Compare 2 sheets in 2 csv and replace value from one to the other - excel

I'm trying to compare two sheets in excel and if matching "A" value then copy the value in the "B" to the other "I".
Sheet 1 column A to Sheet 2 column A, if the Alpha numbers match then copy the value in Sheet 1 colum B into Sheet 2 colum I.
I have reference number in both A in need to replace the old image url by the new image url.
I have over 15 000 items and I will have to do this everyday so any automation would be great.
I have 2 csv files.
Any help would be appreciated

In Sheet2 column I using formular:
Hope this can help


Append row 1 & 2 together, then row 3 & 4, and so on in excel\text file

I have a spreadsheet that contains building details, but the building details are spread over 2 rows, so row 1 & 2 contain the building info for building 1, then rows 3 & 4 contain details for building 2. Is there a way to append row 2 to row 1, and then row 4 to row 3, an so on.
The source file is currently a .xlsx, but can be saved as .csv or txt if easier to work with.
Thanks in advance,
Didn't see your file attached but here is an idea:
Use the offset function to copy your even rows after your odd rows, assuming your data starts in A1 in the cell after your last cell with data in column A: +offset(A1,1,1,1,1) and copy paste for as many cells as you need.
Drag this down for all your rows.
After your last cell of the offset data in column A put a 0 and in column B put a 1. Drag this down for all your rows so you have a 0 for the rows you want and a 1 for all rows you don't want.
Filter out all your rows with 1 and delete them using Ctrl + g and click special then click visible cells only and delete all the rows defined by 1.
Hope this helps
You need use -ReadCount key at Get-Content, it specifies how many lines of content are sent through the pipeline at a time. The default value is 1. A value of 0 (zero) sends all of the content at one time.
Get-Content -Path "path to your file" -ReadCount 2 |ForEach-Object{$_ -join ""}

match two columns in seperate sheets and add other two columns

I have 2 excel spreadsheets in a single excel file. Both of these files have a Campaign Name column and sum_revenues column
My first problem is that I want to match the Campaign Name column in both the sheets and if they match then I want to add the sum_revenues value in the 1st spreadsheet to sum_revenues in the 2nd spreadsheet
I know that sumif or sumifs will be used but I do not know how I can apply them.
The output should be the addition of sum_revenues column in both the sheets based on the Campaign name matching criteria in the sum_final column which is present on the 2nd sheet.
I hope I am clear about the question but please let me know if there is any confusion.
Below is how sheet 1, Sheet 2 looks like.
Sheet 1:
Campaign Name sum_revenues
ABC 40
DEF 60
Sheet 2:
Campaign Name sum_revenues sum_final
ABC 30 70
GHI 10 0
Now please note that in Sheet 2 in which I want to output is that sum_final column has the sum_revenues added up from both the sheets because ABC is present in both the sheets and it should show 0 for those which do not match.
Sheet 2 Images:
Below formula may help you, assuming that your sheet1 data available in column A & B and sheet 2 data available in Column D & E and finally F would be the result.
Type the formula
sumif(e:e,d:d,a:a)+sumif(a:a,d:d,b:b) +e3

need to copy data from one sheet to another depending on a value of the first sheet

i have never used excel except for in college and well that was a while ago, what i have is 3 sheets sheet 1 contains all user information sheet 2 is company information and sheet 3 is company member information,
now what i need to do is this,
i need to loop through sheet 1 column K and search for what is not "Individual" then i need the value of sheet 1 column A and put that in sheet 3 column C
i also need the index of the same row that does not equal "Individual" and use that to grab the value of sheet 2 column A and put that in sheet 3 column B
hopefully that makes sense and is actually possible and any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Excel formula for multiple conditions and worksheets

The aim
I am try to create a formula which will allow specific information from 90 different worksheets, with an example of one such worksheet being below. Each work sheet represents data from a participant.
I want the data from the 90 work sheets to be summarised into the worksheet below.
The problem
The problem is that I need to create a formula that takes counterbalancing into account.
So in cell A3 of the second image I would to record the number of times the value 1 and 3 appears in column I of the first image.
The conditions
However, I would only like the numbers in column I to count if:
a) in column M of image 1 there is a value of 1
b) when the number in Column L is 1 and Column K is 1 or 4 OR when the number in Column L is 2 and the number in Column K is 3 or 4.
My attempt
=SUM('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$M$2,1*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$L$2,1*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$K$2:$K$41,1,4*(IF('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]Sirma 301:387Yanxin'!$I$2:$I$54,1,3)))))))
This did not work however and I have spent a long time on this and made changes but I still can't seem to get it to work.
Extra information:
In column I I want to count all the occurrences of 1 and 3 provided the specified conditions are met. The rows are not important, but rather, the column I information for each of the 90 spreadsheets.
New attempt with formula:
=COUNTIFS('[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$M$2, 1, '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$L$2, 1, '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$K$2:$K$23, AND(1,4), '[All_memories_301-389_improved.xlsx]381Christie'!$I$2:$I$23, AND(1,3))

Count number of rows in column A that have a value in a list in column B on worksheet 2

I have a list of 3 digit phone codes in EST timezone in column A Sheet 2. I have in Column A Sheet 1 another list of 3 digit phone codes from people that have called in.
What I am trying to do is in Sheet 1 "B2" count the number of inbound calls (Column A Sheet 1) that exist in the EST timezone list (Column A Sheet 2).
I cannot seem to find a way to complete this using either formulas or macros.
You'll want something like this:
Just replace A## with the location of the 3 digit code from sheet 2 that you want to count.
Here is the code which solves your question. It counts the number of times any value within Sheet2!A:A is iterated in Sheet1!A:A
