In Apache Spark SQL, How to close metastore connection from HiveContext - apache-spark

My project has unit tests for different HiveContext configurations (sometimes they are in one file as they are grouped by features.)
After upgrading to Spark 1.4 I encounter a lot of 'java.sql.SQLException: Another instance of Derby may have already booted the database' problems, as a patch make those contexts unable to share the same metastore. Since its not clean to revert state of a singleton for every test. My only option boils down to "recycle" each context by terminating the previous Derby metastore connection. Is there a way to do this?

Well in scala I just used FunSuite for Unit Tests together with BeforeAndAfterAll trait. Then you can just init your sparkContext in beforeAll, spawn your HiveContext from it and finish it like this:
override def afterAll(): Unit = {
if(sparkContext != null)
sparkContext .stop()
From what I've noticed it also closes a HiveContext attached to it.


In Databricks Spark, how is SparkContext shared across different processes?

In it says:
Because Databricks initializes the SparkContext, programs that invoke
new SparkContext() will fail. To get the SparkContext, use only the
shared SparkContext created by Databricks:
val goodSparkContext = SparkContext.getOrCreate()
val goodSparkSession = SparkSession.builder().getOrCreate()
In SparkContext#getOrCreate it says:
This function may be used to get or instantiate a SparkContext and
register it as a singleton object. Because we can only have one active
SparkContext per JVM, this is useful when applications may wish to
share a SparkContext. This method allows not passing a SparkConf
(useful if just retrieving).
In SparkSession.Builder#getOrCreate it says:
Gets an existing SparkSession or, if there is no existing one, creates
a new one based on the options set in this builder. This method first
checks whether there is a valid thread-local SparkSession, and if yes,
return that one. It then checks whether there is a valid global
default SparkSession, and if yes, return that one. If no valid global
default SparkSession exists, the method creates a new SparkSession and
assigns the newly created SparkSession as the global default.
In case an existing SparkSession is returned, the non-static config
options specified in this builder will be applied to the existing
So my understanding is that Databricks somehow creates a SparkContext in some process, probably a JVM, and then executes the submitted JAR in a different JVM process. Is this understanding correct?
If it is, then how does the SparkContext sharing mechanism work across multiple processes?
If not, then what actually happens and how does SparkContext get shared?
On Databricks, SparkContext/SparkSession are created when cluster is starting, and then you submitted jar is executed in the same JVM where SparkContext/SparkSession was created. The recommendations about not stopping SparkContext especially important when you are submitting job to the interactive cluster (not recommended for multiple reasons).
When you're using Python or R, you get separate Python/R processes, but they will use the same SparkContext.

Use case of spark.executor.allowSparkContext

I'm looking into spark-core, I found one undocumented config, which is spark.executor.allowSparkContext available since 3.0.1. I wasn't able to find detail in spark official documentation.
In code, there is short description for this config
If set to true, SparkContext can be created in executors.
But I wonder that, How can SparkContext be created in executors? As far as I know SparkContext is created on driver, and executors are assigned by resource manager. So SparkContext is always created before executors.
What is the use case of this config?
From the Spark Core migration 3.0 to 3.1:
In Spark 3.0 and below, SparkContext can be created in executors.
Since Spark 3.1, an exception will be thrown when creating
SparkContext in executors. You can allow it by setting the
configuration spark.executor.allowSparkContext when creating
SparkContext in executors.
As per this issue SPARK-32160, since version 3.1 there is a check added when creating SparkContext (see for pyspark pyspark/ which prevents executors from creating SparkContext:
if (conf is None or
conf.get("spark.executor.allowSparkContext", "false").lower() != "true"):
# In order to prevent SparkContext from being created in executors.
# ...
def _assert_on_driver():
Called to ensure that SparkContext is created only on the Driver.
Throws an exception if a SparkContext is about to be created in executors.
if TaskContext.get() is not None:
raise Exception("SparkContext should only be created and accessed on the driver.")
An error in the docs and, or implementation I suggest.
The whole concept makes no sense if you (as you do) understand the Spark architecture. No announcement has been made otherwise about this.
From the other answer and plentiful doc of errors on this aspect it is clear something went awry.

Build a SparkSession

I have a spark as interpreter in Zeppelin.
I'm using a Spark2.0, I built a Session: Create
In general you should not initialize SparkSession nor SparkContext in Zeppelin. Zeppelin notebooks are configured to create session for you, and their correct behavior depends on using provided objects.
Initializing your SparkSession will break core Zeppelin functionalities, and multiple SparkContexts will break things completely in the worst case scenario.
Is set spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts to False is best to do a tests ?
You should never use spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts - it not supported, and doesn't guarantee correct results.

How many SparkSessions can a single application have?

I have found that as Spark runs, and tables grow in size (through Joins) that the spark executors will eventually run out of memory and the entire system crashes. Even if I try to write temporary results to Hive tables (on HDFS), the system still doesn't free much memory, and my entire system crashes after about 130 joins.
However, through experimentation, I realized that if I break the problem into smaller pieces, write temporary results to hive tables, and Stop/Start the Spark session (and spark context), then the system's resources are freed. I was able to join over 1,000 columns using this approach.
But I can't find any documentation to understand if this is considered a good practice or not (I know you should not acquire multiple sessions at once). Most systems acquire the session in the beginning and close it in the end. I could also break the application into smaller ones, and use a driver like Oozie to schedule these smaller applications on Yarn. But this approach would start and stop the JVM at each stage, which seems a bit heavy-weight.
So my question: is it bad practice to continually start/stop the spark session to free system resources during the run of a single spark application?
But can you elaborate on what you mean by a single SparkContext on a single JVM? I was able call sparkSession.sparkContext().stop(), and also stop the SparkSession. I then created a new SparkSession and used a new sparkContext. No error was thrown.
I was also able to use this on the JavaSparkPi without any problems.
I have tested this in yarn-client and a local spark install.
What exactly does stopping the spark context do, and why can you not create a new one once you've stopped one?
TL;DR You can have as many SparkSessions as needed.
You can have one and only one SparkContext on a single JVM, but the number of SparkSessions is pretty much unbounded.
But can you elaborate on what you mean by a single SparkContext on a single JVM?
It means that at any given time in the lifecycle of a Spark application the driver can only be one and only one which in turn means that there's one and only one SparkContext on that JVM available.
The driver of a Spark application is where the SparkContext lives (or it's the opposite rather where SparkContext defines the driver -- the distinction is pretty much blurry).
You can only have one SparkContext at one time. Although you can start and stop it on demand as many times you want, but I remember an issue about it that said you should not close SparkContext unless you're done with Spark (which usually happens at the very end of your Spark application).
In other words, have a single SparkContext for the entire lifetime of your Spark application.
There was a similar question What's the difference between SparkSession.sql vs Dataset.sqlContext.sql? about multiple SparkSessions that can shed more light on why you'd want to have two or more sessions.
I was able call sparkSession.sparkContext().stop(), and also stop the SparkSession.
So?! How does this contradict what I said?! You stopped the only SparkContext available on the JVM. Not a big deal. You could, but that's just one part of "you can only have one and only one SparkContext on a single JVM available", isn't it?
SparkSession is a mere wrapper around SparkContext to offer Spark SQL's structured/SQL features on top of Spark Core's RDDs.
From the point of Spark SQL developer, the purpose of a SparkSession is to be a namespace for query entities like tables, views or functions that your queries use (as DataFrames, Datasets or SQL) and Spark properties (that could have different values per SparkSession).
If you'd like to have the same (temporary) table name used for different Datasets, creating two SparkSessions would be what I'd consider the recommended way.
I've just worked on an example to showcase how whole-stage codegen works in Spark SQL and have created the following that simply turns the feature off.
// both where and select operators support whole-stage codegen
// the plan tree (with the operators and expressions) meets the requirements
// That's why the plan has WholeStageCodegenExec inserted
// You can see stars (*) in the output of explain
val q = Seq((1,2,3)).toDF("id", "c0", "c1").where('id === 0).select('c0)
scala> q.explain
== Physical Plan ==
*Project [_2#89 AS c0#93]
+- *Filter (_1#88 = 0)
+- LocalTableScan [_1#88, _2#89, _3#90]
// Let's break the requirement of having up to spark.sql.codegen.maxFields
// I'm creating a brand new SparkSession with one property changed
val newSpark = spark.newSession()
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf.WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS
newSpark.sessionState.conf.setConf(WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS, 2)
scala> println(newSpark.sessionState.conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields)
// Let's see what's the initial value is
// Note that I use spark value (not newSpark)
scala> println(spark.sessionState.conf.wholeStageMaxNumFields)
import newSpark.implicits._
// the same query as above but created in SparkSession with WHOLESTAGE_MAX_NUM_FIELDS as 2
val q = Seq((1,2,3)).toDF("id", "c0", "c1").where('id === 0).select('c0)
// Note that there are no stars in the output of explain
// No WholeStageCodegenExec operator in the plan => whole-stage codegen disabled
scala> q.explain
== Physical Plan ==
Project [_2#122 AS c0#126]
+- Filter (_1#121 = 0)
+- LocalTableScan [_1#121, _2#122, _3#123]
I then created a new SparkSession and used a new SparkContext. No error was thrown.
Again, how does this contradict what I said about a single SparkContext being available? I'm curious.
What exactly does stopping the spark context do, and why can you not create a new one once you've stopped one?
You can no longer use it to run Spark jobs (to process large and distributed datasets) which is pretty much exactly the reason why you use Spark in the first place, doesn't it?
Try the following:
Stop SparkContext
Execute any processing using Spark Core's RDD or Spark SQL's Dataset APIs
An exception? Right! Remember that you close the "doors" to Spark so how could you have expected to be inside?! :)

SnappyData - snappy-job - cannot run jar file

I'm trying run jar file from snappydata cli.
I'm just want to create a sparkSession and SnappyData session on beginning.
package io.test
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SnappySession, SparkSession}
object snappyTest {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark: SparkSession = SparkSession
val snappy = new SnappySession(spark.sparkContext)
From sbt file:
name := "SnappyPoc"
version := "0.1"
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
libraryDependencies += "io.snappydata" % "snappydata-cluster_2.11" % "1.0.0"
When I'm debuging code in IDE, it works fine, but when I create a jar file and try to run it directly on snappy I get message:
"message": "Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://SnappyLeadJobServer/user/context-supervisor/snappyContext1508488669865777900#1900831413]] after [10000 ms]",
"errorClass": "akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException",
I have Spark Standalone 2.1.1, SnappyData 1.0.0.
I added dependencies to Spark instance.
Could you help me ?. Thank in advanced.
The difference between "embedded" mode and "smart connector" mode needs to be explained first.
Normally when you run a job using spark-submit, then it spawns a set of new executor JVMs as per configuration to run the code. However in the embedded mode of SnappyData, the nodes hosting the data also host long-running Spark Executors themselves. This is done to minimize data movement (i.e. move execution rather than data). For that mode you can submit a job (using which will run the code on those pre-existing executors. Alternative routes include the JDBC/ODBC for embedded execution. This also means that you cannot (yet) use spark-submit to run embedded jobs because that will spawn its own JVMs.
The "smart connector" mode is the normal way in which other Spark connectors work but like all those has the disadvantage of having to pull the required data into the executor JVMs and thus will be slower than embedded mode. For configuring the same, one has to specify "snappydata.connection" property to point to the thrift server running on SnappyData cluster's locator. It is useful for many cases where users want to expand the execution capacity of cluster (e.g. if cluster's embedded execution is saturated all the time on CPU), or for existing Spark distributions/deployments. Needless to say that spark-submit can work in the connector mode just fine. What is "smart" about this mode is: a) if physical nodes hosting the data and running executors are common, then partitions will be routed to those executors as much as possible to minimize network usage, b) will use the optimized SnappyData plans to scan the tables, hash aggregation, hash join.
For this specific question, the answer is: runSnappyJob will receive the SnappySession object as argument which should be used rather than creating it. Rest of the body that uses SnappySession will be exactly same. Likewise for working with base SparkContext, it might be easier to implement SparkJob and code will be similar except that SparkContext will be provided as function argument which should be used. The reason being as explained above: embedded mode already has a running SparkContext which needs to be used for jobs.
I think there were missing methods isValidJob and runSnappyJob.
When I added those to code it works, but know someone what is releation beetwen body of metod runSnappyJob and method main
Should be the same in both ?
