Notes toolbar button to archive selected (email) document - lotus-notes

You can archive e-mails immediately by using the menu, Actions > Archive > Archive Selected Documents.
How can I create a toolbar button that I can click which will perform the above action?
I've already created toolbar buttons to move documents to folders so I'm semi-familiar with the process of creating a button entering formula language commands.

Not sure what you're question is, but having a stab at it. So you want to put the logic in the "toolbar" so you can run it on any database right ? You would have to be able to call the agent that does the job. Well, if you're doing this on mail files only, you can actually call the command
#Command([ToolsRunMacro];"Archive\\Archive Selected Documents");
You'll need the double backslash as it's an "escaped" after saving.
But if you're thinking of trying this to work on any database, you're in a bit of trouble.
Toolbars have a pretty sloppy way of looking for agents you want to run. Because, if you attempt to run an agent from the toolbar, the formula in the toolbar button assumes the database of the current view you are looking at, as the database with the agent as well.
This is no better than copying the agent into every other database that you want to run the agent on. That's why the above solution for archive, only works in mail files as the agent should be there in every case.
Otherwise, you are left with the overhead of copying the required agent around everywhere. To prove the point, a simple test. Create a toolbar button with the following formula.
#Prompt([Ok];"Hello Notes..";#Implode(#DbName;#Char(13)));
Now open any database. Note that the prompt actually shows you the details of the currently open database. This is where the toolbar button will look when trying to run that archive agent.
As there is no way to specify in Notes formula command, the database location in the #command([ToolsRunMacro]), we're unable to call a centralised agent to do the job that I think you're postulating.
A good idea, and a worthwhile problem for the vendor to solve, but this is one many things IBM has never addressed since ...way to long ago.

I would recommend tool called SWING PDF Converter.
It add's Lotus Notes toolbar button and can convert any Lotus Notes document to PDF.
It supports single document conversion from view, multiple documents conversion as separate PDF files, PDF package and bookmarks PDF document. You can also export data in XML and CSV format.


Best way to automate tasks in a browser

I want to automate several tasks that include copying numbers from a local list, then pasting each one in a certain box in a web page, then do several clicks on boxes that pop up in the browser, lastly, to copy some text from that page and paste it as the name of a file we save from that web page.
Is the best way to acheive that is with AutoHotKey or is there a better way?
No the component object model is built-in so you can automate the DOM just like javascript using IE's Built-in methods
A tutorial

How to alter the behavior when clicking a button on the ribbon?

When a user replies to an email, I'd like to keep the action that is being performed but also perform an additional task (sending a call to a web service, which I've got working already separately). My problem consist of the following two item.
I can't find the form definition for the reply-to-email appearance (I've found Email form, though).
I don't know how to get to the ribbon button of that form and set onclick method on it.
you can change the ribbon properties (such as adding / removing buttons, changing behavior) using the ribbon XML customization file (ms article here).
Fortunately, someone has done microsoft's work for them, and came up with a visual editing tool that saves you the hassle of manually changing xml files.
I like visual ribbon editor, but there are several others (the msdn article contains links to them).
What you would probably want is to add an action to the reply button, which would trigger a javascript function in your code

How to place todo reminders in Dreamweaver code

I am coding in Dreamweaver for a change. Is there a way to place reminders in your code, for example in the form of a "todo list"?
I know Eclipse has this option. You can place //TODO before the line of code and the marker is placed in a list. You can view this list at will and conveniently go back to the exact spot later.
After weeks of coding I sometimes forget to take care of certain things. A todo list in the code itself would really help out, anyone know of a method for this in Dreamweaver?
Dreamweaver doesn't have a dedicated interface for viewing TODO items. However, it does have what it calls Design Notes. These notes are stored in *.mno files that are within _notes folders within the folder of the file that has a design note attached to it. These files and folders are only viewable within Dreamweaver if you have Show Hidden files enabled, which you can do by accessing the Files panel options menu on the upper right by clicking on it, then selecting View -> Show hidden files.
You have to turn them on in the site definition, although by default, a Dreamweaver site will have them turned on. The following steps are for Dreamweaver CS4:
Site -> Manage Sites..., Select the site, click Edit, select the Design notes category, check maintain design notes. Next go to the File View Columns category and make sure that the Notes column is displayed. Click OK then Done.
You can also opt to share these design notes, which means the they will be uploaded when you FTP the files to the remote site, so that others that you work with when they download the file (and assuming they also have Design notes enabled and shared), then they will be able to see that a file has a design note associated with it. Note: These *.mno files are plain text and if you your server may be accessible by others, so be sure not to put anything confidential in them.
In the Files panel, right-click on a file that you want to add a TODO item to, select "Design Notes...". In the interface that opens, you can enter in a free form note for the document. Check the Show when file is opened to cause this interface to open when you open up the file you're applying the design note to.
If you switch to the All Info tab, you can add "keyed" notes, that is a note with a name, and an associated value. This open may be good for TODO items.
When you add a design note to a file and you have the Notes column displayed, you should see an icon in the Notes column for any files that have associated notes for. Double clicking this icon will open up the Design Notes UI. This will be a quick way to determine if you have any TODOs in the files that you can see. Note: you won't see this icon for files within folders that are closed.
If you would like to do some searches or listing of files with design notes associated with them, then you can take a look at the Site Reports Design Notes report. Go to Window -> Results -> Site Reports. In the upper right of this panel, click the green arrow. This brings up the Reports interface. Select the appropriate option under Report on, and then check "Design Notes" under Workflow. Don't bother with the report's supposed to allow for some search/filtering, but I can't get it not to display all files with notes associated with them, perhaps you'll have better luck. Click the Run button and the Site Reports panel should contain a list of files that have design notes associated with them, as well as the design note info for the file. If you double click the entry, then the file will open.
Well, i use to put a simply comment like this below, directly in the php code:
//TODO: something to do here.
When i need to check my todo list, just search in the site by "//TODO:", and voilá, this is my todo list! It works, it's free and well according with KISS requirements.
Try using doxygen to document your code.
anything marks with a #todo, will be put in a special page when you generate documentaion.
Not ideal but the best i can think of.
(I haven't had much experience with dream weaver - it might have the feature you are looking for IDK)

How can I export a list from SharePoint to Excel, with header/footer/page orientation?

We would like to export a view of a custom SharePoint list to Excel on a repeatable basis, and with some minor formatting.
I have made a .iqy file by using Actions/Export to Spreadsheet from the view menu, and then uploaded this .iqy file back into SharePoint. When users click on it, it does bring up the data in Excel - but without the headings repeated each page, with the columns spilling onto a second page (width-wise), etc.
The .iqy file seems to be a plain text file which can be opened in Notepad so perhaps there is a way of passing parameters to Excel through this which would do the trick? Does someone know?
Alternatively, I also saved one of the resultant spreadsheets from opening the .iqy file, applied some formatting to it, and then uploaded that back into SharePoint. I set it to refresh the data connection on opening and I think this is working ok except there are two frustrations.
Firstly, by default, Excel says it has blocked data connections and I need to manually enable them. Is there a way to prevent this short of editing the trust centre settings on each computer that will open this spreadsheet?
Secondly, when I click on the spreadsheet in SharePoint we are asked if we wish to open the document for editing or read only. Ideally, I'd like to just give the user the opportunity to open or save the document (and certainly not to save it back on to the server, as I expect Edit would do.)
Does anyone have any sage advice for me that would make either the first attempt (.iqy file) or the second attempt (formatted spreadsheet) work successfully? Or maybe you have other, better ideas?
Thank you,
David W
An Excel Web Query (iqy) is just not going to work. Its only purpose is to define a "web query" for Excel to open.
First frustration, I am not positive, but digitally signing the workbook may avoid the blocked data connection prompt. Also, if I remember correctly, there is a Global Policy setting for this, so if you are part of a domain, you can have this setting changed when the user logs into the domain.
Second frustration. Not much you can do here.
Suggestions, all kinds. We would need to understand your requirements and constraints. But, I suggest you dynamically create the workbook using XMLSS. You have full control over formatting, layout, and nearly everything else, without the need to have Excel installed on the server. The served workbook must then be saved locally and cannot be saved back to server.
See XML Spreadsheet Reference at
Here is a search for "visual basic asp xml workbooks", Search for ASP generates more results. Note it is easy to translate/migrate to ASP.NET so do not let the ASP throw you.
I recommend starting with Using Visual Basic and ASP with XML to Generate Excel 2003 Workbooks at, especially near the end of the article because there is an example on creating a workbook and setting the page print orientation. Moreover, there is an example on how to create a template.

What is the best way to package and distribute an Excel application

I've writen an Excel-based, database reporting tool. Currentely, all the VBA code is associated with a single XLS file. The user generates the report by clicking a button on the toolbar. Unfortunately, unless the user has saved the file under another file name, all the reported data gets wiped-out.
When I have created similar tools in Word, I can put all the code in a template (.dot) file and call it from there. If I put the template file in the Office startup folder, it will launch everytime I start Word. Is there a similar way, to package and distribute my code in Excel? I've tried using Add-ins, but I didn't find a way to call the code from the application window.
Simply move your code into an Excel Addin (XLA) - this gets loaded at startup (assuming it's in the %AppData%\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART folder) but if it's a addin, not a workbook, then only your macros and defined startup functions will be loaded.
If the functions depend on a spreadsheet itself, then you might want to use a combination of templates and addins.
I'm distributing part of an application like this, we have addins for Word, Excel and Powerpoint (XLA, PPA, DOT) and also Office 2007 'ribbon' versions (DOTM, XLAM and PPAM)
The addin startup code creates toolbar buttons if they're not found, this means in any workbook/document/etc they can simply hit the toolbar button to run our code (we have two action buttons and one button that displays a settings dialog)
Templates aren't really the way to go for VBA code, Addins are definitely the way to go...
So to load the toolbars on startup we're using something like.. (checking to see if toolbar exists though - code will run for each worksheet that is opened, but toolbars are persistent for the user session)
Public Sub Workbook_Open()
' startup code / add toolbar / load saved settings, etc.
End Sub
hope that helps :)
I always use an Add-in(xla)/Template(xlt) combination. Your add-in creates the menu (or other UI entry points) and loads templates as needed. It also write data that you want to persist to a database (Access, SQLServer, text file, or even an xls file).
The first rule is to keep your code separate from your data. Then, if you later have bug fixes or other code changes, you can send a new add-in and all of their templates and databases aren't affected.
You can modify the user's personal.xls file, stored in the excel startup directory (varies between Office versions). If you have lots of users though, that can be fiddly.
An alternative way to get over your problem is to store the macro in a template (.xlt) file. Then when the users opens it they can't save it back over the original file, but have to specify a new filename to save it as. The disadvantage of this method is that you then get multiple copies of your original code all over the place with each saved file. If you modify the original .xlt and someone reruns the old macro in a previously-saved .xls file then things can get out of step.
Have you looked into ClickOnce deploying the Excel file?
What about to save an excel to network folder with read only permissions ? The authentication can be done with integrated windows authentication and you don't need to store connection password to the database in the VBA. Then you only need distribute a link to this location to your users only once. If you will do an update, you only change data in that folder without user notice.
