How to make full backup of Sharepoint Online? - sharepoint

Is there any way to make a full backup of Sharepoint Online web site based on Office 365 without third-party tools? Tried to google it, but found only ways to manually backup list or libraries. I'm need to save user properties, permissions, webparts, etc.
Thanks for help!

Since it is SharePoint online, you won't be able to perform a full-backup as you'd be able to do with Backup-SPSite.
However, you can save your site as a template. If your publishing feature is enabled for this site, you'll need to enable saving the website as a template via SharePoint Designer. Under the "Site" tab, select “Site Options”, find "SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled" and set to "true". Then
add this to your site's url:
Fill out and submit the form. In my experience, that should take about 10 minutes, or the working on it screen might never change. If the later happens, you can check for your solution on this page:
This option might not work if your site is over 50MB, so you might need to forgo checking the option that allows including your list content in this backup.


Copy template from one SharePoint site to another

Thanks in advance for your insights.
I created a Template page in one SharePoint site. Now I need to copy that Template page to another SharePoint site. I was expecting this to be very simple, but have not found a viable solution yet.
Here is my Template page...
This is where I need to copy it to...
My version of SharePoint is SharePoint Online.
I created Documentation-Template.aspx as part of an Office 365 group site. Not sure if that might make a difference.
Thanks again!
Under the modern experience, you can only copy a site page to the same Site Pages library in the same site. You could vote on this idea in uservoice:
As a workaround, you could switch to classic experience. Then copy a site page to another site with the URL path to the other site's Site Pages library. Like this:
This still doesn't seem to be an option.
Here's a flow I made to accomplish this
Manually trigger a flow and ask for SourceSiteURL, PageName, DestinationURL and FailAction
Init Integer variable for FailAction
Switch to set fail action from input to Integer
Copy file in SharePoint from sourceURL/SitePages/PageName to DestinationURL/SitePages/PageName

Sharepoint 2013 Enterprise, On Premise - Content different for different users with same permissions

Ok, I am in the dangerous place of knowing enough to cause trouble but not enough to do things correctly; and yet still have to be the one who does the work.
When I edit a sharepoint site, I see one thing, users see something else.
I have SP2013 Enterprise, On premise, SQL 2012.
I have configured Excel Services, Analysis Services - and they work
I developed an excel workbook with PowerPivot and deployed to a Sharepoint site via Excel WebPart
Permissions are set correctly as users have to login to open the site
When other users go to the site, they don't see the information I posted, they only see the default screen. By default it looks like a business intelligence site before I added anything.
In short - the content I have put on my SP site is not being seen by anyone else. WTF do I do now???
Did you perform a check-in of your page ?
If publication feature is enabled, did you publish the page ?
A page has to be "checked in" for others to see your modifications.
And if publishing is enabled, it should be published.
If the content of your page references other sharepoint content (file,page,...) they should be checked-in also to be visible to others.

Sharepoint Search doesn't work

Platform: MOSS 2007 on server 2008
Sharepoint is working etc...
Problem: When you search for something, it doesn't find anything, no errors.
Authentication and permissions look fine. Search service is up and running.
What could be the problem? Any checkpoints I might have missed, any bad configurations I should check, etc...?
You should start with checking the crawl log files. That will probably give some valuable information.
Also double check that the SSP is set up correctly, with a valid content source setup, valid starting addresses, schedule etc.
Make sure that no crawl rules prohibit any searches.
And lastly, no 3rd party/custom security trimmers installed that prohibit results to be shown.
Doesn't work is not a lot of use is it.
My first guess is: Have you configured the search correctly (crawl schedules, content sources etc.)
To setup search (crawl etc.) go to the Central Admin site and then to your Shared Service Provider. in the SSP Select Seearch Adminstration. in the menu on the left you can find the link "Content sources". In the following page you can select the Content Source (something like "SharePoint sites" (out of the box). selct edit in the context menu and define your crawl schedule. Then select the "start a full crawl" checkbox.
You should make sure that you've indexed your site.

How do modify a form on a sharepoint site?

I have a task that I need to perform for a friend as a favor, to modify some forms on a MOSS/Sharepoint site to add some javascript to each form for some SEO tracking purposes.
I've had a little bit of exposure to Sharepoint, but it is mostly by using the Sharepoint Designer 2007 tool.
I am able to navigate to the site, and I can see the content in Sharepoint Designer. However, I am not able to see the forms, and I'm a bit stuck.
Here is an example of a form that I need to modify:
I've read a little online, but I'm stuck. I don't know if these are infopath forms or what. I just need to modify the forms.
Is there a simple answer to this problem? Or a good resource to get up to speed quickly for this task?
I'm not a sharepoint expert, so thank you in advance for answering a simple question.
While hardly the simplest approach, but since this is a developer site, I would recommend creating a DelegateControl to add to your site. Using DelegateControls has several benefits, for example:
the ability to selectively activate and deactivate the controls through features
no need to modify any out-of-the-box files which would break supportability
ability to output different content on a page-by-page basis
You can opt to use one of the DelegateControls of the default master pages if you need to deploy to an existing site based on one of the default site definitions. The AdditionalPageHead is a favorite among developers, as it allows multiple overrides to be active at the same time.
If you want to create your own master pages you can add DelegateControls as you like.
If you want to learn more about DelegateControls you can check out the first issue of Understanding SharePoint Journal (Disclaimer: I wrote that issue). Also, check out the MSDN article on How to customize a Delegate Control.
you can also check PowerForms which is a silverlight webpart that fully customizes sharepoint forms. You can add business logic in forms using custom assemblies and a lot other advanced tasks. Give it a try, i think it will solve a lot of problems.
You have a couple of options here:
If you need to add a unique code, like Google analytics you should probably deploy your code to the master page.
In case you need to customize forms for lists you will have to do it with SharePoint designer. In that case you will find EditItem.aspx and NewItem.aspx with SharePoint Designer pages or any other custom page. Open SPD, locate your list, expand it, look for Forms subfolder and you will find all the forms there.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer is now free, as of 1-Apr-2009. It's a good tool, not only for modifying individual pages, but for entire sites.

Duplicate SharePoint MOSS site without content

What is the best way to copy an existing SharePoint MOSS site and then recreate a copy of it on the same server?
I want to ideally include web parts but not actual content like documents etc.
I've looked at using the SPDeploymentWizard and saving the site as a template but the SPDeploymentWizard takes all the content and saving it as a template I get an error that the site is too big to save.
Any suggestions appreciated
You can create a site template by clicking the "Save Site as Template" option in the Site Settings page. SharePoint does not have the ability to create templates based on Publishing definitions but there is a work around listed here:
link text
Webpages with weparts or not are considered content in SharePoint.
So to move the site you will have to create a new moss site with an associate content database.
You will then be able to backup your original site and restore it over the new one.
Then you will have to delete the content you did not want to have in the new site.
To avoid this problem in the future, create a SharePoint Solution containing site template using STSDev2008.
This will take time, but it will allow you to create a site with all the required content pages etc ready to go and will reduce the time to create these sites.
You can backup and restore to a different server using stsadm.exe.
Apparently there's an actual export feature for content
The default size of templates is around 10 MB. you can increase that using
stsadm -o setproperty -pn max-template-document-size
Also if you are doing templates, that does not do sub-sites.
