Copy template from one SharePoint site to another - sharepoint

Thanks in advance for your insights.
I created a Template page in one SharePoint site. Now I need to copy that Template page to another SharePoint site. I was expecting this to be very simple, but have not found a viable solution yet.
Here is my Template page...
This is where I need to copy it to...
My version of SharePoint is SharePoint Online.
I created Documentation-Template.aspx as part of an Office 365 group site. Not sure if that might make a difference.
Thanks again!

Under the modern experience, you can only copy a site page to the same Site Pages library in the same site. You could vote on this idea in uservoice:
As a workaround, you could switch to classic experience. Then copy a site page to another site with the URL path to the other site's Site Pages library. Like this:

This still doesn't seem to be an option.
Here's a flow I made to accomplish this
Manually trigger a flow and ask for SourceSiteURL, PageName, DestinationURL and FailAction
Init Integer variable for FailAction
Switch to set fail action from input to Integer
Copy file in SharePoint from sourceURL/SitePages/PageName to DestinationURL/SitePages/PageName


How to make full backup of Sharepoint Online?

Is there any way to make a full backup of Sharepoint Online web site based on Office 365 without third-party tools? Tried to google it, but found only ways to manually backup list or libraries. I'm need to save user properties, permissions, webparts, etc.
Thanks for help!
Since it is SharePoint online, you won't be able to perform a full-backup as you'd be able to do with Backup-SPSite.
However, you can save your site as a template. If your publishing feature is enabled for this site, you'll need to enable saving the website as a template via SharePoint Designer. Under the "Site" tab, select “Site Options”, find "SaveSiteAsTemplateEnabled" and set to "true". Then
add this to your site's url:
Fill out and submit the form. In my experience, that should take about 10 minutes, or the working on it screen might never change. If the later happens, you can check for your solution on this page:
This option might not work if your site is over 50MB, so you might need to forgo checking the option that allows including your list content in this backup.

File not found error in SharePoint 2010 while using a site template

I'm using SharePoint 2010. I saved a Site Template(.stp) and used this template to create a sub site. Browser shows file not found error, however, if I add /_layouts/ChageSiteMasterPage.aspx to that URL, I'm able to see settings Page.
cannot create folder "Path".
Correlation ID: 4baa2636-0dd9-4965-afc1-e438d74a20d5
What could be the problem??
Search for that correlation ID in your SharePoint log. Probably the problem is because you need to activate a feature in the new site, or you have a custom solution that you need to deploy there.
Go to Site Setting and open the Master Pages section. Look for anything checked out and chack it back in. This happens each time you create a new site from a template. site sharepoint integration

I have created a test website that contains a single index.aspx file that contains a gridview listing information from a MSSQL database.
I would like to have this made available as a webpart on our sharepoint intranet, how would I go about doing that?
You can just put your page under Template/Layouts and attach it to some SharePoint master page. It will look and feel like a regular SharePoint page.
Of course, that is good if you're into the quick&dirty approach :)
You will need to create a web part from the page you already have.
I would suggest isolating your gridview in a user control (ascx) instead of directly on the aspx page, it will be easier to use it in a web part that way.
To create a web part, you should probably start by downloading WSPBuilder or a similar tool that will do most of the work for you.
The following tutorial will give you the information you need on how to create a web part from a user control.
You should have no problem linking to your database or anything else. A web part behaves just like a user control.

Duplicate SharePoint MOSS site without content

What is the best way to copy an existing SharePoint MOSS site and then recreate a copy of it on the same server?
I want to ideally include web parts but not actual content like documents etc.
I've looked at using the SPDeploymentWizard and saving the site as a template but the SPDeploymentWizard takes all the content and saving it as a template I get an error that the site is too big to save.
Any suggestions appreciated
You can create a site template by clicking the "Save Site as Template" option in the Site Settings page. SharePoint does not have the ability to create templates based on Publishing definitions but there is a work around listed here:
link text
Webpages with weparts or not are considered content in SharePoint.
So to move the site you will have to create a new moss site with an associate content database.
You will then be able to backup your original site and restore it over the new one.
Then you will have to delete the content you did not want to have in the new site.
To avoid this problem in the future, create a SharePoint Solution containing site template using STSDev2008.
This will take time, but it will allow you to create a site with all the required content pages etc ready to go and will reduce the time to create these sites.
You can backup and restore to a different server using stsadm.exe.
Apparently there's an actual export feature for content
The default size of templates is around 10 MB. you can increase that using
stsadm -o setproperty -pn max-template-document-size
Also if you are doing templates, that does not do sub-sites.

Create SharePoint web page outside of document library

I'm reasonably new to SharePoint 2007 and trying to move from an ASP.NET to SharePoint way of thinking has been an interesting experience!
I would like to create a page at the same level as the default.aspx page in a subsite. The "SharePoint way" of doing things involves putting the page into a document library. I am reluctant to do this as the breadcrumb navigation of the page then includes the name of the libarary but I would like the library to be transparent to the user.
I can create a page in the right place in SharePoint designer but I can't find a way to use a SharePoint template. I have tried copying the default.aspx page, but the navigation linkes are not updated.
Am I missing something or can someone suggest a solution?
I see what you are saying. I would like to share my thoughts on how I will do it.
If the Breadcrumb is your only reason why you want to move to a different than lib, the I recommend you to override the ContentPlaceholder that has the BreadCrumb in your Page, so that BreadCrumb wont be there. But URL will be there for the User to Guess ./DocLib/default.aspx.
And if the reason to hide the document library is to make sure that you don't want to allow the user to get into the Lib and change something. I recommend you strip out the permission from the Document Lib and give all the user ReadOnly and add the user with more right who you thing will need to edit the pages.
And finally you wanted to it in a Place, you can try deploying them as a Feature that will provision the pages as Ghostable rather then GhostableInLibray.
While 1,3 cab be packaged in a WSP. 2 one needs bit of a Manual / custom Code if you are trying to automate the process.
Steps to create Ghostable pages you can refer to this
It doesn't seem to be possible. Subsites can be used to be categorise content by topic, but they can't be used very much.
