r -> Proxy c' c b' b (Proxy a' a d' d m) r
floatRespond = (lift . request >\\) . hoist lift
These can be converted into a ListT. We'll discard any returned data to get a more polymorphic type.
gather :: (Monad m) => Proxy a' a () b m r -> P.ListT (Proxy a' a c' c m) b
gather = P.Select . floatRespond . (>>= return . const ())
Using ListT is a bit cumbersome to use; you need an mplus between returns to get both outputs. It's frequently convenient to shove a proxy into a ListT so you can lift . yield instead of returning. We are going to discard all our ListT results an rely on the output coming from lift . yield.enumeratejust runs aListT` wrapped around anything, discarding all the results
enumerate = P.runListT
We're now equipped to write and run your example. I thing you mean for source to get one value from the source and for yield to return one value. If you don't need to be able to get values one at a time your question is over-specified and this answer is overkill.
source = P.await
yield = P.yield
In the example, where we use gather to build lists, we run that portion of the code with enumerate and yield results with lift . yield.
import Data.Char
build_tests :: Monad m => Int -> BuildT [String] String String m ()
build_tests depth = do
local $ do
v <- source
yield $ v
yield $ (map toLower v)
yield "[]"
yield "()"
when (depth > 2) $ enumerate $ do
t1 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
lift . yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ ")"
lift . yield $ "[" ++ t1 ++ "]"
t2 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
lift . yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")"
If we run this example with the input ["A", "B"] the "B" input is never used because source is only ever used once inside each local.
main = do
putStrLn "Depth 2"
print =<< runBuildT ["A", "B"] (build_tests 2)
putStrLn "Depth 3"
print =<< runBuildT ["A", "B"] (build_tests 3)
The output for depths less than 4 is small enough to repeat here.
Depth 3
This might be overkill
I suspect that you might have meant for source to get everything from the source.
source = gather P.cat
yield = P.yield
If we use this for the example instead of getting a single item from the source we'll enumerate the first local block and yield results by returning in ListT.
build_tests :: Monad m => Int -> BuildT [String] String String m ()
build_tests depth = do
local $ enumerate $ do
v <- source
lift . yield $ v
lift . yield $ (map toLower v)
yield "[]"
yield "()"
when (depth > 2) $ enumerate $ do
t1 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
lift . yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ ")"
lift . yield $ "[" ++ t1 ++ "]"
t2 <- gather $ build_tests (depth-1)
lift . yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")"
This uses both source values when we run the example with two sources.
Depth 2
Depth 3
If you never get a single value from the source you could just use ListT (ReaderT [i] m) o instead. You might still want a proxy to avoid messing around with mplus.

You are trying to reinvent pipes and some nice syntax for building lists. The problem is much simpler than how you characterize it. The source of strings can be completely separated from building the structures.
You want to generate structures that draw symbols from some source. Without worrying about the source, let's build the structures. Each structure is a Pipe that will draw from some source and yield strings to concatenate together to build the expression.
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Pipes.Core
import Pipes ((>->))
import qualified Pipes as P
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
build_structures :: Int -> [Pipe String String Identity ()]
build_structures depth = gather $ do
yield $ P.take 1
yield $ P.map (map toLower) >-> P.take 1
when (depth > 2) $ do
t1 <- lift $ build_structures (depth - 1)
yield $ P.yield "(" >> t1 >> P.yield ")"
yield $ P.yield "[" >> t1 >> P.yield "]"
t2 <- lift $ build_structures (depth - 1)
yield $ P.yield "(" >> t1 >> P.yield "," >> t2 >> P.yield ")"
This code uses the ContT yield trick from the continuation answer.
We run one of these structures by feeding it the symbols and concatenating the results.
run :: Pipe String String Identity () -> String
run p = concat . P.toList $ P.each symbols >-> p
-- an infinite source of unique symbols
symbols :: [String]
symbols = drop 1 symbols'
symbols' = [""] ++ do
tail <- symbols'
first <- ['A'..'Z']
return (first : tail)
The examples produce the desired strings. I'll leave producing the two special cases "[]" and "()", which do not appear in recursive terms, as an exercise.
import Data.Functor
main = do
putStrLn "Depth 2"
print $ run <$> build_structures 2
putStrLn "Depth 3"
print $ run <$> build_structures 3
putStrLn "Depth 4"
print $ run <$> build_structures 4
This results in
Depth 2
Depth 3
Depth 4

If my other answer is overkill, the continuation monad transformer provides a convenient way to construct any MonadPlus values.
The continuation monad lets us easily capture the idea of doing something mplus the as yet unknown remainder.
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont
once :: MonadPlus m => m a -> ContT a m ()
once m = ContT $ \k -> m `mplus` k ()
Yielding a result is just returning it once.
yield :: MonadPlus m => a -> ContT a m ()
yield = once . return
We can gather up all the results by sticking mzero at the end.
gather :: MonadPlus m => ContT a m r -> m a
gather m = runContT m (const mzero)
Your example is written in terms of yield, gather, once, and lift.
import Data.Char
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
build_tests :: MonadPlus m => m String -> Int -> ContT String m ()
build_tests source = go
go depth = do
once . gather $ do
v <- lift source
yield v
yield (map toLower v)
yield "[]"
yield "()"
when (depth > 2) $ do
t1 <- lift . gather $ go (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ ")"
yield $ "[" ++ t1 ++ "]"
t2 <- lift . gather $ go (depth-1)
yield $ "(" ++ t1 ++ "," ++ t2 ++ ")"
main = print . gather $ build_tests ["A", "B"] 3
This outputs the following:
Depth 2
Depth 3
I've taken the liberty of getting rid of the requirement to read the original source from the environment for simplicity. You can add a ReaderT to the transformer stack to get it back. I also haven't chosen a list transfomer for you, the example is running using the ordinary list monad. Since it's written in terms of MonadPlus it will work for any (MonadTrans t, MonadPlus (t m)) => t m as well.


How do I parameterize a function by module in Haskell?

This might seem artificial, but I can't seem to find an obvious answer to the following:
Say I have the following imports:
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as HML
Now I have some function (comp) that takes some list, does something, creates a map, returns it.
My question is how do I have two ways of calling comp so that its calls (say) to insert and size map correctly?
As a strawman, I could write two copies of this function, one referencing M.insert and M.size, while the other references HML.insert and HML.size ... but how do I "pass the module as a parameter", or indicate this otherwise?
Edit: to make this less abstract these are the exact definitions of comp:
mapComp :: KVPairs -> IO ()
mapComp kvpairs = do
let init = M.empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = M.insert k v t
if M.size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "FAIL: " ++ show (M.size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
hashmapComp :: KVPairs -> IO()
hashmapComp kvpairs = do
let init = HML.empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = HML.insert k v t
if HML.size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "Fail: " ++ show (HML.size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
Edit (2): this turned out to be way more interesting than I anticipated, thanks to everyone who responded!
Here's how to to it with module signatures and mixins (a.k.a. Backpack)
You would have to define a library (it could be an internal library) with a signature like:
-- file Mappy.hsig
signature Mappy where
class C k
data Map k v
empty :: Map k v
insert :: C k => k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
size :: Map k v -> Int
in the same library or in another, write code that imports the signature as if it were a normal module:
module Stuff where
import qualified Mappy as M
type KVPairs k v = [(k,v)]
comp :: M.C k => KVPairs k v -> IO ()
comp kvpairs = do
let init = M.empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = M.insert k v t
if M.size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "FAIL: " ++ show (M.size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
In another library (it must be a different one) write an "implementation" module that matches the signature:
-- file Mappy.hs
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
module Mappy (C,insert,empty,size,Map) where
import Data.Map.Lazy
type C = Ord
The "signature match" is performed based on names and types only, the implementation module doesn't need to know about the existence of the signature.
Then, in a library or executable in which you want to use the abstract code, pull both the library with the abstract code and the library with the implementation:
executable somexe
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base ^>=,
default-language: Haskell2010
library indeflib
exposed-modules: Stuff
signatures: Mappy
build-depends: base ^>=
hs-source-dirs: src
default-language: Haskell2010
library lazyimpl
exposed-modules: Mappy
build-depends: base ^>=,
containers >= 0.5
hs-source-dirs: impl1
default-language: Haskell2010
Sometimes the name of the signature and of the implementing module don't match, in that case one has to use the mixins section of the Cabal file.
Edit. Creating the HashMap implementation proved somewhat tricky, because insert required two constraints (Eq and Hashable) instead of one. I had to resort to the "class synonym" trick. Here's the code:
{-# language ConstraintKinds, FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Mappy (C,insert,HM.empty,HM.size,Map) where
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
type C = EqHash
class (Eq q, Hashable q) => EqHash q -- class synonym trick
instance (Eq q, Hashable q) => EqHash q
insert :: EqHash k => k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
insert = HM.insert
type Map = HM.HashMap
The simplest is to parameterize by the operations you actually need, rather than the module. So:
mapComp ::
m ->
(K -> V -> m -> m) ->
(m -> Int) ->
KVPairs -> IO ()
mapComp empty insert size kvpairs = do
let m = foldr ins empty kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = insert k v t
if size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "FAIL: " ++ show (size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
You can then call it as, e.g. mapComp M.empty M.insert M.size or mapComp HM.empty HM.insert HM.size. As a small side benefit, callers may use this function even if the data structure they prefer doesn't offer a module with exactly the right names and types by writing small adapters and passing them in.
If you like, you can combine these into a single record to ease passing them around:
data MapOps m = MapOps
{ empty :: m
, insert :: K -> V -> m -> m
, size :: m -> Int
mops = MapOps M.empty M.insert M.size
hmops = MapOps HM.empty HM.insert HM.size
mapComp :: MapOps m -> KVPairs -> IO ()
mapComp ops kvpairs = do
let m = foldr ins (empty ops) kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = insert ops k v t
if size ops m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn "Yikes!"
else pure ()
I am afraid that it is not possible to do in Haskell without workarounds. Main problem is that comp would use different types for same objects for M and for HML variants, which is impossible to do in Haskell directly.
You will need to let comp know which option are you going to take using either data or polymorphism.
As a base idea I would create ADT to cover possible options and use boolean value to determine the module:
data SomeMap k v = M (M.Map k v) | HML (HML.HashMap k v)
f :: Bool -> IO ()
f shouldIUseM = do ...
And then use case expression in foldr to check whether your underlying map is M or HML. However, I don't see any good point of using such a bloatcode, it would be much better to create compM and compHML separately.
Another approach would be to create typeclass that would wrap all your cases
class SomeMap m where
empty :: m k v
insert :: k -> v -> m k v -> m k v
size :: m k v -> Int
And then write instances for each map manually (or using some TemplateHaskell magic, which I believe could help here, however it is out of my skills). It will require some bloat code as well, but then you will be able to parametrize comp over the used map type:
comp :: SomeMap m => m -> IO ()
comp thisCouldBeEmptyInitMap = do ...
But honestly, I would write this function like this:
comp :: Bool -> IO ()
comp m = if m then fooM else fooHML
I'm a little suspicious this is an XY problem, so here's how I would address the code you linked to. You have, the following:
mapComp :: KVPairs -> IO ()
mapComp kvpairs = do
let init = M.empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = M.insert k v t
if M.size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "FAIL: " ++ show (M.size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
hashmapComp :: KVPairs -> IO()
hashmapComp kvpairs = do
let init = HML.empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = HML.insert k v t
if HML.size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "Fail: " ++ show (HML.size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
This has a lot of repetition, which is usually not good. So we factor out the bits that are different between the two functions, and parameterize a new function by those changing bits:
-- didn't try to compile this
comp :: mp k v -> (k -> v -> mp k v -> mp k v) -> (mp k v -> Int) -> KVPairs -> IO()
comp h_empty h_insert h_size kvpairs = do
let init = h_empty
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = h_insert k v t
if h_size m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "Fail: " ++ show (h_size m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
As you can see this is a really mechanical process. Then you call e.g. comp M.empty M.insert M.size.
If you want to be able to define comp such that it can work on map types that you haven't thought of yet (or which your users will specify), then you must define comp against an abstract interface. This is done with typeclasses, as in SomeMap radrow's answer.
In fact you can do part of this abstracting already, by noticing that both maps you want to work with implement the standard Foldable and Monoid.
-- didn't try to compile this
comp :: (Foldable (mp k), Monoid (mp k v))=> (k -> v -> mp k v -> mp k v) -> KVPairs -> IO()
comp h_insert kvpairs = do
let init = mempty -- ...also why not just use `mempty` directly below:
let m = foldr ins init kvpairs where
ins (k, v) t = h_insert k v t
if length m /= length kvpairs
then putStrLn $ "Fail: " ++ show (length m) ++ ", " ++ show (length kvpairs)
else pure ()
As mentioned in the comments, I think backpack is (will be?) the way to get what I think you're asking for, i.e. parameterized modules. I don't know much about it, and it's not clear to me what usecases it solves that you wouldn't want to use the more traditional approach I've described above (maybe I'll read the wiki page).

Generating sequence from Markov chain in Haskell

I would like to generate random sequences from a Markov chain. To generate the Markov chain I use the following code.
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
type TransitionMap = M.Map (String, String) Int
type MarkovChain = M.Map String [(String, Int)]
addTransition :: (String, String) -> TransitionMap -> TransitionMap
addTransition k = M.insertWith (+) k 1
fromTransitionMap :: TransitionMap -> MarkovChain
fromTransitionMap m =
M.fromList [(k, frequencies k) | k <- ks]
where ks = L.nub $ map fst $ M.keys m
frequencies a = map reduce $ filter (outboundFor a) $ M.toList m
outboundFor a k = fst (fst k) == a
reduce e = (snd (fst e), snd e)
After collecting the statistics and generating a Markov Chain object I would like to generate random sequences. I could imagine this method could look something like that (pseudo-code)
generateSequence mc s
| s == "." = s
| otherwise = s ++ " " ++ generateSequence mc s'
where s' = drawRandomlyFrom $ R.fromList $ mc ! s
I would greatly appreciate if someone could explain to me, how I should implement this function.
If anyone's interested it wasn't as difficult as I thought.
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map as M
type TransitionMap = M.Map (String, String) Rational
type MarkovChain = M.Map String [(String, Rational)]
addTransition :: TransitionMap -> (String, String) -> TransitionMap
addTransition m k = M.insertWith (+) k 1 m
fromTransitionMap :: TransitionMap -> MarkovChain
fromTransitionMap m =
M.fromList [(k, frequencies k) | k <- ks]
where ks = L.nub $ map fst $ M.keys m
frequencies a = map reduce $ filter (outboundFor a) $ M.toList m
outboundFor a k = fst (fst k) == a
reduce e = (snd (fst e), snd e)
generateSequence :: (R.MonadRandom m) => MarkovChain -> String -> m String
generateSequence m s
| not (null s) && last s == '.' = return s
| otherwise = do
s' <- R.fromList $ m M.! s
ss <- generateSequence m s'
return $ if null s then ss else s ++ " " ++ ss
fromSample :: [String] -> MarkovChain
fromSample ss = fromTransitionMap $ foldl addTransition M.empty $ concatMap pairs ss
where pairs s = let ws = words s in zipWith (,) ("":ws) ws
sample :: [String]
sample = [ "I am a monster."
, "I am a rock star."
, "I want to go to Hawaii."
, "I want to eat a hamburger."
, "I have a really big headache."
, "Haskell is a fun language."
, "Go eat a big hamburger."
, "Markov chains are fun to use."
main = do
s <- generateSequence (fromSample sample) ""
print s
The only tiny annoyance is the fake "" starting node.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for. This compiles though:
generateSequence :: (R.MonadRandom m) => MarkovChain -> String -> m String
generateSequence mc s | s == "." = return s
| otherwise = do
s' <- R.fromList $ rationalize (mc M.! s)
s'' <- generateSequence mc s'
return $ s ++ " " ++ s''
rationalize :: [(String,Int)] -> [(String,Rational)]
rationalize = map (\(x,i) -> (x, toRational i))
All random number generation needs to happen in either the Random monad or the IO monad. For your purpose, it's probably easiest to understand how to do that in the IO monad, using evalRandIO. In the example below, getRandom is the function we want to use. Now getRandom operates in the Random monad, but we can use evalRandIO to lift it to the IO monad, like this:
main :: IO ()
main = do
x <- evalRandIO getRandom :: IO Double
putStrLn $ "Your random number is " ++ show x
Note: The reason we have to add the type signature to the line that binds x is because in this particular example there are no other hints to tell the compiler what type we want x to be. However, if we used x in some way that makes it clear that we want it to be a Double (e.g., multiplying by another Double), then the type signature wouldn't be necessary.
Using your MarkovChain type, for a current state you can trivially get the available transitions in the form [(nextState,probability)]. (I'm using the word "probability" loosely, it doesn't need to be a true probability; any numeric weight is fine). This is what fromList in Control.Monad.Random is designed for. Again, it operates in the Random monad, but we can use evalRandIO to lift it to the IO monad. Suppose transitions is your list of transitions, having the type [(nextState,probability)]. Then, in the IO monad you can call:
nextState <- evalRandIO $ fromList transitions
You might instead want to create your own function that operates in the Random monad, like this:
getRandomTransition :: RandomGen g => MarkovChain -> String -> Rand g String
getRandomTransition currState chain = do
let transitions = lookup currState chain
fromList transitions
Then you can call this function in the IO monad using evalRandIO, e.g.
nextState <- evalRandIO $ getRandomTransition chain

Haskell. From pure code to IO and back

Are there a possibility to stop a recursive algorithm when it throws some exception provided by us, save it's state, ask user something and then continue the recursion from the saved place?
I changed the question.
I read a file system recursively and keep data in a tree. Suddenly I face with a hidden directory. Can I stop calculations and ask now user should I place information about the directory in my tree and then continue calculations?
About working with IO:
obtainTree :: ByteString -> Tree
main = print $ obtainTree partition
as I understand to work with IO inside the algorithm we have to use function like this:
obtainTree :: ByteString -> IO Tree
but can we avoid it?
Sure you can do it. You can always set things up so that you capture the remaining computation as a continuation, which can be resumed externally.
Here's one way to do something like this:
-- intended to be put in a module that only exports the following list:
-- (Resumable, Prompted, prompt, runResumable, extract, resume)
import Control.Applicative
newtype Resumable e r a = R { runResumable :: Either (Prompted e r a) a }
data Prompted e r a = P e (r -> Resumable e r a)
suspend :: e -> (r -> Resumable e r a) -> Resumable e r a
suspend e = R . Left . P e
instance Functor (Resumable e r) where
fmap f (R (Right x)) = pure $ f x
fmap f (R (Left (P e g))) = suspend e $ \x -> f <$> g x
instance Applicative (Resumable e r) where
pure = R . Right
(R (Right f)) <*> (R (Right x)) = pure $ f x
(R (Left (P e f))) <*> x = suspend e $ \y -> f y <*> x
f <*> (R (Left (P e g))) = suspend e $ \y -> f <*> g y
instance Monad (Resumable e r) where
return = pure
(R (Right x)) >>= f = f x
(R (Left (P e f))) >>= g = suspend e $ \x -> f x >>= g
prompt :: e -> Resumable e r r
prompt e = suspend e pure
extract :: Prompted e r a -> e
extract (P e _) = e
resume :: Prompted e r a -> r -> Either (Prompted e r a) a
resume (P _ f) e = runResumable $ f e
This lets you divide up your logic into an internal piece that runs inside Resumable and an external piece that handles the results of the internal part's prompting using whatever method it likes.
Here's a simple example of using this:
askAboutNegatives :: [Int] -> Resumable Int Bool [Int]
askAboutNegatives [] = return []
askAboutNegatives (x:xs) = do
keep <- if x < 0 then prompt x else return True
rest <- askAboutNegatives xs
return $ if keep then x:rest else rest
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ls = [1, -4, 2, -7, 3]
loopIfNeeded (Right r) = return r
loopIfNeeded (Left p) = do
putStrLn $ "Would you like to keep " ++ show (extract p)
i <- getLine
loopIfNeeded $ resume p (i == "y")
asked <- loopIfNeeded $ runResumable (askAboutNegatives ls)
print asked
As a way of making this use case simpler, the module containing Resumable can be augmented to also export this function:
runResumableWithM :: Monad m => (e -> m r) -> Resumable e r a -> m a
runResumableWithM f x = case runResumable x of
Right y -> return y
Left (P e g) -> do
r <- f e
runResumableWithM f $ g r
Which would allow rewriting main from that example as the somewhat simpler:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let ls = [1, -4, 2, -7, 3]
ask x = do
putStrLn $ "Would you like to keep " ++ show x
i <- getLine
return $ i == "y"
asked <- runResumableWithM ask (askAboutNegatives ls)
print asked
The one real issue with this approach is that every prompt must have the same type. Otherwise, it handles the problem nicely, using continuations to capture the rest of the computation implicitly when needed.
First thing first, a pure code cannot go to IO or we can say a pure function needs to become impure if it tries to use some impure function (i.e trying to use IO). In case you are wondering why this so, think about this: If the pure function ask the impure function about some data to complete its own processing then it looses "Referential transparency" because now the pure function can return different result for same input due to the involved impure (IO) call, hence it is no more pure.
Based on the above information, your solution will be as simple as making use of higher order function to ask the user about the information. Something like:
parseFileSystem :: FileSystem -> (Directory -> IO Tree) -> IO Tree
Here the (Directory -> IO Tree) is the function that will ask user about the required information and return a Tree data based on it.

List Iterator using ContT

I have a simple list that I would like to iterate over "yield"ing between each element and printing that element to the output. I am trying to use the ContT monad to do this but running into issues. Here's what I have so far:
data K a = Nil | K (a,() -> K a)
listIterator :: (Monad m) => [r] -> m (K r)
listIterator [] = return Nil
listIterator (x:xs) = return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
runIterator :: IO ()
runIterator = do
a <- listIterator ([1,2,3] :: [Int])
let loop Nil = liftIO $ print "nil"
loop (K (curr,newI)) =
liftIO $ print curr
loop (newI ())
loop a
The expected output is:
What I get is:
Any help is appreciated!
listIterator (x:xs) = return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
does not do what you expect, equational reasoning
listIterator (x:xs)
= return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k))) >> listIterator xs
= (return (ContT (\k -> K (x,k)))) >>= \_ -> listIterator xs
= (\_ -> listIterator xs) (ContT (\k -> K (x,k)))
= listIterator xs
I'm not sure exactly why you want to use an iterator. Haskell is already lazy, so iteration patterns like this are mostly used only when you have resource management issues that need to interact well with a demand driven usage pattern. And, you don't need the continuation monad at all:
Instead of writing the K constructor to take a tuple it is more idiomatic to
data K a = Nil | K a (() -> K a)
intuitively, the type for the listIterator does not use its monadic structure: it just constructs a value, so
listIterator ::[r] -> K r
listIterator [] = Nil
listIterator (x:xs) = K x (\_ -> listIterator xs)
now life is trivial
runIterator :: IO ()
runIterator = do
let a = listIterator ([1,2,3] :: [Int])
loop Nil = liftIO $ print "nil"
loop (K curr newI) =
liftIO $ print curr
loop (newI ())
loop a
which would probably be best to write without the use of do notation.
This may not be the answer you were looking for, but if you are interested in this style of programming, you should look into pipes and similar libraries. (conduit is the rising star in the "real world", but pipes provides a simpler tool for teaching which is why I use it here.)
$ cabal update && cabal install pipes
Pipes are like iterators, except they come in three flavors: those that can acquire input (Consumers), those that produce output (Producers), and those that do both (Pipes). If you connect pipes such that the input and output ends are all satisfied, then it is called a "Pipeline", and it is a self-contained unit that can be run without any additional input.
Pipe provides a monad instance for convenience in creating pipes. The >+> operator connects two pipes together.
import Control.Pipe
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- annoyingly, Pipe does not provide a MonadIO instance
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (Pipe a b m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
listIterator :: Monad m => [a] -> Producer (Maybe a) m ()
listIterator (x:xs) = yield (Just x) >> listIterator xs
listIterator [] = yield Nothing
printer :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Consumer (Maybe a) m ()
printer = do
mx <- await
case mx of
Just x -> liftIO (print x) >> printer
Nothing -> liftIO (putStrLn "nil")
main = runPipe $ listIterator [1, 2, 3] >+> printer
The source for Control.Pipe is delightfully simple, especially if you have been reading Gabriel's recent blog posts about Free monads, particularly Why free monads matter and Purify code using free monads.

IO inside the Get Monad

So my problem is as follows. I'm trying to implement a streaming parser for RDB files (the dump files that Redis produces). I want to implement a function similar to mapM_ whereby I can , say print out each object represented in the dump file as it is parsed. However, I can't seem to get it to operate in constant space. I find that what is happening is that I'm building a large IO() thunk inside of the Get monad, returning from the Get monad and then executing the IO. Is there anyway to stream my objects as they are parsed to print and then discard them? I've tried Enumerators and Conduits but I haven't seen any real gain. Here is what I have so far:
loadObjs_ :: (Monad m) => (Maybe Integer -> BL8.ByteString -> RDBObj -> Get (m a)) -> Get (m a)
loadObjs_ f = do
code <- lookAhead getWord8
case code of
0xfd -> do
skip 1
expire <- loadTime
getPairs_ f (Just expire)
0xfc -> do
skip 1
expire <- loadTimeMs
getPairs_ f (Just expire)
0xfe -> f Nothing "Switching Database" RDBNull
0xff -> f Nothing "" RDBNull
_ -> getPairs_ f Nothing
getPairs_ :: (Monad m) => (Maybe Integer -> BL8.ByteString -> RDBObj -> Get (m a)) -> Maybe Integer -> Get (m a)
getPairs_ f ex = do
!t <- getWord8
!key <- loadStringObj False
!obj <- loadObj t
!rest <- loadObjs_ f
!out <- f ex key obj
return (out >> rest)
(loadObj does the actual parsing of a single object but I believe that whatever I need to fix the streaming to operate in constant or near-constant memory is at a higher level in the iteration than loadObj)
getDBs_ :: (Monad m) => (Maybe Integer -> BL8.ByteString -> RDBObj -> Get (m a)) -> Get (m a)
getDBs_ f = do
opc <- lookAhead getWord8
if opc == opcodeSelectdb
then do
skip 1
(isEncType,dbnum) <- loadLen
objs <- loadObjs_ f
rest <- getDBs_ f
return (objs >> rest)
else f Nothing "EOF" RDBNull
processRDB_ :: (Monad m) => (Maybe Integer -> BL8.ByteString -> RDBObj -> Get (m a)) -> Get (m a)
processRDB_ f = do
header <- getBytes 9
dbs <- getDBs_ f
eof <- getWord8
return (dbs)
printRDBObj :: Maybe Integer -> BL8.ByteString -> RDBObj -> Get (IO ())
printRDBObj (Just exp) key obj = return $ (print ("Expires: " ++ show exp) >>
print ("Key: " ++ (BL8.unpack key)) >>
print ("Obj: " ++ show obj))
printRDBObj Nothing key RDBNull = return $ (print $ BL8.unpack key)
printRDBObj Nothing key obj = return $ (print ("Key: " ++ (BL8.unpack key)) >>
print ("Obj: " ++ show obj))
main = do
testf <- BL8.readFile "./dump.rdb"
runGet (processRDB_ printRDBObj) testf
Thanks all in advance.
EDIT: Here is my attempt to parse the objects into a lazy list and then IO over the lazy list.
processRDB :: Get [RDBObj]
processRDB = do
header <- getBytes 9
dbs <- getDBs
eof <- getWord8
return (dbs)
main = do
testf <- BL8.readFile "./dump.rdb"
mapM_ (print . show) $ runGet processRDB testf
If I understand your code correctly, you are trying to convert the file contents into IO actions incrementally, in the hope of then executing those actions incrementally.
A better approach would be to have your parser return a lazy list of objects which you then print out.
