Spotfire Cross Table Calculation - spotfire

I have a table that I am trying to perform a series of calculations on while allowing the underlying data to be filtered to update the values.
Here are some sample values:
Contract Approver Analyst
1 Matt John
2 Matt John
3 Matt John
4 Matt John
5 Matt John
6 Matt John
7 Matt John
8 Matt Robert
9 Matt Kim
10 Matt Jack
11 Matt Sue
12 Matt Regina
13 Matt Robert
14 Matt Robert
15 Matt Robert
16 Matt Robert
17 Matt Robert
18 Matt Robert
19 Matt Robert
20 Matt Robert
21 Matt Robert
22 Matt Jack
23 Matt Sue
24 Matt Regina
25 Matt John
26 Matt Robert
27 Matt Kim
I want my resulting table to have the following columns:
Approver_AnalystIdentifier CountApprover_Analyst CountApproverTotal Percentage(Countapprover_analyst/CountApproverTotal)
MattJack 2 26 7%
MattJohn 8 26 7%
MattKim 1 26 7%
MattRegina 2 26 7%
MattRobert 11 26 7%
MattSue 2 26 7%
How can I do this in spotfire, what visualization should I use and are there any custom expressions I would have to input?

You can pivot your data. Using your example, something like this image. You'll end up with a data table with 3 columns, Approver, Analyst, count(contract).
To get your the percentage insert calculated column or custom expression with the formula: [Count(Contract)] / Sum([Count(Contract)]). format as a percentage. The Countapprover total you want is just sum([count(contract)]. If you have more than 1 approver, you will need to use an OVER statement. sum([Count(contract)] OVER ([Approver].

you can use a summary table to do what you want. You can add columns with aggregations and select many columns to be displayed by default on the table.


Python percentage of 2 columns in new column based on condition

I have asked earlier this question and got some feedback however I am still stuck in some mystery where I am not able to calculate the percentage of 2 columns based on conditions. 2 columns are ‘tested population’ and ‘total population’ based on grouping ‘Year’ & ‘Gender’ and show it in new column as ‘percentage’…
Year Race Gender Tested population Total population
2017 Asian Male 345 567
2017 Hispanic Female 666 67899
2018 Native Male 333 35543
2018 Asian Female 665 78955
2019 Hispanic Female 4444 44356
2020 Native Male 3642 6799
2017 Asian Male 5467 7998
2018 Asian Female 5467 7998
2019 Hispanic Male 456 4567
df = pd.DataFrame(alldata, columns=['Year', 'Gender', 'Tested population', 'Total population'])
df2 = df.groupby(['Year', 'Gender']).agg({'Tested population': 'sum'})
pop_pcts = df2.groupby(level=0).apply(lambda x:
100 * x / float(x.sum()))
Tested population
Year Gender
2017 Female 10.280951
Male 89.719049
2018 Female 94.849188
Male 5.150812
2019 Female 90.693878
Male 9.306122
2020 Male 100.000000
Whereas i want data as in this format to show along with other columns as a new column 'Percentage' .
Year Race Gender Tested population Total population Percentage
2017 Asian Male 345 567 60.8466
2017 Hispanic Female 666 67899 0.98087
2018 Native Male 333 35543 0.93689
2018 Asian Female 665 78955 0.84225
2019 Hispanic Female 4444 44356 10.0189
2020 Native Male 3642 6799 53.5667
2019 Hispanic Male 456 4567 9.98467
I have gone through Pandas percentage of total with groupby
and not able to fix my issues, can someone help on this
df['Percentage'] = df['Tested population']/df['Total Population']
I believe you just need to add a column.

Code to detect Sunday to Saturday date windows and modify Dataframe

I'm trying to set up a code that will take in a table with date windows and modify them to fit a Sun-Sat template.
I have the data saved as follows:
Index Name: From: To:
1 Joe Doe 6/1/2020 6/8/2020
2 Joe Doe 6/14/2020 6/23/2020
3 Brandon Smith 5/9/2020 5/20/2020
4 Brandon Smith 5/26/2020 5/28/2020
5 Brandon Smith 5/12/2020 5/24/2020
6 Brandon Smith 5/26/2020 5/31/2020
7 Sarah Roberts 6/3/2020 6/25/2020
8 Sarah Roberts 6/15/2020 6/23/2020
I would like to create another From: and To: columns but only capturing windows of 7,14,21... days that run from a Sunday to a Saturday.
For example: Index 1 would not apply, index 2 would get transformed from the 14th to the 20th, and so forth.
The resulting table that I was hoping to get would look like this:
Index Name: From: To: From_new: To_new
1 Joe Doe 6/1/2020 6/8/2020 NA NA
2 Joe Doe 6/14/2020 6/23/2020 6/12/2020 6/20/2020
3 Brandon Smith 5/9/2020 5/20/2020 5/10/2020 5/16/2020
4 Brandon Smith 5/26/2020 5/28/2020 NA NA
5 Brandon Smith 5/12/2020 5/24/2020 5/17/2020 5/23/2020
6 Brandon Smith 5/26/2020 5/31/2020 NA NA
7 Sarah Roberts 6/3/2020 6/25/2020 6/7/2020 6/20/2020
8 Sarah Roberts 6/15/2020 6/23/2020 NA NA
I've tried to loop through each record and look at the start week day, if it's Sunday then run to the next Saturday, but then I get confused if it runs for another whole week after that, or if it's not Sunday to begin with.
Thank in advance.
You don't need a loop. The solution was in this SO post. All credits should go to #ifly6. :)
Having said that, this should work for you:
df['From_new'] = df['From:'] + pd.offsets.Week(weekday=6)
df.loc[df['From:'].dt.weekday == 6, 'From_new'] = df.loc[df['From:'].dt.weekday == 6, 'From:']
df['To_new'] = df['To:'] - pd.offsets.Week(weekday=5)
df.loc[df['To:'].dt.weekday == 5, 'To_new'] = df.loc[df['From:'].dt.weekday == 5, 'To:']
df.loc[df['To_new'] < df['From_new'], 'From_new'] = pd.NaT
df.loc[df['From_new'].isna(), 'To_new'] = pd.NaT
Index Name: From: To: From_new To_new
1 Joe Doe 2020-06-01 2020-06-08 NaT NaT
2 Joe Doe 2020-06-14 2020-06-23 2020-06-14 2020-06-20
3 Brandon Smith 2020-05-09 2020-05-20 2020-05-10 2020-05-16
4 Brandon Smith 2020-05-26 2020-05-28 NaT NaT
5 Brandon Smith 2020-05-12 2020-05-24 2020-05-17 2020-05-23
6 Brandon Smith 2020-05-26 2020-05-31 NaT NaT
7 Sarah Roberts 2020-06-03 2020-06-25 2020-06-07 2020-06-20
8 Sarah Roberts 2020-06-15 2020-06-23 NaT NaT

Summing a years worth of data that spans two years pandas

I have a DataFrame that contains data similar to this:
Name Date A B C
John 19/04/2018 10 11 8
John 20/04/2018 9 7 9
John 21/04/2018 22 15 22
… … … … …
John 16/04/2019 8 8 9
John 17/04/2019 10 11 18
John 18/04/2019 8 9 11
Rich 19/04/2018 18 7 6
… … … … …
Rich 18/04/2019 19 11 17
The data can start on any day and contains at least 365 days of data, sometimes more. What I want to end up with is a DataFrame like this:
Name Date Sum
John April 356
John May 276
John June 209
Rich April 452
I need to sum up all of the months to get a year’s worth of data (April - March) but I need to be able to handle taking part of April’s total (in this example) from 2018 and part from 2019. What I would also like to do is shift the days so they are consecutive and follow on in sequence so rather than:
John 16/04/2019 8 8 9 Tuesday
John 17/04/2019 10 11 18 Wednesday
John 18/04/2019 8 9 11 Thursday
John 19/04/2019 10 11 8 Thursday (was 19/04/2018)
John 20/04/2019 9 7 9 Friday (was 20/04/2018)
It becomes
John 16/04/2019 8 8 9 Tuesday
John 17/04/2019 10 11 18 Wednesday
John 18/04/2019 8 9 11 Thursday
John 19/04/2019 9 7 9 Friday (was 20/04/2018)
Prior to summing to get the final DataFrame. Is this possible?
Additional information requested in comments
Here is a link to the initial data set and the required output would be:
Name Month Total
John March 11634
John April 11470
John May 11757
John June 10968
John July 11682
John August 11631
John September 11085
John October 11924
John November 11593
John December 11714
John January 11320
John February 10167
Rich March 11594
Rich April 12383
Rich May 12506
Rich June 11112
Rich July 11636
Rich August 11303
Rich September 10667
Rich October 10992
Rich November 11721
Rich December 11627
Rich January 11669
Rich February 10335
Let's see if I understood correctly. If you want to sum, I suppose you mean sum the values of columns ['A', 'B', 'C'] for each day and get the total value monthly.
If that's right, the first thing to to is set the ['Date'] column as the index so that the data frame is easier to work with:
df.set_index(df['Date'], inplace=True, drop=True)
del df['Date']
Next, you will want to add the new column ['Sum'] by re-sampling your data frame (from days to months) whilst summing the values of ['A', 'B', 'C']:
df['Sum'] = df['A'].resample('M').sum() + df['B'].resample('M').sum() + df['C'].resample('M').sum()
2012-11-30 1956265
2012-12-31 2972076
2013-01-31 2972565
2013-02-28 2696121
2013-03-31 2970687
Freq: M, dtype: int64
The last part about squashing February of 2018 and 2019 together as if they were a single month might yield from:
df['2019-02'].merge(df['2018-02'], how='outer', on=['Date', 'A', 'B', 'C'])
Test this last step and see if it works for you.

Returning the last item in a subset with excel formula

In this example I would like to mark any customer that has bought a pen most recently(or bottom of the list). I have my data sorted by CustomerID and ServiceDate with the most recent as the last. I would like to be able to mark all of the customer’s transactions only if the last purchase was a pen (333).
I have been trying formulas with COUNTA but, not sure how to do it when relying on a subset of data.
This will give me the last value in a column.
Customer ID Custmer Name Item Number Item Name Date Desired Results
1 Bob 222 Paper 1/1/2016 X
1 Bob 111 Tape 1/1/2017 X
1 Bob 333 Pen 1/1/2018 X
4 Greg 333 Pen 1/1/2015
4 Greg 111 Tape 1/1/2016
6 Chris 111 Tape 1/1/2015 X
6 Chris 333 Pen 1/1/2018 X
8 Luke 333 Pen 1/1/2013
8 Luke 333 Pen 1/1/2014
8 Luke 222 Paper 1/1/2015
8 Luke 111 Tape 1/1/2016
8 Luke 111 Tape 1/1/2018
9 Tom 333 Pen 1/1/2013 X
You can do this by creating an additional column. The additional column will find all customers whose last purchase was a pen using this formula: =IF(AND(C2=333,B2<>B3),B2,"").
The next column will give you your desired output: =IF(OR(B2=$F$4,B2=$F$8,B2=$F$14),"X","").
Thanks to joe I was able to figure this one out.
I still had to make another column.
I put this in column F.
Then in column G.
This worked great.

Combine 2 different sheets with same data in Excel

I have the same data from different sources, both incomplete, but combined they may be less incomplete..
I have 2 files;
File #1 has; ID, Zipcode, YoB, Gender
File #2 has: Email, ID, Zipcode, Yob, Gender
The ID's in both files are the same, but #1 has some ID's that #2 hasn't, and the other way aroud.
The Email is connected to the ID. ID's are linked to the zipcode, YoB and gender. In both files are some of that info missing. E.g. File #1 and #2 both have ID 1234, only in #1 it only has a postal code, YoB but no Gender. And #2 has the zipcode and gender but no YoB.
I want to have all the information in one file;
Email, ID, YoB, Zipcode, Gender
I tried to sort both ID's alphabetically and put them next to each other and search for duplicates, but because #1 has some ID's that #2 doesnt I'm not able to combine them...
What's the best way to fix this?
By the way its about 12000 ID's from #1 and 9500 from #2
If you want a list of all the unique IDs then you could create a new sheet, copy both lots of IDs into the same column and then use Advanced Filter to copy Unique records only to another column.
Then use that column to do vlookups from the two files in the columns you require.
(I'm presuming this is a one-time job and you don't mind a bit of manual-ness)...
If on your first Sheet ("Sheet1") you have:
ID F_Name S_Name Age Favourite Cheese
1 Bob Smith 25 Brie
2 Fred Jones 29 Cheddar
3 Jeff Brown 18 Edam
4 Alice Smith 39 Mozzarella
5 Mark Jones 65 Cheddar
7 Sarah Smith 29 Mozzarella
8 Nick Jones 40 Brie
10 Betty Thompson 34 Edam
and on your second Sheet ("Sheet2") you have:
ID F_Name S_Name Age
1 Bob Smith 25
3 Jeff Brown 18
4 Alice Smith 39
5 Mark Jones 65
6 Frank Brown 44
7 Sarah Smith 29
9 Tom Brown 28
10 Betty Thompson 34
Then if you're combining them on a 3rd Sheet you need to do something like:
If you're trying to get to:
ID F_Name S_Name Age Favourite Cheese
1 Bob Smith 25 Brie
2 Fred Jones 29 Cheddar
3 Jeff Brown 18 Edam
4 Alice Smith 39 Mozzarella
5 Mark Jones 65 Cheddar
6 Frank Brown 44 0
7 Sarah Smith 29 Mozzarella
8 Nick Jones 40 Brie
9 Tom Brown 28 0
10 Betty Thompson 34 Edam
