Using Sequelize with Redshift - node.js

Is it possible to use Sequelize with Redshift? If not, what are the alternatives? I need an ORM for Node.js with built-in support for transactions, hence Sails.js is not an option. I've also looked at Bookshelf, but could not find any support for Redshift either.

I've been able to get Sequelize to at least connect to Redshift (and make a simple SELECT query) with these options:
var Sequelize = require('sequelize');
Sequelize.HSTORE.types.postgres.oids.push('dummy'); // avoid auto-detection and typarray/pg_type error
module.exports = new Sequelize(process.env.REDSHIFT_DATABASE, process.env.REDSHIFT_USER, process.env.REDSHIFT_PASSWORD, {
host: process.env.REDSHIFT_HOST,
port: process.env.REDSHIFT_PORT,
dialect: 'postgres',
pool: false,
keepDefaultTimezone: true, // avoid SET TIMEZONE
databaseVersion: '8.0.2' // avoid SHOW SERVER_VERSION

Sequelize is not compatible with Redshift. Though Redshift is written on top of Postgres, it is a columnar DB and major core functions are rewritten.
While trying to connect to it gives an error 'Set Time Zone is not supported'
The following thread shows a few people overriding the time zone error but facing other issues subsequently. 'Using Node 'pg' library to connect to Amazon Redshift
if Redshift is the mandatory you may use the node-jdbc package to connect with Redshift
of if ORM is mandatory, you should may try moving your data store to pure Postgres

Redshift is based on top of postgres 8.0.2 (, so both postgres and sequelize should be able to connect to it.
I don't have any personal experience with it, but the redshift documentation suggests that you can connect to it using regular JDBC / ODBC drivers, so I would be surprised if the node drivers don't work

At this point in time I dont think Sequelize is the best option to connect to Redshift. I recommend that you use node-postgres module directly.
That being said it might be the case that you might already have a project that uses Sequelize and want to reuse it in those cases you can do the following.
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
// sequelize config options documented at
const config = {
dialect: 'postgres',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5439,
database: '',
username: '',
password: '',
dialectOptions: {
// either set to ssl to true or use the config options documented at
ssl: true
standardConformingStrings: false,
clientMinMessages: false
const redshift = new Sequelize(config);
const queryOpts = {type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT, raw:true};
redshift.query('SELECT 1', queryOpts)
This will generate the following deprecation warning as Redshift is based on postgres 8.x so consider using pg module directly.
(node:5177) [SEQUELIZE0006] DeprecationWarning: This database engine version is not supported, please update your database server. More information


TypeORM connection without explicitly specifying database

I wonder if it is somehow possible using TypeOrm to connect to a database server without having to specify a schema.
With the normal mysql module in Node it would work like this:
const connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'root',
However, a database must be specified in the connection options in TypeOrm, if this is an empty string or does not exist, an error occurs.
So I don't see any possibility to connect to the server with TypeOrm and create a new schema with this connection.
Do I have to use the normal mysql module or is there a possibility with TypeORM that I am not aware of?

Tracing Sequelize with AWS X-ray in Nodejs/Postgres

I am using Serverless NodeJs with PostgreSQL and want to start tracing Sequelize queries with AWS X-ray. The documentation only shows how we can trace the pg clients but doesn't state how we can do the same for Sequelize ORM. Can anyone help with this?
Your question is answered here on our github repo. The X-Ray Node SDK doesn't currently support tracing of sequelize queries. We have added it to our backlog. Please stay tuned.
This only capture db calls. This is how you can do it. dialect need to be specific
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
const sequelize = () => {
return new Sequelize(database, username, password, {
host: host,
dialect: 'mysql',
dialectModule: AWSXRay.captureMySQL(require('mysql2')),

Configuring knex database connection uisng an access key

Well I recently started using knex for my database connectivity for my nodejs project. Here's the following code:
var knex = require('knex')({
client: 'mysql',
connection: {
So what I need is, I want to add an access key as well in my Database configuration. I just wanted to know if its possible to do it. If yes, please do tell me how. Thank you

Sequelize error server requires encrypt: true even though I'm setting it

I'm trying to make a sequelize call to my azure sql server database. I can connect to the database in SSMS from my machine, however when I try to insert a record through a raw query in sequelize I get the 'Server requires encryption config option set to true' error. I believe I am setting that based on the documentation so I'm not sure where I'm going wrong.
I'm calling this from my local machine and pointing to the cloud azure server. When I make this call from a VM on an azure server I don't see this issue. Can anyone point me in the direction of what I'm doing wrong? Google has failed me thus far.
const sequelize = new Sequelize('db', 'user', 'password', {
dialect: 'mssql',
host: 'server',
dialectOptions: {
encrypt: true

change database to mongo db on sails.js

I am a newbie in sails.js framework(and for node.js) and I have created myself an API from the address bar using sails.js features. my question is how do I transfer this data to mongodb so I can see it visually.
I have tried to follow this guide:
but its for 0.9 sails version(current version is 0.10) so that a lot of files that I needed to change has been modified and gone/renamed. I couldn't find an updated tutorial as well so if anyone can please write down how can I implement mongoDB to my sails project that would be wonderful.
In config/connections.js you need to configure your mongoDB connection. Then go to config/models.js, uncomment the connection property and set the name of your mongoDB connection.
In config/connection.js, You can configure your MongoDb connection like this.
module.exports.connections = {
MongoConnection: {
adapter: 'sails-mongo',
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017,
// user: 'username',
// password: 'password',
database: 'DB_Name'
You need to install sails-mongo package using npm in your working folder.
Then in config/models.js, Add the name of your mongoDb connection like this:
module.exports.models = {
connection: 'MongoConnection',
migrate: 'alter'
Thats it, you are ready to go.
