Setting up an FTP share folder access from remote desktop - iis

Here is the setup: I have a computer running windows 7 where i connect to a remote desktop. I want to set up a shared folder using FTP so i can copy files from the remote desktop to my local machine. I've created the shared folder using the ISS tool. I set it up so that no credentials are needed (allowed access to all users and anonymous users). I tested it with other computers in the network and it works.
To access the file i want to use NET USE but when i try it from the remote desktop i get asked for a password.
How do I add the user from the remote desktop or what password and username is it expecting.
I am not the admin on the remote desktop, only on the local machine.
I can view the contents from the shared folder if i type ftp://3.xx.xx.x/ . This works on the remote desktop as well.
Please help.... im loosing my mind!!

Try using Active mode from the FTP client. Worked for me, I couldn't even get a directory listing before.


Transferring files to IIS (attempted using PHPStorm & Finder)

I have a working local copy of a simple website I would like to deploy to an IIS (Internet Information Server) running on my local network. Running on my computer on MAMP, everything works perfectly. However, after I try to upload all the files to the web server and load the index.html it fails to GET many different files necessary to load the page. Here is an example error line in the console:
GET 403 (Forbidden)
Here the methods I have tried to upload files to the live server:
Using CMD+K in Finder, connecting to the live server with an address like smb://webserver, and then simply dragging files from my local folder to the wwwroot folder.
Using PHPStorm (on Windows), selecting the mapped network folder as my workspace, and then "Deploying" all the files to the server by clicking an "Upload to [webserver]" button.
What is the best way to go about transferring these files from my local machine to a web server on the same network?
It turns out it was a permissions problem. After some permission changing, it now works. Fixed!

How update a Azure Website via FTP transfer

My requirement is to transfer files like DDL's and config files to the Azure Website from my local system.
I have gone through links and have followed following steps :
Open FTP_Server_name_from_Publish_profile
Supplied User name and password and Able to connect
Cd Site\wwwroot
put "Some_File"
Getting following error:
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection.
When I am trying to connect via WinSCP client and transferring files via GUI it is working fine.
Also, I tried the above steps for transferring files to the sample FTP servers, and it is working Fine.
Let me know where I am going wrong.
It's not clear what you ask for. I assume you want to automate an update of Azure Website.
As you have succeeded using WinSCP GUI, you can do the same using WinSCP scripting. The WinSCP script would look like:
open ftps://
put C:\myjob\* /site/wwwroot/App_Data/jobs/type/name/
For details see Automating WebJob Update in WinSCP documentation.

Cannot edit files in IIS localhost server

I have to edit a website on local server. I use Windows Server 2012 and IIS. When I try to save a modified file I only get "access denied" error. Do I need to shut down the server before making changes and then restarting it or am I missing permissions for example in the wwwroot folder for IIS_IUSRS?
I have never used WS2012 or IIS before.
You cannot edit files directly in the wwwroot. You need to copy the file/folder out of inetpub to make your edits then paste it back into the wwwroot. This is by design I am afraid.
I was able to do edits directly in the wwwroot files by creating a local user account for myself on the server and giving it FULL access (I am also in the Administrators group - but that was not enough to make it work), then setting the user full access on the SHARE I use to get to the server (via UNC path). Allows edits directly to my live site.

Setting up jenkins slave on Mac OS

I'm confused about setting up Jenkins slave on Mac. Google seems to have a great answer for java web start option (, however can someone clarify steps for setting up jenkins slave on mac with ssh start option.
Currently jenkins master is on Centos. As I understood, to make a slave on Mac you should:
1. Go to Mac and create a new full-fledged sudo user for jenkins with home folder where agent itself will reside.
2. Set up node as ususal linux node in Jenkins web interface with login|pass for this user.
3. Restrict your mac build to this node.
However I'm not sure if first step is right - do i need to set up jenkins user by hand with elevated privileges, ability to log onto machine, etc. Perhaps it's possible to create a "hidden" user - if that is so, can someone help or point to good manual for this? I'm new to mac terminal, so not sure if steps all the same as linux or different.
Thank you.
Just finished setting up my Mac mini slave for ssh access. Lots of old tutorials and ones with unnecessary information. I had to reboot my mini to start over again and this time it worked.
To put it quickly (this is all through terminal/command line, no Ubuntu nothing else):
Create ssh private and public keys with ssh-keygen. In my case keys were given to me with -C "name" but no passphrase and with file names of id_rsa and Keep private (non .pub) key to be used by Jenkins Credentials later and for testing purposes while verifying things are working for ssh connection without having to relaunch Jenkins agent, the private key should be kept in the /Users/<username>/.ssh directory and readable permission and ownership of the user of local test host if that's how I'm testing it
mkdir .ssh in remote Mac mini slave's /User/jenkins/ directory
on Mac mini make sure owner of .ssh directory and any sub directories or files are jenkins and NOT root (sudo chown ...).
make sure permissions of .ssh directory and any sub dirs or files are read and writeable (if you haven't set ownership properly, in order to change permissions you will be required to use sudo. If you are using sudo to set permissions, you haven't properly set ownership to the jenkins user)
allow remote login in the Mac mini system preferences -> Sharing -> check Remote login and allow Administrators and static IP -> Network -> TCP/IP -> DHCP with manual or completely manual
on test host/local machine (non Mac mini) terminal and command line ssh jenkins#static.ip.address.of.MacMini to make sure you can ssh into remote Mac mini with password authentication. You may get a request to okay the new host (at remote Mac mini's IP address).
then logout and in local machine use ssh-copy-id -i to copy contents of (whether its in .ssh or wherever) to authorized_keys found here.
this will automatically generate authorized_keys file in .ssh directory
make sure authorized_keys file is also of proper permission
in Jenkins manage nodes. Create a new node. Add credential and make it ssh username with private key. Username: jenkins. Private key: enter directly. String should be copied from local machine test host private key (pbcopy<~/.ssh/id_rsa) including the ==== begin and end private key ====== parts and then save.
Then on new node configuration No need for toolkit. Remote root directory: /Users/jenkins. Host: Mac mini's static IP address. Host Key verification strategy: Manually Trusted Key verification strategy. Check require manual verification of initial connection
upon first connection attempt if you don't have JDK setup and running then do so. I downloaded Java 8 Stack Exchange Development Kit and once I confirmed it was installed on Mac mini with javac-version and java-version I launched agent again and authenticated no problem.
My mistakes from reading old tutorials were:
trying to remove the need for passwords in /etc/ssh/sshd_config. This was completely unnecessary
Also, I may have not paid attention to the owner and/or screwed up permissions of .ssh, .ssh/authorized_keys & .ssh/id_rsa in remote and my local machine as well.
Initially I deleted the ===== Begin private key and ======End private key when I manually entered the private key when creating the credential in jenkins. Those should be included. The file of id_rsa should be left as is.
You do need a user on the Mac which the Jenkins master will use to ssh in. But this is exactly the same as setting up a Linux slave.
Whether the user needs elevated privileges depends on what you want Jenkins to do with the account.
You also need to log into Mac from the console using an admin user and turn on remote login in the Sharing panel of System Preferences. In the same panel you can restrict the remote login to specific users or allow all users to log in.
If I were you, I would create a normal user for Jenkins using the Users and Groups panel in System Preferences. Creating a hidden user using command line tools is possible, but it is a bit involved. If you really want to go there, you can check how postinstall script in Jenkins Mac installer creates a user named jenkins:

Can I use Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows to manage local Linux files?

I'm running Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows 7. Currently, I set up sites in Dreamweaver so that the local site folder is a folder on a Windows server down the hall.
A new project will run on a Linux server (also just down the hall) and I'm being told by the Sys Admin to save my files (php, js, css, etc) on the Windows server and FTP them to the Linux server.
I realize Dreamweaver won't run on Linux. Can anyone tell me how to use Dreamweaver on Windows to read/write files from/to a local Linux server? If it's just a matter of typing in the path in Dreamweaver Site Setup, then what is the syntax (e.g., the analog to "\server\directory\subdirectory")?
Many thanks!
You would need to talk the sys admin into setting up samba access for you. Witha samba set up you could mount your samba share as a drive and use that as the site folder. Although I am not sure you would want all the extra files Dreamweaver brings to the table on your webserver.
I see two possible solutions:
Use dreamwaver's "Sites" feature to FTP the files over, if FTP was set-up on the Linux server.
Get the admins to set-up Samba on Linux, you would be able to use it just like a windows share as in \server\share ...
