How to create a random pair in haskell [closed] - haskell

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hi all I am trying to create a random pairs of the specific number of mines in my minessweeper game.
so I need to make method that takes a mines number, (width,hight) and returns a list of random positions [(x,y)]
This should help. Basically just use the System.Random module (


I want to render JavaScript function in every 100-millisecond using node node-corn. can it possible, then give me solution [closed]

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Closed 5 days ago.
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I want to render JavaScript function in every 100-millisecond using node node-corn
I try many way but unable to convert cron pattern into milli seconds.
any one help me, I am using nodejs.

Why calculating cosine manually is not working? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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Here is the program to download:
It is based on this C program:

Range().value="=(if) ... " in Excel [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm a beginner. Can you please help me with the below code?
Range ("B2","B16").value="=if(B1="","",if(B4=B5,"Completed",""))
It doesn't work.
Its really not clear what the intended formula is, but this would be valid if you are trying to put the formula in B2 and B16:
Union(Range("B2"),Range("B16")).formula = "=IF(B1="""","""",IF(B4=B5,""Completed"",""""))"
If you are trying to put the formula in B2:B16 then:
Range("B2:B16").formula = "=IF(B1="""","""",IF(B4=B5,""Completed"",""""))"

What does '%8.1fC\n' mean? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I wanted to know the purpose of a percent inside a string with 8.1. Your help will be appreciated thanks.
%8.1f is a format specifier. This should point you in the right direction for figuring out what all the parts mean. It specifies the format in which a variable will be printed. In this specific case, it is a place-holder for a floating point variable. It reserves a width of at least 8 characters and a precision of 1.
For more information, do some research on format specifiers. It's an extremely well documented and widely available topic for virtually every programming language.

Python Programming Issue [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm trying to write a python program that allows a user to input as many positive integers as they want. When the user inputs a positive or negative integer, the program generates a list of the inputted numbers that is sorted and also generates an average of the list inputted by the user.
Someone please help. I need to know this by this evening.
We don't do your homework here, but without divulging a complete solution, think about writing a loop to query the user for integers and add them to a Python list. You can make use of the sorted() and sort() functions in Python to sort your data. Averaging values in a list is trivial and can be easily found online or with basic programming knowledge (sum the values in the list and divide that total by the length of the list). Also beware of integer division depending on your version of Python.
