Node.js WebSockets 'hiccups' and freezes - node.js

I have a Node.js server using WebSockets for my game. Everything works well apart from one thing. With more players the game starts freezing. It looks as if the packets stop coming, gather up and then all are received at once.
What could be causing this and how do I stop that from happening? Any help is very much appreciated!!
EDIT: Also, it doesn't happen all the time, it's not often either. I think it only happens when players are shooting.
this.wss.on('connection', function connection(ws) {
if (!originIsAllowed(ws.upgradeReq.headers.origin)) {
// Make sure we only accept requests from an allowed origin
console.log(new Date() + 'Connection from origin ' + ws.upgradeReq.headers.origin + ' rejected.');
}else {
console.log(new Date() + "New connection from " + ws._socket.remoteAddress);
self.emit('connect', new SocketIOClient(ws));
WebSocketsClient.prototype.send = function(data) {
if(this.socket.readyState == 1) {
//Inside constructor
var self = this;
this.socket.onmessage = function incoming(event) {
this.socket.onerror = function () {
this.socket.onclose = function() {
Another edit:
I have WireShark, but I don't really know how to get helpful information from it. I do have a Linux VPS which has the game running, and I can see some graphs from it. It does show maximum incoming packets (294.86 p/s) and outgoing (201.53 p/s). There are quite a few 'very steep mountains', which might be the lag spikes that the game is experiencing. The graph also shows 20-40 p/s. Here's another (day's) graph: Link


Async base-local with MQTT

I need to synchronize a base and a local client with MQTT. If client publishes then the other one will get the message.
If my MQTT broker is down, I need to stop sending messages, save the messages somewhere, wait for a connection, then continue sending.
If my local or base client is down for a second, I need to save the message which I didn't send, then send it when I turn on my base/local.
I'm working with Node.js and can't figure out how to implement this.
This is my handler when I connect or disconnect with my MQTT server.
store.state = true;
run(store).then((value)=>console.log('stop run'));
store.state = false;
This is my run function. I use store.state to decide if I should stop this interval. But this code does not seem to be a good way to implement my concept.
function run(store) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let interval = setInterval(()=>{
if (!store.state) {
else if (store.queue.length > 0) {
let data = store.queue.pop();
let res = client.publish('push',JSON.stringify(data),{qos:2});
What should I do to implement a function which always sends, stop upon 'disconnect', then continues sending when connected?
I don't think set interval which 300ms is good.
If you want something that "always runs", at set intervals and in spite of any errors inside the loop, setInterval() makes sense. You are right that queued messages can be cleared faster than "once every 300 ms".
Since MQTT.js has a built-in queue, you could simplify a lot by using it. However, your messages are published to a target called "push", so I guess you want them delivered in the order of the queue. This answer keeps the queue and focuses on sending the next message as soon as the last one is confirmed.
What if res=client.publish(..) false ?
Good point! If you want to make sure it arrives, better to remove it once the publish has succeeded. For this, you need to retrieve the value without removing it, and use the callback argument to find out what happened (publish() is asynchronous). If that was the only change, it might look like:
let data = store.queue[store.queue.length - 1];
client.publish('push', JSON.stringify(data), {qos:2}, (err) => {
if(!err) {
// Ready for next publish; call this function again
Extending that to include a callback-based run:
function publishFromQueue(data) {
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
let res = client.publish('push', JSON.stringify(data), {qos:2}, (err) => {
async function run(store) {
while (store.queue.length > 0 && store.state) {
let data = store.queue[store.queue.length - 1];
let res = await publishFromQueue(data);
if(res) {
This should deliver all the queued messages in order as soon as possible, without blocking. The only drawback is that it does not run constantly. You have two options:
Recur at set intervals, as you have already done. Slower, though you could set a shorter interval.
Only run() when needed, like:
let isRunning = false; //Global for tracking state of running
function queueMessage(data) {
if(!isRunning) {
isRunning = true;
isRunning = false;
As long as you can use this instead of pushing to the queue, it should come out similar length, and more immediate and efficient.

How to prevent repeated responses from Node.js server

We're running into a problem where we're getting multiple responses sent from our Node server to a web client which are connected by a socket server ( By listening with Docklight, I can see that we're really only getting a single response from the serial device, but for some reason the Node server is sending multiples, and they accumulate, so the first time you send a serial command (and it doesn't matter what commands) might only get a couple, next time a couple more, next time a couple more and so on. So if you run several serial commands, you'll get back lots of multiple responses.
Our environment is Windows 7 64 bit, Node V 4.5.0, serialport V 4.0.1. However, this needs to run on Windows, Mac & Linux when we're done. The dev team (me & one other guy) are both fairly new to Node, but otherwise capable developers.
I think what's happening is I'm not using the .flush() & .drain() functions properly and the serialport buffer still contains serial data. Our proprietary devices return either S>, or <Executed/> prompts when a command has completed, so I store the serial response in a buffer until I see one or the other, then process the data (in this example just providing a boolean response whether the device is responding with one or the other or not). For example, if I send a <CR><LF> to one of our devices, it should respond with S> (or <Executed/> depending).
The client calls into the server with this:
socket.on('getDeviceConnected', readDeviceResponse);
function readDeviceResponse(isDeviceResponding) {
function getDeviceConnected() {
console.log("Sending carriage return / line feed.");
socket.emit('getDeviceConnected', '\r\n');
And on the server, here's what I'm trying:
socket.on('getDeviceConnected', function (connectionData) {
//write over serial buffer before the write occurs to prevent command accumulation in the buffer.
serialBuffer = '';
sbeSerialPort.write(connectionData, function (err, results) {
//since there's no way to tell if the serial device hasn't responded, set a time out to return a false after allowing one second to elapse
setTimeout(function () {
console.log('Inside getDeviceConnected setTimeout');
console.log('Is serial device responding:', isSerialDeviceResponding);
if (!isSerialDeviceResponding) {
console.log('Serial device timed out.');
socket.emit('getDeviceConnected', false);
}, 1000);
if (err) {
console.log('Serial port error level:', err);
if (results) {
if (results === 2) {
console.log('Serial port is responding');
sbeSerialPort.on('data', function (serialData) {
isSerialDeviceResponding = true;
console.log('Does S> prompt exist?', serialData.lastIndexOf('S>'));
while(!serialData.lastIndexOf('S>') > -1 || !serialData.lastIndexOf('<Executed/>') > -1){
serialBuffer += serialData;
if (isSerialDeviceResponding) {
socket.emit('getDeviceConnected', true);
isSerialDeviceResponding = true;
sbeSerialPort.flush(function (err, results) {
if (err) {
console.log('Serial port flush return code:', results);
I'm not very sure about the .flush() implementation here, and I've omitted the .drain() part because neither of them seems to do much of anything (assuming they were correctly implemented).
How do I insure that there is no data left in the serialport buffer when the .write() command is complete? Or do you see other problems with how I'm handling the serial data?
Edit, Source code up on

Socket.IO server throttling a fast client

I have a server that uses and I need a way of throttling a client that is sending the server data too quickly. The server exposes both a TCP interface and a interface - with the TCP server (from the net module) I can use socket.pause() and socket.resume(), and this effectively throttles the client. But with's socket class there are no pause() and resume() methods.
What would be the easiest way of getting feedback to a client that it is overwhelming the server and needs to slow down? I liked socket.pause() and socket.resume() because it didn't require any additional code on the client-side - backup the TCP socket and things naturally slow down. Any equivalent for
Update: I provide an API to interact with the server (there is currently a python version which runs over TCP and a JavaScript version which uses So I don't have any real control over what the client does. Which is why using socket.pause() and socket.resume() is so great - backing up the TCP stream slows the python client down no matter what it tries to do. I'm looking for an equivalent for a JavaScript client.
With enough digging I found this:
Granted this probably won't work if the connection isn't a web sockets connection, and may break in a future update, but for now I'm going to go with it. When I get some time in the future I'll probably change it to the QUOTA_EXCEEDED solution that Pascal proposed.
Here is a dirty way to achieve throttling. Although this is a old post; some people may benefit from it:
First register a middleware:
io.on("connection", function (socket) {
socket.use(function (packet, next) {
if (throttler.canBeServed(socket, packet)) {
//You other code ..
canBeServed is a simple throttler as seen below:
function canBeServed(socket, packet) {
if (socket.markedForDisconnect) {
return false;
var previous = socket.lastAccess;
var now =;
if (previous) {
var diff = now - previous;
//Check diff and disconnect if needed.
if (diff < 50) {
socket.markedForDisconnect = true;
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000);
return false;
socket.lastAccess = now;
return true;
You can use process.hrtime() instead of Date.time().
If you have a callback on your server somewhere which normally sends back the response to your client, you could try and change it like this:
var respond = function (res, callback) {
var respond = function (res, callback) {
}, 500); // or whatever delay you want.
Looks like you should slow down your clients. If one client can send too fast for your server to keep up, this is not going to go very well with 100s of clients.
One way to do this would be have the client wait for the reply for each emit before emitting anything else. This way the server can control how fast the client can send by only answering when ready for example, or only answer after a set time.
If this is not enough, when a client exceeded x requests per second, start replying with something like QUOTA_EXCEEDED error, and ignore the data they send in. This will force external developers to make their app behave as you want them to do.
As another suggestion, I would propose a solution like this:
It is common for MySQL to get a large amount of requests which would take longer time to apply than the rate the requests coming in.
The server can record the requests in a table in db assuming this action is fast enough for the rate the requests are coming in and then process the queue at a normal rate for the server to sustain. This buffer system will allow the server to run slow but still process all the requests.
But if you want something sequential, then the request callback should be verified before the client can send another request. In this case, there should be a server ready flag. If the client is sending request while the flag is still red, then there can be a message telling the client to slow down.
simply wrap your client emitter into a function like below
let emit_live_users = throttle(function () {
socket.emit("event", "some_data");
}, 2000);
using use a throttle function like below
function throttle(fn, threshold) {
threshold = threshold || 250;
var last, deferTimer;
return function() {
var now = +new Date, args = arguments;
if(last && now < last + threshold) {
deferTimer = setTimeout(function() {
last = now;
fn.apply(this, args);
}, threshold);
} else {
last = now;
fn.apply(this, args);

How to process a net.Stream using node.js?

I am trying to learn about streams in node.js!
var net = require("net");
var server = net.createServer(function(conn) {
# echo the user input!
server.listen("1111", function() {
console.log("port 1111 opened");
telnet test
The server currently echos the user's input
$ telnet localhost 1111
desired output
To demonstrate where/how I should process the stream on the server side, I would like to wrap the user's input in {} before echoing it back
$ telnet localhost 1111
This will basically accomplish the exact output you've requested:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(c) {
c.on('data', function(d) {
c.write('{' + d.trim() + '}\n');
First let me call your attention to c.setEncoding('utf8'). This will set a flag on the connection that will automatically convert the incoming Buffer to a String in the utf8 space. This works well for your example, but just note that for improved performance between Sockets it would be better to perform Buffer manipulations.
Simulating the entirety of .pipe() will take a bit more code.
.pipe() is a method of the Stream prototype, which can be found in lib/stream.js. If you take a look at the file you'll see quite a bit more code than what I've shown above. For demonstration, here's an excerpt:
function ondata(chunk) {
if (dest.writable) {
if (false === dest.write(chunk) && source.pause) {
source.on('data', ondata);
First a check is made if the destination is writable. If not, then there is no reason to attempt writing the data. Next the check if dest.write === false. From the documentation:
[.write] returns true if the entire data was flushed successfully to the kernel buffer. Returns false if all or part of the data was queued in user memory.
Since Streams live in kernel space, outside of the v8 memory space, it is possible to crash your machine by filling up memory (instead of just crashing the node app). So checking if the message has drained is a safety prevention mechanism. If it hasn't finished draining, then the source will be paused until the drain event is emitted. Here is the drain event:
function ondrain() {
if (source.readable && source.resume) {
dest.on('drain', ondrain);
Now there is a lot more we could cover with how .pipe() handles errors, cleans up its own event emitters, etc. but I think we've covered the basics.
Note: When sending a large string, it is possible that it will be sent in multiple packets. For this reason it may be necessary to do something like the following:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(c) {
var tmp = '';
c.on('data', function(d) {
if (d.charCodeAt(d.length - 1) !== 10) {
tmp += d;
} else {
c.write('{' + tmp + d.trim() + '}\n');
tmp = '';
Here we use the assumption that the string is ended by the new line character (\n, or ascii character code 10). We check the end of the message to see if this is the case. If not, then we temporarily store the message from the connection until the new line character is received.
This may not be a problem for your application, but thought it would be worth noting.
you can do something like
conn.on 'data', (d) ->
conn.write "{#{d}}"
the .pipe method is basically just attaching the data event of the input stream to write to the output stream
I'm not sure about net() actually, but I imagine it's quite similar to http:
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/event-stream'});
http.get(options, function(resp){
resp.on('data', function(chunk){
res.write("event: meetup\n");
res.write("data: "+chunk.toString()+"\n\n");
}).on("error", function(e){
console.log("Got error: " + e.message);

Node.js,, Redis pub/sub high volume, low latency difficulties

When conjoining and redis pub/sub in an attempt to create a real-time web broadcast system driven by server events that can handle multiple transports, there seems to be three approaches:
'createClient' a redis connection and subscribe to channel(s). On client connection, join the client into a room. In the redis.on("message", ...) event, call"event", data) to distribute to all clients in the relevant room. Like How to reuse redis connection in
'createClient' a redis connection. On client connection, join the client into a room and subscribe to relevant redis channel(s). Include redis.on("message", ...) inside the client connection closure and on receipt of message call client.emit("event", data) to raise the event on the specific client. Like the answer in Examples in using RedisStore in
Use the RedisStore baked into and 'broadcast' from the single "dispatch" channel in Redis following the socketio-spec protocol.
Number 1 allows handling the Redis sub and associated event once for all clients. Number 2 offers a more direct hook into Redis pub/sub. Number 3 is simpler, but offers little control over the messaging events.
However, in my tests, all exhibit unexpectedly low performance with more than 1 connected client. The server events in question are 1,000 messages published to a redis channel as quickly as possible, to be distributed as quickly as possible. Performance is measured by timings at the connected clients ( based that log timestamps into a Redis list for analysis).
What I surmise is that in option 1, server receives the message, then sequentially writes it to all connected clients. In option 2, server receives each message multiple times (once per client subscription) and writes it to the relevant client. In either case, the server doesn't get to the second message event until it's communicated to all connected clients. A situation clearly exacerbated with rising concurrency.
This seems at odds with the perceived wisdom of the stacks capabilities. I want to believe, but I'm struggling.
Is this scenario (low latency distribution of high volume of messages) just not an option with these tools (yet?), or am I missing a trick?
I thought this was a reasonable question and had researched it briefly a while back. I spent a little time searching for examples that you may be able to pick up some helpful tips from.
I like to begin with straight forward examples:
light im sample code
Node.js + Redis Pub/Sub + demo
The light sample is a single page (note you'll want to replace redis-node-client with something like node_redis by Matt Ranney:
* Mclarens Bar: Redis based Instant Messaging
* Nikhil Marathe - 22/04/2010
* A simple example of an IM client implemented using
* Redis PUB/SUB commands so that all the communication
* is offloaded to Redis, and the node.js code only
* handles command interpretation,presentation and subscribing.
* Requires redis-node-client and a recent version of Redis
* Start the server then telnet to port 8000
* Register with NICK <nick>, use WHO to see others
* Use TALKTO <nick> to initiate a chat. Send a message
* using MSG <nick> <msg>. Note its important to do a
* TALKTO so that both sides are listening. Use STOP <nick>
* to stop talking to someone, and QUIT to exit.
* This code is in the public domain.
var redis = require('./redis-node-client/lib/redis-client');
var sys = require('sys');
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function(stream) {
var sub; // redis connection
var pub;
var registered = false;
var nick = "";
function channel(a,b) {
return [a,b].sort().join(':');
function shareTable(other) {
sys.debug(nick + ": Subscribing to "+channel(nick,other));
sub.subscribeTo(channel(nick,other), function(channel, message) {
var str = message.toString();
var sender = str.slice(0, str.indexOf(':'));
if( sender != nick )
stream.write("[" + sender + "] " + str.substr(str.indexOf(':')+1) + "\n");
function leaveTable(other) {
sub.unsubscribeFrom(channel(nick,other), function(err) {
stream.write("Stopped talking to " + other+ "\n");
stream.addListener("connect", function() {
sub = redis.createClient();
pub = redis.createClient();
stream.addListener("data", function(data) {
if( !registered ) {
var msg = data.toString().match(/^NICK (\w*)/);
if(msg) {
stream.write("SERVER: Hi " + msg[1] + "\n");
pub.sadd('mclarens:inside', msg[1], function(err) {
if(err) {
registered = true;
nick = msg[1];
// server messages
sub.subscribeTo( nick + ":info", function(nick, message) {
var m = message.toString().split(' ');
var cmd = m[0];
var who = m[1];
if( cmd == "start" ) {
stream.write( who + " is now talking to you\n");
else if( cmd == "stop" ) {
stream.write( who + " stopped talking to you\n");
else {
stream.write("Please register with NICK <nickname>\n");
var fragments = data.toString().replace('\r\n', '').split(' ');
switch(fragments[0]) {
case 'TALKTO':
pub.publish(fragments[1]+":info", "start " + nick, function(a,b) {
case 'MSG':
pub.publish(channel(nick, fragments[1]),
nick + ':' +fragments.slice(2).join(' '),
function(err, reply) {
if(err) {
case 'WHO':
pub.smembers('mclarens:inside', function(err, users) {
stream.write("Online:\n" + users.join('\n') + "\n");
case 'STOP':
pub.publish(fragments[1]+":info", "stop " + nick, function() {});
case 'QUIT':
stream.addListener("end", function() {
pub.publish(nick, nick + " is offline");
pub.srem('mclarens:inside', nick, function(err) {
if(err) {
sys.debug("Could not remove client");
server.listen(8000, "localhost");
There's a ton of documentation out there, and the apis are rapidly changing on this type of stack so you'll have to weigh the time relevance of each doc.
redis latency
linkedin's generic tips
node redis module
Related Questions
Just a few related questions, this is a hot topic on stack:
Redis pub/sub for chat server in node.js
How to design redis pub/sub for an instant messaging system?
Notable tips (ymmv)
Turn off or optimize socket pooling, use efficient bindings, monitor latency, and make sure you're not duplicating work (ie no need to publish to all listeners twice).
