Best way to automate tasks in a browser - browser

I want to automate several tasks that include copying numbers from a local list, then pasting each one in a certain box in a web page, then do several clicks on boxes that pop up in the browser, lastly, to copy some text from that page and paste it as the name of a file we save from that web page.
Is the best way to acheive that is with AutoHotKey or is there a better way?

No the component object model is built-in so you can automate the DOM just like javascript using IE's Built-in methods
A tutorial


Is there a way to take control of an open Edge or Chrome browser window using Excel VBA?

I'm attempting to use VBA to transfer data from an Excel sheet to a number of input boxes on a webpage. Due to a couple of considerations specific to this site it would be much, much easier if I could simply log in to the webpage manually then use Selenium (or whatever) to take control of the browser window and execute the data entry tasks. My impression is that this was quite doable with Internet Explorer, but that's been phased out, and it looks like there's not a very robust method for doing this with Google Chrome. Is there a way to do this with Edge?
I managed to get half of the data entered using the AppActivate statement and a series of SendKeys commands - this was with Chrome - but that approach won't work for the rest of it, since AppActivate doesn't seem to really commandeer the browser window in a way that allows Selenium to click buttons etc.
Yes you can use control browser with selenium Basic. You can follow instruction on how to get it working with vba here.,by%20double%2Dclicking%20on%20it.

How do I use Structure to output a select menu

I am working on a responsive site and need to output my Structure powered nav into a select menu for smaller screens. In looking at Structure's documentation this doesn't seem possible natively. Am I missing something?
After some digging it seems like the add-on Structure Entries is the ticket I need with one caveat. SE has quite a bit of overheard (in terms of queries) while using it to spit out custom nav. What's the best approach to minimize the impact performance for complicated menus?
I am doing this currently using Twitter Bootstrap's Button Dropdown javascript plugin.
I also use MX Mobile Device Detect to serve devices the dropdown while the desktop users get the full menu.
I think the Dropdown Button script only allows for a single level list, however since its mobile do you need more than one?
I know it's obviously preferable to do it in the template itself, but a JS alternative is TinyNav.js.
It will convert your nav to a select dropdown. How to prevent modeless form from being blocked by modal tool dialog in ArcMap?

I have a project running as a toolbar extension in ArcMap. Each one of my tools opens a modal dialog using the .ShowDialog() method. My client wants to be able to open a PDF document from the tools that will serve as the help documentation tool rather than a traditional method like HTMLHelp or Windows Help Viewer.
So, I've imported the Interop.AcroPDFLib.dll and set up a form with an AxAcroPDF (veiwer) object on it. Whenever the user clicks the help button on any of the tool dialogs, the help form opens using .Show() and goes to the associated page in the document using the .setCurrentPage method. Everything works great up to this point.
However, as you can imagine, because the tool dialog is modal, it blocks the user from being able to interact with the PDF form. So, what I need is a technique to prevent this block so that the user will be able to scroll pages, click links within the PDF, etc. while the tool dialog is open. I.e., I need a solution that will mimic using the traditional HTMLHelp veiwer.
I've tried opening the PDF form in a new thread, but that causes ArcMap to crash at Application.Run(New PDFForm). Maybe this is because I have very little experience with multithreading, or maybe because ArcMap does not support multithreading. Not sure.
Anyway, any suggestions to get me started would be greatly appreaciated.

Notes toolbar button to archive selected (email) document

You can archive e-mails immediately by using the menu, Actions > Archive > Archive Selected Documents.
How can I create a toolbar button that I can click which will perform the above action?
I've already created toolbar buttons to move documents to folders so I'm semi-familiar with the process of creating a button entering formula language commands.
Not sure what you're question is, but having a stab at it. So you want to put the logic in the "toolbar" so you can run it on any database right ? You would have to be able to call the agent that does the job. Well, if you're doing this on mail files only, you can actually call the command
#Command([ToolsRunMacro];"Archive\\Archive Selected Documents");
You'll need the double backslash as it's an "escaped" after saving.
But if you're thinking of trying this to work on any database, you're in a bit of trouble.
Toolbars have a pretty sloppy way of looking for agents you want to run. Because, if you attempt to run an agent from the toolbar, the formula in the toolbar button assumes the database of the current view you are looking at, as the database with the agent as well.
This is no better than copying the agent into every other database that you want to run the agent on. That's why the above solution for archive, only works in mail files as the agent should be there in every case.
Otherwise, you are left with the overhead of copying the required agent around everywhere. To prove the point, a simple test. Create a toolbar button with the following formula.
#Prompt([Ok];"Hello Notes..";#Implode(#DbName;#Char(13)));
Now open any database. Note that the prompt actually shows you the details of the currently open database. This is where the toolbar button will look when trying to run that archive agent.
As there is no way to specify in Notes formula command, the database location in the #command([ToolsRunMacro]), we're unable to call a centralised agent to do the job that I think you're postulating.
A good idea, and a worthwhile problem for the vendor to solve, but this is one many things IBM has never addressed since ...way to long ago.
I would recommend tool called SWING PDF Converter.
It add's Lotus Notes toolbar button and can convert any Lotus Notes document to PDF.
It supports single document conversion from view, multiple documents conversion as separate PDF files, PDF package and bookmarks PDF document. You can also export data in XML and CSV format.

Custom navigation with Liknlist web part

I'm using a standard link list web part. What I want to achieve is before my users click on the link a pop-up javascript warning box will display, stating that they are leaving the domain. In regular anchor tag I would preceed the URL with javascript:ShowWarning('');.
I've search the AllLinks table in the database but did not find the links was looking for.
Where or how are these stored?
Firstly, editing the SharePoint database directly is a really bad idea. You shouldn't do it unless you really, really know what you are doing, and even then you will probably break the system.
Secondly, any change made in the data will be what shows up in the editor, and I don't think the editor supports links that don't start with "http://".
A better approach is to use jquery to add the popup behaviour to the links when the page is loaded.
