Adding a twig filter to sculpin - twig

I'm trying to use jasny twig extensions with a static sculpin site. I added the appropriate line to my sculpin.json and ran sculpin update. I can see the files have been downloaded in the .sculpin folder. Now, how do I enable the twig extension? I know it's not enabled because I get an error if I try to use it and run sculpin generate:
[ Twig_Error_Syntax: The filter "preg_replace" does not exist in "tech-badges" at line 2 ]


Double Filetype Extension: Correct Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text 3

I am working with some .scss.liquid files and they always open as HTML Liquid, no matter how many times I set the syntax.
I tried open all with current extension as option, but unfortunately this affects files that are .js.liquid and .html.liquid as well.
Sublime Text allows you to apply settings on a per-language basis (actually, per syntax). One of the available settings allows you to map file extensions to the given syntax.
Assuming you're using a syntax named SCSS, Create an SCSS settings file in your User settings: /path/to/packages/User/SCSS.sublime-settings, then add the file extension setting:
As you can see, it's a json file, and extensions is a list, so you can add as many file extensions as you need. Do not add the leading dot.
Caveat about the file name
The file name for the settings file must match the actual syntax name, including case. In this case it has to be SCSS.sublime-settings. Other examples include:
NAnt Build File.sublime-settings
Ruby on Rails.sublime-settings
Rd (R Documentation).sublime-settings
Java Server Page (JSP).sublime-settings
I found a relatively straightforward solution to this problem.
Install ApplySyntax
Create the following rules in ApplySyntax.sublime-settings -- User:
"syntaxes": [
"syntax": "SCSS",
"extensions": ["scss.liquid"]
"syntax": "JavaScript/JavaScript",
"extensions": ["js.liquid"]
Update: I now see there is no need for an extra package. Please see accepted answer and my video (in the comments) for tips on how to make it work.

How to show additional data in an existing template by addon - CS-Cart

I've placed my customised template in : file in \cscart\design\backend\templates\addons\codes_searching\hooks\common\advanced_search.
: {include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_text=__("search_products") but_onclick=$but_onclick but_href=$but_href but_role="submit-button" but_name=$but_name}
It doesn't work, please help me!
If there is no placed hook on default advanced_search.tpl file, it doesn't work to creating hook file.
Your have only one way that override template.Because there is no hook to hooking.
You must create
Then copy default advanced_search.tpl file content to overriding content, and do your changes.

Use node `fs` module on webpack compile

A bit about what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm building dev library that shows the list of files. And I want to set file color depending on when file was changed.
So, as a result of generation, I want an array like this:
lastChange: '2009-06-29T11:11:55Z',
fileContents: {name: 'VmSome'},
// ...
This is meant to work in browser environment. Meaning all file related information should be included into bundle.
Current progress
At the moment I'm not quite sure whether that's even possible.
I'm getting a list of files via webpack require.context:
require.context('./tree', true, /.js$/)
This gives me access to file content and path. But not to anything else.
Thanks for your attention.
I would first try modifying webpack-file-list-plugin. As of now, it creates a JSON that gives all files packed, their name and some more info... You could definitely add your code to fetch more information to the JSON.

ANTLR4 Generating Lexer in JAVA instead of C Sharp

When doing
java -cp C:\Tools\Libraries\antlr4-csharp-complete.jar org.antlr.v4.Tool Hello.g4
I get the following files:
My question is about the last file. Why is it .java instead of .cs?
I'm using antlr4-csharp-4.0.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar
Grammar is:
grammar Hello; // Define a grammar called Hello
r : 'hello' ID ; // match keyword hello followed by an identifier
ID : [a-z]+ ; // match lower-case identifiers
WS : [ \t\r\n]+ -> skip ; // skip spaces, tabs, newlines, \r (Windows)
Hello Sam! I only have visual studio express so I can't install the extension. This is the code that I'm using but it is still generating the
AntlrClassGenerationTaskInternal a = new AntlrClassGenerationTaskInternal();
List<String> files = new List<string>();
a.JavaVendor = "JavaSoft";
a.ToolPath = #"C:\Tools\Libraries\antlr4-csharp-complete.jar";
a.JavaInstallation = "Java Development Kit";
a.SourceCodeFiles = files;
a.OutputPath = #"C:\Tools\Grammars\CSharp\";
By the way, visual studio complained because it was not able to find Antlr4ClassGenerationTask.IsFatalException(ex)
I appreciate your help on this.
I think it's a bug, I had got the same problem, but there is a solution.
1) If you want you can remove
I think is ignored by the code generator
2) create a BAT file with the follow code
#echo OFF
IF "%CLASSPATH%" == "" (SET CLASSPATH=.;.\antlr4-csharp-4.0.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar;%CLASSPATH%)
java org.antlr.v4.Tool %* -Dlanguage=CSharp_v4_5
put antlr4-csharp-4.0.1-SNAPSHOT-complete.jar in the same path, now you can use this file to comile. To resolve the issue the magic command line argument is "-Dlanguage=CSharp_v4_5" or the version of C# you are using.
The generated files now have inside the Lexer.cs
Edit 11/20/13: Updated instructions are now available on the project wiki
Here are a few messages I sent over the past few months related to this issue. If you don't want to install the Visual Studio extension described below, you'll need to use the source code of Antlr4ClassGenerationTaskInternal.cs to determine a set of command line options that will work.
Also, you can remove the language=CSharp_v4_0; option because it's passed on the command line now.
The C# target wasn't designed for command line usage. You will need to integrate the code generation into your project file according to the instructions on the following page, and the parsers will be generated automatically when you build your project.
You do need to include the .g4 file in your project and configure a few properties of the file. If you install the following extension before adding the grammar to your project, all the other options will be configured for you automatically.
ANTLR Language Support for Visual Studio 2010-
If you already have the .g4 file in your project, and want to still use the extension to automatically configure the proper settings, you can do the following:
Install the extension.
Click the project in Solution Explorer and enable Show All Files (button on the Solution Explorer toolbar). This step greatly simplifies step 4.
Right click the .g4 file in the project, and select Exclude From Project.
Right click the .g4 file again and select Include In Project.
(Optional) You can disable Show All Files when you no longer need it.

Using a Twig Extension

I am trying to use teh Twig i18n Extension.
As far as I can tell the file I need is here:
Now I am not quite sure where to save this file
I have Twig in a folder called includes/lib (/includes/lib/Twig). I see a folder Extension under Twig. Do I save it here?
After I save it, do I need to do a "require_once" to the file or will Twig_Autoloader do the job for me?
I am not using Symfony2
Here is the complete answer that worked for me:
Copy the file in Twig-Verzeichnis (extract in Twig).
For the I18n extension it would be Twig/Extensions/Extension/I18n.php
Eventually add other files requred by I18n. You will see what these are by the error messages that come. I had to add "Twig/Extensions/Node/Trans.php" and "Twig/Extensions/TokenParser/Trans.php".
In your config file add the following:
// Set language to German
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE');
// Specify location of translation tables
bindtextdomain("project_de_DE", "./locale");
// Choose domain
Register the Twig Extension
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
Create the directory locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES
Create the PO file (the easisest is to have a sample file to start from)
Open the file in a normal text editor (be sure to use utf-8 encoding) and start translating
Open the PO-Datei with PoEdit (
Save to locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES (a MO-Datei will be created).
Add the translation to the appropriate places in the Twig-Template with
{% trans 'Text in the original language' %}`
You need to register this extension with Twig:
$twig->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());
If your installation is configured correctly, the autoloader should do the job of including the file. If not, you could include the file manually or make the installation with composer.
It seems the "proper" way to install these extensions without Composer is as follows:
Download a release from
Copy the contents of the lib/ directory somewhere to your project
include the file .../Twig/Extensions/Autoloader.php
Register autoloader: Twig_Extensions_Autoloader::register();
Continue as explained in the doc:
