Can I use Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows to manage local Linux files? - linux

I'm running Dreamweaver CS5 on Windows 7. Currently, I set up sites in Dreamweaver so that the local site folder is a folder on a Windows server down the hall.
A new project will run on a Linux server (also just down the hall) and I'm being told by the Sys Admin to save my files (php, js, css, etc) on the Windows server and FTP them to the Linux server.
I realize Dreamweaver won't run on Linux. Can anyone tell me how to use Dreamweaver on Windows to read/write files from/to a local Linux server? If it's just a matter of typing in the path in Dreamweaver Site Setup, then what is the syntax (e.g., the analog to "\server\directory\subdirectory")?
Many thanks!

You would need to talk the sys admin into setting up samba access for you. Witha samba set up you could mount your samba share as a drive and use that as the site folder. Although I am not sure you would want all the extra files Dreamweaver brings to the table on your webserver.

I see two possible solutions:
Use dreamwaver's "Sites" feature to FTP the files over, if FTP was set-up on the Linux server.
Get the admins to set-up Samba on Linux, you would be able to use it just like a windows share as in \server\share ...


Python/Pycharm on a nas server

I recently upgraded my mac-mini with external hard drives to a proper NAS server (DS920+).
With the mac-mini I installed Pycharm and was able to code/develop a few projects on it. Now with the NAS server, I can't find a tutorial on how to install pycharm. It seems that everything has to be done in command-line. Isn't there a way to have a proper IDE? or do I need to create a virtual machine with windows for instance and there I would install pycharm (?) My goal is not to develop code on the nas but rather on my local PC (mostly scripts for data fetching/automation) and have a nice user interface on the nas (and not the command line window)
Furthermore I have developped a web server based on dash/plotly. Ideally I would like to have the webserver deployed on the nas. So I have a collection of .py files and a which lauches the web server. I would need to use "docker" in order to deploy my code onto the nas right?

ftp *.[cC][sS][vV] not working as intended on Windows

One of my client's ftp server recently moved from Linux to Windows.
Searching using *.[cC][sS][vV] looks for *.csv and *.CSV files as intended on Linux.
But this doesn't work on Windows. Is there a way to expand this correctly on Windows or perform a case-insensitive search on Windows ftp server?
The FTP specification does not allow any filemasks.
While some FTP servers do support this, you cannot rely on this functionality, if your script has to be platform-independent.
The Windows IIS FTP server does not support file masks. Even if it did, it would not support the set syntax ([]), as that's not supported in Windows file masks in general.
See also Get File Listing ending with A or B using Jscape FTP.
You have to retrieve all files (without any mask) and filter them locally in your code/script.

Using Git with a Samba shared folder

I am new to Git, and trying to determine how to best implement it.
I have the following four machines:
Linux server running GitLabs which stores my main repository.
Linux production server running Apache, etc. I am not currently concerned about this part.
Linux development server running Apache, etc. It also runs Samba and maps /var/www to Windows. It is located in my home and is on a LAN.
Windows 7 PC running a PHP IDE (happens to be PhpED). It is located in my home and is on the same LAN as the Linux development server. It directly edits the files in the Samba
folder on the Linux development server, as well as uses this folder for debugging, and does not have code directly on it. The IDE has some basic Git functionality via TortoiseGit, however, I don't yet know how strong it is.
I am currently not concerned about sharing files, but only version control.
I've read that Git is all about being local. Giving my configuration, does that mean Git is run on the Windows PC even though my working directory is not located on it? Or is it handled just using Linux between /var/www/ and the GitLab repository? How do you envision I implement Git under this configuration?
Thank you
Git works on files. With the way you describe it, you will be running git on your windows pc - the fact the files are actually being accessed via the network rather than directly is something git probably won't even be aware of. As long as that is the only machine accessing that share, it should be fine.
But it's not really how you should use git. It has it's own mechanism for pushing/pulling changes between machines; so unless you are running an interesting driveless setup, you should probably consider storing the working directory on the machine that it is being edited on. Especially if there is a chance the files could be accessed from the linux machine as well (mixing version control accesses to the same working directory between multiple machines is always a bad idea, let alone between multiple OSes.

Alternative for file access in windows share files

We have an application (built on .NET), which will need to read some mass storage files.
So we deploy the application in the Web server, and put the data in the data server. Then the application in the web server will access the files through windows share files.(Both the Web server and data Server use the Windows Server OS.
Now, we tried to change from windows to linux, then how about the file access?
The Samba suite provides windows file server functionality for unix systems.
Also you might like to look at NFS.
Even OCFS2 might be an alternative.

Path Not Found error when opening VB6 project from a shared folder on Virtual PC 2007 (XP sp3)

I currently work on a small software team that primarily maintains legacy software. I am trying to set up a Virtual PC that we can use to do this maintenance. Specifically, I would like to be able to debug and run VB6 web apps from a folder on the host PC. My constraints are as follows:
The Virtual PC will not be registered on the domain.
The server that hosts our Subversion repository does not run the subversion service so the only way to interact with the repository is through "file:\\", which requires domain authentication.
It is not possible to debug/run VB6 web apps that are located on mapped network drives, because IIS requires that the VirtualPC be on the same domain as the network drive
I would like to avoid having to copy the folder from the host pc to the VirtualPC and then copying it back in order to have the latest revision from Subversion
So, I am trying to use VirtualPC's shared folder feature to share the host machine's Subversion directory and open the project in VB6 on the VirtualPC. Problem is that Visual Basic throws the error: "Path not found: '\\C:\\Subversion\Path\Project.vbp'" when I try to open it. Folder C:\Subversion on the host machine is mapped to G: on the VirtualPC. If anyone can help me resolve this error or find some other way to accomplish this, I would be deeply grateful.
Oh, both host and virtual OS is Windows XP sp3. Using VB 6.0, IIS v5.1.
I can manipulate files in the shared directory freely from the VirtualPC ie. copy, paste, delete, etc.
VBP and VBG files are text files. Look inside them and see whether C:\Subversion or C:\Subversion appear anywhere, perhaps for a subproject in a project group. If they do, change it to use relative paths rather than absolute paths.
