Get latest version of WebIOPi into Raspberry Pi - linux

The latest version of Webiopi is WebIOPi-0.7.1.tar.gz. It's on SourceForge. I have an earlier version installed on my Pi. I'd like to update it to the newer version. I don't know how to do that.
Also, I can't seem to find the webiopi.js client. Any ideas on that?
New to Linux. Thanks for your help. Pi is up and running, including WiFi, Apache 2.2, and secure terminal login (xterm?).


Debian Linux Update FFmpeg to 4.2+

I'm trying to use spotdl with FFmpeg on Debian Linux. I've install pip3 and the necessary installations in order to download spotdl. Now, however, when I try to run a request with spotdl, such as download a song or something, I get this message:
How do I update FFmpeg to version 4.2 or greater? I couldn't figure out a way to do this.
Thanks for any help.
Debian has 4.3.3 in Bullseye (stable). If you only have 4.1, it sounds like you're on Buster (oldstable) or earlier. You should probably consider upgrading to Bullseye; if you can't / won't, you can try running FFmpeg and spotdl in a container (Docker, lxc, etc.) or VM.

How to install ubuntu unity

How to install ubuntu unity with in ubuntu mate?
Tried installing via terminal sudo and was unsuccessful. Hardware is raspberry pi 3.
Unity does not support Linux. Only as a target platform. Editor platform is Windows.
They had an experimental version some time ago, but that is mostly dead. I also wanted to have that but it's Windows you need for Unity.
There were official releases, but this forum page is from the stoneage:

cygwin libxml2 outdated automake version

I'm using Cygwin, and I am really impressed with the enhanced functionality of my Windows pc! However, I ran into a problem.
In order to setup Magento 2 on my Windows 8.1 Home pc, I need a virtual machine. Therefore I want to install libvirt, an open-source package that seems pretty old. However,on a Windows Home pc, it seems the only option. For libvirt to work, I need to setup an older version of libxml2: 2.6.0. Libvirt would not work with libxml2 2.7.0.
Installing libxml2 version 2.6.0 calls an old version of automake (1.6.3), which is unable to recognize my Windows file system.
I have tried changing aclocal.m4, replacing 'automake 1.6.3' to 'automake 1.15.1', but that didn't work:
Is there a way to install the old libxml2 version (2.6.0) using a new version of automake?
p.s.: I hope I made my issue clear. I apologize for newbee errors in my writing.

How to install Node.js on a Raspberry Pi B+

I'm having trouble installing it on my Raspberry Pi B+.
I tried this but it keeps saying
## You appear to be running on ARMv6 hardware. Unfortunately this is not currently supported by the NodeSource Linux distributions. Please use the 'linux-armv6l' binary tarballs available directly from for Node.js v4 and later.
and i can't find a proper tutorial. Please help
Find the appropriate download from here:
Yours looks like:

How to upgrade Qt installed in linux from one version to higher

While porting Qt project from windows to linux(ubuntu) i faced with the following issue:
on windows Qt version 4.8.1 is installed
on linux 4.6.3 in which some functionalities availiable in higer version 4.8.1 don`t yet implemented (ex. QUdpSocket::joinMultiCastGroup).
I see only one solution to this problem: upgrade Qt version on linux to 4.8.1.
How can I do this?
On linux I got installed libqt4-dev, qmake.
Solved: I changed repository from squeeze (stable) to wheezy(testing), in wheezy latest Qt version is 4.8.1, which is perfectly suits my needs.
Using package manager I found package libqt4-dev and selected it for update.
That is all, the whole process took 5 minutes.
- As I run Debian on Virtual Box after changing repository I had to reinstall guest additions
- wheezy is less stable than squeeze (I haven`t faced yet with stablilty problem)
I guess you can use Upgrade option in the Qt Creator.
Or you can download latest version from Download Qt, the cross-platform application framework
Or you could try to update using something like apt-get install(upgrade) libqt4-dev if you using Debian based system.
This depends on the distro you are using. If there are binary packages for your distro you can update through your package manager. Otherwise you have to download the source of your prefered Qt version and build it yourself.
I'm not sure if this will help in your situation, but you can download the Qt Online Installer at the following link:
